
“Houses of Worship” – Prophetic Word

I’m hearing the Lord release a strategy – an international strategy for the hosting of His glory and His presence.

And the Lord says this, “Have I not told you in my Scriptures that I am heavy?” He says, “Have I not described myself to you as the weighty God, who carries kavod (which is the Old Testament word for glory, but it means [heavy] weight)?” And the Spirit of the Lord says this:

“My eyes have been wandering to and fro across the earth, looking for a house that can bear my heaviness. I am struggling to find a building that I can sit in and not destroy it by my size.

What you have done in your nights of worship, and what you have done in your Sunday services, have only been able to hold the partial weight of who I am. They no longer satisfy you and they no longer satisfy me. For I want to be Emmanuel, the God who is with my people.

And the Lord says, “Oh! It is the day of my ‘glory weight’. It is the day of my seatedness in the midst of my people. But He says, “I have already told you, there is only one way that we build the throne. I told you that it was in worship and praise that a throne got built for me to sit in.”

And the Lord says, “Thank you for the houses of prayer!” But He says, “It is no longer their day”. He says, “Thank you for the healing rooms, and the miracle clinics, but they will no longer hold me”. He says, “Thank you for the prophetic centres, but know in this new season [that] my glory will come on the Levites in the house of worship.”

And the Spirit of the Lord says, “I am lassoing into place an international coalition of Levites who [will be] in every continent [so that] there will be houses of worship where I can sit. This is the day of the commissioning of the international houses of worship, and the gathering, the anointing, and the appointing of their leadership team in the earth – and of those who will populate the song and the sound”.

I am watching the globe, and I am watching it spin, and I am seeing where in the world (like little red lights) there are houses of worship. And the Lord says, “If you will give a sacrifice of worship around the clock to me, you will come into a level of my glory that you have not even begun to dream is possible, for all you know to ask me is, “Do it again”….

…[because] all you know to [ask] now is for a revival that you understand because you’ve read about it in history.” The Lord says, “I will not do that again. So stop asking me for it. You are praying in error by asking for a revival of the old. What I want to do is sit with glory, like I have never been able to do before on the earth in your history. And from that place… AND FROM THAT PLACE… will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth.”

“These are your instructions. Build me a house of worship! Build me a house of worship!”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Do you now see why there was such a fight over worship? Do you now see why you prophesied ‘new sound’, but you could never access it? Do you see that this was always the contention area – and satan knew it – because this is where I have chosen – and how I have chosen – to bring my throne.”

And the Lord says: “Musicians!” He says, “Musicians!” (I am watching those of low skill suddenly get this appetite for practice, and suddenly get a skilled “musicianary” capability. And those with expertise already [will also] get a sound and a fresh anointing. And the Lord says, “Oh worship leaders! The previous season capped you. You could see there was more but it was like glass above your heads. This day, as I release the instruction, the glass above you shatters – and you now know what you must build me.

I will have the European sound, and I will have the African sound, and I will have the Latin American sound. I will have the Asian sound, I will have the Antipodean sound. I will have the sound of the Arctic, and the sound of the people of Greenland – and Iceland. The Lord says, “Oh Reykjavik, from you there will be such a sound from the North, and Oh Cape Town, there will be such a sound from the South!”

And, “Oh America!”, He says, “I will burn your musicians first. I will rescue some from a franchise model, that a sound may come forth. And He says to your First Nations people, “There is an anointing of sound on you that was lost for hundreds of years, and the sound of the First Nations will come back into the limelight, and you will break the ground open for plantings of signs and wonders in this nation”, says the Lord.

And the Lord says, “Cairo, Cairo, Cairo! No longer will you be a place known for the pyramids, but you will be known for building me a house of worship. And these houses of worship will light up the grid and be joined up. And I will put my angels to fly between the houses of worship, and there will be a sharing – where one house breaks through, all the houses will break through together, for I will unify the houses of worship, and they will be a remnant army in the earth.

And they will share what they preach, and they will share their best practices, for I will have them not competitive, but I will have them rise, and I will have them rise!

And I will put worship apostles back in the earth”, says the Lord. “It is the anointing of the ‘apostles of worship’.” The Lord says this: “You thought that apostles just preached. You SHUT DOWN the apostolic grace from your musicians, you shut down the prophetic grace from your musicians.” And the Lord says right now, “I make apostolic and prophetic worship leaders. I am putting together apostolic and prophetic worship leaders, and they will be prophetically-apostolic and apostolically-prophetic.
They will lead, and they will LEAD, AND THEY WILL LEAD! And they will lead in the nations of the earth.” “Lagos”, God says, “Nigeria. Even in Lagos, there will be a sound that comes forth.”
And the Lord says, “I will not put these houses of worship in obvious places in America.”

[Emma comments]: Do you know what I’m most grieved about? I’ve not seen before that we’ve ripped the apostolic off worship leaders. So therefore they never had sound strategy, they just had sound. We did that to them. That is a sin.

So we bless you worship leaders to be apostolic. We bless you to be the sent ones with strategies of sound. You’re going to have strategies of sound. You’re going to have building grace, because apostles have building grace. You’re going to know what it is to build ‘sound mountains’ – ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth. I don’t even know what that is but the Lord says that there are going to be ‘worship sound mountains’ in the earth that rise above all the other mountains. And the sound that comes from apostolic worship leaders will be a sign that many will flock to – to find Jesus.

Then the Lord says this, “Kanye West is a small first fruit”. The Lord says, “What satan gave to the Beatles, I will give the holy version to the apostolic worship leaders.”

"Houses of Worship" - Prophetic Word
Emma Stark
Fremont, CA June 10, 2022

Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark,
Glasgow, Scotland

(Note: Northern California is considered part of the Pacific Northwest.) ------------ She clarified afterwards:

Given in Fremont , CA on 10th June 2022.
To help you weigh, test and respond to this word, we have included some explanatory/interpretive comments in the footnotes. We only see in part and prophesy in part. We therefore urge you to pray and seek the Holy Spirit to help you understand, interpret and apply this prophecy.

The paragraph on the first page that mentions houses of prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy has already generated a lot of discussion since the word was first published on social media. Therefore, in addition to the footnotes, we offer the following clarifying comment:

David and I love prayer, healing, miracles, and prophecy and the houses that have pioneered and specialised in these ministries, especially in recent decades. We deeply honour and thank God for those who serve and have served in these houses. We ourselves have led or served in such places over the years. We still do!

We believe that prayer, healing, miracles and prophecy must not cease in the body of Christ! In fact, they must increase! The term ‘house of prayer’ is completely Biblical and is found in Isaiah 56:7, and is referred to by Jesus. We affirm the work of house of prayer organisations all over the world!

It is our interpretation of this prophetic word that God is not criticising or condemning the work of houses of prayer (or the other ministries mentioned). On the contrary, in the prophetic word the Lord specifically thanks His servants for these places.

