
Pioneer Movement Coming Forth in the Pacific Northwest Corridor

I believe there’s a pioneer movement coming forth in the Pacific Northwest Corridor. I recently saw a corridor of doors from Utah through Idaho into Oregon and Washington State. I heard it’s the corridor of doors that can become a corridor of glory! 

Each door represents a city that the LORD is knocking on their door (Revelation 3:20); will the remnant open the door and allow Him to come in and break the bread of Covenant Renewal. Will the remnant renew their wedding vows with The LORD - All My Life For Your Glory, Let My Life Be A Seed For A Harvest of Sons of Glory! 

If the remnant will renew their Covenant Vows of absolute surrender to the eternal purpose of God - Then and ‘Only Then’’ will they see the Revelation 4 door open. Psalm 24 becomes a possibility in 2024 if we will answer the summons!

Ed Watts,
Zion Gate Ministries, Flint, MI


Pioneer Movement Coming Forth in the Pacific Northwest Corridor

I believe there’s a pioneer movement coming forth in the Pacific Northwest Corridor. I recently saw a corridor of doors from Utah through Idaho into Oregon and Washington State. I heard it’s the corridor of doors that can become a corridor of glory! 

Each door represents a city that the LORD is knocking on their door (Revelation 3:20); will the remnant open the door and allow Him to come in and break the bread of Covenant Renewal. Will the remnant renew their wedding vows with The LORD - All My Life For Your Glory, Let My Life Be A Seed For A Harvest of Sons of Glory! 

If the remnant will renew their Covenant Vows of absolute surrender to the eternal purpose of God - Then and ‘Only Then’’ will they see the Revelation 4 door open. Psalm 24 becomes a possibility in 2024 if we will answer the summons!

Ed Watts,
Zion Gate Ministries, Flint, MI


“Houses of Worship” – Prophetic Word

I’m hearing the Lord release a strategy – an international strategy for the hosting of His glory and His presence.

And the Lord says this, “Have I not told you in my Scriptures that I am heavy?” He says, “Have I not described myself to you as the weighty God, who carries kavod (which is the Old Testament word for glory, but it means [heavy] weight)?” And the Spirit of the Lord says this:

“My eyes have been wandering to and fro across the earth, looking for a house that can bear my heaviness. I am struggling to find a building that I can sit in and not destroy it by my size.

What you have done in your nights of worship, and what you have done in your Sunday services, have only been able to hold the partial weight of who I am. They no longer satisfy you and they no longer satisfy me. For I want to be Emmanuel, the God who is with my people.

And the Lord says, “Oh! It is the day of my ‘glory weight’. It is the day of my seatedness in the midst of my people. But He says, “I have already told you, there is only one way that we build the throne. I told you that it was in worship and praise that a throne got built for me to sit in.”

And the Lord says, “Thank you for the houses of prayer!” But He says, “It is no longer their day”. He says, “Thank you for the healing rooms, and the miracle clinics, but they will no longer hold me”. He says, “Thank you for the prophetic centres, but know in this new season [that] my glory will come on the Levites in the house of worship.”

And the Spirit of the Lord says, “I am lassoing into place an international coalition of Levites who [will be] in every continent [so that] there will be houses of worship where I can sit. This is the day of the commissioning of the international houses of worship, and the gathering, the anointing, and the appointing of their leadership team in the earth – and of those who will populate the song and the sound”.

I am watching the globe, and I am watching it spin, and I am seeing where in the world (like little red lights) there are houses of worship. And the Lord says, “If you will give a sacrifice of worship around the clock to me, you will come into a level of my glory that you have not even begun to dream is possible, for all you know to ask me is, “Do it again”….

…[because] all you know to [ask] now is for a revival that you understand because you’ve read about it in history.” The Lord says, “I will not do that again. So stop asking me for it. You are praying in error by asking for a revival of the old. What I want to do is sit with glory, like I have never been able to do before on the earth in your history. And from that place… AND FROM THAT PLACE… will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth.”

