
“Houses of Worship” – Prophetic Word

I’m hearing the Lord release a strategy – an international strategy for the hosting of His glory and His presence.

And the Lord says this, “Have I not told you in my Scriptures that I am heavy?” He says, “Have I not described myself to you as the weighty God, who carries kavod (which is the Old Testament word for glory, but it means [heavy] weight)?” And the Spirit of the Lord says this:

“My eyes have been wandering to and fro across the earth, looking for a house that can bear my heaviness. I am struggling to find a building that I can sit in and not destroy it by my size.

What you have done in your nights of worship, and what you have done in your Sunday services, have only been able to hold the partial weight of who I am. They no longer satisfy you and they no longer satisfy me. For I want to be Emmanuel, the God who is with my people.

And the Lord says, “Oh! It is the day of my ‘glory weight’. It is the day of my seatedness in the midst of my people. But He says, “I have already told you, there is only one way that we build the throne. I told you that it was in worship and praise that a throne got built for me to sit in.”

And the Lord says, “Thank you for the houses of prayer!” But He says, “It is no longer their day”. He says, “Thank you for the healing rooms, and the miracle clinics, but they will no longer hold me”. He says, “Thank you for the prophetic centres, but know in this new season [that] my glory will come on the Levites in the house of worship.”

And the Spirit of the Lord says, “I am lassoing into place an international coalition of Levites who [will be] in every continent [so that] there will be houses of worship where I can sit. This is the day of the commissioning of the international houses of worship, and the gathering, the anointing, and the appointing of their leadership team in the earth – and of those who will populate the song and the sound”.

I am watching the globe, and I am watching it spin, and I am seeing where in the world (like little red lights) there are houses of worship. And the Lord says, “If you will give a sacrifice of worship around the clock to me, you will come into a level of my glory that you have not even begun to dream is possible, for all you know to ask me is, “Do it again”….

…[because] all you know to [ask] now is for a revival that you understand because you’ve read about it in history.” The Lord says, “I will not do that again. So stop asking me for it. You are praying in error by asking for a revival of the old. What I want to do is sit with glory, like I have never been able to do before on the earth in your history. And from that place… AND FROM THAT PLACE… will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth.”

“These are your instructions. Build me a house of worship! Build me a house of worship!”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Do you now see why there was such a fight over worship? Do you now see why you prophesied ‘new sound’, but you could never access it? Do you see that this was always the contention area – and satan knew it – because this is where I have chosen – and how I have chosen – to bring my throne.”

And the Lord says: “Musicians!” He says, “Musicians!” (I am watching those of low skill suddenly get this appetite for practice, and suddenly get a skilled “musicianary” capability. And those with expertise already [will also] get a sound and a fresh anointing. And the Lord says, “Oh worship leaders! The previous season capped you. You could see there was more but it was like glass above your heads. This day, as I release the instruction, the glass above you shatters – and you now know what you must build me.

I will have the European sound, and I will have the African sound, and I will have the Latin American sound. I will have the Asian sound, I will have the Antipodean sound. I will have the sound of the Arctic, and the sound of the people of Greenland – and Iceland. The Lord says, “Oh Reykjavik, from you there will be such a sound from the North, and Oh Cape Town, there will be such a sound from the South!”

And, “Oh America!”, He says, “I will burn your musicians first. I will rescue some from a franchise model, that a sound may come forth. And He says to your First Nations people, “There is an anointing of sound on you that was lost for hundreds of years, and the sound of the First Nations will come back into the limelight, and you will break the ground open for plantings of signs and wonders in this nation”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Cairo, Cairo, Cairo! No longer will you be a place known for the pyramids, but you will be known for building me a house of worship. And these houses of worship will light up the grid and be joined up. And I will put my angels to fly between the houses of worship, and there will be a sharing – where one house breaks through, all the houses will break through together, for I will unify the houses of worship, and they will be a remnant army in the earth.

And they will share what they preach, and they will share their best practices, for I will have them not competitive, but I will have them rise, and I will have them rise!

And I will put worship apostles back in the earth”, says the Lord. “It is the anointing of the ‘apostles of worship’.” The Lord says this: “You thought that apostles just preached. You SHUT DOWN the apostolic grace from your musicians, you shut down the prophetic grace from your musicians.” And the Lord says right now, “I make apostolic and prophetic worship leaders. I am putting together apostolic and prophetic worship leaders, and they will be prophetically-apostolic and apostolically-prophetic.
They will lead, and they will LEAD, AND THEY WILL LEAD! And they will lead in the nations of the earth.” “Lagos”, God says, “Nigeria. Even in Lagos, there will be a sound that comes forth.”
And the Lord says, “I will not put these houses of worship in obvious places in America.”