So, for clarity: this word is NOT about not praying or in any way demeaning the importance of prayer and those places that are specifically called to pray. The focus of the word is very clearly on something else - houses of worship - and the new wine structures where, as the word goes on to say,

“ ...from that place will come the words, the healings, the miracles, the deliverances, the community transformation. It is from the house of worship that I will birth the next move of what I am doing in the earth...” Prayer will be fundamental in this, of course!

When houses of prayer were pioneered on the earth following prophetic words, such as in the 1990-2000s, it did not mean the end of local churches, teaching ministries, worship and so on.

Similarly, to take this word as a word to end prayer, miracles, healing and prophetic ministries would be probably stretching it beyond its meaning.

Finally, at the end, when Emma is commenting on the word she has given, she urges us to not sow into places that are old wineskins or partnered with the political spirit. For the avoidance of doubt, please seek the Lord carefully and prayerfully before stopping your generous support of established ministries and ministers. Do not do this in haste and do not be quick to assume or judge what is an old

or new wineskin. Please continue to support those faithful Levites who have prayed without ceasing for you, your family, your city and your nation!

The word can be listened to in full online at
Together for His Kingdom,
Emma and David Stark, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 June 2022

Is All Worship Equally Precious to God?

Is all worship equally precious to God?

That question challenges me quite a lot. They stretch me. And I think I see a trap in it.

It seems to me that worship from a broken place might be more precious, as it costs us more.

It’s pretty easy, when God has just healed your daughter from cancer, to respond in worship toward the God who just restored the love of your life to you. In fact, sometimes it’s hard for believers to not worship God in those circumstances.

And that worship is precious to God.

But worship doesn’t come as naturally, as easily, when you’ve missed your rent payment again, when your family rejects you, when your favorite grandmother just died. Scripture talks about “a sacrifice of praise” [Hebrews 13:15]. One reason that Job is among my heroes is because when he got the news about the death of his children and the theft of his fortune, “he fell to the ground in worship” [Job 1:20].

Worship in these circumstances is more costly to us.

I find that worship in those circumstances is more precious in me as well, from two perspectives.

First, in times of disappointment and failure, my soul is more vulnerable, more pliable, more raw. When I come before God in worship in those times, I am more effectively conformed to his image, and I receive more of his comfort and provision (though I may not recognize that until later).

Second, when I observe you worshipping passionately in the midst of your trials, that ignites something in me in response. Sometimes it’s igniting worship in me, sometimes gratitude or joy.

Watching someone worshipping in the midst of blessing and gratitude is cool too. But when you are worshipping God purposefully in those times, your worship has a more powerful effect on me, and therefore is more precious to me.

Is it more precious to God? That’s a tough one. Since Scripture doesn’t seem to answer that question, I figure I maybe shouldn’t answer for him where he’s chosen not to answer.
However, a good number of people believe that yes, God does appreciate worship more when it comes out of difficult trials.

Now here’s where the trap comes.

If I believe that my worship is more meaningful to God when it comes from trials, then I might be tempted to go looking for trials in order to “level up” the value of their worship before God. And there are all kinds of problems with that.

○ I’ve known people who believed this, and tried to walk it out. Their lives were messed up. They intentionally chose physically demanding jobs, they wouldn’t let anyone help them so as to not “lose their reward.” They had no joy, no friends, and no fruit in their lives. These were miserable people.

○ In some religious movements, this has been elevated to a virtue, an art form. Self-flagellation – whether literal or metaphorical – is always popular. And it’s the metaphorical kind that’s the worst trouble. We all know people who regularly say sad and evil things about themselves (“I deserve this” for example). Many of them will defend these beliefs at some level.

○ The worst of it may be the worship of Molech, which we see in the Old Testament, and which continues even today. One of the more detestable things that evil people in the Old Testament did was to sacrifice their children [1Kings 3:27, Ezekiel 20:31].

I was reflecting on this the other day: Why would these people kill their kids? How could they be so deceived as to think that this was a good thing?

I could feel Father’s sadness as I brought the questions up. He pointed out that these people are badly deceived: it’s not really God that they’re worshipping, though they may or may not know it. But they believe that in sacrificing that which is most precious to them – bone of their bone – that they will be more pleasing to God or gods, or that they will gain more power.

In reality, those child sacrifices are acts of worship to demons, inspired by demons, and used by demons to control the people. That’s not all that hard to see from our viewpoint as twenty-first century Christians. We can see it where they could not.

And then it dawned on me: it is, all of it, in greater or lesser measure, and whether we intend it to be or not, it is all worship at a false altar. (I can’t bring myself to say, “It’s all worship of demons, in one measure or another,” even though that’s what I think I mean: that’s just too harsh.)

Let me say it more delicately, and I’m going to cut to the chase, here: any time we hold up our sacrifice, our works, as making us more pleasing to God, we’ve missed the heart of Jesus. In that moment that we believe (whether with words or not) that “I deserve this,” or that “My sacrifice will make me more pleasing to God,” we have taken our eyes off of Jesus, and put them on a false god of one sort or another.

Summary: Worshipping God in the midst of trials and loss is a beautiful thing. It’s good for you, it inspires people around you, it draws you closer to God and to his provision for you.

It is possible, whether blatantly (as with Molech) or subtly (with our attitudes) to carry that “beautiful thing” to a very ugly extreme and to rob it of all its beauty.

At the same time, it is also possible to be overly aware of the dangers of the ugly extreme, and shy away from worshipping God in difficulty or uncertainty, out of fear of making that mistake.

Reacting out of fear is never a healthy thing, is it? And taking things to extremes is so often such a mistake, isn’t it?

I’m reminded again of the wisdom of “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”


Tambourines & Trumpets in Public Worship Meetings

This has been burning in me for a couple of weeks. I guess I’d better get it out. I’ll be as gentle as I can.

I get it that some folks like to worship physically. I get it that some folks believe that making a lot of noise makes their worship more meaningful or more powerful. And I truly understand wanting to get more deeply involved in worship.

Here’s the place I’m coming to: If you’re part of a group of people worshiping, then it’s not appropriate for your worship to be overwhelming the worship of the people around you.

And to that end tambourines and trumpets do not belong in a public worship gathering. The principle applies to things that we do in worship that over-ride or hinder the worship of others around us, but let’s use these as our focus.

Here’s the exception: If you’re part of the worship team, in unity with them, AND you’re really skilled, then there might be a place for those instruments.

But if you are regularly blaaaating your ram’s-horn when you feel the spirit move, then you are a disruption to unity, not a contributor.

And if you’re constantly banging your tambourine, regardless of whether you think you’re keeping the beat or not, you are a disruption to the unity of the group, not contributing to it.

There’s a bigger problem with tambourines, and I apologize, but I’m going to get a bit nerdly here.

Unless you are physically located on the stage with the band, your instrument is not physically ABLE to keep the beat that the band is keeping, and you will be (not “may” be) making their job substantially more difficult.

This is physics, folks: sound is slow. It takes time to travel from the stage to you. So when “the beat” leaves the stage, it takes time to travel to your location, dawdling along at a measly 343 meters per second: the farther you are from the stage, the more time it takes for the beat to reach you. The sound is delayed when it reaches you.