“These are your instructions. Build me a house of worship! Build me a house of worship!”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Do you now see why there was such a fight over worship? Do you now see why you prophesied ‘new sound’, but you could never access it? Do you see that this was always the contention area – and satan knew it – because this is where I have chosen – and how I have chosen – to bring my throne.”

And the Lord says: “Musicians!” He says, “Musicians!” (I am watching those of low skill suddenly get this appetite for practice, and suddenly get a skilled “musicianary” capability. And those with expertise already [will also] get a sound and a fresh anointing. And the Lord says, “Oh worship leaders! The previous season capped you. You could see there was more but it was like glass above your heads. This day, as I release the instruction, the glass above you shatters – and you now know what you must build me.

I will have the European sound, and I will have the African sound, and I will have the Latin American sound. I will have the Asian sound, I will have the Antipodean sound. I will have the sound of the Arctic, and the sound of the people of Greenland – and Iceland. The Lord says, “Oh Reykjavik, from you there will be such a sound from the North, and Oh Cape Town, there will be such a sound from the South!”

And, “Oh America!”, He says, “I will burn your musicians first. I will rescue some from a franchise model, that a sound may come forth. And He says to your First Nations people, “There is an anointing of sound on you that was lost for hundreds of years, and the sound of the First Nations will come back into the limelight, and you will break the ground open for plantings of signs and wonders in this nation”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Cairo, Cairo, Cairo! No longer will you be a place known for the pyramids, but you will be known for building me a house of worship. And these houses of worship will light up the grid and be joined up. And I will put my angels to fly between the houses of worship, and there will be a sharing – where one house breaks through, all the houses will break through together, for I will unify the houses of worship, and they will be a remnant army in the earth.

And they will share what they preach, and they will share their best practices, for I will have them not competitive, but I will have them rise, and I will have them rise!

And I will put worship apostles back in the earth”, says the Lord. “It is the anointing of the ‘apostles of worship’.” The Lord says this: “You thought that apostles just preached. You SHUT DOWN the apostolic grace from your musicians, you shut down the prophetic grace from your musicians.” And the Lord says right now, “I make apostolic and prophetic worship leaders. I am putting together apostolic and prophetic worship leaders, and they will be prophetically-apostolic and apostolically-prophetic.
They will lead, and they will LEAD, AND THEY WILL LEAD! And they will lead in the nations of the earth.” “Lagos”, God says, “Nigeria. Even in Lagos, there will be a sound that comes forth.”
And the Lord says, “I will not put these houses of worship in obvious places in America.”

[Emma comments]: Do you know what I’m most grieved about? I’ve not seen before that we’ve ripped the apostolic off worship leaders. So therefore they never had sound strategy, they just had sound. We did that to them. That is a sin.

So we bless you worship leaders to be apostolic. We bless you to be the sent ones with strategies of sound. You’re going to have strategies of sound. You’re going to have building grace, because apostles have building grace. You’re going to know what it is to build ‘sound mountains’ – ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth. I don’t even know what that is but the Lord says that there are going to be ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth that rise above all the other mountains. And the sound that comes from apostolic worship leaders will be a sign that many will flock to – to find Jesus.

Then the Lord says this, “Kanye West is a small first fruit”. The Lord says, “What satan gave to the Beatles, I will give the holy version to the apostolic worship leaders.”

"Houses of Worship" - Prophetic Word
Emma Stark
Fremont, CA June 10, 2022

Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark,
Glasgow, Scotland

(Note: Northern California is considered part of the Pacific Northwest.) ------------ She clarified afterwards:

Given in Fremont , CA on 10th June 2022.
To help you weigh, test and respond to this word, we have included some explanatory/interpretive comments in the footnotes. We only see in part and prophesy in part. We therefore urge you to pray and seek the Holy Spirit to help you understand, interpret and apply this prophecy.

The paragraph on the first page that mentions houses of prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy has already generated a lot of discussion since the word was first published on social media. Therefore, in addition to the footnotes, we offer the following clarifying comment:

David and I love prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy and the houses that have pioneered and specialised in these ministries, especially in recent decades. We deeply honour and thank God for those who serve and have served in these houses. We ourselves have led or served in such places over the years. We still do!

