
Prophetic Dream: Wake up from Delusions of Entrenched Generations

I typically don’t like the “prophecy” genre in speeches and blogs. I’ll try to be concise with details and avoid excess superlatives.

I was dreaming, on a Bible college campus, watching the Dean make his rounds. He had a complex system of inventing rules “after the fact”, but he’d always get away with enforcing them as if everyone should have known better, when, actually, he was just playing “gotcha”. Student leaders and staff helped him. And, generally, he just made everyone angry—a professional ass.

I decided to reason with him, to convince him to stop giving injustice, to inject as much common sense into this lunatic as possible, even though it would be a very small amount, if I could inject any common sense at all. But nothing worked. As I looked at him, his face, not his voice, was my grandfather’s face—with two exceptions. He had three or four warts on his face. My grandfather didn’t have warts on his face. And he had anger in his eyes. My grandfather didn’t have anger in his eyes.

Nothing in the dream exactly resembled anything I knew. The Dean slightly reminded me of the Dean of Students at Moody, but that Dean, though a little tough, actually did more good than harm—which is the goal of any administrator. The Dean in my dream was just useless. The room wasn’t familiar to me. Everything seemed to be some form of symbol, based on what I knew in my life, not anything exactly from the life I live.

It was a vivid dream and even during it, I felt that it had a strong purpose. Even while dreaming, I wanted to know if God had any message for me in it. As I was reasoning with the Dean toward the end of the dream, it became clear that he was so insane that he probably wasn’t even aware that I was a human trying to talk with him. He was so lost in his little world of his own ideas that he couldn’t connect to others. As I made my final attempt to get a word in edgewise, my alarm went off… It was time to wake up.

I hit the alarm button, but knew I couldn’t return to the dream I’d just woken up from. How would I be able to finish the dream to figure out what it meant? Being that God knows the timing of everything, if the dream had a meaning, the alarm was probably part of the message of the dream. What did it mean? Had I just woken up from an archaic religious tyrant’s nonsense? Or had I just woken up from the “dream” of hoping that the old nonsense could be reasoned with? Being that I literally woke up from both, I think God was trying to say that it’s time to just wake up.

No more nightmare of the old religious system of Churchianity, with its stupid, oppressive, extrabiblical rules. And no more trying to reason with generations that are so old, entrenched, and disease-ridden that their faces are even marred.

It’s just time to move on.

This morning is the last day of the urgent call to prayer from Anne Graham Lotz. Early in the week, just after the last faith-related blog entry, I made one last attempt to reason with the archaic system. FAIL! And all week, Kansas City has been saying, “The alarms are going off. Wake up, Church!”

Yes, we need to wake up from our sin. We need to wake up to the many, real problems upon us—all of them. But we also need to wake up from the dream of trying to make Sunday morning Churchianity work when it’s long past the time that the business world would have allowed it to fail. Sunday morning is not “the Church” that will prevail against hell. It is hell—nice and seductive at first, then leads to the very sin it openly condemns. Every organized Sunday morning congregation, given enough time, will eventually fail. We think it’s natural. It’s not. The Church is not condemned in the Bible to go through the same economic cycles as Wall Street.

It’s over. It’s done. I’m burying any and all hopes of cohabitating with Churchianity. Time and again, the system and their friends have proven to be incapable of preserving their own usefulness. They can’t end their own problems. Their friends can’t convince them to lay down their power games. They love reasons for denominational division more than reasons for unity. They can’t be reasoned with. And I realized, this morning, that God wants me to stop trying. He wants me to wake up to the fact that He stopped trying a long time ago. Like the generation in Israel’s wilderness, Churchianity just needs to march in circles until it finally dies.

The world is disinterested in Churchianity’s bureaucracy as well as the Sunday morning dog and pony show. People need Jesus unfettered and Bible served straight up without apology or disclaimer—and you’ll never get that on Sunday morning. If nothing else, Sunday morning will tell you that Sunday morning is “necessary”, which it isn’t. What we need is good, old fashion initiative in our daily walks with Christ and in seeking-out meaningful friendships with other authentic Christians.

Sunday morning claims that people won’t seek Jesus without “accountability”. But who holds us accountable to drink coffee every morning? And would we stop going to the restroom without a daily voice mail from the “pastor”? I see more evidence on YouTube of Americans being dedicated to League of Legends than to Jesus, and no one holds them “accountable” to play League. When you love something, you don’t need to be badgered into doing it week after week.

Frankly, if I have to badger you into “loving Jesus”, I’m really not interested in talking to you about him. I’d be dragging an anchor. Such people would probably just hold me back in my own friendship with Jesus—oh, wait, that’s already been happening. It was a bad dream that I just woke up from.

continue reading

The Hand of the Lord on Idaho

Yesterday we received communication from somebody from Idaho.  And we saw that the planets were about to align over Idaho. We saw that we had our dream from Clancy and we saw that they’d had some 133 earthquakes, small earthquakes in a certain section of Idaho. And this woman said she had spent 30 years as an intercessor in one place and her husband had spent about that time in Alaska, and the Lord had suddenly taken them to this place in Idaho. And she said the Lord had told them He was going to establish the healing of Roland Buck.
And so we know that the Lord is aligning in Idahoto do a thing. And so Lord, we say we are agreeing that You are about to break open Your glory in Idaho. And we say, Lord, we bring the shadow of our hand over Idaho.
We say, Lord, that You are bringing the shadow of the hand of the Lord over Idaho is about to fall, and the glory is about to break out. And we say, Lord, that those servants of Yours that are in Idaho are about to assemble, and You’re going to bring order, and You’re going to bring forth what You have ordained for this season and what You have for Idaho, Lord.

And we say that You will bring to bear all that You have ordered for this time. We say, Lord, that order will come according to Your plan and Your purposes in Idaho in the name of Jesus. 

Prophecy given on: May 29, 2014 in CorinthTX , by Anne Tate

Bonnie Jones’ word for the Pacific Northwest

May 2007:
This word came to Bonnie while she was in Seattle on May 13, 2007 (Mother’s Day) but it hasn’t been time to release it until now:
“My eyes are seeking out the Northwest Territory; seeking whom I may devour with My love, as well as My fiery. I’m uncapping old wells and releasing new minds. I’m glorious in this day,” Says God.
“Hear the angels roar. I’m coming in My Glory. Ready or not, here I come! My bride has been awakened with a holy kiss from My mouth. She has prepared her lamps to be filled with My Holy oil. Today I come with a blast of the trumpet and the sounding of cymbals. My voice radiates throughout the land. Who am I? I AM the King of Glory.”
May 31st – Memorial Day:
The Lord spoke to Bonnie about the four directions. This is exactly how it came to her:

“Emerging out of the west, comes a fiery sword. From the east, comes my tongue. From the north, my people run and take shelter. From the south comes the book of wisdom and understanding. Be not afraid for thou art with thee. I’m coming in the east,” says God “with miraculous power. I’m coming from the west in strength and demonstration. I’m coming from the south in memory of me and from the north, I AM.”

