
“Houses of Worship” – Prophetic Word

I’m hearing the Lord release a strategy – an international strategy for the hosting of His glory and His presence.

And the Lord says this, “Have I not told you in my Scriptures that I am heavy?” He says, “Have I not described myself to you as the weighty God, who carries kavod (which is the Old Testament word for glory, but it means [heavy] weight)?” And the Spirit of the Lord says this:

“My eyes have been wandering to and fro across the earth, looking for a house that can bear my heaviness. I am struggling to find a building that I can sit in and not destroy it by my size.

What you have done in your nights of worship, and what you have done in your Sunday services, have only been able to hold the partial weight of who I am. They no longer satisfy you and they no longer satisfy me. For I want to be Emmanuel, the God who is with my people.

And the Lord says, “Oh! It is the day of my ‘glory weight’. It is the day of my seatedness in the midst of my people. But He says, “I have already told you, there is only one way that we build the throne. I told you that it was in worship and praise that a throne got built for me to sit in.”

And the Lord says, “Thank you for the houses of prayer!” But He says, “It is no longer their day”. He says, “Thank you for the healing rooms, and the miracle clinics, but they will no longer hold me”. He says, “Thank you for the prophetic centres, but know in this new season [that] my glory will come on the Levites in the house of worship.”

And the Spirit of the Lord says, “I am lassoing into place an international coalition of Levites who [will be] in every continent [so that] there will be houses of worship where I can sit. This is the day of the commissioning of the international houses of worship, and the gathering, the anointing, and the appointing of their leadership team in the earth – and of those who will populate the song and the sound”.

I am watching the globe, and I am watching it spin, and I am seeing where in the world (like little red lights) there are houses of worship. And the Lord says, “If you will give a sacrifice of worship around the clock to me, you will come into a level of my glory that you have not even begun to dream is possible, for all you know to ask me is, “Do it again”….

…[because] all you know to [ask] now is for a revival that you understand because you’ve read about it in history.” The Lord says, “I will not do that again. So stop asking me for it. You are praying in error by asking for a revival of the old. What I want to do is sit with glory, like I have never been able to do before on the earth in your history. And from that place… AND FROM THAT PLACE… will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth.”

“These are your instructions. Build me a house of worship! Build me a house of worship!”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Do you now see why there was such a fight over worship? Do you now see why you prophesied ‘new sound’, but you could never access it? Do you see that this was always the contention area – and satan knew it – because this is where I have chosen – and how I have chosen – to bring my throne.”

And the Lord says: “Musicians!” He says, “Musicians!” (I am watching those of low skill suddenly get this appetite for practice, and suddenly get a skilled “musicianary” capability. And those with expertise already [will also] get a sound and a fresh anointing. And the Lord says, “Oh worship leaders! The previous season capped you. You could see there was more but it was like glass above your heads. This day, as I release the instruction, the glass above you shatters – and you now know what you must build me.

I will have the European sound, and I will have the African sound, and I will have the Latin American sound. I will have the Asian sound, I will have the Antipodean sound. I will have the sound of the Arctic, and the sound of the people of Greenland – and Iceland. The Lord says, “Oh Reykjavik, from you there will be such a sound from the North, and Oh Cape Town, there will be such a sound from the South!”

And, “Oh America!”, He says, “I will burn your musicians first. I will rescue some from a franchise model, that a sound may come forth. And He says to your First Nations people, “There is an anointing of sound on you that was lost for hundreds of years, and the sound of the First Nations will come back into the limelight, and you will break the ground open for plantings of signs and wonders in this nation”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Cairo, Cairo, Cairo! No longer will you be a place known for the pyramids, but you will be known for building me a house of worship. And these houses of worship will light up the grid and be joined up. And I will put my angels to fly between the houses of worship, and there will be a sharing – where one house breaks through, all the houses will break through together, for I will unify the houses of worship, and they will be a remnant army in the earth.

And they will share what they preach, and they will share their best practices, for I will have them not competitive, but I will have them rise, and I will have them rise!

And I will put worship apostles back in the earth”, says the Lord. “It is the anointing of the ‘apostles of worship’.” The Lord says this: “You thought that apostles just preached. You SHUT DOWN the apostolic grace from your musicians, you shut down the prophetic grace from your musicians.” And the Lord says right now, “I make apostolic and prophetic worship leaders. I am putting together apostolic and prophetic worship leaders, and they will be prophetically-apostolic and apostolically-prophetic.
They will lead, and they will LEAD, AND THEY WILL LEAD! And they will lead in the nations of the earth.” “Lagos”, God says, “Nigeria. Even in Lagos, there will be a sound that comes forth.”
And the Lord says, “I will not put these houses of worship in obvious places in America.”

[Emma comments]: Do you know what I’m most grieved about? I’ve not seen before that we’ve ripped the apostolic off worship leaders. So therefore they never had sound strategy, they just had sound. We did that to them. That is a sin.

So we bless you worship leaders to be apostolic. We bless you to be the sent ones with strategies of sound. You’re going to have strategies of sound. You’re going to have building grace, because apostles have building grace. You’re going to know what it is to build ‘sound mountains’ – ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth. I don’t even know what that is but the Lord says that there are going to be ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth that rise above all the other mountains. And the sound that comes from apostolic worship leaders will be a sign that many will flock to – to find Jesus.