Let’s imagine that your tambourine playing is exactly perfect, and they strike their tambourine at the instant they hear the beat. They are still not striking their tambourine at the same time that the band is. They’re striking the beat after the sound has taken its time to reach them. That’s not the same time. They’re delayed in striking the tambourine, because of the delay that their beat took to reach you.

Then, of course, the sound from your tambourine – which is already the loudest thing in the audience – takes its sweet time moseying throughout the room. So that sister over there hears the beat from the band and then hears the beat from the tambourine at completely different times. Now she’s thrown off. This happens to pretty much everybody in the room that’s not standing right next to the rogue percussionist on the tambourine.

The worst part is by the time the band themselves hear the noise from your tambourine (and because it’s so loud, and its sound is so sharp and cutting, they will hear it), it is so far off the beat by the time that the sound reaches the stage – again because of physics – that now the delayed tambourine beat is competing with their beat. They cannot play their best with two out-of-sync percussionists fighting to lead.

If the drummer and the tambourine player are separated by more than 15’, the difference in the beat is noticeable and is distracting. That’s not opinion, that’s science. And if the distance is greater than that, it can be very difficult or impossible to lead worship in that space.

The saddest part of this is that the person playing the tambourine literally cannot recognize the havoc that they’re wreaking on the worship in that setting, because they are perhaps the only person in the room who cannot hear it. If you tell them that their playing is hindering the musicians or other worshippers, they’ll often not believe you and take great offense.

The net result of these instruments playing in a worship gathering is 1Corinthians 14:17: “You are giving thanks well enough, but no one else is edified.” In many cases, you are giving thanks well enough, but everyone else is prevented from worshiping at all.

Does that mean I cannot worship with my trumpet or my tambourine? Not at all. But it might mean that you shouldn’t worship with them in public. Use them all you like in your secret place. But please do not bring them into the public gathering, unless you’re very, very skilled with it, and you are a member of the band, responding to the direction of the worship leader.

I have also been part of percussion events, where the goal of the whole thing is for everybody to be gathered around together banging away together. Some of those have been heavenly!

But in a community worship gathering, no, not so much.


Anointed Worship: What Does That Really Mean?

I had an interesting revelation recently. I’d like your take on it. This might be a little convoluted, so follow close here. This took me down unfamiliar paths; perhaps they’ll be new ideas to you as well.

I was worshipping in the morning, and I was using a track from one of my favorite worship bands. The track was a very popular worship song: everybody and their bass player has covered it.

I found myself drawn into that place of intimate worship. I was thankful for such an anointed song to help lead me into the place of the sacrifice of worship. 

And it began to dawn on me that yes, there was an anointing here, but it wasn’t on the song. Hmm. Yes? Tell me more. 

I considered for a while the possibility that some songs might not carry an anointing on them, but people using the song for anointed purposes still produces an anointing.

That didn’t quite fit right. Why would this song be anointed, and that song not be anointed? (Yeah, I know: there are answers for this, but that’s not the path my meditation took this morning.) Might the anointing on a song vary with the anointing on the songwriter? Or the anointing present during the songwriting.

Then I recognized a feeling in my spirit: That’s not the right path; you’re getting distracted. (Have you ever played “hot & cold” [“You’re getting warmer…..”] when your parents or someone hid something for you to find? We did that with Easter eggs. This was like that.)

So I backed off and just listened in my spirit, watched to see what Holy Spirit might be highlighting for me.

After a bit, I realized that while He uses songs, it’s not songs that He anoints. Hmm.

The infinitely personal Spirit of the Immortal God doesn’t anoint melodies or harmonies with His presence, nor lyrics, though he’s quite happy to use them all. He doesn’t anoint the guitar solo, or the percussion mix, or the click track. It’s not the song’s arrangement, or the engineer’s mix of the song or use of equalization and reverb that carries God’s presence. Neither is it the choice of instruments nor the choice of microphones. It’s not the physical CD, or the data of the .mp3 or .wav file that He anoints.

God anoints people. God’s anointing is on people (and Biblically, you can make a case that he’s not all that particular about which people, believers or not), not on people’s tools. My tool is mine; God doesn’t typically anoint my stuff. God anoints what’s his: you and me.

I’m still working through the question of whether God anoints the tasks that we do; for the moment I think not, that His anointing is on people as they do the tasks, but the jury is still out on that one.

And here’s where it gets personal. This means – if I’m understanding His heart correctly – that when I sense God’s anointing on a worship song, as I did in this morning, that I’m mistaken.

I can think of a couple of directions that could go:

  • I’m pretty sure that very often what I mean when I say “It’s an anointed song,” is that I’m remembering experiencing His anointing while engaging Him with that song in times past. Our emotional memories are really powerful, and it could be those emotions I’m remembering.

  • Or when I experience an anointing in the context of a song, it may be that my own spirit (and perhaps my soul, too) is trained, conditioned to quickly and smoothly enter into the place where I experience his anointing. I can think of worse conditioned responses.

  • Closely related to the above, I think I’ve experienced times where my spirit is so thirsty that it leaps with joy at the barest hint of an opportunity to worship my Creator/King/Lover, and I mistake that leap toward Him for His anointing. I guess this one speaks to the quality of my private worship times. I confess, I love it when my spirit leaps to worship, but it is a sign of lack of spiritual nutrition in my life. Hmm.

  • Since I’m trying to be honest here, the possibility also exists that I’m deceived, too. It is a real possibility that when I experience something associated with a song which I’ve used for spiritual purposes, that I’m actually engaging a religious spirit. Let’s be honest, there is a lot of manipulation that happens in some times and places where we worship God. Looks like I need to keep my discernment ears on.

  • Or something else may be going on.

But God’s anointing is on people. Not tools. 

Anointed Worship: What Does That Really Mean?

I had an interesting revelation recently. I’d like your take on it. This might be a little convoluted, so follow close here. This took me down unfamiliar paths; perhaps they’ll be new ideas to you as well.

I was worshipping in the morning, and I was using a track from one of my favorite worship bands. The track was a very popular worship song: everybody and their bass player has covered it.

I found myself drawn into that place of intimate worship. I was thankful for such an anointed song to help lead me into the place of the sacrifice of worship. 

And it began to dawn on me that yes, there was an anointing here, but it wasn’t on the song. Hmm. Yes? Tell me more. 

I considered for a while the possibility that some songs might not carry an anointing on them, but people using the song for anointed purposes still produces an anointing.

That didn’t quite fit right. Why would this song be anointed, and that song not be anointed? (Yeah, I know: there are answers for this, but that’s not the path my meditation took this morning.) Might the anointing on a song vary with the anointing on the songwriter? Or the anointing present during the songwriting.

Then I recognized a feeling in my spirit: That’s not the right path; you’re getting distracted. (Have you ever played “hot & cold” [“You’re getting warmer…..”] when your parents or someone hid something for you to find? We did that with Easter eggs. This was like that.)