Seattle, That’s My city.

She is beautiful. Yet, she lies under a tarnished past. I will make her shine like the sun.
She will begin to hear My voice above all others. As she begins to awaken, My voice will become stronger in her ear. All the other voices will try to become louder, but I will drown them out with my Love for her.
I have shown you what can happen when you come to me. Freedom. Love. Joy. Refreshment.. Provision. My Rest.
“Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest for your soul”.
I will breathe new life into you. You will shine like the sun. Beautiful.

Sue Beckman, Seattle

Spokane Portal Moved, Resurrection Outpouring To Begin In Seattle

[Editor’s note: this is not a normal word for the region, but this is not a normal season we’re in, either. I see this as either two words, or a tag-team word, from Jeff Jansen ]
Friday May 16th, 2014 I was attending a conference where Jeff Jansen and David Hogan were speaking together. Jeff was speaking about the last time he was at this particular place in Kent, Wa called the Transformation Center. He said the Lord had showed him a portal that was over Spokane, Wa which was the cause of much of the John G Lake ministries miracles and healings that have taken place in that region over the years. Jeff said this was a little over a year ago. Then the Lord moved the portal west and it currently sits over the Seattle area. The Lord said that there is something new coming and will be kindled in the Emerald City(Seattle). Jeff called it a revival of sorts.
This coming thing of God is unlike anything that has ever been done on the earth before. While Jeff Jansen was explaining this vision the Lord gave him. I was pulled up in the spirit in an instance and was overlooking the region. I asked the Lord what will become of the Olympia area that I reside in. Then I saw it.
It was an ignition of something. Very similar to that when you watch cardboard beginning to burn. The black line of converted material creeping across the cardboard until a certain point when it erupts with a great fervor. What I saw was that the interstates would act as carriers. I saw an expansion go north and south along the I-5 corridor. This continued clear down into southern California. The Freeways and roads acted like veins in the body pumping life sustaining substance to the much needed areas. I was hovering high above the Olympia area. I could see wall of fire surrounding Olympia very similar to that which started in Seattle. Upon a closer look I could see this wall of fire was a multitude of chariots of fire. In the midst of downtown Olympiawas a large whirlwind. This will be at the disposal of those that believe, chariots of fire.
I could hear Jeff now start to speak of what the Lord is doing now. He said this region will experience a Resurrection Revival. I chuckled as I heard this thinking we’ve never had one of these so not sure it can be called a revival but okay I’ll go with it. With the moving of the portal from Spokane to Seattle and the resurrection movement coming this confirms so much for many people. the Resurrection of the Dead will be the new movement of God. Not that resurrections haven’t taken place before, this time it will be so prevalent that it will remove the grey area where agnostics/ atheists like to reside when they say “I don’t know if there is a God or not”. The Signs, Wonders and Miracles will be so plentiful the agnostic grey area will disappear and force people to choose. They will have to choose the kingdomof Light or the kingdom of Darkness. This will be the beginning of the great harvest and millions will run into the kingdom of God.
So get ready and press in its going to be a wild ride. Don’t forget to have fun.


The Seven Shifts Coming to the Church

Jonathan Welton is a gifted seer and a brilliant theologian. Not long ago, he was speaking at Seattle Revival Center church, here in the Northwest, and God interrupted his schedule to describe seven shifts that He is bringing to the church, with seven activations for the people of God.

This is a two-hour-long video, but it’s worth the time to hear what he has to say. These are not insignificant changes, and you’re probably experiencing some of them already.

Dr Welton offers a Supernatural Bible School online. If you’re looking for a theological foundation for our charismatic, prophetic experience, I highly recommend it. (I’m enrolled, myself.)

Note: This prophetic word is in the for of a YouTube video. If you have difficulty seeing the video, click on the link The Seven Shifts Coming to the Church


Breaking Off Religious Bondage

“I am shattering and breaking religious mindsets off My people. I am shattering that thing to pieces and drawing them to Me in freedom. 

Religion – it has been around for a long time; but now is My appointed time and hour to break off that religion from around My people; My precious children. It has held them back in bondage, in stocks, and has tied their hands. 

With religion is no real power; but with freedom is great power. So I am breaking, breaking, breaking off its influence on My children’s lives and bringing them into greater freedom and life. It’s all about freedom.”

Kris Burks


Springing Ahead: I’ve Already Started.