Then the Lord says this, “Kanye West is a small first fruit”. The Lord says, “What satan gave to the Beatles, I will give the holy version to the apostolic worship leaders.”

"Houses of Worship" - Prophetic Word
Emma Stark
Fremont, CA June 10, 2022

Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark,
Glasgow, Scotland

(Note: Northern California is considered part of the Pacific Northwest.) ------------ She clarified afterwards:

Given in Fremont , CA on 10th June 2022.
To help you weigh, test and respond to this word, we have included some explanatory/interpretive comments in the footnotes. We only see in part and prophesy in part. We therefore urge you to pray and seek the Holy Spirit to help you understand, interpret and apply this prophecy.

The paragraph on the first page that mentions houses of prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy has already generated a lot of discussion since the word was first published on social media. Therefore, in addition to the footnotes, we offer the following clarifying comment:

David and I love prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy and the houses that have pioneered and specialised in these ministries, especially in recent decades. We deeply honour and thank God for those who serve and have served in these houses. We ourselves have led or served in such places over the years. We still do!

We believe that prayer, healing, miracles and prophecy must not cease in the body of Christ! In fact, they must increase! The term ‘house of prayer’ is completely Biblical and is found in Isaiah 56:7, and is referred to by Jesus. We affirm the work of house of prayer organisations all over the world!

It is our interpretation of this prophetic word that God is not criticising or condemning the work of houses of prayer (or the other ministries mentioned). On the contrary, in the prophetic word the Lord specifically thanks His servants for these places.

So, for clarity: this word is NOT about not praying or in any way demeaning the importance of prayer and those places that are specifically called to pray. The focus of the word is very clearly on something else - houses of worship - and the new wine structures where, as the word goes on to say,

“ ...from that place will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth...” Prayer will be fundamental in this, of course!

When houses of prayer were pioneered on the earth following prophetic words, such as in the 1990-2000s, it did not mean the end of local churches, teaching ministries, worship and so on.

Similarly, to take this word as a word to end prayer, miracles, healing and prophetic ministries would be probably stretching it beyond its meaning.

Finally, at the end, when Emma is commenting on the word she has given, she urges us to not sow into places that are old wineskins or partnered with the political spirit. For the avoidance of doubt, please seek the Lord carefully and prayerfully before stopping your generous support of established ministries and ministers. Do not do this in haste and do not be quick to assume or judge what is an old

or new wineskin. Please continue to support those faithful Levites who have prayed without ceasing for you, your family, your city and your nation!

The word can be listened to in full online at
Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 June 2022

Assisting During the Glory

During the Transfiguration (see Mark 9), we see this interaction:

“[Jesus’] clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”

Father showed me some more of me in this story, today. It wasn’t about Pete freaking out by his mentor glowing in the dark. It wasn’t about him consulting with a couple of (presumably) dead guys. That’s gnarly, but we’ve seen that for years.
We know that Pete proposed putting up some buildings because he was freaked out. But I’d never before noticed that the fisherman was proposing a construction project to Jesus who was a) a trained carpenter, and b) the Master Builder of … well, of everything. 
And I realized how many times I’ve done that: offered to do “something that I can do” to my king and mentor who a) can do it better than I can, and b) has seen this opportunity from before the foundation of the world, and already has a plan for taking care of it.
But I come toddling along, feeling kinda powerless in the situation, wanting to find SOME way to be useful: “Here, let me do that for you.” Kinda missing the point.
One of the main reasons for this whole experience was that JC wanted his friends to see this thing happen. He wanted to be more fully known by them. He’s not showing off; that’s humility: being known as he really is.
And another of his reasons for this encounter was that he wanted counsel from a couple of guys who had been trail-blazers in their own day, and who had already made their own way through death (in two completely different ways) to the other side. He needed their support.
And here comes Pete, toddling along, feeling kinda powerless in the situation, wanting to find SOME way to be useful: “Here, let me do that for you.” Kinda missing the point of what was happening there.
As I read the story from Pete’s perspective, I reflect on how he could have been less stupid here. Maybe he just shuts up and takes it all in. Maybe he waits until the meeting is over and shakes hands with Mo & Eli. Maybe he just makes a list of questions he wants to ask on the way down the mountain.
I dunno. I’m still working on that, because I want to learn how I can avoid cramming my foot in my mouth the way I’m good at doing (and the way Pete is good at doing).
I sure love Father’s gentle reminder: “Guys, this is where your attention needs to be: Listen to my Son!”
This is an awesome family relationship that I’ve been brought into. I’m loving he (hard) process of learning how we do things in this family. 


