
Keep your eyes on the Northwest gate of America

I heard the Lord say, “Keep your eyes on the Northwest gate of America for I am opening up the Floodgates on Bill Gates. Things that have been hidden in his Foundation will be exposed for all to see.

Like a trumpet blast a sound will be heard that opens the floodgates and reveals the cracks in the Foundation from its past.”

I saw the eye on the pyramid of the dollar Bill. As I went into the eye I began to see ethernet cable being cut with a sword that were tied to companies connected to Bill Gates and his foundation. I watched until every cord was cut and the foundation began to shake uncontrollably.

Something will be exposed that is connected with Bill Gates that will leave many in shock and will rock the Foundation. 

-Prophet Charlie Shamp 



Praying Against Fear

I was investing some time during the Covid debacle, praying about the spirit of fear that I saw creating havoc in our nation. I needed to drive a for a while, and I like making use of the time (“redeeming the time” perhaps?).

I was praying about the grip that fear had in our nation, but I was focusing on how I see the grip working in my family and friends. Father had shown me something of the enemy’s plans in that area, and I could see them at work, like thorny vines wrapping around minds and wills and squeezing life out of them.

(By the way, the whole vaccine issue is powered by a spirit of fear [and some other things]. Some folks are afraid of a virus, or of not complying with authority, so they choose to get a vaccine. Other people are afraid of the vaccine itself, or about the loss of civil liberties, so they reject the vaccine.

Curiously, each group accuses the other of being insensitive and of acting out of fear. And probably most of those accusations are at least partly right. But I digress.)

So I was praying for people I care about. I was praying for courage, praying for an openness to the truth, denying permission for that spirit to be present or to work among them.

And as I prayed for them, I prayed in similar fashion for myself. That’s what I do.

I learned some time ago that my knowledge and beliefs are not actually completely perfect in every detail, so any time that I pray for someone to be open to the truth or for courage to stand against lies, I include myself in the prayers. I’m not above being wrong, after all.

My prayer time started off a little awkwardly; that’s not uncommon for me, as I look for “the vein” of Father’s heart in the prayers. After a little bit, I felt like I found it. I saw how it was working and how to respond effectively to the thing, and I was really enjoying praying for folks I care rather a lot about.

Then he took a sudden left turn. “You need to repent, Son.”

Wait, what? What for? I’ve been careful to include myself when I’m praying for folks on this issue! What do I need to repent for?

And with one glance of his eye, he showed me how I needed to let go of the judgment I had in my heart, both for people who held opinions that were part of fear’s agenda, and for people who were unwilling to really look at both sides of an issue, who never really listened to other people’s heartfelt concerns if they didn’t agree with their own position.

Whoa. What do you know. You’re right, of course. I repented, carefully, with detail.

Then he opened it up a little more. I’d struggled with the same issues of judgment in several other issues. In all fairness, they’re pretty divisive issues, but let’s be honest: we’re quick to divide over an awful lot of issues.

I’ve been walking with Jesus for a lot of decades, but he’s still taking me to school pretty regularly. I sure appreciate his tender mercy.


Fear As an Expression of the Imagination

Walking with Father recently, he brought up the subject of fear.

There are some things in the world where a healthy respect is appropriate. That’s not the issue here.

We as a species have the ability to imagine what might come about, and, if we want to, to fear that. The fear that begins with, “But what if….” is real.

That’s what Father brought to my attention this morning: the process of imagining what might happen, what things could maybe turn out like, even what surely will happen except for something trustworthy intervening.

The picture he showed me a picture of a very high, transparent bridge. A man on the bridge had suddenly looked down and saw nothing between him and the river hundreds of feet below. He freaked out.

That fearful man didn’t have all the data, but he was responding at least an approximation of reasonably, based on the limited data that he had.

Then Father took a left turn.

“That man on the bridge was imagining what would happen if there really was nothing beneath him.”

I scratched my head and thought about it. We walked in silence for a while.

After a while, Father reminded me of my (not insubstantial) skills at imagining what may happen and responding to those imaginations with fear or regret. There are maybe a lot of us that are pretty good at that.

He kept turning left. “These people who imagine what might happen and respond with fear, these people have a powerful imagination. That’s a powerful gift.”

I confess that I haven’t had much patience for myself or for others when one or the other of us imagines a “what if” and responds in fear. That process has really irritated me, and sometimes I’ve responded in anger or frustration or legalism or some such.

But today, Father showed me the other side of that situation.

I’m going to have to reflect on this a fair bit. Now it’s time to learn to use that powerful tool for the kingdom.

Imagination is a tool. Use the tool for good.