So I backed off and just listened in my spirit, watched to see what Holy Spirit might be highlighting for me.

After a bit, I realized that while He uses songs, it’s not songs that He anoints. Hmm.

The infinitely personal Spirit of the Immortal God doesn’t anoint melodies or harmonies with His presence, nor lyrics, though he’s quite happy to use them all. He doesn’t anoint the guitar solo, or the percussion mix, or the click track. It’s not the song’s arrangement, or the engineer’s mix of the song or use of equalization and reverb that carries God’s presence. Neither is it the choice of instruments nor the choice of microphones. It’s not the physical CD, or the data of the .mp3 or .wav file that He anoints.

God anoints people. God’s anointing is on people (and Biblically, you can make a case that he’s not all that particular about which people, believers or not), not on people’s tools. My tool is mine; God doesn’t typically anoint my stuff. God anoints what’s his: you and me.

I’m still working through the question of whether God anoints the tasks that we do; for the moment I think not, that His anointing is on people as they do the tasks, but the jury is still out on that one.

And here’s where it gets personal. This means – if I’m understanding His heart correctly – that when I sense God’s anointing on a worship song, as I did in this morning, that I’m mistaken.

I can think of a couple of directions that could go:

  • I’m pretty sure that very often what I mean when I say “It’s an anointed song,” is that I’m remembering experiencing His anointing while engaging Him with that song in times past. Our emotional memories are really powerful, and it could be those emotions I’m remembering.

  • Or when I experience an anointing in the context of a song, it may be that my own spirit (and perhaps my soul, too) is trained, conditioned to quickly and smoothly enter into the place where I experience his anointing. I can think of worse conditioned responses.

  • Closely related to the above, I think I’ve experienced times where my spirit is so thirsty that it leaps with joy at the barest hint of an opportunity to worship my Creator/King/Lover, and I mistake that leap toward Him for His anointing. I guess this one speaks to the quality of my private worship times. I confess, I love it when my spirit leaps to worship, but it is a sign of lack of spiritual nutrition in my life. Hmm.

  • Since I’m trying to be honest here, the possibility also exists that I’m deceived, too. It is a real possibility that when I experience something associated with a song which I’ve used for spiritual purposes, that I’m actually engaging a religious spirit. Let’s be honest, there is a lot of manipulation that happens in some times and places where we worship God. Looks like I need to keep my discernment ears on.

  • Or something else may be going on.

But God’s anointing is on people. Not tools. 

Anointed Worship: What Does That Really Mean?

I had an interesting revelation recently. I’d like your take on it. This might be a little convoluted, so follow close here. This took me down unfamiliar paths; perhaps they’ll be new ideas to you as well.

I was worshipping in the morning, and I was using a track from one of my favorite worship bands. The track was a very popular worship song: everybody and their bass player has covered it.

I found myself drawn into that place of intimate worship. I was thankful for such an anointed song to help lead me into the place of the sacrifice of worship. 

And it began to dawn on me that yes, there was an anointing here, but it wasn’t on the song. Hmm. Yes? Tell me more. 

I considered for a while the possibility that some songs might not carry an anointing on them, but people using the song for anointed purposes still produces an anointing.

That didn’t quite fit right. Why would this song be anointed, and that song not be anointed? (Yeah, I know: there are answers for this, but that’s not the path my meditation took this morning.) Might the anointing on a song vary with the anointing on the songwriter? Or the anointing present during the songwriting.

Then I recognized a feeling in my spirit: That’s not the right path; you’re getting distracted. (Have you ever played “hot & cold” [“You’re getting warmer…..”] when your parents or someone hid something for you to find? We did that with Easter eggs. This was like that.)

So I backed off and just listened in my spirit, watched to see what Holy Spirit might be highlighting for me.

After a bit, I realized that while He uses songs, it’s not songs that He anoints. Hmm.

The infinitely personal Spirit of the Immortal God doesn’t anoint melodies or harmonies with His presence, nor lyrics, though he’s quite happy to use them all. He doesn’t anoint the guitar solo, or the percussion mix, or the click track. It’s not the song’s arrangement, or the engineer’s mix of the song or use of equalization and reverb that carries God’s presence. Neither is it the choice of instruments nor the choice of microphones. It’s not the physical CD, or the data of the .mp3 or .wav file that He anoints.

God anoints people. God’s anointing is on people (and Biblically, you can make a case that he’s not all that particular about which people, believers or not), not on people’s tools. My tool is mine; God doesn’t typically anoint my stuff. God anoints what’s his: you and me.

I’m still working through the question of whether God anoints the tasks that we do; for the moment I think not, that His anointing is on people as they do the tasks, but the jury is still out on that one.

And here’s where it gets personal. This means – if I’m understanding His heart correctly – that when I sense God’s anointing on a worship song, as I did in this morning, that I’m mistaken.

I can think of a couple of directions that could go:

  • I’m pretty sure that very often what I mean when I say “It’s an anointed song,” is that I’m remembering experiencing His anointing while engaging Him with that song in times past. Our emotional memories are really powerful, and it could be those emotions I’m remembering.

  • Or when I experience an anointing in the context of a song, it may be that my own spirit (and perhaps my soul, too) is trained, conditioned to quickly and smoothly enter into the place where I experience his anointing. I can think of worse conditioned responses.

  • Closely related to the above, I think I’ve experienced times where my spirit is so thirsty that it leaps with joy at the barest hint of an opportunity to worship my Creator/King/Lover, and I mistake that leap toward Him for His anointing. I guess this one speaks to the quality of my private worship times. I confess, I love it when my spirit leaps to worship, but it is a sign of lack of spiritual nutrition in my life. Hmm.

  • Since I’m trying to be honest here, the possibility also exists that I’m deceived, too. It is a real possibility that when I experience something associated with a song which I’ve used for spiritual purposes, that I’m actually engaging a religious spirit. Let’s be honest, there is a lot of manipulation that happens in some times and places where we worship God. Looks like I need to keep my discernment ears on.

  • Or something else may be going on.

But God’s anointing is on people. Not tools. 

Word for Oregon

Today spontaneously while driving I heard the words, "I'm calling pioneers to be settlers in Oregon”.

This was troubling to me since I have always identified myself as a pioneer.

I'm aware that Oregon is known as a pioneer state, many have lost their lives taking the journey to settle Oregon.

However, what I was hearing was pioneering spiritually attached to an independent spirit. The Lord’s desire is for pioneers to become settling pioneers.

A settling pioneer is one who joins community and serves a larger corporate vision while still pioneering God's dreams for his city.

I then saw a picture of streams filling up the desert. This is a reference to Isaiah 35:6-7.

ISAIAH 35:6&7
Then will the lame leap like a deer,
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
The burning sand will become a pool,
the thirsty ground bubbling springs…

It's the Father's desire for the dry spiritual climate in Oregon to experience rivers of refreshing.

I asked the Lord how we as a body were to come into alignment with His heart?

I quickly heard the word, “worship.”

