Revelations and research into the election continue from both Republican State Legislatures and from Democratic Federal Congress. But, as the story unfolds trying to indict Trump or his allies for the January 6 overrun of the Capitol, the same to-indict testimony cites evidence or arguments as to why the election may have been illegitimate and should have been reversed back in January. This doesn’t compel us to unseat Biden. Congress chose him under its privileges and powers granted by the Constitution. But with the past in the past, the only reason for Democrats to pursue Trump is that they fear his re-election because they know he would have won were it not for certain factors they don’t want the public to know about—more.
The issue at hand is not even about who should be president now, but rather what Congressional Democrats’ actions show that they know which they are not telling us. Most of all, they seem oblivious to how obvious it is to everyone but themselves.
The establishment is all out against Trump. They’d have you believe that Republicans were Liberals from the beginning—that Republicans actually thought like Democrats from the beginning—that the Republican Party is the party of getting along with people who will never accept friendship, but only your defeat—that original, true Republicans stand only for getting along at the expense of competence and survival. Somewhere along the line, the Republican Party was commandeered. Now, this minority acts as if they represent everyone; and their marketing seems very convincing.
In truth, we can get along. We should find peace within disagreement. We can keep quality and competence while also being respectful and gaining respect. But, these are not the main drive of this self-appointed group of uninvited spokesmen for the Republican establishment. They tout these universal values as their pass to develop a party that is Republican in-name-only while promoting closet Democratic Party values.
Now that their grand enemy, Trump, seems to be fading in the establishment’s narrative, the COVID virus also seems to be less and less relevant. The only thing that remains constant is the power of the Court, now headed toward a showdown with abortion.
The GOP is in a season of soul-searching. The party that’s all too happy to offer financial support to its candidates wants to use the name of the president some of its members voted against. It’s like the Little Red Hen, only if the rat had been fighting her the whole story. Maybe they should be called “rats” instead of “RINOs”.
Whether voters support or oppose Trump, we should all fear a party that allows its members to be so blatantly fork-tongued. Then again, purifying that party with new blood might not solve the problem. It just might make things worse.
Democrats are getting along a whole lot better than Republicans ever did, especially recently. The COVID-19 porkulous bill is sailing through Congress faster than lies from a used car salesman. Yet, the bigger topic of Capitol discussion is the sixty-vote requirement for non-budget bills. That’s part of the Senate’s current “Standing Rules” named after the late Democratic Senator Robert Byrd. So, they call it the “Byrd” rule. They made it, now they want to end it. That would look like a power grab.
You know how midterms go. Democrats ending their own “Byrd” rule might backfire. They seem bent on getting Trump elected in just four years. Obama took eight, so their efficiency is improving. If people can trust elections again, Biden may have to join Carter and HW in the great hall of one-term presidents. Maybe Biden will get lucky and have a dam named after him like Hoover, or maybe a vacuum cleaner.
Friday, Sidney Powell said she will present legal evidence in court within two weeks. Her claims of evidence and testimony for vote fraud far surpass the never-proven claims of the Russianewsgategate scandal. The catch is in the process; evidence in serious court cases is best presented first in court, not first to the press. While interviews and lists of court rulings surface, we can’t know the truth of her claims one way or another, yet. Only two weeks will tell.
In the meanwhile, things look grim for anti-Trumpists. While Trump plays golf and Powell behaves as if her claims are the most legit they can be, Giuliani made a statement that Powell is not officially on the Trump legal team per se. Why play golf and clarify that the loudest voice of defense is not on your team? Trump’s actions are not those of the Democrats who lost in 2016 nor Bush who lost in 1992. Whatever he’s up to, it looks like he is playing it cool with a royal flush in his hand. Whether Trump and Powell are bluffing remains to be seen, but they haven’t folded. And, their actions are not those of a loser; Democrats and mainstream media think they are.
Far more important than Trump winning in court are the developments within the Republican base. They are irate with the Republican Party’s inaction. Perhaps the RNC hopes to manipulate them into support for Powell’s “big reveal” at the end; they are irate nonetheless. They are a quiet people, not always prone to shout for Trump at every moment. And, they are fierce when roused to wrath. More than these, they have a strange love for each other.
The Sunflower students who took Taiwan’s Legislature in 2014 had the same mutual love, and with it came “political electricity”. Nothing could stop them.
Neither the Republican nor Democratic parties can ignore their respective bases. The DNC is doing the will of its base, even in what Powell portrays as an attempt to, more or less, institute a nation-wide political machine. Democratic voters still support their party. Neither the DNC nor its base can accept a Trump victory.
The Republican base cares nothing for the Republican Party, but they will not accept a Trump loss either. They differ from the DNC base, however, in their calmness and strange, mutual love. Democratic voters will be furious and dangerous; Republican voters will be deadly. Both are being conditioned for genocidal thoughts against the other. Republican voters would win that brawl. The least destructive solution is that Powell calmly wins her case in court and the RNC takes supportive action accordingly, but post-election months still won’t be fun.