We believe that prayer, healing, miracles and prophecy must not cease in the body of Christ! In fact, they must increase! The term ‘house of prayer’ is completely Biblical and is found in Isaiah 56:7, and is referred to by Jesus. We affirm the work of house of prayer organisations all over the world!

It is our interpretation of this prophetic word that God is not criticising or condemning the work of houses of prayer (or the other ministries mentioned). On the contrary, in the prophetic word the Lord specifically thanks His servants for these places.

So, for clarity: this word is NOT about not praying or in any way demeaning the importance of prayer and those places that are specifically called to pray. The focus of the word is very clearly on something else - houses of worship - and the new wine structures where, as the word goes on to say,

“ ...from that place will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth...” Prayer will be fundamental in this, of course!

When houses of prayer were pioneered on the earth following prophetic words, such as in the 1990-2000s, it did not mean the end of local churches, teaching ministries, worship and so on.

Similarly, to take this word as a word to end prayer, miracles, healing and prophetic ministries would be probably stretching it beyond its meaning.

Finally, at the end, when Emma is commenting on the word she has given, she urges us to not sow into places that are old wineskins or partnered with the political spirit. For the avoidance of doubt, please seek the Lord carefully and prayerfully before stopping your generous support of established ministries and ministers. Do not do this in haste and do not be quick to assume or judge what is an old

or new wineskin. Please continue to support those faithful Levites who have prayed without ceasing for you, your family, your city and your nation!

The word can be listened to in full online at
Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 June 2022

Northwest Prophetic 2023-10-29 09:29:00

I saw an image in my spirit that had me stop and take notice. I saw a round fired from a rifle that traveled a great distance finally arriving at its intended target and punching a hole in the 10-ring. The image was very familiar to me.

Back in the day, I was a Combat Firearms Instructor. I watched thousands of rounds fired from handguns, shotguns, and rifles punch holes through paper targets at a variety of distances. Pulling the trigger and seeing a hit on a range target was a distinct and immediate experience. What I saw this morning was different.

The round I saw carried the bullet of a prayer of faith that had navigated a great distance over time and space through a variety of spiritual meteorological conditions. It never wavered in its course. As the trigger of that single prayer was pulled the bullet began its journey carried by the precise balance of proper bullet weight and construction and the powder load of God’s faithfulness. It was fired like a sniper who had worked up the dope of a single shot firing from a great distance and striking a target with lethal accuracy.

In the coming days, we will see Spirit-guided rounds of fulfilled prayer arrive and strike with precise accuracy inflicting fatal wounds to the plans of hell. Individuals and families will wake up in the morning free from a generational hostage situation that held the family line in a place of captivity. Over-confident dark spiritual forces that have taken control of governments and institutions of culture will be dropped by these incoming rounds.

Some of these prayers were fired from great distances, even centuries ago, not knowing their intended targets. At the time, the prayers seemed odd and unreal to the ones praying because they lacked a known context, but they prayed anyway. We will see and experience the results of their obedience.

Not every prayer promises an immediate strike in our lifetime. Some prayers must travel through vast expanses of time and space for a scheduled arrival somewhere in the future. Their impact will surprise all who are present to witness their unannounced arrivals. 

Garris Elkins
Jacksonville, Oregon


Keep your eyes on the Northwest gate of America

I heard the Lord say, “Keep your eyes on the Northwest gate of America for I am opening up the Floodgates on Bill Gates. Things that have been hidden in his Foundation will be exposed for all to see.

Like a trumpet blast a sound will be heard that opens the floodgates and reveals the cracks in the Foundation from its past.”

I saw the eye on the pyramid of the dollar Bill. As I went into the eye I began to see ethernet cable being cut with a sword that were tied to companies connected to Bill Gates and his foundation. I watched until every cord was cut and the foundation began to shake uncontrollably.

Something will be exposed that is connected with Bill Gates that will leave many in shock and will rock the Foundation. 

-Prophet Charlie Shamp 



Prepare for Breakout and Rapid Revelations

This evening (9-9-22) I was thanking Abba for the 49 years that my wife and I have been married, thinking back on the words, meetings, visions, and so on – just reminiscing with Holy Spirit, thanking Him for all He has done in our lives.