I fell asleep almost immediately, and had this dream:
I was in a church, attending a service.
The church was very strange, though. It was a composite of many different ones that I’ve been to.
The sanctuary looked like the one in PhiladelphiaChurch just up the street from Loyal Heights Playground in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, but in the dream I had the impression that it was the sanctuary of a particular church just south of SeaTac airport.
The sanctuary furniture was a mix of things from many churches I’ve attended over the course of several decades. The pews were from another church a mainline denomination one, where SeaTac Worship Centerhad rented space in the evenings.
There were people in every pew. The church was filled, but not full. In almost every pew, there were empty spaces big enough to seat 2-4 people together.
Every one was seated, the service was just ending, and the Minister had just finished…
As people began to stand and look around, I had an awkward feeling much like you get when you’re in a room full of people whose faces are familiar, but whom you don’t really know…a feeling of having to interact with people but not really knowing what to say.
Then things changed very quickly, as if I had blinked, or turned my head away for a moment and things were different when I looked back again. I was still in the same room, but now it was filled – crowded, in fact. The aisle was filled with people, some standing, some sitting.
Instead of being socially distant, everyone was interacting. Some were conversing with others, some teaching or explaining something to another, some praying with another, some laying hands on another.
The aisle, empty before was now crowded folks standing in it. There were many sitting or lying on the floor as well, overwhelmed by Holy Spirit.
AS I looked around the room, a saw a number of dead apostles I was familiar with – James Berkley whose ministry had largely emphasized God turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and children to their fathers, Elvin Gadney, and Harlan and Granville Graham. As I looked at each of these people, I thought, “There So and So. Look, there’s Such and Such,” recognizing each man by name.
But the faces didn’t match the names. In every case, it was a different person identified by the apostle’s name and familiarity, even though every one of them was a least a generation younger, and some two generations younger. These were the men and women who had been impacted or equipped by those apostles.
Someone began to sing, and without any worship team, the room filled with adoration to the King. Those ministering to others didn’t stop when the worship started, but continued what they were doing. Everyone in room was made (or was being made) whole.
As soon as I woke up, I wrote down the dream, and asked what it meant. Some of what it means we’ve heard before, a lot. So much so that at first I questioned whether I was really hearing God or the trite echo of “the day of the one man ministry is over and I’m about to do a new thing” that we’ve heard so often (both from true prophets and form some who are fairly convincing copies).
Having made certain I’m hearing what I was, her it is.
It’s not at all about what God’s about to do. It’s about what he’s already doing.
The time for the man up front to be the primary minister is finished. The Lords says, “What I’m doing isn’t in the church walls, the time for one man to be recognized as the primary minister is finished, and I am giving visions to the ones who have been overlooked, and strategies to the discounted ones.”
I will build strong relationships and lifelong friendships between members of my Body who have been strangers. I will give visions to the ones who were called blind and strategies to the ones called foolish. I will release inside of you my heart for people so broadly and so deeply that you will be called Those Who Love Their Brothers by those who don’t know me.
You are called the Ones Who Love by those who haven’t met me yet, because you are loving them even when it is costly to you. You are growing more and more day by day and week by week in love, wisdom, and power to make the broken whole.
Already when you are walking in the way, you stop to heal, to liberate to bind up and to loose.
the day will come suddenly when those going from one place to another will have to be careful where they step, because the way if filled people standing in me, sitting with me, and resting in me.
Multitudes of bound ones have been set free and a vast people who will know their Father continue be liberated and will bring wholeness and peace form the Sunshine Coast to the Siskyou and from the Olympic Coast to the Rockies.
Don’t weep for the ones I sent out who have died where you are and live where I am. Look, and see them in those they’ve birthed, those they’ve equipped, and those they’ve trained. You’ll see their hands multiplied in the children of their love for my Bride and I, and those sons and daughters will do more, and more freely than the fathers ever dreamed of doing.
Spontaneous worship in streets and squares.
Sudden invasions of freedom in stores and parks.
Floods of healing on every corner and under every tree.
A plain illustration of the love of the Father spread abroad in the hearts of men, bringing peace and wholeness.
Many will be confused and don’t recognize what I’m doing and some of them will seem intimidating to you. But don’t be afraid to demonstrate my love. It is more extravagant and reaches much farther than many know.
Didn’t I tell you it would be something you haven’t seen before? Don’t be surprised if it is seems strange! Why are you amazed when I told you it was new, and not like what you have seen before?
But you will see me do more than you could ever ask, think, or imagine. I’ve already started!
Don’t hesitate.
Don’t hold back.
Don’t wait.
Run to the lonely.
Bind the broken.
Love the ugly.
The false little wind is stopping.
A great Wind has begun to blow,

pushing the sea before it!

~Craig Adams 

[Editor’s Note: Craig is a northwestern native, currently on assignment in upstate New York.]


Forward Focus

As I am praying I keep seeing some things “coming to a head.” Absolutely not in a bad way, so don’t get your panties in a wad. [:rolleyes:] I just keep sensing that what we have each been contending for is accessible this year, but it will take our standing and drawing a line in the sand.
I sense that this is “Custer’s Last Stand.” This will be the end of issues that have come around over and over with NO resolution. If you stand one more time and stand firmly in love, but firmly; you will see the final resolution of these nagging issues.
Father has been saying to me that this is the year to “build.” We have already been prepared, processed and tried by the fire. NOW, we are to “build” upon the foundation that Papa has so intricately set us upon. This has been a very long season. One that has lasted for literally years! If you are trying this year to prepare a position, you’ll miss it. You are positioned NOW for what Papa has prepared for you! NOW, comes the FINAL RESOLUTION!
Get ready! It will not look as you expect. It will not resemble any place you’ve been, though some of us may be returning to areas of tasks that we once participated in. It will look much different this round and the favor Papa is releasing will open doors we never had access to in the past seasons. Take one obedient step at a time. Do not consider any small step insignificant. This is urgent!
I sense that it is very important to be prepared to “TURN ON A DIME!” That our direction will come suddenly, and we will need to “leap” into the next portal of favor. No time to mull it over, no time to take it to the throne (It’s been established there already! You need to catch up!), no time to be indecisive, or you’ll miss your window!
~Melody Paasch
Comment: Melody is a prophet and a leader of prophets in the Northwest region. 

