Faux Report

Hillary Clinton Plans To Make Bill Clinton Her Running Mate If She Wins In Primary



Although he has already served a full two terms as president, nothing is stopping Hillary Clinton from making her husband, Bill Cinton, her vice-presidential running mate should she win during the primary elections; an act she says she is planning on doing.

“Bill has already been there, and he’s already seen what a presidential seat can do to a person, and there is no one better to join me at my side, and in my cabinet, than him,” said Hillary Clinton. “I am officially planning to recognize my husband, Bill, as my running mate if I am to take the primaries.”

Members of Congress say that there is no reason that Bill Clinton cannot serve as vice president, but there are issues were something to happen to Hillary if she were elected, such as a death, or a scandal or other measure that forces her to resign.

“If she were to be elected with Bill Clinton as her vice president, we are unsure, at this time, if he would be able to take over the roll of president as would normally be the case,” said congressional member Richard Doorer (R-Iowa). “As he has already fulfilled his duty as president, and completed two full terms, he is not eligible to run again, but that doesn’t necessarily negate that he could be president again in that sort of situation. We’ll take it as it comes, if it does indeed arise.”

According to an anonymous source inside the Clinton campaign, the entire race has just been one big ploy to get Bill Clinton back into the oval office, with Hillary planning on winning, and immediately stepping down, allowing for her husband to take over.


Opine: 2016 New Hampshire Debate

I normally don’t write about individual debates. Some things happened in New Hapmshire, however, which I thought were prophetic, other things telling.

When the candidates came out, Carson and Trump had difficulty hearing the media over the shouts of the crowd, even though the media kept calling them. Even Kasich had trouble. This strange leapfrog of candidates back and forth left Carson and Trump standing together while the other candidates passed by.

I thought many things in the scene seemed prophetic.

I have missed stage instructions myself. So, I understand exactly how this can happen, even with good planning.

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Encore of Revival: America, February 8, 2016

An important word came in from some prophets at Generals. Read it in the links. Strength and calls to prayer are coming and confirmed.

The results in Iowa look back to Trump having been in second place at key times in the past. Previously second to Carson, then second to Cruz. The Religious Right’s first choice changed from Carson to Cruz. Trump supporters seemed unchanged.

The democrats could barely decide their candidate. Hillary one one vote by a coin toss. If Sanders loses, his supporters could swing to Trump in a general since both are anti-establishment. With 24% Trump, 25% Cruz, and 10% Carson—all having like-minded voters—Republicans have a strong base, indicating Iowa going Republican in the general election.

As for Cruz “dirty tricks” in misreporting Carson as dropping out, it isn’t over with Iowa; it’s just starting. People will now ask… How many times would Cruz have to apologize for things he “didn’t know” happened in his administration? Carson stands to benefit in the long run from the Iowa antics and Cruz could have exposed what type of manager he is. He may not be re-electable as a Senator.

To many, Cruz seems like a typical Christian hypocrite. Playing the “Christian fish” card won W Iowa and the general election—the only Republican president to win the Hawkeye Cauci in decades. Cruz won Iowa because he resembled W 15 years ago, even benefiting from [Karl] “Rovian dirty tricks”.

New Hampshire is more important as a “crystal ball”, where Trump is clearly in front.

Prediction: Cruz and Rubio destroy each other, Tump asks Carson for VP or less likely Palin as VP and Carson in the cabinet. Sanders loses to the Clinton machine, giving us a Trump v Clinton election. With Carson or Palin as VP, Sanders would be Hillary’s best choice to keep his supporters from moving to Trump. But, she probably won’t do that just because she read it here first.

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Faux Report

Bill Murray Condemned By Religious-Right After Publicly Denouncing God


HOLLYWOOD, California –

Across America, the anti-Bill Murray campaign can be heard in sermons and seen on signs outside of churches. Various Christian groups have said they will not be supporting Murray in the 2016 Presidential Election, which Murray entered last week, and they urge others to follow.

Murray has been clear with reporters on his religious views. “Religion is the worst enemy of mankind. People can believe whatever they choose to believe, but it does not belong in politics. It imprisons your mind. Religion creates hate, racism, bigotry and keeps you from your true potential in life. No single war in the history of humanity has killed as many people as religion has.”

Murray says he expected not to be backed by religious groups. “I imagine I probably won’t be too popular with the Christian vote in this country, but I’m fine with that.”

Still Murray has a small but vocal following who says he does not need the support of the religious right in the election. Paul Horner, a spokesman for the campaign says,“He’s a living legend and is exactly what America needs right now.”


November 24, 2015

US bombs ISIL oil: 280 trucks, dropped warning leaflets first, details (Business Insider)

Pew Research contradicted: census data shows surge in immigration (CR)

Pew Research strangely-worded survey results “lie” about public opinion on immigration, June 2015 (Red Alert)

Pew Research “lied” about immigration waning in 2014, 2012, 2010 (Sweetness & Light) (Yahoo-Reuters)

MINNESOTA—The immigrant the US government doesn’t want to deport (Star Tribune)

Vets patrol border (News 4 Tuscon)

Research: Election Poll Accuracy Over Time (Ispos)  · · · →

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October 6, 2015

Hillary gets punchy

Trump—Rubio’s new water boy

Sheriff in Roseberg, OR to Biden: No gun control, won’t enforce, locals support him

SYRIA—Now, Russian Special Forces

Snowden turns himself in, no answer

Carly—the beltway fav

@Jack is back @Twitter!

Cured: How traditional Chinese medicine finally won its Nobel Prize  · · · →

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September 29, 2015

Trump Tax: 0% – $25k, 10 – 20 – 25%, corp 15% flat, NO death tax, “I win” letter

Carson’s the only one going up in polls

WH takes over more local police—Little Rock, Flint

…Philly too? …Letters to Philly.com

Tea Party conquered House, Speaker

Cruz v Boehner, Cruz conspiracy theory gaggle video

Sales pitch: Hollywood & NASA collaborate Mars?

NBC/WSJ Poll: Biden would sweep election (he hasn’t announced)

Jeb—make or break time

Boeing, Airbus make money in Iran deal?

Constitution: Obama can’t sell Internet?

Fiorina’s HP earned Millions from sales in Iran during sanctions

Russia to take on ISIS

Obama UN speech (Video), Roll Call: Executor at UN

Damon: Actors, stay in the closet, keep many secrets to help your career

Shock Photos: Intelligent people’s brains wired differently to those with fewer intellectual abilities, says study  · · · →

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July 31, 2015

Bergdahl charged

4th Shock-bortion video

Courts tried to prevent 4th video release

Trump’s book released same day as debate

Election Commission considers managing YouTube virals?

Professor: What makes a kook? Dogmatics & gullables dislike mainstream media, susceptible to evidence, ignoring experts

Army recruit deficit

Brilliant: How To Have Your Own Wine Label Without Owning A Winery  · · · →

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July 16, 2015

HW, 91, falls breaks bone in neck

Jeb gets 3% from ‘small donors’, Goldman Sachs the biggest

Greece in flames

Cruz NY Times bestseller—finally, Amazon?

Disturbing viral video: Selling abortion parts over salad

PLUTO—not only heart, but mountains

Windows 10 finished?

Sober vision: Why you should question the cult of the charismatic CEO  · · · →

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