Judgement Day: Life in Review

This video is a reminder to me of a day that’s coming. I call it Big Screen Day. Some call it Judgement Day, but that doesn’t fit so well for me. 
I don’t actually know if my what I envision is theologically sound. I developed this expectation during a season when I was being taught a lot of foolishness, but this part remains with me.
I expect that there will be a day that I will stand before my Maker, who is also my dearest Friend, and together, we’ll examine my life, my years on Earth, from His perspective. I imagine my life being displayed on the big screen in His family room. It will be an edited version, of course. There are things that I remember, which He has already thrown into the Sea of Forgetfulness. They won’t be shown that day, or any other day: they’re gone. I won’t miss them.
In that viewing, I’ll finally learn of the effects of my life on others around me, and the effect of my life, through them, on the people they influence, people that I’ve never met.
I’ve invested part of my life serving some pastors and some churches. On Big Screen Day, I’ll meet the people that I helped them disciple into the Kingdom. I’ve spent part of my life investing in a generation of believers who are following where I’ve gone. On Big Screen Day, I’ll see the fruit of that investment, and I’ll learn where my investment has gone.
I can’t imagine what that day will be like. I expect there will be tears, of one sort of another.
This man, Sir Nicholas Winton, has a a small part of his Big Screen Day early. He gets to meet some of the fruit of his investment in this life. During the War, he invested a good deal of his life rescuing children from the Nazi death camps. Here, he gets to meet them, some of them. 
I can’t imagine what that must be like. I expect there were tears.
I try to make decisions in my life with Big Screen Day in mind. I try to live with Eternity in mind. I try to make choices that will make my Friend smile as we review my life. I try to choose things that won’t need to be edited out.
And once in a great while, I’ll turn to face where I imagine the Heavenly camera might be, and I’ll say some things to the audience watching that Big Screen, whether it’s just Him and me or whether it’s uncounted millions.
Have you given thought to that Day, the Day when you and your Maker will review your life? I’ll bet it will change how you live in this day. And if he’s your friend, I’ll bet you’ll love those changes.

Devotionals, Letters

Judgement Day: Life in Review

This video is a reminder to me of a day that’s coming. I call it Big Screen Day. Some call it Judgement Day, but that doesn't fit so well for me. 

I don’t actually know if my what I envision is theologically sound. I developed this expectation during a season when I was being taught a lot of foolishness, but this part remains with me.

I expect that there will be a day that I will stand before my Maker, who is also my dearest Friend, and together, we’ll examine my life, my years on Earth, from His perspective. I imagine my life being displayed on the big screen in His family room. It will be an edited version, of course. There are things that I remember, which He has already thrown into the Sea of Forgetfulness. They won’t be shown that day, or any other day: they’re gone. I won't miss them.

In that viewing, I’ll finally learn of the effects of my life on others around me, and the effect of my life, through them, on the people they influence, people that I’ve never met.

I’ve invested part of my life serving some pastors and some churches. On Big Screen Day, I’ll meet the people that I helped them disciple into the Kingdom. I’ve spent part of my life investing in a generation of believers who are following where I’ve gone. On Big Screen Day, I’ll see the fruit of that investment, and I’ll learn where my investment has gone.

I can’t imagine what that day will be like. I expect there will be tears, of one sort of another.

This man, Sir Nicholas Winton, has a a small part of his Big Screen Day early. He gets to meet some of the fruit of his investment in this life. During the War, he invested a good deal of his life rescuing children from the Nazi death camps. Here, he gets to meet them, some of them. 

I can’t imagine what that must be like. I expect there were tears.

I try to make decisions in my life with Big Screen Day in mind. I try to live with Eternity in mind. I try to make choices that will make my Friend smile as we review my life. I try to choose things that won’t need to be edited out.

And once in a great while, I’ll turn to face where I imagine the Heavenly camera might be, and I’ll say some things to the audience watching that Big Screen, whether it’s just Him and me or whether it’s uncounted millions.

Have you given thought to that Day, the Day when you and your Maker will review your life? I’ll bet it will change how you live in this day. And if he’s your friend, I’ll bet you’ll love those changes.

Devotionals, Letters

Judgement Day: Life in Review

This video is a reminder to me of a day that’s coming. I call it Big Screen Day. Some call it Judgement Day, but that doesn't fit so well for me. 

I don’t actually know if my what I envision is theologically sound. I developed this expectation during a season when I was being taught a lot of foolishness, but this part remains with me.

I expect that there will be a day that I will stand before my Maker, who is also my dearest Friend, and together, we’ll examine my life, my years on Earth, from His perspective. I imagine my life being displayed on the big screen in His family room. It will be an edited version, of course. There are things that I remember, which He has already thrown into the Sea of Forgetfulness. They won’t be shown that day, or any other day: they’re gone. I won't miss them.

In that viewing, I’ll finally learn of the effects of my life on others around me, and the effect of my life, through them, on the people they influence, people that I’ve never met.

I’ve invested part of my life serving some pastors and some churches. On Big Screen Day, I’ll meet the people that I helped them disciple into the Kingdom. I’ve spent part of my life investing in a generation of believers who are following where I’ve gone. On Big Screen Day, I’ll see the fruit of that investment, and I’ll learn where my investment has gone.

I can’t imagine what that day will be like. I expect there will be tears, of one sort of another.

This man, Sir Nicholas Winton, has a a small part of his Big Screen Day early. He gets to meet some of the fruit of his investment in this life. During the War, he invested a good deal of his life rescuing children from the Nazi death camps. Here, he gets to meet them, some of them. 

I can’t imagine what that must be like. I expect there were tears.

I try to make decisions in my life with Big Screen Day in mind. I try to live with Eternity in mind. I try to make choices that will make my Friend smile as we review my life. I try to choose things that won’t need to be edited out.

And once in a great while, I’ll turn to face where I imagine the Heavenly camera might be, and I’ll say some things to the audience watching that Big Screen, whether it’s just Him and me or whether it’s uncounted millions.

Have you given thought to that Day, the Day when you and your Maker will review your life? I’ll bet it will change how you live in this day. And if he’s your friend, I’ll bet you’ll love those changes.