[Emma comments]: Do you know what I’m most grieved about? I’ve not seen before that we’ve ripped the apostolic off worship leaders. So therefore they never had sound strategy, they just had sound. We did that to them. That is a sin.

So we bless you worship leaders to be apostolic. We bless you to be the sent ones with strategies of sound. You’re going to have strategies of sound. You’re going to have building grace, because apostles have building grace. You’re going to know what it is to build ‘sound mountains’ – ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth. I don’t even know what that is but the Lord says that there are going to be ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth that rise above all the other mountains. And the sound that comes from apostolic worship leaders will be a sign that many will flock to – to find Jesus.

Then the Lord says this, “Kanye West is a small first fruit”. The Lord says, “What satan gave to the Beatles, I will give the holy version to the apostolic worship leaders.”

"Houses of Worship" - Prophetic Word
Emma Stark
Fremont, CA June 10, 2022

Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark,
Glasgow, Scotland

(Note: Northern California is considered part of the Pacific Northwest.) ------------ She clarified afterwards:

Given in Fremont , CA on 10th June 2022.
To help you weigh, test and respond to this word, we have included some explanatory/interpretive comments in the footnotes. We only see in part and prophesy in part. We therefore urge you to pray and seek the Holy Spirit to help you understand, interpret and apply this prophecy.

The paragraph on the first page that mentions houses of prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy has already generated a lot of discussion since the word was first published on social media. Therefore, in addition to the footnotes, we offer the following clarifying comment:

David and I love prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy and the houses that have pioneered and specialised in these ministries, especially in recent decades. We deeply honour and thank God for those who serve and have served in these houses. We ourselves have led or served in such places over the years. We still do!

We believe that prayer, healing, miracles and prophecy must not cease in the body of Christ! In fact, they must increase! The term ‘house of prayer’ is completely Biblical and is found in Isaiah 56:7, and is referred to by Jesus. We affirm the work of house of prayer organisations all over the world!

It is our interpretation of this prophetic word that God is not criticising or condemning the work of houses of prayer (or the other ministries mentioned). On the contrary, in the prophetic word the Lord specifically thanks His servants for these places.

So, for clarity: this word is NOT about not praying or in any way demeaning the importance of prayer and those places that are specifically called to pray. The focus of the word is very clearly on something else - houses of worship - and the new wine structures where, as the word goes on to say,

“ ...from that place will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth...” Prayer will be fundamental in this, of course!

When houses of prayer were pioneered on the earth following prophetic words, such as in the 1990-2000s, it did not mean the end of local churches, teaching ministries, worship and so on.

Similarly, to take this word as a word to end prayer, miracles, healing and prophetic ministries would be probably stretching it beyond its meaning.

Finally, at the end, when Emma is commenting on the word she has given, she urges us to not sow into places that are old wineskins or partnered with the political spirit. For the avoidance of doubt, please seek the Lord carefully and prayerfully before stopping your generous support of established ministries and ministers. Do not do this in haste and do not be quick to assume or judge what is an old

or new wineskin. Please continue to support those faithful Levites who have prayed without ceasing for you, your family, your city and your nation!

The word can be listened to in full online at
Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 June 2022
Faux Report

Got A Terrible Song Stuck In Your Head? 5 Ways To Relieve A ‘Musical Hangover’


Every once in a while, a song becomes so popular or is played so repeatedly, that you can’t turn around without hearing it, and once you do, it’s in your head for hours, days, or weeks. It’s the earworm at it’s finest (or its worst, really) and sometimes it feels like there isn’t much you can do about it. If you’re anything like me though, random songs will pop into your head even when you haven’t heard them lately, and then it drives you even more crazy. So crazy, that you’ll try anything to get it out of your head. Here’s some handy tips on how to relieve the musical agony.


This is always the first thing I do whenever I get song stuck in my head. Finding the singer on social media and letting them know that their abysmal, shitty song is taking up valuable space in your brain is a great way to beat the tune right out of you. You’re already angry that you can’t stop humming ‘Hello,’ so tell Adele exactly what you think of her terrible pop song. This is also a great way to get support from other people who read your tweet, and also hate having shitty songs stuck in their head.