I Can See Clearly Now: Doug Addison on 2014

Expect things to clear up

If things don’t seem all that clear right now, don’t worry. February’s uncertain times will become clearer towards the end of the month. Clarity is coming and some new radical positive events will start happening in March. Expect to see the clouds lift by the end of the month while God pours out encouragement in March through April.
Attacks of 2013 become authority
What were your struggles and how did the enemy attack you in 2013? Your attack in 2013 is the area of your new authority this year. In many cases, the enemy overplayed his hand against you and 2013 was about trying to get you to quit.
For those who stuck with it, God is giving new levels of authority and anointing. But there is a key to this new promotion this year: we must get rid of accusations against others. God is releasing new anointing and authority to those who are humble and able to love others.
A key verse for this time is Matthew 7:12 “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
God spoke to me that if you have anything against someone else, it is time to put it behind you. Especially if you are holding evidence saved to prove you are right. Let it go. It’s time to trust God to fight your battles and let go of any grievances because they will disqualify you from promotions this year.
New ideas and inventions
I had a prophetic dream this month that God is releasing from Heaven new strategies, ideas and inventions right now. I was standing next to an angel and suddenly a high-tech umbrella appeared in my hand that not only shielded me from the elements but also had a mist of refreshment falling down on the inside. The dream means that God’s angels will shield us while bringing a creative, inventive spirit. When we are protected by God, new divine strategies and inventions create Kingdom finances even through tough times.
I also had several dreams of violent weather. God is saying do not worry about how things look but trust that God will open up opportunities to be blessed in any situation.
God gave Isaac a strategy to reap a hundred times during a terrible famine.
Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.” Genesis 26:12
In every downturn there’s always a way to reap. Ask God for eyes to see what you can do right now in your situation.
Super Bowl score
Even though the Super Bowl was not that super this year, unless you are a Seattle Seahawks fan, the final score was intriguing to me. I felt it was significant and knew that again, like last year, it was not intended to say that God is judging.
Taking a look at the final score, Seahawks 43 to Broncos 8, God led me to some powerful verses packed in Isaiah 43 which many of us know. Here God brings comfort during rough times, forming us into people of godly character, able to lead others by following Holy Spirit into new things (Isaiah 43: 1-2, 5-8 and 18-19).
Check out the verse corresponding the final score, 43-8 to Isaiah 43:8.
Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf.” Isaiah 43:8 NIV
God is opening people’s eyes and ears. People who have no idea about the power of His Spirit will be lead by those called by God’s name. Like the power of God’s spirit, who helped deaf Seahawks fullback, Derrick Coleman, who “stuck with it” and despite his disability, gained much new authority.
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19
God’s challenge in the game of life is to take comfort during character-forming times. Your heart’s re-shaping helps you and others show God’s awesome goodness. Read through the entire chapter of Isaiah 43 because it is packed full of promises from God to pray into your life.
New type of religious spirit
I was featured in Darren Wilson’s documentary, Father of Lights. In the film, we were doing outreach on Venice Beach but a group of highly religious, judgmental sign carriers, a.k.a. Bible Thumpers, were shutting down the spiritual atmosphere.
I prayed and blessed the guy with one of the angry signs. When we think of religious spirits, usually we think of this group. But God showed me there is a new type of religious spirit that is being released in the Church today.
This new type of religious spirit is now active in charismatic and evangelical Christians. Many people that are operating in this new covert legalistic spirit believe they are truly nonreligious. In reality, they are falling into judgment.
When God does something new, quite often the previous movement is judgmental towards it. This is repeated throughout church history. God is doing something new right now to draw in people who have been rejected by Christianity. I have been encouraging people everywhere to embrace anyone who needs God and not judge them.
Before we can help others, we must ask God to look at our own hearts and see if there is any judgment against others.
I’ve been praying a prayer for a while, “God, show me what the enemy does not want me to see about myself.” And also, “God, reveal to me anything I might have in my heart towards others.” As we get rid of judgment, we are better able to embrace people who are different than us.
Let’s pray together that God would help us be more persistent so we can “stay in it.” And we would have judgment-free eyes to see clearly and find new ways to hear how to use our new authority to touch many.

Doug Addison

February 14, 2014

The Seahawks Win as a Sign

In the year 2000, God spoke to Michael Danforth, a prophet in the Pacific Northwest, about a Northwest sports team that would “rise up and win the championship.” When we see that happen, He said, it would be a sign that a “curse mentality” would be broken over the Pacific Northwest.

Seahawk’s prophecy by Michael Danforth:

Fall of 2000, God spoke to Michael about a professional pro sports team in Northwest winning a national championship. Originally, he thought it would be the Mariners. When this would happen, it would be a sign that a curse mentality over the Northwest would be broken. In 2000, the Seahawks were one of the ten worst teams for defense in the history of the NFL. Globally, people looked at the Seahawks with certain expectations.  The Lord began to show Michael the intentions of God concerning the Seahawk’s entering into a championship. This was all a step of faith because the Seahawks were one of the worst teams in the NFL.

The Lord began to say to Michael that when the Seahawks win the championship, it would be a sign that a curse mentality would be broken over the Northwest.  This is governmental related which is a mindset that decreases your potential. It’s being governed by your perception of how you’re being viewed.  This mindset controls us. Because it’s government related, we rise above it when the curse is broken.

When curse mentality is broken, it no longer rules us. This prophetic word over the Northwest means that there will be a spiritual shift in government over the land. It will initially impact the natural government in the land. We are now on the threshold of what we’re going to witness in the natural. Believe this for our own lives, our ministries, our businesses, etc., to have a shift of government that God has placed within our hands.

We can still live under a cursed mentality if we don’t understand the potential given us as Children of God. The Seahawks were on the verge of being sold. In 2010, Pete Carroll was made the head coach and brought young players that had the potential of making a good team. This one man (the momentum) saw the potential in these people where most others saw them as a group of misfits. He helped them see who they actually were; not just who people thought they were. It began to create a motion and stir something in the players that brought them to their greatest potential. Agreement always starts with one… they see something a certain way and others begin to come along and see it, too. There’s a momentum that is built up.

This agreement within the Seahawks broke a barrier. They said “We will no longer be under this mindset.” As we do the same, we will rise above… Much like the Seahawks, people are beginning to move with great purpose in areas that others can’t see. The Seahawks saw things that others didn’t see. We saw all the “12’s” (people and numbers in the game itself) as a prophetic sign of a governmental shift.  It’s the power of agreement. The “twelves” were saying “break the barrier, break the curse” when you heard “Go Seahawks!”  There were lots of 12 indicators (12 seconds into each half of the game scoring points, the 12th man outnumbering the other fans in the stadium, etc.). Lots of  number 12’s involved in this recent championship encounter. The intent and purpose is very prophetic.

Pacific Northwest, get ready because there’s a major breakthrough coming! A gateway has literally opened up and people will begin to see themselves differently. The enemy will try to distort that but continue to pray against that. The bottom line is that the gates of Hell will not prevail… it means government (gates refer to government). A gate/barrier has been broken. Pray the purpose and purity of what this shift is meant to produce will do so.

This requires participation. Even though there is a prophetic word and declaration, it still requires participation of those involved. For example, this meant that the Seahawks had to play their best game. Whoever played the best game would win. Any prophetic word spoken over our lives, we still have to continue to do our part. We have to advance and move forward into the prophetic word over our own lives.

God is using all of this to bring to our attention to bring things forth. The key is agreement… When God spoke to Ezekiel, he wanted him to come into agreement. “Can these bones live?” Ezekiel says, “Yes.” When he got into agreement with God, he was then told to prophesy over the bones. So, Ezekiel prophesied over the bones, just like we have to do in our own lives. This is no different than Coach Carroll coming into agreement concerning the potential of a team. Then, the team came into agreement with what their coach had declared over them. They stepped up to the plate and played their best game. We have to continue to do our part and move forward, just like the Seahawk’s did. In addition, Russell Wilson (quarterback) said, “Why not us?” The team came into agreement with him and walked that out until the very last moments of the game.

All it takes is one individual to make a change. Take the life of Jesus and notice the affect he’s had on the entire world.

What is being said about the Northwest won’t come without its challenges. But, God is really wanting us to rise up into a greater sphere of understanding and the authority that we have. The world view of the Seahawks and the Northwest won’t be the same any more. The enemy has underestimated our potential. We have the ability to rise to the occasion and do what we’re destined to do in the earth.

