Our president called off an invasion that could have been what the Bay of Pigs was to JFK. We were on the brink of nuclear war with Russia 58 years ago, and we didn't even know it! What is the value of a human life compared to a drone? Isn't the purpose of drones to spare human life? Some would use the loss of a drone as an excuse to end human life, but not our president.
Strategy and navigation that win always elude the untrained mind. What seems to most people like the way to win is precisely how to lose. What seems idiotic to most people is the only way to win. Trump's ongoing fight against establishments in both Asia and Washington prove who is on which side of the "which way is wise" debate. One of those important, counter-intuitive strategies is mercy.
"To err is human; to forgive, divine," wise words, courtesy Alexander Pope. There are many traps in politics. It is an indication of scruples and wisdom to know how to navigate through them. Refusing to murder in vengeance of a downed drone is no sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. Trump did far worse to Iran than any could imagine: He showed mercy.
That was just the beginning.