Worship will cause us to take our eyes off ourselves and put them on Jesus. Worshiping the Lord has the power to cause people to unite like nothing else I have personally ever seen. Independenceno longer becomes an issue in the Presence of the Lord.

I want to encourage pastors and leaders to begin to host worship gatherings where the priority is Christ being glorified with no other agenda. Times of worship where not only the local church gather but other churches in the region are invited to gather as well.

Regional worship gatherings will begin to form a war ship where the spirit of heaviness and apathy will be displaced.

It's time to awaken those that are sleeping spiritually and awaken to our inheritance as a state.

This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

Ephesians 5:14

March 2016

Word for Oregon

Today spontaneously while driving I heard the words, "I'm calling pioneers to be settlers in Oregon”.

This was troubling to me since I have always identified myself as a pioneer.

I'm aware that Oregon is known as a pioneer state, many have lost their lives taking the journey to settle Oregon.

However, what I was hearing was pioneering spiritually attached to an independent spirit. The Lord’s desire is for pioneers to become settling pioneers.

A settling pioneer is one who joins community and serves a larger corporate vision while still pioneering God's dreams for his city.

I then saw a picture of streams filling up the desert. This is a reference to Isaiah 35:6-7.

ISAIAH 35:6&7
Then will the lame leap like a deer,
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
The burning sand will become a pool,
the thirsty ground bubbling springs…

It's the Father's desire for the dry spiritual climate in Oregon to experience rivers of refreshing.

I asked the Lord how we as a body were to come into alignment with His heart?

I quickly heard the word, “worship.”

Worship will cause us to take our eyes off ourselves and put them on Jesus. Worshiping the Lord has the power to cause people to unite like nothing else I have personally ever seen. Independenceno longer becomes an issue in the Presence of the Lord.

I want to encourage pastors and leaders to begin to host worship gatherings where the priority is Christ being glorified with no other agenda. Times of worship where not only the local church gather but other churches in the region are invited to gather as well.

Regional worship gatherings will begin to form a war ship where the spirit of heaviness and apathy will be displaced.

It's time to awaken those that are sleeping spiritually and awaken to our inheritance as a state.

This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

Ephesians 5:14

March 2016

Word for Oregon

Today spontaneously while driving I heard the words, "I'm calling pioneers to be settlers in Oregon”.

This was troubling to me since I have always identified myself as a pioneer.

I'm aware that Oregon is known as a pioneer state, many have lost their lives taking the journey to settle Oregon.

However, what I was hearing was pioneering spiritually attached to an independent spirit. The Lord’s desire is for pioneers to become settling pioneers.

A settling pioneer is one who joins community and serves a larger corporate vision while still pioneering God's dreams for his city.

I then saw a picture of streams filling up the desert. This is a reference to Isaiah 35:6-7.

ISAIAH 35:6&7
Then will the lame leap like a deer,
and the mute tongue shout for joy.
Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
The burning sand will become a pool,
the thirsty ground bubbling springs…

It's the Father's desire for the dry spiritual climate in Oregon to experience rivers of refreshing.

I asked the Lord how we as a body were to come into alignment with His heart?

I quickly heard the word, “worship.”

Worship will cause us to take our eyes off ourselves and put them on Jesus. Worshiping the Lord has the power to cause people to unite like nothing else I have personally ever seen. Independenceno longer becomes an issue in the Presence of the Lord.

I want to encourage pastors and leaders to begin to host worship gatherings where the priority is Christ being glorified with no other agenda. Times of worship where not only the local church gather but other churches in the region are invited to gather as well.

Regional worship gatherings will begin to form a war ship where the spirit of heaviness and apathy will be displaced.

It's time to awaken those that are sleeping spiritually and awaken to our inheritance as a state.

This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

Ephesians 5:14

March 2016
Devotionals, Letters

Our Turn

I don’t remember if I’ve told you this story. 

Revelation 5 describes the scene:

Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they were saying: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" The four living creatures said, "Amen," and the elders fell down and worshiped. - Revelation 5:11-14 

I was part of a worship team in a tiny church, and we were together on I think it was a Thursday night, rehearsing for Sunday. We’d all been through “stuff” that week, so we prayed together before we discussed our plans. And then we started singing. 

Understand that for us, we weren’t just rehearsing the music, we were rehearsing our worship of God. We cannot lead people in worship, we believe, unless we ourselves are truly worshiping; otherwise, it’s just cheer-leading. So we were worshiping.

I don’t remember who was leading the song (we passed that responsibility around), but I was standing facing the rest of the band, with my back to where the congregation would be next Sunday. And I remember feeling like we were turning a corner. We’d played this song a thousand times before, and many of those times had been really good, we’d really entered into real worship, but this was different. I glanced at some of the faces around me: some felt what I was feeling; others were lost in it.

I had the sense of movement behind my back, so I turned around, and as I did, in my spirit I saw a curtain being opened, and an enormous audience worshiping the same One we were worshiping. It seemed that this was the worship scene from Revelation 5, lost in adoration of the Worthy Lamb, and this was our turn to lead the worship in that gathering. 

To this day, I still can see the throngs of people worshiping Him who sat on that throne, though I only saw them for an instant, because then my eye was drawn to Him and I was truly undone. 

The experience in that place didn’t last long, but it was timeless. It happened some years ago, but I remember it as if it was five minutes ago, and my eyes still tear up as I do,

Let me just say it this way: from that day forward, we were changed.

Something in my spirit taught me that day: worship that comes from Earth is more precious than worship that comes from Heaven, because on Earth we have more to overcome, more distractions to push past before we can fix our eyes on the One. Worship on Earth is described as a sacrifice (Romans 12:1), and the sacrifice to worship here on Earth, in the midst of all that life is a more costly, a more precious sacrifice than to worship in Heaven, among the angels and the elders and the living creatures.

May I encourage us: when we worship, let’s fully worship, let’s not hold back. Sure, we’ll worship in Heaven, and it’ll be glorious. But it may not be quite as glorious as the worship that comes from Earth. 

Devotionals, Letters

Our Turn

I don’t remember if I’ve told you this story. 

Revelation 5 describes the scene:

Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they were saying: "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!" The four living creatures said, "Amen," and the elders fell down and worshiped. - Revelation 5:11-14 

I was part of a worship team in a tiny church, and we were together on I think it was a Thursday night, rehearsing for Sunday. We’d all been through “stuff” that week, so we prayed together before we discussed our plans. And then we started singing. 

Understand that for us, we weren’t just rehearsing the music, we were rehearsing our worship of God. We cannot lead people in worship, we believe, unless we ourselves are truly worshiping; otherwise, it’s just cheer-leading. So we were worshiping.

I don’t remember who was leading the song (we passed that responsibility around), but I was standing facing the rest of the band, with my back to where the congregation would be next Sunday. And I remember feeling like we were turning a corner. We’d played this song a thousand times before, and many of those times had been really good, we’d really entered into real worship, but this was different. I glanced at some of the faces around me: some felt what I was feeling; others were lost in it.