Additional notes after listening to prophecy:
A curse mentality is not necessarily a curse; it’s a mentality. Changing that mentality will require doing something different than we’ve previously done.
In order for prophecy to be fulfilled, we must walk it out and do our part. Sitting and waiting is never an option if we desire to see fulfillment.
Prayer to keep the enemy shut down is important. His goal is to rob, kill, and destroy. If we let him, he’ll do it.
We have the ABILITY to rise to the occasion and do what we’re destined to do in the earth. The question is… will we do it?

Watch the video:

Word from Michael Danforth 
Notes courtesy of Del Hungerford

Comment: This posting includes a video. If you are unable to see the video in the emailed or on a mobile device, then go to the website: to see it on the web page.


ACPE Word of the Lord for 2014

Each year, as we have since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders meets before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011 we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that, this year, we consider fully seasoned members of our round table and we include their input as well into the word of the Lord.
The ACPE carries the conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. So, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each have brought to the round table meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2014, it should be noted that the ACPE believes that the Lord speaks more in seasons, as opposed to our calendar years, and in the past few years we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words has been continuing for several years and is intensifying.
It is also important to note that intercession can diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment – and in some cases may avert them all together. In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with admonitions attached to them.
As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years of 2011-13, and noted that the Lord continues to speak regarding some of the trends spoken in those years. So let us reiterate. The timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more in a season than a calendar year, and the words given are not fate or karma, but can be changed subject to how God’s people respond.


2014 – The Year of the Double

There is a spiritual significance to both the Hebraic calendar year 5774, which we have entered, and the year 2014, which tie together in quite an interesting way. The Hebraic year 5774 typologically indicates that we will “see the door” or “know the way in which we should go,” while the year 2014—being a fourteen, or two sevens—signifies “the double.” Taken together, one could consider this to be a season of double doors.
Isaiah 45:1-3
“Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held – To subdue nations before him, And loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut.
I will go before you And make the crooked places straight, I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron,
I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Amthe God of Israel.”
The prophets’ council was encouraged this year to be able to give quite an encouraging word for the coming year. This is not to say that there will not be continued shakings, but there is also an open door for acceleration and the accomplishment of dreams that have seemingly been put on hold or delayed.


Fourteen—The Number of Double Perfection

While we understand that we are not to be overly mystical, the Bible is a book of numbers, and fourteen is very significant biblical number. Fourteen represents double completion, and is used powerfully in the Bible to iterate this fact. Following are some examples of the significance of fourteen in scripture:



Matthew 1:17
“So all the generations from Abraham to David are FOURTEEN generations, from David until the captivity of Babylon are FOURTEEN generations, and from the captivity of Babylon until the Christ are FOURTEEN generations.”
There is a shifting of mantles from one generation to another that is taking place. Leaders need to look for their successors and allow the next generation to take their place or a move of God will be missed.


The Fear of the Lord

The number fourteen is also connected with the fear of the Lord and is used 14 times in the book of Proverbs. God is going to put the fear of the Lord back into the Church and this will be seen through a new holiness movement. New endurance will be given to those who stand for holiness in all of society. This will manifest in a unique way through those who are called to media and the film industry. A “John the Baptist” type anointing will fall upon young evangelists to preach in such a way that true, deep conversions will result in dramatic turning away from sin to a life of holiness.


Deliverance and Salvation

The number fourteen represents deliverance and salvation and is used 22 times as such in the Bible.
God is going to not only give His people a double portion of favor and influence in this coming year, but wants us to manifest this in others’ lives. In essence, we are carriers of God’s blessings to others such as Elisha was to the city of Jericho. He had a double portion of Elijah’s mantle and used it to heal the waters of the entire city.

The Door of Hope

In this season that represents a door, one of the most encouraging words we’ve received is that God is opening a door of hope.
Hosea 2:15
“There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.”
Hope is the absolute expectation of something good.
Many who have experienced great hopelessness and have even said, “I am so glad that 2013 is over,” will receive new joy and hope in this coming season. This hope will be supernatural in nature.
Job 14: 7-9
“For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth And its stump may die in the ground, Yet, at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.”
Part of the hope will come as God moves His people from a place of confusion in their lives to a place of clarity. Many have not been able to see their way and find direction for their future, but there is coming a new view. They will see the door or gate.


United States

The Lord is going to give the United States another opportunity to redeem herself. America has turned away from God and, as prophecies have spoken, has lost a measure of greatness across the face of the earth. However, there is a second chance coming to the nation.
There is a battle for the soul of the nation that will manifest in the election of 2014 but the Lord has some surprises up His sleeve. There will continue to be polarity between liberals and conservatives, but those states who stand for biblical values versus those who don’t will experience an increase in blessing.
However, the pressure in some states, particularly on the coasts, will cause people to cry out to God. A new move of God will break out in upstate New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The fires of God will also visit Seattle, Washington once again, as God pushes the reset button on this city that is the birthplace of the Charismatic Movement.
Latinos will move out in leadership and influence. A major move of revival around the world will be spear-headed by the Latino community.


Governmental leaders

The seeds of a new political party that will align with both righteousness and justice are sprouting in the nation. There is a shift in political landscapes that will result in new alignments, and these alignments will surprise and even shock people. The United States is at a place where there will be a new “party of Lincoln,” with revolutionary reformers arising. It will have a heart for social justice – fighting human trafficking, poverty, racism and abortion; and it will marry this with biblical values. One of its attributes will be a fiscal plan that, when put in place, will eliminate the national debt. Again, it should be noted that this is not going to happen within a one year period of time and will require much intercession.
Those who have purified themselves and have been faithful are about to be released at a national level. This is the season for Esthers, Daniels and Josephs to arise and influence key positions in government. It is a key time for women in government who must arise and answer the call to engage.
Native Americans are going to come to a new, visible place of government.
A righteousness movement is going to arise out of the African American community in the United States and it will start something new that will greatly impact both communities and the nation. This will be, in essence, a new civil rights movement that will bring the nation back to purity and holiness, without compromising the stand for justice.
Miracles Linked to the Ending of Abortion
The ending of abortion for the United States will be one spiritual factor in opening up a new move of miracles. After 1973, and the legalization of abortion, the United States came under a curse that will begin lifting with the ending of 2013. This is the year for the re-birth of the signs and wonders movement and the birthing of the saints’ movement for evangelism and miracles.


The Refiner’s Fire

There is, along with the previous things, a renewed groundswell of moral values. Many leaders have been in the refiner’s fire and have been prepared to be moved into new levels of leadership.
In the United States’ political landscape, there is a new “black robe regiment” of pastors arising, such as in the early days of the nation, who will refuse to compromise biblical values and will be unashamed and unafraid to preach truth from their pulpits.