A Tsunami of God is Coming From the Northwest to This Nation!

John Mark Pool, Baton Rouge, LA

“Payday Now!”

A “Tsunami of God’s Glory” is going to roll from the Northwest and into the US this year and into 2015, as it continues to usher in the glory of the Lord that will indeed fill the earth.

The Lord told me that another term for the Year 2015 is “PAYDAY!” It is now payday for God’s faithful messengers, intercessors, fivefold ministers, churches and family of God! It is no longer “payday someday,” for the Lord told me it is “Payday now!”

Psalm 79:12, “And return to our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom the reproach with which they have reproached You, O Lord.”

As I was driving up to the Northwest (Washington state and Oregon region) the Lord showed me a huge tidal wave of His glory reversing the curses of the enemy, the doubters of the faith, and the lethargic Believers who have scoffed at God’s prophetic words being fulfilled.

While driving up to Seattle, it seemed a bit odd that on the very day God spoke to me and showed me all this, I drove past Longview, Washington where a tornado hit in that area. Furthermore, there was a school shooting in Marysville, WAthe very next day after God began to reveal this word.

It appears the enemy does not want God’s message to be planted into the hearts of His people. Remember when the enemy comes in “like” a flood, God brings in the “real deal”. When the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is about to roar, the enemy wants to steal the glory! But God will get all the glory and reign victoriously.

“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

Regardless of the circumstances, God’s tsunami of His glory is certainly going to fill this region and our nation in an even greater way than anyone can ever imagine! We will now again see the glory, the majesty, and the awesome power of Jehovah – the Most High God!

The Lord showed me all this in a vision as I drove along the western part of the US, and I saw a tumult of clouds rolling in below the mountains. It was as if it were a “tsunami of glory” rolling in and covering even the highest mountain. I knew the Lord was showing me that as the sea covers the earth, as the waves cover the mountains, this time it will indeed be the flood of His glory that covers the earth.

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14

The Lord said to tell our nation to “Get ready America; the Lord is about to pour out His tidal wave of glory that will fill your nation from border to border – that Glory Fire Wall will be the border security needed!”

And one called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3

2015 Is a Year of Transforming Deliverance!

As we are in the Hebrew calendar of 5775, it is truly a year of being fully transformed from the old ways of doing things into the ways of the Lord to now multiply His Kingdom in earth as it is in Heaven!

If you look up the word Salvation in the Hebrew, it literally means “Deliverance.” When the Lord said He would step in and bring salvation (deliverance) to the whole earth, He has the authority, the power and the means to do just what He has promised. Isaiah and many of the patriarchs and prophets of old were declaring God’s Word – just hoping to be where the fiery messengers of this dispensation are now living!

Yes, this is the time for the anointed of the Lord to take their place as they have paved the way, as God’s plans will demonstrate that the Most High God is our “Deliverer!” Stand and see the splendor of the Lord and His “tsunami of His glory” engulf the earth. What God is pouring out throughout the Northwest United States, will grab the nation’s attention that a “flood of His glory presence” is about to cover the country, and a holy hunger is being poured out across this land.

Yes, this is certainly the timing of God to do exactly opposite of what the “doomsayers” have said. Yes, God is indeed who He says He is, and no amount of giving way to the spirit of fear will accomplish anything, for the glory waves will roll over both sinners and Believers together! God will overwhelm this land with the righteousness of His heart and this land will indeed turn back to the Father as the seas of His glory invade every crevice of the earth – which HE formed! (Photo via Wikipedia)

“God’s on His way again, retracing the old salvation route, coming up from the south through Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. Skies are blazing with His splendor, His praises sounding through the earth, His cloud-brightness like dawn, exploding, spreading, forked-lightning shooting from His hand - what power hidden in that fist! Plague marches before Him, pestilence at His heels! He stops. He shakes Earth. He looks around. Nations tremble. The age-old mountains fall to pieces; ancient hills collapse like a spent balloon. The paths God takes are older than the oldest mountains and hills...” Habakkuk 3:3-7 MSG

When our land has been overwhelmed with the “spirit of Jezebel” it is time that the Lord fulfill His Word to “repay” that stronghold what she is due! We must allow the Lord to fill us with His glory and to understand that our Father takes care of His own.
Here is the way God takes care of His own, viewed from the pen of John in Revelation 18:5-7:

“For her sins have piled up as high as Heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Pay her back even as she has paid, and give back to her double according to her deeds; in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her. To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning.’”

We will be delivered from the religious rules and regulations that offer “busyness with no results.” We must now become “aligned with God’s heart” and not the perspiring and toiling plans of man. We will no longer be able to show a false way of “appropriating the will of God by the sword of flesh!”

Purifying the Sons of Levi

“He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.” Malachi 3:3

This will be exchanged during this year of Purifying the Sons of Levi into becoming relentless pursuers of the intense relationship with Abba Father. We will be filled with the glory of God, and the amount of purification will predicate the amount of glory poured into each Believer. As this purification process takes place now in 5775, we will certainly experience the personal, communal, national and world-wide deliverance of God for His Kingdom.

As this Great Awakening continues, this purification will offer vessels to become the greatest testimonies of God’s glory to all those around. Others will see the “temple of God” rather than the carnal wrapper that has clouded the view of God’s hope to searching hearts.

