
Encore of Revival: America, August 12, 2019

Every time there's a shooting, everyone uses emotion to say everyone was right and everyone else was wrong. "More killing, so all the rest of you should agree with my politics, dah!" It started with attitude. Mass shootings only indicate an already-divided country. People either demand guns everywhere or guns denied or some combination thereof; no one argues in favor of training the militia.

The Second Amendment guaranteed the right for all to own and carry firearms because all were obligated to be trained in the militia. Liberals want none of it and so-called Conservatives want the arms with not a single word about militia training for all. But, militia training for all citizens would solve the problem, both the attitudes of potential shooters and the readiness of the general public. People with "mental problems" wouldn't be allowed in the militia and thereby wouldn't be able to own firearms. Denying weapons to the insane and unstable in that way would calm concerns of the Right.

The Right is concerned that the Left wants to force the Right to behave like they are part of the Left. With recent laws that punish people for not agreeing to LGBTQAYKXYZYTBA speech patterns, who can blame them? With Universal Studios' The Hunt even having been filmed, who can blame the Right for feeling the need for self-defense? Still, we don't need massive gun ownership without training; we need the militia for all people. The militia is what the Right-Wing's precious Constitution calls for, but the Right-Wing has not. So, their fear of the Left, however justified, is well-earned.

Even in a Liberal utopia where everyone is filled with hatred, while all means of acting on such hatred have been removed, no one would be safe without public-wide training. The whole public needs to be trained to deal with every dangerous scenario, from a dictator's takeover to an invasion to a mass shooting. It's called the "militia" and it's the one thing neither extremist nor moderate of our polarized political spectrum even peeps about.

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Encore of Revival: America, March 12, 2018

Scott Walker is self-destructing and may not win a third term. It began in his bid for the presidency when his campaign imploded. Initially, he over-reached. He was too much good for Wisconsin too fast and he wasn't prepared to take on the wolves. Given the sudden spotlight, he aimed for the presidency. Now, he's talking like George HW Bush when he reneged on his "read my lips, no new taxes" speech, then said he needed to raise taxes to get along with Democrats toward the end of his first—and hence final—term. If Walker doesn't lose, then there either aren't any good Republican or Democratic candidates in Wisconsin or history has decided to stop delivering justice upon those who don't learn from it.

SpaceX is proving the benefits of both public funding and privatization. Surely both Liberals and Conservatives will want the claim. The US government paved the way for space exploration, but Elon Musk made the stage-one booster return to the landing pad. The world has not seen a breakthrough of this magnitude since Lincoln regulated the first transcontinental railroad through the government while it was built by competing private companies.

Californian idealists, whether right or wrong, are distracted. If they truly believe in their ideals to stand against the Federal government, they will need to stop ballyhooing sanctuary city talking points and repeal their anti-gun laws. Right now, California's best friend is not social media, but the Second Amendment, specifically the part about a State-regulated militia. Many claim that the National Guard is the militia, but that idea has not been fully tested and vetted and it also has many categorical questions. Calling the national guard to stand against the US military might not work, though it's a good guess the idea has been tossed around at least one conference room in the bowls of California's state capitol. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Faux Report

Man Arrested After Shooting At Ceiling, Injuring Toddler In Upstairs Apartment


BRIAR, North Dakota – 

Loud upstairs neighbors beware. North Dakota resident Phillip Davis tells police that his neighbors were thrashing around on purpose, terrorizing him with loud noises and thumping. Racking up over 50 noise complaints in a matter of months, Davis reportedly told police the family just wanted to drive him insane.

“I ask you – what kind of mother lets their kids run around till 11 o’clock at night? That kid would run from one end of the apartment to the other, jump on the bed, and then back again,” said Davis. “If I was able to go to bed at a reasonable hour and get a proper night’s sleep, this accident would never have happened.”

According to Davis, he was so distressed and angry after not being able to sleep, he grabbed his gun – which he keeps on a bedside table – and claims he intended to only “mockingly” shoot at the ceiling where his neighbors were again slamming and thrashing around.

“I didn’t mean to actually pull the trigger, it was just an automatic response,” said Davis. “You know, anyone would make the same kind of motion, that whole ‘I’m gonna shoot these people!’ kind of thing. I didn’t mean to actually shoot anyone.”

The unidentified two-year-old child was fortunate enough to only receive minor injuries after the bullet from Davis’ gun went through his ceiling and punctured the mother’s foot, causing the extremely obese woman to fall on the poor child.

“I used to work second shift,” Georgette Hamilton says. “I like to sleep in. Baby would be getting up way too early if I put her to bed before 11. In a way, this is a blessing in disguise. Laid up as I am from my foot, my disability will surely go through this time!”
