Democrats are in full-swing takeover mode and they aren’t sneaking past anyone. Their Regressive-Feudalist base knows it and supports it. The Conservatives know it. Trump knows it. It is an act of desperation from the Democratic Party machine that seeks permanently-dependent classes—and now, apparently, permanently-dependent States.
Polls argue that Trump is ahead in Michigan. But, Michigan residents will likely blame Michigan’s current disaster on Gretchen “Whitless” Whitmer, who is the Democratic VP Nominee Apparent. Biden needs her from such a battleground because he doesn’t stand a chance any other way.
The word is out about Bill Gates’s plans for depopulation—AKA mass genocide. Germans have had enough of uneeded lockdowns. One man held a sign adopted from the Tarantino film “Kill Bill” overlayed with a picture of the Microsoft Bill. The public will not go quietly into the night. Americans who oppose the lockdowns are by no means alone.
While Pelosi seeks to change election rules to accommodate for a virus, she clearly hopes to push this current crisis through November. · · · →
China must brace itself for war. Regardless of any plot from America being true or false, how Beijing handled Wuhan—or rather mishandled—will not be overlooked by the free world. Regardless of how different governments handled the outbreak, the West will see an outbreak that wouldn’t have happened if China had followed the same forthright standards that the West does. The West thought China was on its way to following standards. But, Confucian Communism knows no standard except its own authoritarianism.
How did China get this far? There is so much in China to be desired, including the Bible-based government Dr. Sun Yat-Sen started over a century ago. Chinese medicine addresses many matters of health that elude Western pharmacy. Politeness, indirection, family, and respect—these are virtues the West could have learned from China. Except, just look at what’s happening now.
The term kowtow came from Hong Kong Cantonese. Bowing and placating the bully emboldens the bully. · · · →
The anti-China machine is in full gear. Western nations are cranking out new reasons to hate China every day. Some is true, some is not, all is justified because China chose to respond in control, concealment, and censorship. Much how George W Bush build a case against Iraq, which many believed to be fake from the get go, people will support action against China because of other indisputable things China has done.
The better road would have been to empower China with values rather than enabling China with money. Some foolishly thought, or at least claimed to think, that giving China Western money would teach China Western values. That’s as silly an idea as thinking that giving a child a birthday cake every day will teach the child to appreciate hard work. Instead of virtue, the West raised China be like Marie Antoinette who answered poverty by saying, “Let them eat cake.”
China’s solution to Western growth is to defeat the West with technology copied from the West. That’s not a nation that learned our values, but underappreciated our hard work to a point that they would go to war with great weakness: lack of ingenuity. Like a butcher prepares a cow, the West fattened China for the slaughter and China was all to happy to get fat and angry.
Are we in our final days? It seems they have said so many times before, but Christian prophet David Meade says THIS time it’s for real.
Meade, a self-published author, bases his prediction on a complex set of calculations and inferences centered around the number 33 and imminent interference from the planet Nibiru. Sept. 23 is 33 days after the solar eclipse, which Meade sees as significant. He believes that a constellation will reveal itself over Jerusalem on Saturday, triggering the launch of a series of catastrophic “tribulations” that will mean the end of life as we know it.
NASA, meanwhile, has repeatedly said that the planet Nibiru does not exist. Yet, numerous conspiracy videos on Youtube say otherwise. Paul Younge, a Phd in Youtube Videos points out that NASA is not a reliable source.
“You think NASA is paid for with tax dollars? No, that’s ridiculous. It is funded entirely by the Illuminati, who have a vested interest in keeping the sheeple dumb and docile. They have most of the world convinced that the earth is round, even though it can be proven through simple calculations to be flat. They say there’s no aliens on the dark side of the moon, but I can site numerous credible Youtube sources to the contrary. All this business about planet Nibiru not existing is yet another bit of misinformation.”
Unlike many profits before him, David “Doomsday” Meade admits he may be wrong about the exact timing of the rapture, which is due to happen this Saturday, but he is certain is coming soon.
“I was never good at math. I’ll admit that. My calculations may be slightly off. But I can feel the rapture coming. I can feel it in my bones. “
Reportedly many others are currently feeling the rapture in their bones, a feeling that is a combination of arthritis and sweet release.
Anyone feeling rapture in their bones is advised to take two aspirin and avoid sinning, as this tends to make rapture flare ups worse.
Researchers at the prestigious Harvard Community College have been working tirelessly over the last decade in a search for a link between Autism and any other outside source. Today, they’ve released information that they say conclusively links Autism with chemtrails.
“To think that Autism is caused by vaccines is ridiculous and preposterous,” said Dr. Emmett Brown, who headed the study. “Vaccines are necessary and important. What is not necessary is chemtrails. Those whispy bits of clouds you see left in the sky after a plane goes by, or those billowing clouds during a new morning sky – those are the things that could very well be giving your child Autism.”
Dr. Brown says that children who are exposed to the hazards of being outside too young can easily “contract” Autism.
“If the hospital is wanting you to take your new baby home, and you look out and see chemtrails, do not take that baby outside. Wait it out, it’s very important,” said Dr. Brown. “A baby exposed to chemtrails is over 0.099873% more likely to end up having Autism than a baby who lives inside, all the time, in a plastic bubble or incubator.”
Dr. Brown says his “startling” finds and study conclusions will be published in his “home medical journal” this month.
What started as an internet meme and joke has become a startling reality, as Senator Ted Cruz, presidential hopeful, admitted today that he was, in fact, the Zodiac Killer.
“It was me who killed all those people in California in the late 60s and early 70s,” said Cruz to a room full of shocked reporters. “Yes, I know that I wasn’t actually born until 1970…or was I?”
Cryptic information not withstanding, the internet has run with the admission, and several conspiracy theory websites are in an uproar over the information.
“Obviously what happened is that Ted Cruz wins the election this year, and in his rise to power, he amassed a small fortune. He then used his powers and money to direct government agencies to build him a time machine that he then uses to go back and become the Zodiac Killer,” said conspiracy theorist Airi Shay. “Clearly it’s the only possible explanation. How else could a person who wasn’t even born kill all those people?”
Cruz, so far, has denied any allegations that he is a time traveler.