Sometimes I wake up in the morning, and I’ll have a song stuck in my head that I haven’t heard for years. Let’s say it’s Hanson’s ‘Mmmbop.’ There are few things in life worse than that terrible, half-scat pop, but there are a few songs that, when sang out, and really loud, will easily make you forget about the tragedy stuck in your lobes. Try screaming WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?! or the jumbled lyrics to The Macarena while staring in the mirror. That first tune will be gone faster than you can say “one hit wonder.”


This one might be a heavy-handed way to go, but let’s look at this logically. Say you’re driving down the road, and you stop at a read light. The person next to you is blaring the radio, and you hear them screeching along to ‘Cotton Eyed Joe’ by Rednex. There is no way possible to escape that pain and agony. Just reading the title right now, you’ve probably already looked around for the nearest rope or gas oven, longing for the days before you knew that song existed. There are those songs out there so bad, and such horrible earworms, that the only way out is by taking your own life. I’m sorry, it’s a harsh coarse, but I’m just being realistic.


Unlike suicide, this option is a lot easier on your own life, in that it keeps you breathing. Much like example number one, this option really lets the artist who created that shitty song you can’t get out know exactly what you think of them. There are some drawbacks, such as not being able to live a life of freedom for very long, but there is also the notoriety level that comes along with the murder of a famous person. I mean hell, everyone knows who killed John Lennon, right? Of course, this doesn’t guarantee that you will be able to forget the song, but it does help in at least making sure whoever sang it never gets that opportunity again.


This one really should have been number one, because when it comes down to it, nothing is going to make you feel as good, and relieve more tension, stress, and bad earworms, than doing copious amounts of great, hard drugs. Try to steer clear of cocaine or meth, as they will just make you want to get up and dance to the music in your head, whether you like it or not, and stick to the psychedelics. Mushrooms would be great, because you’ll start hearing the songs in your brain on a whole new level and hey, maybe they were never that bad to begin with.

Faux Report

Kanye West Announces Plans To Run For President

Kanye West Doesn’t Believe Black People Exist

LOS ANGELES, California –

Kanye West has reportedly just thrown his hat into a very diverse ring of candidates for the presidential elections. According to West, he couldn’t find a candidate in the field who was “deserving” or “cool” enough to become the next president, and that running himself was the only viable option.

“I backed Obama, because he’s my boy. He’s black, he’s a great speaker, and he’s black,” said West. “This year, there are no candidates who move me in the same way that Obama moved me. No one to get behind. No one black. That’s why I’m running myself.”

According to West, he will be running as an independent, although at this time he doesn’t have much of a platform.

“I don’t know much about the world, or the things happening in it, but I know that I can change all the bad things and make them good, just like I did to the music industry, just like I’ll keep doing with my family,” said West. When asked why he wasn’t just backing Ben Carson, who is an African-American candidate, West seemed confused. “I have no idea who you’re talking about. Is he the guy who used to cut open babies or something? Yeah, he’s a joke.”

West will make an official announcement of his candidacy on Tuesday.

Faux Report

Kanye West Announces Plans To Run For President

Kanye West Doesn’t Believe Black People Exist

LOS ANGELES, California –

Kanye West has reportedly just thrown his hat into a very diverse ring of candidates for the presidential elections. According to West, he couldn’t find a candidate in the field who was “deserving” or “cool” enough to become the next president, and that running himself was the only viable option.

“I backed Obama, because he’s my boy. He’s black, he’s a great speaker, and he’s black,” said West. “This year, there are no candidates who move me in the same way that Obama moved me. No one to get behind. No one black. That’s why I’m running myself.”

According to West, he will be running as an independent, although at this time he doesn’t have much of a platform.

“I don’t know much about the world, or the things happening in it, but I know that I can change all the bad things and make them good, just like I did to the music industry, just like I’ll keep doing with my family,” said West. When asked why he wasn’t just backing Ben Carson, who is an African-American candidate, West seemed confused. “I have no idea who you’re talking about. Is he the guy who used to cut open babies or something? Yeah, he’s a joke.”

West will make an official announcement of his candidacy on Tuesday.

Faux Report

Teen Commits Suicide After Reading Fake News Story About Favorite Band Breaking Up


CARLSON, Kansas – 

A 14-year-old teen has reportedly committed suicide after reading about his favorite band breaking up on a spoof entertainment news website. The teen, Mark Simpson, had reportedly read on News 14 Now! that the group, Imagine Dragons, would be breaking up following one final tour.