I received a prophetic Word in 2002 from Dr. Bill Hamon, founder of Christian International, who is a “Father of the Prophetic Movement” that I would help “Purify the Sons of Levi.” I did not understand that word at first, but sought prophetic counsel and realized it is not to go about “as the Lord’s justice system to wrong leaders,” but as “the voice to offer loving help,” and be a prophetic voice of truth both to searching pastors and their churches, so they may prosper as Kingdom multipliers for their regions.

Through many ministry years and thousands of miles, God has placed us with many wonderful churches and ministry leaders who have shown much love with hearts to receive this fivefold ministry Kingdommessage. Make no mistake: God’s servants the prophets are to be the heart of our Father God for His kind of purifying sanctification – by holding up the arms of the “lonely leaders” and to put your arm around the hurting and wounded pastors; not judging, but rather giving the needed real prophetic, genuine love through the proper, prophetic gift.

This truly is the season, as the natural world looks the darkest, that God is absolutely now filling the earth with His glory! We have never ever gone where we are now entering, and all the prophets of old prophesied it and longed to see what we are about to see!

Prophetic Revelation for 2015

My Lord keeps telling me two things we will begin to see more each day of 2015:

1. The glory light will be on God’s people.
2. The hidden supernatural treasures no one has yet seen or experienced will be revealed!

A Scripture I hear often reveals this promise of God: “Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3

The second verse my spirit hears God saying is, “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).

My fellow family of God, it is now time to decree and to be what God has planned for us as “deliverance has come to the people of God.” It is not a time to be complacent, but to press in more than ever to see things as never before and experience things no person has ever touched! It is indeed time to “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so” (Psalm 107:2).

We are now in a time of the “Tsunami of God’s Glory” filling this nation and turning it indeed back to the heart of the Father! Decree and expect to see the heart of God’s glory fill our land to demonstrate we are still one nation under God! We are the Christian Nation that will allow the tsunami of God’s glory to fill the whole earth!

We are excited to know that God’s love indicates the level of care to step in and pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, as a “Great Tsunami of God’s Glory” fills Americaand the nations of the earth. We will have NO FEAR in God’s presence with HIS perfect love. GOD will once again BLESS the USA! Amen.

John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries


Come join the conversation, including applying 1 Corinthians 14:29 to this prophetic word, at

A Tsunami of God is Coming From the Northwest to This Nation!

John Mark Pool, Baton Rouge, LA
“Payday Now!”
A “Tsunami of God’s Glory” is going to roll from the Northwest and into the US this year and into 2015, as it continues to usher in the glory of the Lord that will indeed fill the earth.
The Lord told me that another term for the Year 2015 is “PAYDAY!” It is now payday for God’s faithful messengers, intercessors, fivefold ministers, churches and family of God! It is no longer “payday someday,” for the Lord told me it is “Payday now!”
Psalm 79:12, “And return to our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom the reproach with which they have reproached You, O Lord.”