I had the sense of movement behind my back, so I turned around, and as I did, in my spirit I saw a curtain being opened, and an enormous audience worshiping the same One we were worshiping. It seemed that this was the worship scene from Revelation 5, lost in adoration of the Worthy Lamb, and this was our turn to lead the worship in that gathering. 

To this day, I still can see the throngs of people worshiping Him who sat on that throne, though I only saw them for an instant, because then my eye was drawn to Him and I was truly undone. 

The experience in that place didn’t last long, but it was timeless. It happened some years ago, but I remember it as if it was five minutes ago, and my eyes still tear up as I do,

Let me just say it this way: from that day forward, we were changed.

Something in my spirit taught me that day: worship that comes from Earth is more precious than worship that comes from Heaven, because on Earth we have more to overcome, more distractions to push past before we can fix our eyes on the One. Worship on Earth is described as a sacrifice (Romans 12:1), and the sacrifice to worship here on Earth, in the midst of all that life is a more costly, a more precious sacrifice than to worship in Heaven, among the angels and the elders and the living creatures.

May I encourage us: when we worship, let’s fully worship, let’s not hold back. Sure, we’ll worship in Heaven, and it’ll be glorious. But it may not be quite as glorious as the worship that comes from Earth. 


Changing Our Focus in Corporate Worship

May I be blunt?

Some among us need to be less concerned about singing the lyrics on the screen, and more concerned about giving voice to the words welling up from inside them.

I was taking a young lady shopping, and she needed to visit some beauty supply shops. You may not suspect this, but I don’t often find myself looking forward to reasons to visit beauty supply shops. So I parked outside and took a nap.

In my five-minute nap, I dreamed, and God met me and spoke to me in the dream. He talked about some people among the Body whom He called “psalmists.” Yeah, I know it’s not the normal way we use the word.

I’m sure there are other definitions, but in this dream, a psalmist was someone whose worship is best when they’re using their own words, not when they’re singing words – even “anointed” words – written by other people with other histories with God.

I could hear Father’s concern for his children who are this kind of psalmist. It seemed to me that this wasn’t something that we were ready to hear before, but now it’s time, and he said,

“Some among us need to be less concerned about singing the lyrics on the screen, and more concerned about giving voice to the words welling up from inside them.”

May I encourage you: worship with the words that are in YOUR heart. If the words on the screen communicate what’s in your heart, great! Use the words on the screen.

But if those words don’t reflect your heart, then don’t use them. Don’t make a scene, but use the words that speak for your heart, even if they’re words that nobody else is using.

Worship isn’t about conformity, is it? It’s about connecting with – it’s about exalting – the King of Heaven with our whole heart, soul and strength. Use the words that do that for you.


ACPE Word of the Lord for 2014

Each year, as we have since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders meets before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011 we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that, this year, we consider fully seasoned members of our round table and we include their input as well into the word of the Lord.
The ACPE carries the conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. So, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each have brought to the round table meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2014, it should be noted that the ACPE believes that the Lord speaks more in seasons, as opposed to our calendar years, and in the past few years we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words has been continuing for several years and is intensifying.
It is also important to note that intercession can diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment – and in some cases may avert them all together. In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with admonitions attached to them.
As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years of 2011-13, and noted that the Lord continues to speak regarding some of the trends spoken in those years. So let us reiterate. The timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more in a season than a calendar year, and the words given are not fate or karma, but can be changed subject to how God’s people respond.


2014 – The Year of the Double

There is a spiritual significance to both the Hebraic calendar year 5774, which we have entered, and the year 2014, which tie together in quite an interesting way. The Hebraic year 5774 typologically indicates that we will “see the door” or “know the way in which we should go,” while the year 2014—being a fourteen, or two sevens—signifies “the double.” Taken together, one could consider this to be a season of double doors.
Isaiah 45:1-3
“Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held – To subdue nations before him, And loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut.
I will go before you And make the crooked places straight, I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron,
I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Amthe God of Israel.”
The prophets’ council was encouraged this year to be able to give quite an encouraging word for the coming year. This is not to say that there will not be continued shakings, but there is also an open door for acceleration and the accomplishment of dreams that have seemingly been put on hold or delayed.


Fourteen—The Number of Double Perfection

While we understand that we are not to be overly mystical, the Bible is a book of numbers, and fourteen is very significant biblical number. Fourteen represents double completion, and is used powerfully in the Bible to iterate this fact. Following are some examples of the significance of fourteen in scripture:



Matthew 1:17
“So all the generations from Abraham to David are FOURTEEN generations, from David until the captivity of Babylon are FOURTEEN generations, and from the captivity of Babylon until the Christ are FOURTEEN generations.”
There is a shifting of mantles from one generation to another that is taking place. Leaders need to look for their successors and allow the next generation to take their place or a move of God will be missed.


The Fear of the Lord

The number fourteen is also connected with the fear of the Lord and is used 14 times in the book of Proverbs. God is going to put the fear of the Lord back into the Church and this will be seen through a new holiness movement. New endurance will be given to those who stand for holiness in all of society. This will manifest in a unique way through those who are called to media and the film industry. A “John the Baptist” type anointing will fall upon young evangelists to preach in such a way that true, deep conversions will result in dramatic turning away from sin to a life of holiness.


Deliverance and Salvation

The number fourteen represents deliverance and salvation and is used 22 times as such in the Bible.
God is going to not only give His people a double portion of favor and influence in this coming year, but wants us to manifest this in others’ lives. In essence, we are carriers of God’s blessings to others such as Elisha was to the city of Jericho. He had a double portion of Elijah’s mantle and used it to heal the waters of the entire city.

The Door of Hope

In this season that represents a door, one of the most encouraging words we’ve received is that God is opening a door of hope.
Hosea 2:15
“There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt.”
Hope is the absolute expectation of something good.
Many who have experienced great hopelessness and have even said, “I am so glad that 2013 is over,” will receive new joy and hope in this coming season. This hope will be supernatural in nature.
Job 14: 7-9
“For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again And that its tender shoots will not cease. Though its root may grow old in the earth And its stump may die in the ground, Yet, at the scent of water it will bud And bring forth branches like a plant.”
Part of the hope will come as God moves His people from a place of confusion in their lives to a place of clarity. Many have not been able to see their way and find direction for their future, but there is coming a new view. They will see the door or gate.


United States

The Lord is going to give the United States another opportunity to redeem herself. America has turned away from God and, as prophecies have spoken, has lost a measure of greatness across the face of the earth. However, there is a second chance coming to the nation.
There is a battle for the soul of the nation that will manifest in the election of 2014 but the Lord has some surprises up His sleeve. There will continue to be polarity between liberals and conservatives, but those states who stand for biblical values versus those who don’t will experience an increase in blessing.
However, the pressure in some states, particularly on the coasts, will cause people to cry out to God. A new move of God will break out in upstate New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The fires of God will also visit Seattle, Washington once again, as God pushes the reset button on this city that is the birthplace of the Charismatic Movement.
Latinos will move out in leadership and influence. A major move of revival around the world will be spear-headed by the Latino community.