Media and analysts miss the greatest takeaways from the debate. Arguments were based on who did what while already in office: All of the problems Trump solved and Biden didn’t, but says he will. And, their positions were radically different: Biden appealed to need for help while Trump appeared in-control at the helm.
The only times incumbents lose reelections are in the wake of gross incompetence (not seen since Carter) or gross broken campaign promises (not seen since HW Bush). If anything, Biden appears to already have broken the promises he is now making. That will not be enough to eject a promise-keeping incumbent.
In our last week before the election, polls have gone on record for predicting Biden as voices in media shifted their tone to a non-answer over who will win. Trump already won 2020 in 2015 when he announced. Many people don’t understand that. Many in media believe they decide election outcomes, not voters, so they don’t understand it either.
The greatest danger Trump always posed was that he would do too good of a job. He is the leader the Republican Party doesn’t deserve. They denounced him. He delivered the promised results they wouldn’t. Now, they will have respect they didn’t earn, plus a near supermajority in the Senate, control of the house, and overwhelming control of the Supreme Court. Power unchecked corrupts. Trump’s awesome work will get him reelected where he will continue more awesome work, but awesomeness can destroy us where it is unearned. And, that shadow is where the RNC stands.
The country will likely destabilize over the coming weeks. Americans will fight from anger on all sides. War with China could be seen as a convenient distraction from domestic dysfunction at a time when the US needs an excuse to put an unchecked Asian bully in its place. But, China doesn’t need to be embarrassed; it needs to be discipled. But, the US won’t be ready to disciple anyone until the US recovers its lost neighborly conscience. The US will find its conscience again, but it appears that we will only learn through trouble.
Indefensible. That’s the word for the actions of police who continue the same arrogant conduct, even after all that has happened. It’s also the word for the Biden campaign.
A virtual convention that looks like a press conference can’t compete with a party convention on the White House lawn. Biden’s appeals are too much akin to Carter’s at the close of his defeated debate with Reagan. If I didn’t know better, I’d say the Democrats want to lose. It’s more likely that they don’t know when they are losing because they don’t know how to adapt. That goes for arrogant police as well as losing Democrat campaigns.
Take careful note of the dissent, complaints, doom-mongering, accusations, and verbal vomit coming against the leaders steering us through these times. This barrage of doubt befits the same ilk any victor faces in the hours and minutes before breakthrough and victory. Remember it well. After Trump wins and does more of what they said could not be done, the same accusers will deny that they ever claimed the inevitable was impossible.
Russia steps it up with subs, naval cooperation with China, and—hurting Hillary’s election chances? Jeff Bezos is now advising the Pentagon. And, NATO “has no chance”. What’s happening in America?—the clefting of revival.
The DNC convention saw a former president while the RNC convention saw none. Similarly to Obama, Trump campaigned against the Bush dynasty, which apparently is not the Republican party. A lot of things don’t seem to be the Republican party.
Clinton’s polls continue to slide. Trump sabotaged the DNC convention with his own press conference. Things are changing one way or another. The next president will likely serve two terms and will be the last president from the DNC or the RNC, ever.
According to several rumors coming out of the RNC, one of Trump’s daughters was seen assaulting Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, during a break at the Republican National Convention, prompting security to remove them both from the floor.
According to mainstream media, security was asked to remove Heidi Cruz from the floor for her own safety after the crowd began booing and jeering her husband during his speech. Witnesses at the event, though, say that’s not the reason at all.
“It wasn’t just Heidi that was taken away, it was also one of the Trump girls as well,” said reporter Mike Kennedy. “I was too far away to hear what they were arguing about, but Ms. Trump was definitely angry, and she spit right in Heidi Cruz’s face. Cruz actually reached back and slapped her across the face, and Trump pushed her to the floor. It all happened in a matter of seconds before security swept them away.”
Ted Cruz has refused to honor his commitment to back Republican nominee Donald Trump, and many are saying that the spat between families is what may have caused the assault on the RNC floor.
“I was standing only a couple feet away, and it was vicious,” said a man who was there, but who wished to remain anonymous. “Trump had definitely been drinking. To be honest, I don’t know which daughter it was. His entire family looks the same. Sort of orange with ugly hair. It could have been Donald in drag for all I know. Anyway, Trump scolded Heidi Cruz for not helping to support Donald Trump as he received, officially, the nomination, and Heidi yelled back. It was intense. I only wish I had gotten video.”
Mainstream news outlets have yet to pick up on the story, and most are assuming Trump and Cruz are working to have it covered up, as it negatively effects both of their families. Neither Donald Trump or Ted Cruz could be reached for comment.