As I was driving up to the Northwest (Washington state and Oregon region) the Lord showed me a huge tidal wave of His glory reversing the curses of the enemy, the doubters of the faith, and the lethargic Believers who have scoffed at God’s prophetic words being fulfilled.
While driving up to Seattle, it seemed a bit odd that on the very day God spoke to me and showed me all this, I drove past Longview, Washington where a tornado hit in that area. Furthermore, there was a school shooting in Marysville, WAthe very next day after God began to reveal this word.
It appears the enemy does not want God’s message to be planted into the hearts of His people. Remember when the enemy comes in “like” a flood, God brings in the “real deal”. When the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is about to roar, the enemy wants to steal the glory! But God will get all the glory and reign victoriously.
“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
Regardless of the circumstances, God’s tsunami of His glory is certainly going to fill this region and our nation in an even greater way than anyone can ever imagine! We will now again see the glory, the majesty, and the awesome power of Jehovah – the Most High God!
The Lord showed me all this in a vision as I drove along the western part of the US, and I saw a tumult of clouds rolling in below the mountains. It was as if it were a “tsunami of glory” rolling in and covering even the highest mountain. I knew the Lord was showing me that as the sea covers the earth, as the waves cover the mountains, this time it will indeed be the flood of His glory that covers the earth.
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14
The Lord said to tell our nation to “Get ready America; the Lord is about to pour out His tidal wave of glory that will fill your nation from border to border – that Glory Fire Wall will be the border security needed!”
And one called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3
2015 Is a Year of Transforming Deliverance!
As we are in the Hebrew calendar of 5775, it is truly a year of being fully transformed from the old ways of doing things into the ways of the Lord to now multiply His Kingdom in earth as it is in Heaven!
If you look up the word Salvation in the Hebrew, it literally means “Deliverance.” When the Lord said He would step in and bring salvation (deliverance) to the whole earth, He has the authority, the power and the means to do just what He has promised. Isaiah and many of the patriarchs and prophets of old were declaring God’s Word – just hoping to be where the fiery messengers of this dispensation are now living!
Yes, this is the time for the anointed of the Lord to take their place as they have paved the way, as God’s plans will demonstrate that the Most High God is our “Deliverer!” Stand and see the splendor of the Lord and His “tsunami of His glory” engulf the earth. What God is pouring out throughout the Northwest United States, will grab the nation’s attention that a “flood of His glory presence” is about to cover the country, and a holy hunger is being poured out across this land.
Yes, this is certainly the timing of God to do exactly opposite of what the “doomsayers” have said. Yes, God is indeed who He says He is, and no amount of giving way to the spirit of fear will accomplish anything, for the glory waves will roll over both sinners and Believers together! God will overwhelm this land with the righteousness of His heart and this land will indeed turn back to the Father as the seas of His glory invade every crevice of the earth – which HE formed! (Photo via Wikipedia)
“God’s on His way again, retracing the old salvation route, coming up from the south through Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. Skies are blazing with His splendor, His praises sounding through the earth, His cloud-brightness like dawn, exploding, spreading, forked-lightning shooting from His hand – what power hidden in that fist! Plague marches before Him, pestilence at His heels! He stops. He shakes Earth. He looks around. Nations tremble. The age-old mountains fall to pieces; ancient hills collapse like a spent balloon. The paths God takes are older than the oldest mountains and hills…” Habakkuk 3:3-7 MSG
When our land has been overwhelmed with the “spirit of Jezebel” it is time that the Lord fulfill His Word to “repay” that stronghold what she is due! We must allow the Lord to fill us with His glory and to understand that our Father takes care of His own.
Here is the way God takes care of His own, viewed from the pen of John in Revelation 18:5-7:
“For her sins have piled up as high as Heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Pay her back even as she has paid, and give back to her double according to her deeds; in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her. To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning.’”
We will be delivered from the religious rules and regulations that offer “busyness with no results.” We must now become “aligned with God’s heart” and not the perspiring and toiling plans of man. We will no longer be able to show a false way of “appropriating the will of God by the sword of flesh!”
Purifying the Sons of Levi
“He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.” Malachi 3:3
This will be exchanged during this year of Purifying the Sons of Levi into becoming relentless pursuers of the intense relationship with Abba Father. We will be filled with the glory of God, and the amount of purification will predicate the amount of glory poured into each Believer. As this purification process takes place now in 5775, we will certainly experience the personal, communal, national and world-wide deliverance of God for His Kingdom.
As this Great Awakening continues, this purification will offer vessels to become the greatest testimonies of God’s glory to all those around. Others will see the “temple of God” rather than the carnal wrapper that has clouded the view of God’s hope to searching hearts.
I received a prophetic Word in 2002 from Dr. Bill Hamon, founder of Christian International, who is a “Father of the Prophetic Movement” that I would help “Purify the Sons of Levi.” I did not understand that word at first, but sought prophetic counsel and realized it is not to go about “as the Lord’s justice system to wrong leaders,” but as “the voice to offer loving help,” and be a prophetic voice of truth both to searching pastors and their churches, so they may prosper as Kingdom multipliers for their regions.
Through many ministry years and thousands of miles, God has placed us with many wonderful churches and ministry leaders who have shown much love with hearts to receive this fivefold ministry Kingdommessage. Make no mistake: God’s servants the prophets are to be the heart of our Father God for His kind of purifying sanctification – by holding up the arms of the “lonely leaders” and to put your arm around the hurting and wounded pastors; not judging, but rather giving the needed real prophetic, genuine love through the proper, prophetic gift.
This truly is the season, as the natural world looks the darkest, that God is absolutely now filling the earth with His glory! We have never ever gone where we are now entering, and all the prophets of old prophesied it and longed to see what we are about to see!
Prophetic Revelation for 2015
My Lord keeps telling me two things we will begin to see more each day of 2015:
1. The glory light will be on God’s people.
2. The hidden supernatural treasures no one has yet seen or experienced will be revealed!
A Scripture I hear often reveals this promise of God: “Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3
The second verse my spirit hears God saying is, “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).
My fellow family of God, it is now time to decree and to be what God has planned for us as “deliverance has come to the people of God.” It is not a time to be complacent, but to press in more than ever to see things as never before and experience things no person has ever touched! It is indeed time to “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so” (Psalm 107:2).
We are now in a time of the “Tsunami of God’s Glory” filling this nation and turning it indeed back to the heart of the Father! Decree and expect to see the heart of God’s glory fill our land to demonstrate we are still one nation under God! We are the Christian Nation that will allow the tsunami of God’s glory to fill the whole earth!
We are excited to know that God’s love indicates the level of care to step in and pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, as a “Great Tsunami of God’s Glory” fills Americaand the nations of the earth. We will have NO FEAR in God’s presence with HIS perfect love. GOD will once again BLESS the USA! Amen.
John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries


Come join the conversation, including applying 1 Corinthians 14:29 to this prophetic word, at


A Tsunami of God is Coming From the Northwest to This Nation!

John Mark Pool, Baton Rouge, LA

“Payday Now!”

A “Tsunami of God’s Glory” is going to roll from the Northwest and into the US this year and into 2015, as it continues to usher in the glory of the Lord that will indeed fill the earth.

The Lord told me that another term for the Year 2015 is “PAYDAY!” It is now payday for God’s faithful messengers, intercessors, fivefold ministers, churches and family of God! It is no longer “payday someday,” for the Lord told me it is “Payday now!”

Psalm 79:12, “And return to our neighbors sevenfold into their bosom the reproach with which they have reproached You, O Lord.”

As I was driving up to the Northwest (Washington state and Oregon region) the Lord showed me a huge tidal wave of His glory reversing the curses of the enemy, the doubters of the faith, and the lethargic Believers who have scoffed at God’s prophetic words being fulfilled.