Jesus People Movement

The U.S. is in the midst of another Jesus People Movement, like that of the late 60’s and early 70’s. In a sense, prior to now, it seems that we have been in a “prophetic lull” in which the Lord has been quiet concerning the future, but this has been in God’s strategic plan. For behind the scenes He has been preparing a new generation of leaders that have a double-portion anointing on them. They are the new Jesus People and they are an unstoppable army with passion and compassion – passion for the lost and compassion for those who are enslaved by poverty, human trafficking and other injustices.
There is a divine convergence of the anointing of the past moves of God with the strength and vitality of the present, and these Jesus People will far exceed even the great generals of the past. Cities that once had both governmental and historic revival anointings will be impacted. New Orleans will be a city that the Holy Spirit will visit in a special way.
These bright shining stars will burst upon the scene in the nations of the earth. They are going to begin to operate in miracles such as this present generation has only read about, dreamt about, and prayed to see happen. Hospitals across the world will become open to having healing rooms for prayer. As intercession is released for the medical community and researchers, new medical breakthroughs for cancer and other seemingly incurable diseases will be released from heaven.
The news media will be gripped by what they see. Stories will be verified. The sports mountain or sector will continue to be impacted and the move of God among players will escalate. Whole teams will be seen “taking two” and kneeling down to pray, both before and after games. Even opposing teams will be seen doing his, and the liberal press will not be able to intervene because of the sway of public opinion. Even as in the Welsh revival, in which sports games were affected, so it will be at this time.
Unreached regions of the world will open up – regions that have been largely unevangelized. It is truly harvest time. This Jesus People movement will have a kingdom focus and a reformational mindset that will lead to transformation.


Harvest and Stadiums

New mantles will fall even as they did upon Billy Graham, and stadiums will be filled. Great faith will arise for the finances for these events. They will be used of God to spark moves of the Lord in whole cities. A new sound of worship will arise out of these stadiums that will have the Body of Christ singing harvest songs. They will be sent out with the anointing to harvest the nations.


Psalm 133 Unity

A new move of unity will come to the Church, particularly among the youth on campuses and in the House of Prayer movements. Their adherence will be to the Lord Jesus rather than to a denomination. We received an admonition to beware of deception and Satan trying to bring division into these movements.


Admonition to the Prophetic Movement

There has been a weariness that has come into the prophetic movement. This is a time to re-fire your passion for God and not to pull back into your comfort zone. There is even a testing coming to the prophets to see who will be moved into a larger measure of visibility in the future.


The United States’ Original Colonies

The original 13 colonies of the U.S are going to receive a special visitation from God in the coming years. The “Prince of Greece” of secular humanism that has affected the Ivy League universities is going to come down and the beginnings of a Third Great Awakening will take place in such colleges as Harvard and Yale.


Governmental Intercession

There is going to be a fresh move of God to pray for governments across the face of the earth. In the past season, there has been a widespread understanding of what became known as “harp and bowl” intercession, based on Revelation 5:8:
“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”
In this coming season, God is going to mainstream into the House of Prayer movement a type of governmental intercession currently known in some intercessory circles as “Crown and Throne” intercession, wherein the Lord wants us to make covenant with Him to establish His throne of authority in worship and waiting before Him. From this, His governance can be manifested in the earth.
This would mirror on earth what happens in heaven as written in Revelation 4:10-11:
“The twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
“’You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.’”
This depicts the recognition by thrones and dominions that God is worthy to receive the glory and honor and power of those thrones and dominions by right of creation, and the fact that what heaven is modeling should be recognized by thrones (nations) on earth.
There was a sense that God is going to discipline earthly leaders who have decided that they are going to move the boundaries that the Lord, Himself, has set up for the governance of nations.


Children’s Movement

Reports are coming in from around the world of the anointing for prophetic utterance falling upon little children in places like France. There was an outpouring upon the children of the Huguenots in the late 1600’s and it is happening again. A new Samuel generation is arising and small children as young as two to ten years old will prophesy! They will receive key visions and dreams that will give direction even to the adults in their lives.
There are babies in the womb now and those just being born who are “revival babies.” God has given a unique anointing and giftedness to these very special little ones.


The Threshing Floor

During this season of harvest and revelation, there is going to come a threshing. Harvest always involves a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. God is going to deal with spiritual deception and false doctrine. We must watch and pray against deception.
We all realized that the intercessory movement, in general, has gone through a season of great weariness. However, the Lord will pour out upon the prayer movements a new vitality to “thresh in prayer” and see our nations align with God’s purposes during this new season.
The threshing floor was always built in a place to catch the wind. The teaching gift will bring a new, fresh wind of God along with the signs, wonders, and miracles. The chaff, as it were, of unbelief is going to be blown away.
Grace will come upon the Church to build in this time in order to have “silos” to keep the harvest. Many who have believed for property and new space will see that this is the time to move out in faith and God will supernaturally provide.
There was an admonition given to watch against Satan trying to divide and scatter the Church in the midst of the fresh wind of God blowing in this season. We must “guard our threshing floors” or churches, homes and places of ministry.
Symbolically, the threshing floor was the place where David made sacrifice to break the curse upon the nation. There is coming a deep conviction of giving one’s life as well as finances to build the Kingdom on many levels. This will include a move of God for world harvest.


Robbing Spirit

Satan has brought great attacks against the Body of Christ to “rob” us and cause us to believe that God does not hear and that there are certain things that are “just life.” This robbing spirit wants to get us to accept second best instead of God’s highest for our lives.
There is a special anointing in this year of the double to command that Satan pay back what he has robbed from us. Flu Season We feel that Satan is going to try and release a new strain of flu to break out, that is quite virulent – and we must both pray and guard against its effects.



Corruption will be exposed among government officials and some who have felt they were immune to being seen will be revealed as liars.
Corruption will be exposed in some mining industries, including coal mining.


Stand on Guard

The Houses of Prayer need to mobilize strategically to stand on guard for their nations at this time. We must stand on guard and not allow our prayer movements to become weary, but remain watching on the wall.
New super storms will try to develop and God is giving new authority to intercessors to legislate against them. Be aware and stand on guard.
The Church needs to be alert and sensitive – stand on guard in order to restrain things done in secret that will attempt to adversely affect our nations.