After chatting about some of the more significant words He has give me over the decades I had what could best be described as a vision (I was awake so it wasn’t a dream).

I was standing under some cooling shade trees along the bank of a small river, upstream the river had significant velocity, but at this point it was slowing down as it entered a large “pond” type of area.

Holy Spirit then took me airborne and I could see dozens of other streams and rivers, that in similar fashion has great velocity and strength in the beginning, but were all entering ponds of there own at various point in the flow.

Holy Spirit began to identify some of the streams

Jesus Movement
And many more.

Holy Spirit spoke to me and said

“All of My streams have had strength and purpose in their beginnings.  Unfortunately, things of man creep in over time and clouded and polluted the streams.  And eventually they faded from sight.  But We knew this would happen and we had prepared settling ponds for each stream, so that over time the sediment and pollution would sink to the bottom of each pond and the rivers would be clear and ready for the next season.

That season is upon you now.  The streams and rivers of the Spirit are about to break out of their retaining ponds and begin to flow in strength and purity as before BUT they will also begin to merge into one mighty river of the spirit.  All that has come before coming together in unity and purpose to bring some of the greatest revelation My people have ever seen or heard about.

The flow will be impossible to stop and it will clear all that lays before it.  Restoring the freshness of My revelation and purpose.  My caution to you this evening – is beware of those who claim to represent individual streams – they represent the sediment of the past.  This is a NEW flow and will not be named but experienced.

Martin Best
Whirlwind Ministries

Eruption in Oregon

My children, pay attention to the wind and the waves and how unusual things will continue to be reported. Gale force winds that came out of nowhere, it will appear. This will be said in your news.

Watch for an eruption in the state of Oregon. Yes, Oregon. All has been quiet there, but freedom will arise in that state. A hold that your enemies had over you, Oregon is now broken. Watch for a scandal and a resignation to come out of the state of Oregon, a governor, yes, but there are more to follow. 

Oregon, you have not been forsaken or forgotten. Justice is coming to your state. Watch How I move across your land to heal and restore what has been stolen. What has been broken will be given back and restored. 

A sign to watch for Oregon is an earthquake. An earthquake? Yes, that will rock your enemies to their core. It will rattle the gates of hell and destroy the walls and the plans they had built up against you.

This earthquake, Oregon, will signal your release and their defeat. So do not fear when you feel the shaking beneath your feet. Know your enemies have fallen with no way to get their hold back over you. 

So rejoice, Oregon. I am moving to deliver you, and a Great Awakening has already begun but will continue to grow and intensify this year of 2022. “Freedom and justice,” you will shout and know that the Great I AM has come to deliver you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Julie Green, Davenport, IA


Comment: Earthquakes are common in the Pacific Northwest, particularly around Oregon's underground active volcano

Note also that earthquakes and volcanoes in prophetic words are often metaphorical. 


So Many Prophecies These Days

I was reading through 2Chronicles 18 yesterday, and I felt a warning. May I share it with you?

First, go read 2 Chronicles 18. But it’s the story about all the prophets prophesying in unanimity to the king, but it turns out they were all prophesying wrong.

Seriously, please go read that story. We’ll wait for you. 

I felt like Father was whispering to me, “Just because they’re a prophet doesn’t mean I gave them that particular message. There are some who prophesy from my heart, some that think they have my heart, but are speaking from a lying spirit. And there are more than you expect who are prophesying out of their own wounded heart, or speaking in order to gather attention. They have their reward.”

It brought to my mind the reality that we have a lot of people prophesying these days. I believe Father is warning me that some prophets are speaking from true motives, some prophets are speaking from deception (I assume that the deception in their prophecies is not intentional; that would be a whole ’nother story).

But there are a whole lot of prophetic voices in our day who are speaking from a mixture of motives.

He reminded me that he gave us the gift of discernment for a reason. If we fail to discern what prophecies (or what parts of some prophecies) are from him, then our own lives will be influenced, even infected, by deceiving spirits or wounded souls.