While driving up to Seattle, it seemed a bit odd that on the very day God spoke to me and showed me all this, I drove past Longview, Washington where a tornado hit in that area. Furthermore, there was a school shooting in Marysville, WAthe very next day after God began to reveal this word.

It appears the enemy does not want God’s message to be planted into the hearts of His people. Remember when the enemy comes in “like” a flood, God brings in the “real deal”. When the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is about to roar, the enemy wants to steal the glory! But God will get all the glory and reign victoriously.

“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

Regardless of the circumstances, God’s tsunami of His glory is certainly going to fill this region and our nation in an even greater way than anyone can ever imagine! We will now again see the glory, the majesty, and the awesome power of Jehovah – the Most High God!

The Lord showed me all this in a vision as I drove along the western part of the US, and I saw a tumult of clouds rolling in below the mountains. It was as if it were a “tsunami of glory” rolling in and covering even the highest mountain. I knew the Lord was showing me that as the sea covers the earth, as the waves cover the mountains, this time it will indeed be the flood of His glory that covers the earth.

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14

The Lord said to tell our nation to “Get ready America; the Lord is about to pour out His tidal wave of glory that will fill your nation from border to border – that Glory Fire Wall will be the border security needed!”

And one called out to another and said, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3

2015 Is a Year of Transforming Deliverance!

As we are in the Hebrew calendar of 5775, it is truly a year of being fully transformed from the old ways of doing things into the ways of the Lord to now multiply His Kingdom in earth as it is in Heaven!

If you look up the word Salvation in the Hebrew, it literally means “Deliverance.” When the Lord said He would step in and bring salvation (deliverance) to the whole earth, He has the authority, the power and the means to do just what He has promised. Isaiah and many of the patriarchs and prophets of old were declaring God’s Word – just hoping to be where the fiery messengers of this dispensation are now living!

Yes, this is the time for the anointed of the Lord to take their place as they have paved the way, as God’s plans will demonstrate that the Most High God is our “Deliverer!” Stand and see the splendor of the Lord and His “tsunami of His glory” engulf the earth. What God is pouring out throughout the Northwest United States, will grab the nation’s attention that a “flood of His glory presence” is about to cover the country, and a holy hunger is being poured out across this land.

Yes, this is certainly the timing of God to do exactly opposite of what the “doomsayers” have said. Yes, God is indeed who He says He is, and no amount of giving way to the spirit of fear will accomplish anything, for the glory waves will roll over both sinners and Believers together! God will overwhelm this land with the righteousness of His heart and this land will indeed turn back to the Father as the seas of His glory invade every crevice of the earth – which HE formed! (Photo via Wikipedia)

“God’s on His way again, retracing the old salvation route, coming up from the south through Teman, the Holy One from Mount Paran. Skies are blazing with His splendor, His praises sounding through the earth, His cloud-brightness like dawn, exploding, spreading, forked-lightning shooting from His hand - what power hidden in that fist! Plague marches before Him, pestilence at His heels! He stops. He shakes Earth. He looks around. Nations tremble. The age-old mountains fall to pieces; ancient hills collapse like a spent balloon. The paths God takes are older than the oldest mountains and hills...” Habakkuk 3:3-7 MSG

When our land has been overwhelmed with the “spirit of Jezebel” it is time that the Lord fulfill His Word to “repay” that stronghold what she is due! We must allow the Lord to fill us with His glory and to understand that our Father takes care of His own.
Here is the way God takes care of His own, viewed from the pen of John in Revelation 18:5-7:

“For her sins have piled up as high as Heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Pay her back even as she has paid, and give back to her double according to her deeds; in the cup which she has mixed, mix twice as much for her. To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as a queen and I am not a widow, and will never see mourning.’”

We will be delivered from the religious rules and regulations that offer “busyness with no results.” We must now become “aligned with God’s heart” and not the perspiring and toiling plans of man. We will no longer be able to show a false way of “appropriating the will of God by the sword of flesh!”

Purifying the Sons of Levi

“He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.” Malachi 3:3

This will be exchanged during this year of Purifying the Sons of Levi into becoming relentless pursuers of the intense relationship with Abba Father. We will be filled with the glory of God, and the amount of purification will predicate the amount of glory poured into each Believer. As this purification process takes place now in 5775, we will certainly experience the personal, communal, national and world-wide deliverance of God for His Kingdom.

As this Great Awakening continues, this purification will offer vessels to become the greatest testimonies of God’s glory to all those around. Others will see the “temple of God” rather than the carnal wrapper that has clouded the view of God’s hope to searching hearts.

I received a prophetic Word in 2002 from Dr. Bill Hamon, founder of Christian International, who is a “Father of the Prophetic Movement” that I would help “Purify the Sons of Levi.” I did not understand that word at first, but sought prophetic counsel and realized it is not to go about “as the Lord’s justice system to wrong leaders,” but as “the voice to offer loving help,” and be a prophetic voice of truth both to searching pastors and their churches, so they may prosper as Kingdom multipliers for their regions.

Through many ministry years and thousands of miles, God has placed us with many wonderful churches and ministry leaders who have shown much love with hearts to receive this fivefold ministry Kingdommessage. Make no mistake: God’s servants the prophets are to be the heart of our Father God for His kind of purifying sanctification – by holding up the arms of the “lonely leaders” and to put your arm around the hurting and wounded pastors; not judging, but rather giving the needed real prophetic, genuine love through the proper, prophetic gift.