“We told him that the news wasn’t real, that it was definitely a hoax,” said Simpson’s mother, Tammy. “You could tell by the other articles on the website that the whole thing was fake, but Mark kept telling me how all his friends were sharing the article on Facebook, and they wouldn’t share it if it wasn’t true. He was depressed for a week; he wouldn’t even eat or leave his room.”

Mrs. Simpson says that both she and her husband tried to convince Mark to seek help from a psychiatrist, but he wouldn’t budge.

“We even went so far as to message the band directly on their social media pages, just so we could get them to say that they weren’t breaking up, and it was all a hoax,” said George Simpson, Mark’s father. “Unfortunately, by the time they responded, Mark had already died.”

Police were called by Mrs. Simpson after she found Mark dead in his room. He killed himself by turning the volume on his stereo up to the highest volume, and listening to the popular Imagine Dragons song ‘Radioactive’ on repeat with a pair of Beats By Dre headphones.

“The song was so loud, and the bass so heavy, that on repeated plays, it gave him an anuresym,” said Mrs. Simpson. “He left a note that just simply said ‘I’m sorry, I can’t take it.’ We are extremely upset, because in the end, Imagine Dragons is only okay at best, anyway.”

The band did not immediately respond to comment about the incident. Mrs. Simpson says she plans to bring a lawsuit against Facebook for allowing the fake content to be shared on its website.

Faux Report

Actress Stacy Dash of ‘Clueless’ Fame Accused of ‘Turning Against Race’

stacy dash

HOLLYWOOD, California – 

Actress Stacey Dash’s recent controversial remarks have made many say she has “turned against her race.” Dash recently denounced BET network and Black History Month, saying these institutions segregate instead of integrate, and criticized double standards that benefit black people.

Rapper Bun B made remarks on his Instagram accusing Dash of hating her black skin and heritage. He says Dash is “as whack as those white kids who couldn’t spell nigga right in their school photo.”

African-Americans who were surveyed said BET and Black History month are here to stay. “We fought for double standards like affirmative action and the BET awards. They’ll pry take Black History Month from my cold dead hands,” said Bun B.

Others say, “Wasn’t that the actress from Clueless? How is what she has to say even relevant? And who the fuck is Bun B?”

Faux Report

Subliminal Messages Found in Beatles Tracks on Spotify


MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin – 

According to Illuminati watchdogs, Spotify didn’t just release the Beatles back-catalog to make some money, they did it to mess with your mind.

“A subliminal message can be overlain with music so it is inaudible to the conscious mind, but still has an effect on the subconscious,” said professor John Gold at Boston’s Harvard College. “The actual effectiveness of subliminal advertising is in question, but according to conspiracy theorists, that’s just what they want you to think. In fact it is very effective, used in advertisements and propaganda all the time.”

Burnt out old hippie Harry Brown warns, “As tempting as it is to tune in, don’t do it. Big brother just wants to keep you pacified. Think about it. Everyone likes the Beatles. Almost everyone has Spotify. If I was trying to control the population, that’s what I’d do. They just want everyone to be mindless little sheep. But hell no, man. Not me. That’s why I’m sticking with my vinyl, man. Face it, MP3 sound will never be as real. You gotta stay real no matter what you do.”

Spotify did not comment on the Beatles subliminal messaging, but it has been noted that subscriptions to the paid service have gone up substantially since the catalog was released on Christmas eve.

Faux Report

First Lady Michelle Obama Reveals Her Secret Black Metal Music Fetish

black metal


First lady Michelle Obama would be the last person you would think of when it comes to famous celebrities who listen to heavy metal or any sort of rock music, but as it turns out, the first lady is a huge fan of extremely vile, heavy, and extreme metal and grindcore bands.

“Oh my God, yes, I love it,” said Obama when she was questioned about a recent image of her showing off some of her CD collection. “I grew up on gospel songs and pop music, and when I marred Barack, he turned me on to some of the heavier stuff, and I was hooked. Then I started branching out on my own. I love this heavy stuff so much!”

According to Obama, she listens to death metal and grindcore while she works out.

“Nothing gets the blood pumping more than some Vulvectomy or some Anal Cunt,” said Obama, proudly displaying her Post Abortion Slut Fuck album. “When you want to relax, there are plenty of great bands. But when you want to really tear some shit up, there’s nothing quite like some heavy, dark, and pulsing metal.”

For Christmas, the first lady said she received new albums by Rotting Flesh Corpse, Dismembered Fetal Fucks, and Solid Core Enema.

“Barack knows me so well,” quipped The First Lady.


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Tempo: May 27, 2015

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