Then he pointed out that the times are in many ways becoming more complicated, more obstreperous to the Kingdom of God. “My children who build their lives on a well-intended but misguided word will not be equipped to stand strong in these times. And my children who fail to hear and receive the word from my heart because they fear being deceived will also not be equipped to stand strong in these times.”

Discernment – your personal discernment and the discernment of those people to whom you have entrusted your life – is the key for navigating this aspect of this season.

Al Mack, of Northwest Prophetic

The Current Shaking

I live in a small historic gold rush town. The buildings that line our downtown were constructed in the mid-1800s. The construction materials of choice were brick and mortar. 

While they look strong, if an earthquake takes place the mortar will weaken releasing their hold on the bricks and our cherished history will lay in piles of rubble at our feet. The last significant earthquake in the region happened over 300 years ago. Our downtown was built without that consideration.

In the natural world, prolonged shaking during an earthquake is what produces damage. Once the shaking is over it leaves behind damaged buildings and infrastructures, people are injured or killed and entire regions are left in disarray and ruin.

In God’s kingdom shaking has another purpose. It disassembles the weak things where we mistakenly placed our trust apart from God. After this season of shaking is over, we will have an opportunity to work in concert with the Spirit to construct new and lasting spiritual structures able to endure the trauma that always comes with living on the fault lines of an unstable world.

So much is shaking in our world. We are currently living through a prolonged social quake. God is allowing this shaking to take place to disempower those things not worthy of our trust. Misplaced trust is like the mortar between bricks. It will crumble under the influence of intense shaking.

Every spiritual shaking throughout the history of the Church has caused us to reevaluate where we have placed our trust. Any rebuilding process we engage in will hopefully consider that issue. Everything around us can fall to the ground but our hope will always be secure if we have placed our trust in Jesus Christ and Him alone.

The Lord experienced an earthquake when the stone was rolled away from the entrance to His tomb. “Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it” (Matthew 28:2).

Resurrection followed that shaking 2,000 years ago and it will follow the shaking we are now experiencing. A season of shaking will always carry with it the promise of resurrection and reconstruction if our hope has been placed in the faithfulness and goodness of God.

Garris Elkins, September 2021


Monocropping. Monocropping is the agricultural practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land, in the absence of rotation through other crops or growing multiple crops on the same land (polyculture).

Last night and again this morning I heard “monocropping.” As I listened further I heard “Monoculture, monocrops, monochurch, monobusiness, monoschools, monohealthcare. I am forcing them to become cross pollinated for their own good. I’m releasing my cross pollinators that I have prepared. They will release small ‘tongues of fire’ (Acts 2) that will burn up the monofields created by the principalities, powers, world rulers of this present darkness, and the spiritual hosts of wickedness (Ephesians. 6:12).”

I then saw hunters (Jeremiah 16:16) approaching vast monocropping fields with their bows and arrows. The tips of arrows would ignite with a flame when released from the bow and wherever they landed in the field they would start a small fire. Soon the monocrop was ablaze. After the blaze died down, I was amazed to see some of the crop still standing and untouched by the blaze. The field was full of such ones. (Daniel 3:8-25).

I then heard, “The job of the hunter is direct and straight forward. After they release their arrows, their assignment is complete. Pray for the release of the hunters. Pray for those in the fields that are still standing in the conflagration as I destroy the works of darkness and release them for they are the laborers that you have been praying for me to cast into the harvest fields.” (Luke 10:2).

I then heard, “I am releasing from the monochurch those who I prepared for the harvest. You will see them appear next to you in the harvest field. They are bringing my goodness and my abundance that I have placed in them. They are not novice. They have been kept in reserve until this hour. I am releasing them into the harvest field with you. They will help change your thinking and cross pollinate with you. Some I have assigned to come alongside of you for a long season. Others for a short season. And, other only briefly.

Honor and bless them as they come and go. As this process takes place it will magnify and multiply the harvest. You will notice that there are no threshing floors or grain silos for this harvest. That is because this harvest is designed to be immediately employed as new harvesters. I will do a quick work of transforming them from harvest to harvesters. Do not hold the new harvesters back. Do not think they are not ready for I have prepared them. I am doing a quick work. This is not the final harvest but only the first wave of the greater harvest.”

