
Encore of Revival: America, February 22, 2016

Even the Pope is being spun in circles. Someone described the wall of Mecixo as if it would be the Berlin wall, rather than the Vatican wall or Nehemiah’s wall. The Pope gave Trump the benefit of the doubt and commented about not knowing the full context, but this rarely gets reported.

The FBI wants to solve a permanent problem with a must-be permanent solution misbranded as a “temporary” solution. If the FBI doesn’t want this to let the genie out of the bottle, at least Jeb does, ergo the recent debates. The FBI changed a password that might have allowed retrieving information via iCloud. Oops. The FBI could send the phone to Apple to retrieve the data, but won’t. They want something that the next Snowden could share with the world. In a word: competent.

Many in America ask, “Why can people be so brainwashed to support Trump?” Many of these are Cruz supporters. The brainwashed population is not the Trump base; it is the Cruz base. Brainwashing keeps people blind to their own reality. Cruz is an alleged “Christian” who lies and gets away with it, like a typical Sunday morning pastor horror story. He mails false “violation” warning scare tactics (also typical of Sunday morning Churchianity). He made an apology without making restitution—also typical of scandalous pastors. And, like the Sunday morning minions, his base thinks he’s just the most wonderful thing by Biblical standards. Cruz’s base exhibits brainwash symptoms every bit as much as Christians who think the only way to know Jesus is on Sunday morning with a hypocritical pastor because that pastor is paid.

The sad part is, Bush and Rove used the same manipulative tactics to get the religious right vote sixteen years ago. It’s quite easy. Use evangelical lingo. Pretend to be in the bubble of asocial Churchianity that doesn’t know how to interact with non-Christians. Play on the fears of the “us v them” fear of people. Cruz supporters don’t see the problem with his dishonest tactics because brainwashed people don’t see.

And, brainwashed people always think non-brainwashed people are the ones brainwashed. That’s why Cruz supporters think Trump supporters need to “wake up” and “see what is happening”.

Let’s review the political scene…

Trump does have Conservative values—patriotism, love of country, low taxes, power to States, obey Constitution. He got rich through real business, not ENRON-style scandals. His smaller, held companies filed bankruptcy much less frequently than Wall St. high rollers do every day. Trump has been honest in his business dealings, though powerful. He knows how to say, “No,” to elitists, donors, and the media. He knows how to hire, fire, mentor, and build buildings. And, he knows how to control the Chinese rather than letting the Chinese control him. Most of this is foreign to the Sunday morning minion crowd.

Rubio changed colors in the Gang of Eight. Though he seems to regret it, he still has to pay; losing this election should be enough. Rubio supporters aren’t brainwashed, they are just rich and comfy and fond of nice clothes, combed hair, and employees who make candidly polite appeals to the boss. But bubbled Bible thumpers (as opposed to bold Bible readers)—Bush-Cruz supporters—don’t see how Christian hypocrisy left the country susceptible to many things. Hillary and Bernie supporters aren’t brainwashed by individuals, though Democrat voters clearly don’t see how Democratic policies caused their own employment problems. Donkeys differ from Republican voters, who gave us terms like RINO. Though Democratic politicians break promises as much as Republican politicians, Democrat voters never thought to use the term DINO. Democrat loyalists have their own brainwashing issues.

People fear Trump because he’s different. They fear that he will get into office and turn on them like a snake in the grass—because that’s what all the other politicians have done, including Rubio and Cruz. But, that actually makes him less likely to change colors. Trump is not a professional politician. He wouldn’t know how to abuse political power because he would be new to it. He would only know how to do what he has always done: succeed by firing idiots and making bank. At least, that’s most likely.

Cruz followers are the biggest brainwashed segment still in America. They believe anything and everything that walks and talks like Sunday morning. They tell stories about David and Goliath, yet don’t like it when Trump talks big. They preach on Jesus’ parables about profitability, yet they don’t have money themselves. They pray to the God who made the universe and sits on its throne, yet they don’t have power within their own society. Somewhere there is a disconnect.

Trump is drawing people because of the power and “violence” Jesus talked about. The drowsy are awaking. The slow ones are still with Cruz. Many believe God told them Cruz will win the nomination, because that’s how Sunday morning culture works. When Cruz doesn’t get the nomination, they will wake up also. And, when they do, revival will return.

Is Trump trustworthy? None of us are. Never trust a person. Only expect history to repeat and trust people’s interest rather than their promises. Cruz and Rubio will be useful in the Senate, voting to pass the legislation introduced by the Republican who got more votes than they did. Trump will make America greater than before, but the police state will grow under him. Will it be best with Trump? A book that can tell the future would be worth a lot of money.

Trump, good or bad, is pulling people out their caves. Trump would not have power if people were neither brainwashed by Sunday morning hypocrisy nor Democratic “trying while failing”. For better or worse, what we are seeing, now, is the un-brainwashing of America. The question is not about what Trump will do, but what America will do when the giant wakes up.

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Encore of Revival: America, February 15, 2016

Senior Supreme Justice Scalia died days after ruling against Obama. Cause of death is presumed and unchallenged, similarly to the legacy Obama wants. There will be no autopsy. There will be questions. One should pray for the health and safety of one’s adversaries in order to reduce questions. Obama wants to uphold the Constitution in appointing a nominee; will the nominee?

