
Olympia, Washington

A group of intercessors in Redding California were praying, and God spoke to them about Olympia, Washington. Here's what came from that.

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Feel free to let these words shape your prayers for the Northwest.

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Olympia, Washington

A group of intercessors in Redding California were praying, and God spoke to them about Olympia, Washington. Here's what came from that.

Feel free to let these words shape your prayers for the Northwest.



I was sharing with Holy Spirit recently on a drive into Olympia, Washington, to help a friend and to be at a ministry meeting with another friend … and Holy Spirit began to share with me some things about the times and seasons.
As a bit of background – over the last several years many awesome men and women of God within the institutional, mainstream denominational churches, often – and suddenly – found themselves no longer part of the organizations that they had been ministering in for many years.
For some it was a voluntary move – they just knew it was time to move on to something, for others Abba had to get them across the bridge and then burn it down behind them to get them where He wanted – OFF THE GRID.
And so for many years now they have worked in obscurity, enjoyed being the Church instead of going to church, and have listened to Abba as He began to reveal hidden things for the days ahead.
Like Elijah some felt they were the only ones, but in reality, He has hidden away thousands of such individuals around the world… hidden for such a time and season as is about to come upon us.

In the natural, our nation’s power grid serves us well, unless there is a significant or unnatural load placed on it, or parts of it are impacted by events, and then it is literally lights out.
In a similar vein, our spiritual power grid has served us well over the decades, but it has become stressed and weak in many areas and any significant spiritual issue or attack could cause it to crash isolating pockets of believers around the nation in spiritual dimness – and in some areas, darkness.
Today, Holy Spirit showed me that one of the reasons Abba has taken so many “off the grid” is that He needed to restore and upgrade many key sections and transformer in the old system and could only do it when they were off line.
Today I heard Abba clearly say
So be prepared and ready to be plugged back into His power system, be ready to take on a significant power shift, and to ensure that His power gets to those who need it…

Martin Best, 

Northwest Prophetic is a public record of prophetic words that have been declared either to, about or from the greater Pacific Northwest: Canada's lower mainland through northern California.

Please use these prophecies to understand more of God's heart about the destiny of our region, and to pray for that destiny, and for the move of God in our region. join the conversation at 



I was sharing with Holy Spirit recently on a drive into Olympia, Washington, to help a friend and to be at a ministry meeting with another friend … and Holy Spirit began to share with me some things about the times and seasons.
As a bit of background – over the last several years many awesome men and women of God within the institutional, mainstream denominational churches, often – and suddenly – found themselves no longer part of the organizations that they had been ministering in for many years.
For some it was a voluntary move – they just knew it was time to move on to something, for others Abba had to get them across the bridge and then burn it down behind them to get them where He wanted – OFF THE GRID.
And so for many years now they have worked in obscurity, enjoyed being the Church instead of going to church, and have listened to Abba as He began to reveal hidden things for the days ahead.
Like Elijah some felt they were the only ones, but in reality, He has hidden away thousands of such individuals around the world… hidden for such a time and season as is about to come upon us.
In the natural, our nation’s power grid serves us well, unless there is a significant or unnatural load placed on it, or parts of it are impacted by events, and then it is literally lights out.
In a similar vein, our spiritual power grid has served us well over the decades, but it has become stressed and weak in many areas and any significant spiritual issue or attack could cause it to crash isolating pockets of believers around the nation in spiritual dimness – and in some areas, darkness.
Today, Holy Spirit showed me that one of the reasons Abba has taken so many “off the grid” is that He needed to restore and upgrade many key sections and transformer in the old system and could only do it when they were off line.
Today I heard Abba clearly say
So be prepared and ready to be plugged back into His power system, be ready to take on a significant power shift, and to ensure that His power gets to those who need it…

Martin Best, 
Northwest Prophetic is a public record of prophetic words that have been declared either to, about or from the greater Pacific Northwest: Canada‘s lower mainland through northern California.
Please use these prophecies to understand more of God’s heart about the destiny of our region, and to pray for that destiny, and for the move of God in our region. join the conversation at 