The Pilgrimgram 2020-11-19 06:15:00

Odd thought just crossed my mind. Romans 5 is happening, or something like it.
We’re sure seeing a lot of the works of darkness revealed over the past several months: riots in the streets, bad people, bad plans and bad actions are caught. (Keep praying along that they’d be revealed, of course. And brought to justice.)
But then there’s Romans 5:
• Romans 5:10: For if, while we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
• Romans 5:15: But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God's grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!
• Romans 5:17: For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
• Romans 5:20b: But where sin increased, grace increased all the more.
The principle that I think I might be hearing is this: if we’re seeing the works of dark spirits, how much more will the Holy Spirit be accessible to us in that time and place?

My suggestion: in this dark season, look for the light. Snuggle close to the Light, whatever that means for you. In more religious terms (there’s a place for them): press into the Holy Spirit, open yourself to him (transparency, or “seek him with all your heart”), and keep eyes and ears open for revelation.
I think we’ll find him willing to share his heart with us. And I’ll bet you a shiny new nickel that it’s kind of a whole lot more encouraging than the sewage the spirits of darkness are spreading around.
Note: I believe that the revelation will come in unfamiliar form, perhaps in hard-to-recognize form. It may be in unusual coincidences, or stray thoughts in your imagination, or casual conversation. I was overwhelmed by Holy Spirit speaking about our days in a Marvel movie the other night. Keep your eyes open.
Where sin abounds (and isn’t it abounding now?), Grace (God’s power, God’s direction) much more abounds. 



I had a dream that I think is significant in several ways to what is about to happen.

In the first scene I was in an old “house” that had what appeared to be three different stories. I was meeting with friends and new individuals to talk about current events.

In the next scene I was in the first-floor kitchen area and someone yelled from another part of the house to reach under the sink and turn on the water. As soon as I did the pipe exploded water began gush out of the pipes.

I heard screaming outside and ran out to see what it was, the main pipes in the middle of the house and outside the house (and these looked like industrial type pipes) were spewing water also. I ran back inside and turned off the water.

In the next scene we examined the pipes and found that they had been “repaired” to stop leaks and they had used JB Weld on the valves and other parts, but it had simply worn out.

Holy Spirit shared with me that the “House” has tried to fix the leaks over the years but the “pressure” needed to be released and so the pipes exploded. Turning the water (truth) off will not fix the problem as the pipes will take a long time to fix…expect to see significant flows of revelation and truth that man will not be able to stop.

Let him who has eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.

~ Martin Best​
3 May, 2018
Whirlwind Ministries 


I had a dream that I think is significant in several ways to what is about to happen.

In the first scene I was in an old “house” that had what appeared to be three different stories. I was meeting with friends and new individuals to talk about current events.

In the next scene I was in the first-floor kitchen area and someone yelled from another part of the house to reach under the sink and turn on the water. As soon as I did the pipe exploded water began gush out of the pipes.

I heard screaming outside and ran out to see what it was, the main pipes in the middle of the house and outside the house (and these looked like industrial type pipes) were spewing water also. I ran back inside and turned off the water.

In the next scene we examined the pipes and found that they had been “repaired” to stop leaks and they had used JB Weld on the valves and other parts, but it had simply worn out.

Holy Spirit shared with me that the “House” has tried to fix the leaks over the years but the “pressure” needed to be released and so the pipes exploded. Turning the water (truth) off will not fix the problem as the pipes will take a long time to fix…expect to see significant flows of revelation and truth that man will not be able to stop.

Let him who has eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.

~ Martin Best​
3 May, 2018
Whirlwind Ministries 


I had a dream that I think is significant in several ways to what is about to happen.

In the first scene I was in an old “house” that had what appeared to be three different stories. I was meeting with friends and new individuals to talk about current events.

In the next scene I was in the first-floor kitchen area and someone yelled from another part of the house to reach under the sink and turn on the water. As soon as I did the pipe exploded water began gush out of the pipes.

I heard screaming outside and ran out to see what it was, the main pipes in the middle of the house and outside the house (and these looked like industrial type pipes) were spewing water also. I ran back inside and turned off the water.

In the next scene we examined the pipes and found that they had been “repaired” to stop leaks and they had used JB Weld on the valves and other parts, but it had simply worn out.

Holy Spirit shared with me that the “House” has tried to fix the leaks over the years but the “pressure” needed to be released and so the pipes exploded. Turning the water (truth) off will not fix the problem as the pipes will take a long time to fix…expect to see significant flows of revelation and truth that man will not be able to stop.

Let him who has eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.

~ Martin Best​
3 May, 2018
Whirlwind Ministries 