Dave Bodine


The Arrival of Long-Range Prophecies

As anyone can sense who is in tune with the Spirit and what is taking place on the world stage, we are living in a strategic time of human history. Events are unfolding that if not interpreted properly could create a sense of despair. Prophecy is a gift that will help us interpret these times and respond appropriately. Old and in some cases, ancient unfulfilled prophecies are arriving at this time and they have a message for the Church. 

I recently watched a video about a competitive long-range shooter. He did not shoot at 200 or 300 hundred yards. His distance was not 500 or 1,000 yards. He was attempting a shot at 2,240 yards – a mile and a quarter away using a hundred-year-old Swiss Army rifle with open sights. His target was a life-size steel buffalo. Once on target, he made repeated hits. It was an amazing feat.

Prophetic words are beginning to arrive that were sent downrange long ago traveling across great expanses of time and space to be delivered at this moment in history. When the Lord asked His prophets to speak these words those uttering them may have thought they sounded unusual and without application at the time of their inception. These prophets spoke with unqualified obedience. When their words finally arrive at our place in history, they will also appear out of context because they were spoken in a language and with a mode of delivery that might appear strange to our ears.

Unusual will be a word used to describe these incoming prophecies. Do not be dismissive when these words arrive. Unpack them carefully with wisdom and mercy, not with immediate dismissal. Look past the packaging and mode of delivery to discover the core content of the word. Be willing to discern their message with an open and receptive heart. If you can do this you will become a prophetic target of fulfillment and a carrier of supernatural resolutions to the most vexing situations of our day.

From Garris Elkins, Jacksonville, OR


The Arrival of Long-Range Prophecies

As anyone can sense who is in tune with the Spirit and what is taking place on the world stage, we are living in a strategic time of human history. Events are unfolding that if not interpreted properly could create a sense of despair. Prophecy is a gift that will help us interpret these times and respond appropriately. Old and in some cases, ancient unfulfilled prophecies are arriving at this time and they have a message for the Church. 

I recently watched a video about a competitive long-range shooter. He did not shoot at 200 or 300 hundred yards. His distance was not 500 or 1,000 yards. He was attempting a shot at 2,240 yards – a mile and a quarter away using a hundred-year-old Swiss Army rifle with open sights. His target was a life-size steel buffalo. Once on target, he made repeated hits. It was an amazing feat.

Prophetic words are beginning to arrive that were sent downrange long ago traveling across great expanses of time and space to be delivered at this moment in history. When the Lord asked His prophets to speak these words those uttering them may have thought they sounded unusual and without application at the time of their inception. These prophets spoke with unqualified obedience. When their words finally arrive at our place in history, they will also appear out of context because they were spoken in a language and with a mode of delivery that might appear strange to our ears.

Unusual will be a word used to describe these incoming prophecies. Do not be dismissive when these words arrive. Unpack them carefully with wisdom and mercy, not with immediate dismissal. Look past the packaging and mode of delivery to discover the core content of the word. Be willing to discern their message with an open and receptive heart. If you can do this you will become a prophetic target of fulfillment and a carrier of supernatural resolutions to the most vexing situations of our day.

From Garris Elkins, Jacksonville, OR


“THE STAND”: Word of the Lord from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders for 2021 & Beyond

A time of stark contrast follows the aftermath of the reset. When you turn off your phone, it goes black, and then it comes back when you turn it back on. So we are now living what has been reset. The reset button has been pushed and it creates a stark contrast.
One of the scriptures that exemplifies this contrast the most is found in Matthew 24:6–8.
“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24:6-8 NKJV
• Persecution
Persecutions will deepen, and in contrast, the greatest revival the earth has ever known is upon us. One primary manifestation of this revival will be in the Middle East, in nations such as Sudan who have aligned with Israel.
• Men’s Hearts will Grow Cold
“For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,” 2 Timothy 3:2–4 NKJV
Even in the midst of great moves of God, the contrasts between good and evil will become more apparent. In the United States, this manifestation will be seen in government structures as some become more godly and others turn away deeper and further from God.