I was sharing with Holy Spirit recently on a drive into Olympia, Washington, to help a friend and to be at a ministry meeting with another friend … and Holy Spirit began to share with me some things about the times and seasons.
As a bit of background – over the last several years many awesome men and women of God within the institutional, mainstream denominational churches, often – and suddenly – found themselves no longer part of the organizations that they had been ministering in for many years.
For some it was a voluntary move – they just knew it was time to move on to something, for others Abba had to get them across the bridge and then burn it down behind them to get them where He wanted – OFF THE GRID.
And so for many years now they have worked in obscurity, enjoyed being the Church instead of going to church, and have listened to Abba as He began to reveal hidden things for the days ahead.
Like Elijah some felt they were the only ones, but in reality, He has hidden away thousands of such individuals around the world… hidden for such a time and season as is about to come upon us.

In the natural, our nation’s power grid serves us well, unless there is a significant or unnatural load placed on it, or parts of it are impacted by events, and then it is literally lights out.
In a similar vein, our spiritual power grid has served us well over the decades, but it has become stressed and weak in many areas and any significant spiritual issue or attack could cause it to crash isolating pockets of believers around the nation in spiritual dimness – and in some areas, darkness.
Today, Holy Spirit showed me that one of the reasons Abba has taken so many “off the grid” is that He needed to restore and upgrade many key sections and transformer in the old system and could only do it when they were off line.
Today I heard Abba clearly say
So be prepared and ready to be plugged back into His power system, be ready to take on a significant power shift, and to ensure that His power gets to those who need it…

Martin Best, 

Northwest Prophetic is a public record of prophetic words that have been declared either to, about or from the greater Pacific Northwest: Canada's lower mainland through northern California.

Please use these prophecies to understand more of God's heart about the destiny of our region, and to pray for that destiny, and for the move of God in our region. join the conversation at 


Spokane Portal Moved, Resurrection Outpouring To Begin In Seattle

[Editor’s note: this is not a normal word for the region, but this is not a normal season we’re in, either. I see this as either two words, or a tag-team word, from Jeff Jansen ]
Friday May 16th, 2014 I was attending a conference where Jeff Jansen and David Hogan were speaking together. Jeff was speaking about the last time he was at this particular place in Kent, Wa called the Transformation Center. He said the Lord had showed him a portal that was over Spokane, Wa which was the cause of much of the John G Lake ministries miracles and healings that have taken place in that region over the years. Jeff said this was a little over a year ago. Then the Lord moved the portal west and it currently sits over the Seattle area. The Lord said that there is something new coming and will be kindled in the Emerald City(Seattle). Jeff called it a revival of sorts.
This coming thing of God is unlike anything that has ever been done on the earth before. While Jeff Jansen was explaining this vision the Lord gave him. I was pulled up in the spirit in an instance and was overlooking the region. I asked the Lord what will become of the Olympia area that I reside in. Then I saw it.
It was an ignition of something. Very similar to that when you watch cardboard beginning to burn. The black line of converted material creeping across the cardboard until a certain point when it erupts with a great fervor. What I saw was that the interstates would act as carriers. I saw an expansion go north and south along the I-5 corridor. This continued clear down into southern California. The Freeways and roads acted like veins in the body pumping life sustaining substance to the much needed areas. I was hovering high above the Olympia area. I could see wall of fire surrounding Olympia very similar to that which started in Seattle. Upon a closer look I could see this wall of fire was a multitude of chariots of fire. In the midst of downtown Olympiawas a large whirlwind. This will be at the disposal of those that believe, chariots of fire.
I could hear Jeff now start to speak of what the Lord is doing now. He said this region will experience a Resurrection Revival. I chuckled as I heard this thinking we’ve never had one of these so not sure it can be called a revival but okay I’ll go with it. With the moving of the portal from Spokane to Seattle and the resurrection movement coming this confirms so much for many people. the Resurrection of the Dead will be the new movement of God. Not that resurrections haven’t taken place before, this time it will be so prevalent that it will remove the grey area where agnostics/ atheists like to reside when they say “I don’t know if there is a God or not”. The Signs, Wonders and Miracles will be so plentiful the agnostic grey area will disappear and force people to choose. They will have to choose the kingdomof Light or the kingdom of Darkness. This will be the beginning of the great harvest and millions will run into the kingdom of God.
So get ready and press in its going to be a wild ride. Don’t forget to have fun.