Double Restitution

The law of restitution will have a particular significance in this year as we go to the court of heaven for justice.
Exodus 22:4, 7, 9
“If the stolen animal is found alive in his (a thief’s) possession — whether ox or donkey or sheep — he (the thief)must pay back double.
“If a man gives his neighbor silver or goods for safekeeping and they are stolen from the neighbor’s house, the thief, if he is caught, must pay back double.
“In all cases of illegal possession of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or any other lost property about which somebody says, ‘This is mine,’ both parties are to bring their cases before the judges. The one whom the judges declare guilty must pay back double to his neighbor.”
Job 42:10
“And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.” These verses all show that restitution was to be paid double. This is very significant as 2014 is the year of the double.
An admonition was given to call back, with a double portion, those things Satan has robbed us of in the past years. Many have lost much financially in the last number of years and this is a time for both restoration and restitution. Double return of lost finances should be called in and this will manifest for many in the next few years.


Worship Movement

The Tabernacle of David will begin to come together with a “Circuit Riders Movement” as worship and evangelism begin to function together as prophesied in Acts 15:16. Local churches will begin to incorporate 24/7 prayer into the life of the Church.
Acts 15:16
“After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up.”


7 Mountains Movement

Kingdom influence in this mountain will increase in the coming years. The mountains of arts/entertainment and media will see huge strides as young directors and filmmakers make their voices heard in a non-religious way that will bring wholesome content to the theaters.
Young film graduates will launch undercover film projects which will ultimately expose social injustices. These will rally people to take action against what was once being done in darkness.
Mentoring connections will come together in the industry and Bible studies will spring up among those in media and film.
Families will begin to pray together once again. Fathers will rise up and begin to pray both with and for their children each day. It is time to light the family altar. Restoration of families in fulfillment of Malachi 4:6 will escalate and the prodigals will return to the Lord.
Malachi 4:6
“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
New leadership in this mountain will arise and put structures in place in a way that would be system disruptors. God is going to release greater revelation to the Christian business sector. Witty innovations will be created which will produce dramatic results. For example, there will be a rise of disruptive technology in Africa that will aid clean water projects throughout the continent.


Transfer of Wealth

Revelation regarding the transfer of wealth will also take on a new scale as those who have accumulated wealth begin to move into the seven mountains. This is already happening in a covert way and there will be surprise “take-overs” of some major media outlets – from news magazines, newspapers and television outlets.
New forms of philanthropy will arise and believers will burst to the top of their mountains almost out of nowhere.
Many Josephs are coming to the end of their testing. There is a linking of funding from Asia to the right people in other nations who will strategically channel the funds.
Medical inventions will also come forth that will bring both healing to many and finances into the business sector.
God is going to increasingly reveal new disruptive technological innovation to kingdom minded marketplace leaders, which will release wealth. Coupled with this wealth creation, new economic strategies for the elimination of systemic poverty will be voiced by many in the Christian business community.


Words for Nations

Middle East
There is a coming move of God among the children and youth in Israel. We felt that the Lord has allowed the situation with Iran to continue for a season to cause an awakening in Israel.
A continued division between the Sunni and Shia denominations of Islam will escalate. This division will give a remarkable open door for the gospel to be spread by the Church in the Middle East as the contrast between light and dark, Jesus and Islam, is going to be seen. The prayer movement of Isaiah 19 will emerge in a stronger way than ever before.
Large numbers of Muslims are both coming and going to come to the Lord. There are 22 new houses of prayer in Egypt.
A warning was given that a drought is coming to both the Euphrates and the Nile so prayer is needed.
Iran’s nuclear power is like a Tower of Babel that will eventually topple.
Syria, Lebanon, Northern Iraq
Beauty for ashes is coming for the people of God in this region. Little children will have visitations from God, even in the refugee camps.
We see a continued shaking for a season but this will cause the old worship structures to begin to topple. These will occur in “suddenlies.” It is important to align with Egypt in prayer as this strategic nation will become a shining light for the Lord and “out of Egypt” will come a great move of God that will impact the nations of the earth.
An awakening movement is beginning to ignite Europe. France, as mentioned earlier, is stirring to awaken. The wells of revival in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland will re-open and this will cause England to look and see what God is doing and be impacted by their moves of God.
A new generation of Abraham Kuypers is going to touch this nation and the Netherlands will arise to a new position of authority. There is an admonition to the Church to come into a new level of unity and the love of the brethren. Satan will try to split the Body of Christ wide open and stop the nation from moving to this level of authority, so prayer is needed.
China will continue to increase. The one-child policy will continue to crumble and its end will signal a new season of fruitfulness upon the whole continent.
University campuses will be touched by the power of God across China.
There is a new generation of Japanese leaders who are going to be passionate to see their nation touched by the power of God. Watch and see them arise and even impact the international scene.
The Church that has plateaued in Korea will begin to grow. Evangelists will come to the front. The film and music industry will experience a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong must come to the forefront concerning finances and economic strategies that will impact the world.
Look to see this nation burst upon the scene in influence across all the face of the earth.
Rim of Fire Nations
The nations known as “Rim of Fire” or “Ring of Fire” will become ablaze for God. The Philippines, Indonesia, and other islands of the sea will “erupt” with a move of God. It is harvest time. This, of course, will take place over differing periods of time.
The House of Prayer movement from Indonesia will send missionaries across the Middle East and the face of the earth in such closed areas as North Korea and God will give supernatural favor to these “prayer missionaries.”
Things will continue to shake but with these shakings the Church is going to arise and impact the whole nation in many levels of society.
The Mediterranean Region
Greece is going to arise out of its intense shakings as the power of the prince of Greece is being broken and the prayers of the saints for this historic and important nation are manifested. Many Mediterranean areas will begin to experience sparks that will become flames of fire. It is critical to pray for protection against terrorism concerning the sea borders in the Mediterranean.