• Wars and Rumors of Wars
Watch China carefully. There is the threat of the red dragon militarizing against the United States and other countries, especially Taiwan. While there will come a time when the Bamboo Curtain will fall, and when China will lead in world economics, it is not to happen under a Communist Regime. Satan wants to change the times and seasons, but if those who follow the Lion of Judah will cry out in intercession, the Communist takeover will not advance.
The Red Dragon wants to swallow up Vietnam and South East Asia, as well as Korea. As “Gatekeepers of Prayer” we cannot allow this to occur. If Japan tries to “ally” with China, she will find herself devoured also. This dragon has an insatiable appetite for a ruling empire. In fact, there is an empire spirit or dominion that is on the move. As big a threat as Islam has been to the world, Communism is a greater threat in this era.
• A Chinese Pearl Harbor has taken place. Watch for more ways in which China will gain access to the USA through kickbacks, election-tampering, and sabotage. Satan has many plans, but if we pray there will be a great checkmate of Satan’s plans.
There are shakings happening between political systems, but there will also be physical manifestations. It is not that these shakings are not already happening, but the frequency will escalate including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and the like. The whole earth is groaning. There will be new political parties that will be taking shape; they will be formed and increase in influence.
For the United States, the reconstruction after the Civil War got derailed and was left incomplete. God is going to move upon this issue once again to bring about a more complete justice. The godly righteous remnant of the African-American community will arise and become very visible in leading the way to seeing this justice movement happen. These shakings will ultimately result in a justice movement that brings long-term change.
Political systems that support abortion will also be shaken and affected economically.
• Re-aligning of Nations
There will be alignments that will be made both in the positive and in the negative. China/Russia/Iran will move towards closer alignments. Some of these alignments will even be surprising. However, the bear and the dragon will come to odds against each other, if we pray. Iran’s government in the coming years will fall; it will happen seemingly overnight. God is watching how they persecute the believers in their land. There will be a great global re-organizing in preparation for the end-times. We are seeing the prophetic beginning of the Isaiah 19 Highway forming before our eyes!
• Rogue Operatives
Detailed exposures will take place of both China and Russia. God loves the Chinese and the Russian people. This is not anything negative towards the church in China and Russia. Great revivals and renewals are coming!
• A Bumpy Road
Civil unrest will continue in the United States. It will, in fact, escalate. The prophets called for emergency preparedness. All may not be needed, but crisis preparation, as far as food, water, and supplies, is dictated by wisdom. We have given previous warnings about a possible civil war on U.S. soil and we are seeing the groundwork for that being laid—but God! More exposures will take place in both political parties…layers upon layers until the root is exposed and the axe can be laid to the root. This is not only for the United States, but will occur worldwide.
The year 2021 will seem to have some of the same characteristics as 2020. However, the Body of Christ will learn to thrive and not just survive.
The economies of states will shake and there will be a great suffering of the people in those states if they do not turn from wickedness. However, just as in Egypt during the plagues, God’s people will be protected and prosper.
It is in the balance whether or not the whole of the United States will take a huge downturn.
It is a time for war. The bride of Christ must put on combat boots and be prepared for battle. We must resist Satan and he will flee! Teaching on how to wage war against the enemy is essential. Angelic hosts are being released to assist us as we war on earth and they war in the heavens.
• This includes Faith over Fear
Men’s hearts will fail from fear, but God will cause His remnant of overcomers to overcome. This remnant has learned to stand on the word with faith and not fear.
• This includes Peace as a Weapon
We will walk in a new level of peace that will be a weapon against distress! “And soon the God of Peace will crush Satan even under His feet.”
The amount of glory we are going to see released in this new era after the reset will come in suddenlies. Those who have been crying out for revival will suddenly see, receive, and experience a great revival. This revival will transform societies and raise up reformers in all areas of society. The revival and awakening will not only be for the saving of souls, but for the healing of nations. Miracles will be commonplace in the marketplace and in Hollywood.
This will also lead to a renaissance in the arts with great creative anointing being displayed through worship and other art forms such as painting, sculpture, and dance.
Another sign and wonder of this glory awakening will be spontaneous deliverances. People bound in drugs, pornography, and other addictions will be set free. The ministry of deliverance will once again be front and center in the church.
There will be a release of glory and, not unlike the Book of Acts, there will be resistance to the moves of God. Note that when miracles in the book of Acts took place, Satan stirred up those in idolatry and in the religious system against it. However, this only caused the church to increase and multiply!
• This Includes the Refiners Fire
The Lord is watching our reactions, even to things that Satan is putting in our way. We are called to be overcomers. We cannot forget that we are being “trained to reign” for eternity. We are in the end-times and this world is not our home. While we are responsible to steward this world and disciple it, this is just the beginning of our lives. We are in the midst of the “Refiner’s Fire”.
• This Includes a Time to Build
Just as in Nehemiah’s day, we will “arise and build” in the midst of chaotic times. We will learn to build with a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other. Don’t come down off of the wall no matter what the enemy throws at you!
It is now as in the Days of Noah, but God will enable us to stand with these five words, all starting with the letter P!
• 1) Protection • 2) Provision • 3) Preservation • 4) Presence • 5) Promise
For those of us who are standing on the promises, we will experience protection, provision, preservation, presence, and promise. We will triumph in the days ahead.
The remnant church will take a stand against evil that comes against them, both personally and corporately, and they will win! Ephesians 6 will become a major theme once again. Worship will be both a weapon of war and the means to not become battle-fatigued in this season.
There is a calling to use as weapons of warfare all the previous words given through the years; one was “The Turn Around Year,” another was the “Suddenlies.” Those who believe and apply this convergence of prophecy will triumph!
Let’s stand on the promises of God’s Word together and see the Glory Awakening Arise in Jesus’ Great Name!
Having Done All, We Stand!
Cindy Jacobs with James W. Goll and the ACPE