Governmental leaders

The seeds of a new political party that will align with both righteousness and justice are sprouting in the nation. There is a shift in political landscapes that will result in new alignments, and these alignments will surprise and even shock people. The United States is at a place where there will be a new “party of Lincoln,” with revolutionary reformers arising. It will have a heart for social justice – fighting human trafficking, poverty, racism and abortion; and it will marry this with biblical values. One of its attributes will be a fiscal plan that, when put in place, will eliminate the national debt. Again, it should be noted that this is not going to happen within a one year period of time and will require much intercession.
Those who have purified themselves and have been faithful are about to be released at a national level. This is the season for Esthers, Daniels and Josephs to arise and influence key positions in government. It is a key time for women in government who must arise and answer the call to engage.
Native Americans are going to come to a new, visible place of government.
A righteousness movement is going to arise out of the African American community in the United States and it will start something new that will greatly impact both communities and the nation. This will be, in essence, a new civil rights movement that will bring the nation back to purity and holiness, without compromising the stand for justice.
Miracles Linked to the Ending of Abortion
The ending of abortion for the United States will be one spiritual factor in opening up a new move of miracles. After 1973, and the legalization of abortion, the United States came under a curse that will begin lifting with the ending of 2013. This is the year for the re-birth of the signs and wonders movement and the birthing of the saints’ movement for evangelism and miracles.


The Refiner’s Fire

There is, along with the previous things, a renewed groundswell of moral values. Many leaders have been in the refiner’s fire and have been prepared to be moved into new levels of leadership.
In the United States’ political landscape, there is a new “black robe regiment” of pastors arising, such as in the early days of the nation, who will refuse to compromise biblical values and will be unashamed and unafraid to preach truth from their pulpits.


Jesus People Movement

The U.S. is in the midst of another Jesus People Movement, like that of the late 60’s and early 70’s. In a sense, prior to now, it seems that we have been in a “prophetic lull” in which the Lord has been quiet concerning the future, but this has been in God’s strategic plan. For behind the scenes He has been preparing a new generation of leaders that have a double-portion anointing on them. They are the new Jesus People and they are an unstoppable army with passion and compassion – passion for the lost and compassion for those who are enslaved by poverty, human trafficking and other injustices.
There is a divine convergence of the anointing of the past moves of God with the strength and vitality of the present, and these Jesus People will far exceed even the great generals of the past. Cities that once had both governmental and historic revival anointings will be impacted. New Orleans will be a city that the Holy Spirit will visit in a special way.
These bright shining stars will burst upon the scene in the nations of the earth. They are going to begin to operate in miracles such as this present generation has only read about, dreamt about, and prayed to see happen. Hospitals across the world will become open to having healing rooms for prayer. As intercession is released for the medical community and researchers, new medical breakthroughs for cancer and other seemingly incurable diseases will be released from heaven.
The news media will be gripped by what they see. Stories will be verified. The sports mountain or sector will continue to be impacted and the move of God among players will escalate. Whole teams will be seen “taking two” and kneeling down to pray, both before and after games. Even opposing teams will be seen doing his, and the liberal press will not be able to intervene because of the sway of public opinion. Even as in the Welsh revival, in which sports games were affected, so it will be at this time.
Unreached regions of the world will open up – regions that have been largely unevangelized. It is truly harvest time. This Jesus People movement will have a kingdom focus and a reformational mindset that will lead to transformation.


Harvest and Stadiums

New mantles will fall even as they did upon Billy Graham, and stadiums will be filled. Great faith will arise for the finances for these events. They will be used of God to spark moves of the Lord in whole cities. A new sound of worship will arise out of these stadiums that will have the Body of Christ singing harvest songs. They will be sent out with the anointing to harvest the nations.


Psalm 133 Unity

A new move of unity will come to the Church, particularly among the youth on campuses and in the House of Prayer movements. Their adherence will be to the Lord Jesus rather than to a denomination. We received an admonition to beware of deception and Satan trying to bring division into these movements.


Admonition to the Prophetic Movement

There has been a weariness that has come into the prophetic movement. This is a time to re-fire your passion for God and not to pull back into your comfort zone. There is even a testing coming to the prophets to see who will be moved into a larger measure of visibility in the future.


The United States’ Original Colonies

The original 13 colonies of the U.S are going to receive a special visitation from God in the coming years. The “Prince of Greece” of secular humanism that has affected the Ivy League universities is going to come down and the beginnings of a Third Great Awakening will take place in such colleges as Harvard and Yale.


Governmental Intercession

There is going to be a fresh move of God to pray for governments across the face of the earth. In the past season, there has been a widespread understanding of what became known as “harp and bowl” intercession, based on Revelation 5:8:
“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”
In this coming season, God is going to mainstream into the House of Prayer movement a type of governmental intercession currently known in some intercessory circles as “Crown and Throne” intercession, wherein the Lord wants us to make covenant with Him to establish His throne of authority in worship and waiting before Him. From this, His governance can be manifested in the earth.
This would mirror on earth what happens in heaven as written in Revelation 4:10-11:
“The twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
“’You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.’”
This depicts the recognition by thrones and dominions that God is worthy to receive the glory and honor and power of those thrones and dominions by right of creation, and the fact that what heaven is modeling should be recognized by thrones (nations) on earth.
There was a sense that God is going to discipline earthly leaders who have decided that they are going to move the boundaries that the Lord, Himself, has set up for the governance of nations.


Children’s Movement

Reports are coming in from around the world of the anointing for prophetic utterance falling upon little children in places like France. There was an outpouring upon the children of the Huguenots in the late 1600’s and it is happening again. A new Samuel generation is arising and small children as young as two to ten years old will prophesy! They will receive key visions and dreams that will give direction even to the adults in their lives.
There are babies in the womb now and those just being born who are “revival babies.” God has given a unique anointing and giftedness to these very special little ones.


The Threshing Floor

During this season of harvest and revelation, there is going to come a threshing. Harvest always involves a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. God is going to deal with spiritual deception and false doctrine. We must watch and pray against deception.
We all realized that the intercessory movement, in general, has gone through a season of great weariness. However, the Lord will pour out upon the prayer movements a new vitality to “thresh in prayer” and see our nations align with God’s purposes during this new season.
The threshing floor was always built in a place to catch the wind. The teaching gift will bring a new, fresh wind of God along with the signs, wonders, and miracles. The chaff, as it were, of unbelief is going to be blown away.
Grace will come upon the Church to build in this time in order to have “silos” to keep the harvest. Many who have believed for property and new space will see that this is the time to move out in faith and God will supernaturally provide.
There was an admonition given to watch against Satan trying to divide and scatter the Church in the midst of the fresh wind of God blowing in this season. We must “guard our threshing floors” or churches, homes and places of ministry.
Symbolically, the threshing floor was the place where David made sacrifice to break the curse upon the nation. There is coming a deep conviction of giving one’s life as well as finances to build the Kingdom on many levels. This will include a move of God for world harvest.


