
October 9, 2015

Jerusalem Post says CNN says Ben Carson says: Hitler took Jews’ guns first

Media reports media’s report that DHS investigates DHS’ IP Wiki edit, McCarthy quits Speaker race

Hannity viz Newt on Speakership (2min Audio)

New, stark & on sale now: anti-drone radio gun ‘death ray’ (story & Video)

‘Game of Islams’: ‘The Bulldozer’ meat cleavers 14 yr old hand and and foot

…China & Russia to the rescue!

Innovation history: Why The Car Industry Needs To Rethink The Dashboard User Interface Design  · · · →

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October 6, 2015

Hillary gets punchy

Trump—Rubio’s new water boy

Sheriff in Roseberg, OR to Biden: No gun control, won’t enforce, locals support him

SYRIA—Now, Russian Special Forces

Snowden turns himself in, no answer

Carly—the beltway fav

@Jack is back @Twitter!

Cured: How traditional Chinese medicine finally won its Nobel Prize  · · · →

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October 2, 2015

Shooting, 13, Umpqua CC in Roseberg, OR (photos)

…Christians shot in head, everyone else in the legs

…Narcissist: angry ‘Bamster talks about himself at shooting press conf

…The vet not allowed to help (video)

C-130 crashes in Afghanistan, 11 dead

Russia kicks butt! Iran, Syria support. US: ‘…in concept.’

Putin’s Syrian intervention not popular at home

Sobriety: Behind the Senate’s criminal justice bill, a failed war on drugs  · · · →

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September 29, 2015

Trump Tax: 0% – $25k, 10 – 20 – 25%, corp 15% flat, NO death tax, “I win” letter

Carson’s the only one going up in polls

WH takes over more local police—Little Rock, Flint

…Philly too? …Letters to

Tea Party conquered House, Speaker

Cruz v Boehner, Cruz conspiracy theory gaggle video

Sales pitch: Hollywood & NASA collaborate Mars?

NBC/WSJ Poll: Biden would sweep election (he hasn’t announced)

Jeb—make or break time

Boeing, Airbus make money in Iran deal?

Constitution: Obama can’t sell Internet?

Fiorina’s HP earned Millions from sales in Iran during sanctions

Russia to take on ISIS

Obama UN speech (Video), Roll Call: Executor at UN

Damon: Actors, stay in the closet, keep many secrets to help your career

Shock Photos: Intelligent people’s brains wired differently to those with fewer intellectual abilities, says study  · · · →

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September 25, 2015

Pope to Congress (Video, transcript)

Chinese Pres. Xi in the Valley (Cook, Bezos, Buffet, Zuck, climate, photos, story)

Russia helps Syria, 6 considerations

Russia sneaks jets to Syria

Donald Trump’s slide in the polls is beginning to look real (numbers, charts)

Step wrong and boom: Boeing to build “brain chip” for DHS self-destructing Black smartphone

Dig: Archaeologists find bone fragments in hunt for ‘real’ Mona Lisa  · · · →

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June 16, 2015

Trump jumps in. Clie-mate truth: ten-year cooldown. ATF joins NYPD. Wall-Street & FED paranoid of 1937 repeat. Russia to add 40 ICBMs this year, Europe gets skittish. Obamatrade floundering. Pope calls for “super UN” world “justice” government. Successful farmers’ marketing: ‘La Ruche Qui Dit Oui’ Scores $9 Million From USV And Felix Capital For Its Local Food Marketplace  · · · →

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June 10, 2015

TPA attempts to turn US Congress into a puppet. TPA is very unpopular. TTIP in EU faces UK Labour Party wrath. Russia v EU conflict escalates. Rumsfeld: Democracy was wrong for Iraq. New Obama voters hit a learning curve. Obama covered up Iran violations? Video: McKinney police resignation. The stories are finally here: Software v Employment. Loyal: Guide dog throws itself in front of oncoming school bus to save blind owner  · · · →

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June 9, 2015

TB in US. 10 Police injured at Hip-Hop fest. Video: Another Republican who didn’t read Obamatrade. Hillary has her stuff together, “Clinton machine” voting plans? Report: TSA slacked on 73 terrorist links. G7 not happy with Russia over Ukraine. Photos: CO supercell tornadoes. Emerging market motorcycle autowash: Why a legendary investor is interested in a tiny Indian startup that cleans motorcycles  · · · →

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Tempo: May 14, 2015

War drums: US Navy to China? Russians fear USA. ISIS leaders hit? Bushisms and Presidential announcements. House bans 20 week abortionHouse reforms NSA. House talks trains & politics, joins mayors. 3.5 miles away, another train hit by projectile. After Iran deal, Obama wants to reassure. Pope treats with Palestinians. Google goes cloud for security. Biz flip: The modern history of the mobile industry in one devastating chart  · · · →

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Tempo: May 7, 2015

Vladimir rolls tank parade, loses control of spacecraft. US Navy stops accompanying commercial ships in Strait of Hormuz, still present. Yemen calls on UN. Jerusalem has itself together after elections. Tesla is taking off, up 4%, ahead of scheduleDengue: the new outbreak panic headline—Mutant ‘GMO’ mosquitoes to save the day. Comic relief: Shaq is too big for the studio  · · · →

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