Discerning the Global Reset

Since the beginning of time, false representations of reality have been offered as counterfeits to God’s truth. There are two definitions of a global reset being offered at this time. One reset is empowered by God, and the other is empowered by darkness. Masking language is being used to draw believers who lack discernment toward the counterfeit, defending its proposals as evidence of their tolerance.     

The Gospel is always inviting but never tolerant of things that will ultimately harm us. Not agreeing with the ideology of a dark reset that will ultimately destroy individual lives and societies does not make one intolerant. It is an expression of love.
A few years ago, I began to write and speak about a reset that would take place in the Church. It would be a reset that starts us on a refocusing journey where we would begin to see the Church and its mission with new eyes. Instead of getting more complicated, our expression of faith would enter a simpler expression, void of complicated religious baggage, language, and unhealthy alliances. 

At the end of the resetting and refocusing, we would enter a resting place, where we would receive fresh revelation about how we can move forward into the future. This revelation would only be available to those willing to reset, refocus, and rest.
Whenever you hear the word “reset,” make sure you discern the spirit using the word. The reset Jesus offers leads to freedom, freedom of our will. This is the kind of freedom only found in the Spirit. The counterfeit reset will lead to control and demands of conformity to agendas that have at their core a spirit of death. Any refusal to follow the dictates of that dark reset will carry the shaming label of intolerance.
As a defining clarity is taking place regarding the two resets, a definition within the Church is also taking place regarding cultural reformation. On one side are those who view reformation as a way to control people and culture, much like the false reset. They see the assignment of the Church as creating a theocracy on earth and directing culture by demands of conformity to a particular expression of faith. 
On the other side are those who believe the Church’s work is best expressed in culture as an opportunity to help a culture flourish under the influence of believers embedded within its institutions. These embedded ones seek the highest good for each individual while never backing away from speaking the truth in love. The latter expression of reformation is where the power of God’s Spirit is delivered. 

This kind of Heaven-empowered reformation is so powerful that it cannot be controlled by religious or political spirits. It will endure through the tumultuous and challenging seasons of upheaval each society will experience as it matures. 

That is the kind of reformation where the reset of Heaven is taking place. The by-product of the reset will draw people to the love of God and ultimately transform the heart of a nation.

Garris Elkins