This truly is the season, as the natural world looks the darkest, that God is absolutely now filling the earth with His glory! We have never ever gone where we are now entering, and all the prophets of old prophesied it and longed to see what we are about to see!

Prophetic Revelation for 2015

My Lord keeps telling me two things we will begin to see more each day of 2015:

1. The glory light will be on God’s people.
2. The hidden supernatural treasures no one has yet seen or experienced will be revealed!

A Scripture I hear often reveals this promise of God: “Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the peoples; But the Lord will rise upon you and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3

The second verse my spirit hears God saying is, “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).

My fellow family of God, it is now time to decree and to be what God has planned for us as “deliverance has come to the people of God.” It is not a time to be complacent, but to press in more than ever to see things as never before and experience things no person has ever touched! It is indeed time to “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so” (Psalm 107:2).

We are now in a time of the “Tsunami of God’s Glory” filling this nation and turning it indeed back to the heart of the Father! Decree and expect to see the heart of God’s glory fill our land to demonstrate we are still one nation under God! We are the Christian Nation that will allow the tsunami of God’s glory to fill the whole earth!

We are excited to know that God’s love indicates the level of care to step in and pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, as a “Great Tsunami of God’s Glory” fills Americaand the nations of the earth. We will have NO FEAR in God’s presence with HIS perfect love. GOD will once again BLESS the USA! Amen.

John Mark Pool
Word to the World Ministries


Come join the conversation, including applying 1 Corinthians 14:29 to this prophetic word, at
Devotionals, Letters

A Purpose for the Battle Against Us

War, it has been said, is hell. It gets tiring.
I find myself looking forward to the end of each battle. I don’t plan to, but I find myself considering “life without a battle raging around me” as a sign of success. Whew! I made it! 
I don’t think Father agrees.
I believe that sometimes God specifically and intentionally brings the battle to me. I get it that I don’t always embrace the “overwhelming conqueror” moniker, and so he needs to help me get there. And yeah, I understand that sometimes I open a door that the enemy would love to exploit.
But I’m coming to believe that he brings the battle to me for another reason. I suspect that he lures the enemy into battle – and it must be with his sons, the enemy wouldn’t survive battle with God for even a nanosecond – as part of His almighty plan to plunder the devil.
In fact, I’m going to go so far as to say that sometimes the battle that I’m in right now, especially the battle that I didn’t expect to be in right now, is really more of an announcement, like the “Coming Attractions” features at the movie house. This is what you’re going to get for plunder after you’ve beaten this puny little stronghold.
We’ve talked about God’s promised wealth transfer. Proverbs 13:22b talks about how “the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.” I think we’ve misunderstood this.
I’ve heard this taught as a promise we just need to claim: “Receive it by faith,” they shouted (and it wasn’t always during the offering message!). I don’t think it’s as easy as that.
First, I’m not convinced that the “wealth” God is speaking of is merely financial, just as the inheritance we leave to our kids (13:32a) is merely financial (see also Hebrews 12:16).
I’m also aware that Father wants his kids to be overcomers (see Revelation 2 & 3). It’s tough to become a competent overcomer without practice overcoming stuff.
I’m beginning to suspect is combining these two values. He’s luring the devil into our gun-sights so that we can overcome him, and also so that we can take back what he’s taken from us. (Remember that the devil was broke when God threw him out of Heaven; anything he’s gained since then has been by deceit, trickery or outright theft.)
It’s pretty important, and in my own world, it’s increasingly difficult (probably some more of my training, as in Hebrews 12:7-11) to discern exactly what the battle is that we’re fighting. Yeah, stuff is going wrong. Yeah, my soul and my spirit are wrestling with an oppressing thing. Yeah, hope is difficult, or clear thought is a greater fight than usual. But WHAT IS THE REAL BATTLE?
As we discern the nature of the enemy who has been lured against us, we’ll see more clearly how to kick his buttocks up between his ears, but more importantly, we’ll also get a glimpse of the plunder, the wealth, that Father has planned for our inheritance.


If seeing is believing, then what are you looking at?

The Hand of the Lord on Idaho

Yesterday we received communication from somebody from Idaho.  And we saw that the planets were about to align over Idaho. We saw that we had our dream from Clancy and we saw that they’d had some 133 earthquakes, small earthquakes in a certain section of Idaho. And this woman said she had spent 30 years as an intercessor in one place and her husband had spent about that time in Alaska, and the Lord had suddenly taken them to this place in Idaho. And she said the Lord had told them He was going to establish the healing of Roland Buck.
And so we know that the Lord is aligning in Idahoto do a thing. And so Lord, we say we are agreeing that You are about to break open Your glory in Idaho. And we say, Lord, we bring the shadow of our hand over Idaho.
We say, Lord, that You are bringing the shadow of the hand of the Lord over Idaho is about to fall, and the glory is about to break out. And we say, Lord, that those servants of Yours that are in Idaho are about to assemble, and You’re going to bring order, and You’re going to bring forth what You have ordained for this season and what You have for Idaho, Lord.

And we say that You will bring to bear all that You have ordered for this time. We say, Lord, that order will come according to Your plan and Your purposes in Idaho in the name of Jesus. 

Prophecy given on: May 29, 2014 in CorinthTX , by Anne Tate