
Cadence of Conflict: Asia, September 12, 2016

North Korea launched “another” nuke test. The announcement made sure that the North Koreans knew that it didn’t harm the environment. The Philippines released photos proving that China was doing what it had already been found guilty of and yet didn’t care.

Obama and China pointed fingers at each other this week. Reportedly, yet unconfirmed, China had a few more fingers to point than Obama. And, none of this is news, yet it continues to get reported week after week.

Instead, the news has quite a different tone:

A young woman walked a young man like a dog in Fuzhou before he stood up and they entered a shopping center together. China has finished the world’s largest “tallest” bridge, yet we won’t be able to cross it for several months. Research shows that about 20% of Taipei has been built on unstable ground and the Taipei mayor cares about the report of the ground as much as China cares about the verdict at sea. And, the most interesting news of all is that, while democracy ideologies have not found their way into North Korea, Green Peace’s ideologies have.

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Cadence of Conflict: Asia, May 2, 2016

Last week’s unreported US military exercises in Taiwan’s southern city of Kaohsiung, along with the neighboring indictment of the minority party’s legislative control through vote-buying, no doubt sends an unreported message to Beijing. What we see in the headlines more or less tells the same story. The Asian establishment feels threatened.

Every man’s defense is another man’s offense. If “we” own it, it’s a “missile defense” system. If “they” own it, it’s a “missile attack” system. If you ask the Chinese and Russians, the American people don’t like their government. If you ask the Americans, the Chinese and Russian people don’t like their governments. In “Boilerplateville” everyone is right.

China and Russia don’t want an early-stop anti-missile system close to the loose nuclear cannons in northern Korea. The United States sails anywhere and everywhere that anyone anywhere says is able to be sailed—violating nonunanimous claims of both foe and friend. No disputes are exempted. When it comes to allies in Asia Pacifica, Japan debates a lame duck in Taiwan over a fishing boat.

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November 11, 2015

8 in the next RNC debate (AP)

Rubio v Jeb, mud, ‘nasty’ (FOX Biz)

Reuters’ RNC poll (Reuters)

Appeals court: Obama claimed to ‘change the law’ (WA Times)

Obama appeals to SCOTUS (NY Times)

US to refit Iran nuke reactor into non-weapon (Free Beacon)

Finally: After more than 30 years, the US government may finally define “natural” food  · · · →

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July 15, 2015

Israel dost not approve the deal: ‘historic mistake’

Germany not happy that Israel is not happy

Mark Levin & Breitbart—the real deal on everything

Suffolk University DONALD 17% JEB 14%

1.1M fingerprints hacked: Fed workers

History of Pluto’s non-planet of love

Where no bean has gone before: Starbucks will open its first coffee shop in Sub Saharan Africa next year  · · · →

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Tempo: April 23, 2015

Iran ships to Yemen, Defense Sec concerned about weapons. US Defense publishes cyberwarfare strategy, hoping to deter. Obama doing more executive action, this time with a twist. Hillary, Uranium, and Russian. Google to offer wireless. Bonus: Iron Man lives up to his name: @RobertDowneyJr Tweets to Aidan having a bad day.

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Tempo: April 17, 2015

Cuba isn’t on the terrorist list anymore. TIME thinks American air travelers shouldn’t be either, bruising the TSA. Navy “LOCUST drones” on the rise? RINOs fought “in name only” against Obama’s Iran deal. News trend: Hillary’s “relatability” is doctored, the reports really trend. Hillary files coach, UK reports as embarrassingJapan is serious about nuke plant disaster evac. Radioactive material trends in Mexican theft. Products from Israel’s West Bank are to be labeled accordingly when sold in the EU; it’s controversial. Etsy is public, up 86% first day. Review of Bitcoins: Establishing Trust In The Bitcoin Ecosystem  · · · →

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