Robbing Spirit

Satan has brought great attacks against the Body of Christ to “rob” us and cause us to believe that God does not hear and that there are certain things that are “just life.” This robbing spirit wants to get us to accept second best instead of God’s highest for our lives.
There is a special anointing in this year of the double to command that Satan pay back what he has robbed from us. Flu Season We feel that Satan is going to try and release a new strain of flu to break out, that is quite virulent – and we must both pray and guard against its effects.



Corruption will be exposed among government officials and some who have felt they were immune to being seen will be revealed as liars.
Corruption will be exposed in some mining industries, including coal mining.


Stand on Guard

The Houses of Prayer need to mobilize strategically to stand on guard for their nations at this time. We must stand on guard and not allow our prayer movements to become weary, but remain watching on the wall.
New super storms will try to develop and God is giving new authority to intercessors to legislate against them. Be aware and stand on guard.
The Church needs to be alert and sensitive – stand on guard in order to restrain things done in secret that will attempt to adversely affect our nations.


Double Restitution

The law of restitution will have a particular significance in this year as we go to the court of heaven for justice.
Exodus 22:4, 7, 9
“If the stolen animal is found alive in his (a thief’s) possession — whether ox or donkey or sheep — he (the thief)must pay back double.
“If a man gives his neighbor silver or goods for safekeeping and they are stolen from the neighbor’s house, the thief, if he is caught, must pay back double.
“In all cases of illegal possession of an ox, a donkey, a sheep, a garment, or any other lost property about which somebody says, ‘This is mine,’ both parties are to bring their cases before the judges. The one whom the judges declare guilty must pay back double to his neighbor.”
Job 42:10
“And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.” These verses all show that restitution was to be paid double. This is very significant as 2014 is the year of the double.
An admonition was given to call back, with a double portion, those things Satan has robbed us of in the past years. Many have lost much financially in the last number of years and this is a time for both restoration and restitution. Double return of lost finances should be called in and this will manifest for many in the next few years.


Worship Movement

The Tabernacle of David will begin to come together with a “Circuit Riders Movement” as worship and evangelism begin to function together as prophesied in Acts 15:16. Local churches will begin to incorporate 24/7 prayer into the life of the Church.
Acts 15:16
“After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up.”


7 Mountains Movement

Kingdom influence in this mountain will increase in the coming years. The mountains of arts/entertainment and media will see huge strides as young directors and filmmakers make their voices heard in a non-religious way that will bring wholesome content to the theaters.
Young film graduates will launch undercover film projects which will ultimately expose social injustices. These will rally people to take action against what was once being done in darkness.
Mentoring connections will come together in the industry and Bible studies will spring up among those in media and film.
Families will begin to pray together once again. Fathers will rise up and begin to pray both with and for their children each day. It is time to light the family altar. Restoration of families in fulfillment of Malachi 4:6 will escalate and the prodigals will return to the Lord.
Malachi 4:6
“And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
New leadership in this mountain will arise and put structures in place in a way that would be system disruptors. God is going to release greater revelation to the Christian business sector. Witty innovations will be created which will produce dramatic results. For example, there will be a rise of disruptive technology in Africa that will aid clean water projects throughout the continent.


Transfer of Wealth

Revelation regarding the transfer of wealth will also take on a new scale as those who have accumulated wealth begin to move into the seven mountains. This is already happening in a covert way and there will be surprise “take-overs” of some major media outlets – from news magazines, newspapers and television outlets.
New forms of philanthropy will arise and believers will burst to the top of their mountains almost out of nowhere.
Many Josephs are coming to the end of their testing. There is a linking of funding from Asia to the right people in other nations who will strategically channel the funds.
Medical inventions will also come forth that will bring both healing to many and finances into the business sector.
God is going to increasingly reveal new disruptive technological innovation to kingdom minded marketplace leaders, which will release wealth. Coupled with this wealth creation, new economic strategies for the elimination of systemic poverty will be voiced by many in the Christian business community.


Words for Nations

Middle East
There is a coming move of God among the children and youth in Israel. We felt that the Lord has allowed the situation with Iran to continue for a season to cause an awakening in Israel.
A continued division between the Sunni and Shia denominations of Islam will escalate. This division will give a remarkable open door for the gospel to be spread by the Church in the Middle East as the contrast between light and dark, Jesus and Islam, is going to be seen. The prayer movement of Isaiah 19 will emerge in a stronger way than ever before.
Large numbers of Muslims are both coming and going to come to the Lord. There are 22 new houses of prayer in Egypt.
A warning was given that a drought is coming to both the Euphrates and the Nile so prayer is needed.
Iran’s nuclear power is like a Tower of Babel that will eventually topple.
Syria, Lebanon, Northern Iraq
Beauty for ashes is coming for the people of God in this region. Little children will have visitations from God, even in the refugee camps.
We see a continued shaking for a season but this will cause the old worship structures to begin to topple. These will occur in “suddenlies.” It is important to align with Egypt in prayer as this strategic nation will become a shining light for the Lord and “out of Egypt” will come a great move of God that will impact the nations of the earth.
An awakening movement is beginning to ignite Europe. France, as mentioned earlier, is stirring to awaken. The wells of revival in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland will re-open and this will cause England to look and see what God is doing and be impacted by their moves of God.
A new generation of Abraham Kuypers is going to touch this nation and the Netherlands will arise to a new position of authority. There is an admonition to the Church to come into a new level of unity and the love of the brethren. Satan will try to split the Body of Christ wide open and stop the nation from moving to this level of authority, so prayer is needed.
China will continue to increase. The one-child policy will continue to crumble and its end will signal a new season of fruitfulness upon the whole continent.
University campuses will be touched by the power of God across China.
There is a new generation of Japanese leaders who are going to be passionate to see their nation touched by the power of God. Watch and see them arise and even impact the international scene.
The Church that has plateaued in Korea will begin to grow. Evangelists will come to the front. The film and music industry will experience a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit.
Hong Kong
Hong Kong must come to the forefront concerning finances and economic strategies that will impact the world.
Look to see this nation burst upon the scene in influence across all the face of the earth.
Rim of Fire Nations
The nations known as “Rim of Fire” or “Ring of Fire” will become ablaze for God. The Philippines, Indonesia, and other islands of the sea will “erupt” with a move of God. It is harvest time. This, of course, will take place over differing periods of time.
The House of Prayer movement from Indonesia will send missionaries across the Middle East and the face of the earth in such closed areas as North Korea and God will give supernatural favor to these “prayer missionaries.”
Things will continue to shake but with these shakings the Church is going to arise and impact the whole nation in many levels of society.
The Mediterranean Region
Greece is going to arise out of its intense shakings as the power of the prince of Greece is being broken and the prayers of the saints for this historic and important nation are manifested. Many Mediterranean areas will begin to experience sparks that will become flames of fire. It is critical to pray for protection against terrorism concerning the sea borders in the Mediterranean.