A Summary of Prophetic Revelation about the Wave of God

Prophets have been seeing this image of a wave coming from God for decades. Here are some things the prophets are discerning about the wave. This is not an exhaustive list.
§         The wave is a metaphor for a move of God, a revival, a renewal, an outpouring.
§         This is an answer to our prayers. This is what we’ve asked for. This tidal wave is God’s answer to our desperate prayers.
§         We’ve experienced waves in the past. They were small ones, preparations, so that we had the opportunity to not be overwhelmed by the one coming, so we would not respond in fear.
§         The wave (outpouring) that is coming to us will notbe in terms or means that are familiar to us. It will be different than what we’ve experienced before in both kind and degree: it will be a different kind of move of God, and it will be more powerful than what we’ve read about in history or experienced in previous decades.
§         The key to being part of this wave (as opposed to being damaged by it) is Matthew 5:3 (“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”). Unless we are poor in spirit, the Kingdom of Heavenis not ours.
§         The tools that we’ve developed in previous years, whether we’re describing networks or organizations, understandings, giftings, anointings, study tools, even much of our knowledge about God (our “theology”) will not serve us in the coming outpouring. Years of experience in God is not an advantage to being part of this wave.
§         In this wave, signs and wonders will be commonplace, and not considered remarkable. The power of God will be more present in this wave than in the training waves that have come before.
§         The enemy fears this move of God, and will do all he can to distract both saints and sinners from the work of God. There will be more “war against the saints” than there will be “false signs and wonders.”  For those paying attention, it will not be hard to discern the work of God from the work of the devil; fear is not called for. For those who are not paying attention, this discernment will not be the greatest difficulty they face.
§         This wave, this outpouring of God, will not be limited to only a few locations, or only a few meetings. This outpouring will be equally available to individuals inside the churches and individuals outside of them. It will be a mistake to say, “You must come to this meeting, you must do this or that, in order to experience the move of God.”
§         Relationships will be a key in this move of God: relationships with other believers, relationships with community, relationship with God himself. Much of the power and the favor of this outpouring will be through the vehicle of relationships. Guard your relationships.
§         This “tidal wave” outpouring has already begun. Currently, it is hard to see in the natural, like a tidal wave is hard to see in the open ocean, where it’s just a larger-than-average ripple in the surface of the deep. It’s only when it reaches the shore does it rise up and display the power in it, and it has only begun to rise up.
§         Because it is so small, because it is unfamiliar, because we think we’re ready, most people can’t recognize it yet. But our inability to recognize it does not limit the power or breadth of this tidal wave outpouring.
§         We cannot stop the wave, and we can no longer delay it. We cannot escape it. We can only ride with the wave, or we can be overwhelmed by it.
Summarized by Norwest Prophetic, with input from many others, both online and off.

2014 The Year of Recovery and Discovery

A Fruitful Year Indeed
As I was praying for the Word of the Lord for 2014, I saw Two Hands break-through the clouds and reach out over the Earth. Hands speak of power, the Power of God manifest. On one Hand was the word “Recovery,” and on the other hand was the word “Discovery.” One hand was reaching back and the other hand was reaching forward. Then the Spirit of the Lord said, “It will be a Fruitful Year Indeed.”
2014 Will be The Year of Recovery and Discovery
Let me first share about the word Recovery and how it applies to you and the world. This was the Hand that was “reaching back.” There will be a substantial turn around of the world economy in 2014. The economies in the USA, Europe, Canada and Mexico, to name a few, will see a significant breakthrough in their economies. The outlook is turning positive, and many that are willing to take risk, will benefit.
A Recovery of That which was Lost
The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me that there will be a “Recovery of that which was Lost.” Things and People that have been lost will be found and restored back to their rightful place, position or owner. As a Prophetic sign, many will recover “lost objects,” like rings and watches and coins. Much of that which was lost in the Great Recession will be recovered. There is an anointing to “Break-In” and take back what the devil stole. God will give Divine Strategies for recovery to those who wait upon Him. And the Lord gives me 1 Sam.30:8, what God said to David, is for you! “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.”
The Mercy and Love of God will be so evident to those that have repented, concerning that which they had lost in their own foolishness or disobedience. Much will be restored back to them. Joel 2:25 & 26:
“I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten…you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the Name of the Lord Who has dealt wondrously with you.”
The Lost will be Found
Many people will “Find their way out of the Maize” and say, I can see clearly now, for in the recovery, confusion will be broken. Direction will come, Faith will arise again. Many people will “Lock In” to their purpose in 2014.
Lazarus will come Forth
For those who thought it was all over, for those who thought it was dead, for those who said it is too late now, God will raise up for His glory. Yes, the dead will be raised in this recovery, dead ministries will come forth out of the caves and out of the graves and go forth in power.
Hope that was lost will now be found. Addictions will also be broken in 2014. This is what has destroyed many lives over the past years. But a Divine exchange to an addiction to the “Most High” will take place. There is an anointing to Break-Off that which binds, and to be released from strongholds.
A Time of Discovery is Here
The Spirit of the Lord will take you “Beyond the Boundaries” of what you know in 2014. Each year we discover that the Universe is much bigger than we had imagined. If the Heavens declare the Glory of God, then the Heavens themselves could be beyond measure, infinite, as the Glory of the Lord is beyond measure. Your world is about to become a bigger place. Break on through to the other side. This is a Quantum Leap year in knowledge. Many will grab hold of truth that they could not understand before. The creative power of God will be revealed in many avenues of knowledge. The Glory of the Lord will be revealed, and the Saints will explore these new realms of Glory, in a continual flow of revelation and deeper understanding.
God is “Expanding our Horizons” in 2014 beyond logic, as His glory, many times, breaks the rules and the laws of science and nature. 2014 will be a “mind blowing year” with inventions and innovations. This is also a Time of Acceleration, a busy Year where much is revealed, much is accomplished, as you go about your Father’s business. Scientific Breakthroughs will come, Technological Breakthroughs will come, and Medical Breakthroughs will come. Death and sickness will be dealt a blow in 2014.
“A Fruitful Year Indeed”
The Spirit of the Lord says, “Those who sow the seed will reap the harvest, those who tend the ground will reap of the fruit of the ground.”
Abba will make you fruitful in 2014. 2014 is a Year of Increase. Abba will make you fruitful in 2014. There are “Times of Famine” and there are “Times of Plenty” mentioned in the Bible. We are now entering into “Years of Plenty.”
There will be a strong emphasis on the “Fruit of the Spirit” in 2014
As a shopper goes through the vegetable section looking upon the fruit, first they are looking for Quality before they are looking at Quantity. So the Church will see in 2014, that the “Glory of God” which is described in Exodus 33:18-20, Ex. 34:5-7 is first about “Who He Is” before it mentions “What He Does.” 
The “refiners fire” will burn in passion and love in 2014 to make God’s people ready for quality fruit. And so the “Fruit of the Spirit”, the Character, will be emphasized before the Power. It is who you are that is more important than what you do. This Purity will bring forth a “Power Enhancement,” in expressing the Heart of God in Spirit and in Truth. The result will be Fruit By His Glory, For His Glory, and Of His Glory. We are entering into a “Fruitful Season” (Acts 14:17) believe it, confess it, and act upon it. A time of increase and breakthrough is here for you.
You should ask yourselves: “How do the words Recoveryand Discovery apply to my own life and circumstances?” I declare over you that 2014 will be a Year of Recovery and Discovery for you, a Fruitful Year, A Year of Joy, that comes with the Harvest and His Manifest Presence, and Knowing that you are Loved by Him!
Mucho Agape,
Revivalist Stephen Meyering,