Sanders argues Constitutional compliance in the president appointing the next Supreme Justice. Does he know that he is a Democrat? If Sanders wanted to be fair and get rid of the 1% control, why did he choose a political party that gives extra delegate votes to the 1%? He won New Hampshire, but gained fewer delegates because of the system in the so-called “Democratic” party, having “superdelegates”. The Republican party treats all votes equally, and has given at least lip-service defense of the Constitution in a day when the Constitution seems to have many adversaries.

Perhaps someone should inform Homeland Security that Obama and Sanders have become sudden advocates of the Constitution. But, that would raise more questions.

You already read it here first: Sanders will lose to the Clinton machine. Sanders and his supporters asked for the superdelegate problem when they chose the so-called “Democratic” party. Smart people tend to win at things; not-smart people tend to not win. Frankly, serves them right. But, no one should be surprised that none of them figured out that this would happen ahead of time.

Liberals  can’t tell the difference between opinion and fact when their own opinions are involved. In this, they are unabashed as much as they are unaware. Conflation of opinion and fact, leveraging bully pulpits to impose bias, shamelessness—these are all indications that one has lost the argument and hasn’t yet figured out that one does know it.

While Pacific Daily Times will continue to interact with Quartz articles, because they have good quality writing, nonetheless bias and open about it, we now know with certainty that it is a Liberal blog. Breitbart, openly Right Wing establishment-ish, and The Blaze, more pure Conservative, are banned from the Times because of heavy website load times and for no other reason.

Perhaps Liberal blogs operate at a profit loss while Right Wing sites use establishment advertising methods that bog-down web resolve times. It’s a shame, what all periodicals involve. But, it indicates a shakeup and, among other things, that revival is returning to America.

You read it here first: Trump in New Hampshire, Trump is positioned to get some of the Sanders vote in the general.

Nation to State, the Federal Justice department is suing Ferguson, MO. This sets a precedent for the next White House to sue Chicago over corruption. North Korea is also cracking down on its leaders; one general was reported executed. Such are the ways of top-down politics. The high GOP turnout in New Hampshire is a bottom-up phenomenon. That’s the difference.

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Faux Report

32 College Students ‘Feel The Bern’ After Political Rally Turns Into Orgy, Spreads Chlamydia


KEENE, New Hampshire –

A group of college students at Keene State College in New Hampshire have all recently been treated in local hospitals for Chlamydia and a host of other STDs after a recent political rally in support of Bernie Sanders turned into a full-blown orgy.

“Everything started innocently enough. We were meeting to help figure out ways to support candidate Sanders, and things were going well,” said rally leader Joe Goldsmith. “After a few hours and a lot of drinks, one thing lead to another, and soon all 32 of us had our clothes off, and well, you know what happened.”

According to doctors at Keene Memorial Hospital, all 32 of the involved students contracted various STDs, including chlamydia and genital warts.

“This is what happens when young people get together and try to change the world,” said Dr. Myles Kennefic. “They lose their focus, and everyone gets fucked. This is what the world is coming to. That’s why I’m voting Trump.”

Faux Report

Hillary Clinton Announces Her Plans To Drop From Presidential Race



Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has announced that she will be stepping down from the campaign trail, suspending her plans to become the next President of the United States. The announcement comes after a loss in the New Hampshire primaries earlier this week, to Democrat Bernie Sanders.

“New Hampshire has successfully chosen the president for the last several decades. If you win in New Hampshire, you’ve won the vote,” said Clinton. “I can’t compete with Bernie Sanders, anyway. He has secured the young vote. He has the blacks and the Latinos. He has everyone, and he even has most of the woman vote. He cannot be stopped. Even I’ve started to Feel The Bern.”

“I am glad that she has stepped down. It clears the way for a Sanders victory,” said New Hampshire resident Joe Goldsmith. “I voted for Bernie in the primaries, as did everyone else. Hillary is soulless, and would never have won. Have you looked at her eyes? They’re empty. There’s nothing behind them. It’s like that Stephen King movie The Dead Zone. She’s evil incarnate.”

Faux Report

Bernie Sanders Plans Sex Change Surgery To Garner Votes From Women



Bernie Sanders, who has been leading the polls against Hillary Clinton, announced today that there was one segment of the vote that he was not able to grasp, and that was the women vote.

“I’ve got the African-Americans, the poor, the white, the tall, the skinny, the fat – I’ve got it all, baby,” said Sanders to a packed town hall in New Hampshire on Monday morning. “The one thing I haven’t been able to get is the woman vote. Clinton has that locked in because she was born with a vagina, and that’s one thing I couldn’t compete with. Until now.”

Sanders went on to say that he would be undergoing sex reassignment surgery to better understand what a woman goes through, and he hopes that this will also help to get more women to vote for him.

“I can promise a lot of things, but I can’t promise that I know what it’s like to pee sitting down, or to have breasts and nurse a child, and with this surgery, these changes, I will. And by the end of the year, when it’s time to cast your ballots for president, I will be able to fully encompass all people, even women.”
