
July 31, 2015

Bergdahl charged

4th Shock-bortion video

Courts tried to prevent 4th video release

Trump’s book released same day as debate

Election Commission considers managing YouTube virals?

Professor: What makes a kook? Dogmatics & gullables dislike mainstream media, susceptible to evidence, ignoring experts

Army recruit deficit

Brilliant: How To Have Your Own Wine Label Without Owning A Winery  · · · →

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July 15, 2015

Israel dost not approve the deal: ‘historic mistake’

Germany not happy that Israel is not happy

Mark Levin & Breitbart—the real deal on everything

Suffolk University DONALD 17% JEB 14%

1.1M fingerprints hacked: Fed workers

History of Pluto’s non-planet of love

Where no bean has gone before: Starbucks will open its first coffee shop in Sub Saharan Africa next year  · · · →

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July 7, 2015

Video: Trump lays out all current issues

China imploding: four big companies stop trading

Greece’s ‘kickass’ motorcyclist ex-finance minister

Europe not ‘debt’ crisis; ‘democracy’ crisis

Money trouble brewing in southern Italy

Murderer chose San Francisco ‘Sanctuary City’

Old Post Office, 15 illegals contracted by third party don’t like Trump’s comments

Bernie Sanders: worthy Hillary rival

Should have listened to the folks, in biz as in politics: Reddit: “We Screwed Up”

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July 2, 2015

China just declared almost war on the world, yesterday, again

Obama blocks Arab defense against ISIS

White House fence is spikier—knows how to build a fence

Trump is up and Democrats love it, signs of hostile takeover antics

‘Dukes of Hazard’ gets pulled from TV Land

Cloud brand ‘Box’ joins establishment

IndieGogo to help Greece

Wireless charging via ‘radio waves’

Lessons from Thomas Payne: The Persuasive Genius of One of America’s Most Important Revolutionaries  · · · →

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July 3, 2015

Another church building in flames

Greece run on cash, to open banks by weekend

Coulter signing interrupted by illegals, Ann fires back: “You have to understand,” Coulter told Breitbart News, “screaming and defacing things is how Latin Americans express disagreement. At least as long as they were destroying books and screaming in a book store, they weren’t molesting any 4-year-olds.”

Obama goes to Wisconsin to bad-mouth Walker, but gives him more press

Sanders on the rise in Wisconsin, packs-out 10,000

Unemployment: 93,626,000, 62.6% in labor, lowest since ’77

Biden hinting, raising funds?

Harvard hacked in June

The Windows 10 plan: Insiders win, and others…

Bad first impression: Read This Before Meeting VCs For Pre-Pitch “Advice”  · · · →

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June 16, 2015

Trump jumps in. Clie-mate truth: ten-year cooldown. ATF joins NYPD. Wall-Street & FED paranoid of 1937 repeat. Russia to add 40 ICBMs this year, Europe gets skittish. Obamatrade floundering. Pope calls for “super UN” world “justice” government. Successful farmers’ marketing: ‘La Ruche Qui Dit Oui’ Scores $9 Million From USV And Felix Capital For Its Local Food Marketplace  · · · →

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June 9, 2015

TB in US. 10 Police injured at Hip-Hop fest. Video: Another Republican who didn’t read Obamatrade. Hillary has her stuff together, “Clinton machine” voting plans? Report: TSA slacked on 73 terrorist links. G7 not happy with Russia over Ukraine. Photos: CO supercell tornadoes. Emerging market motorcycle autowash: Why a legendary investor is interested in a tiny Indian startup that cleans motorcycles  · · · →

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Tempo: May 21, 2015

Iran can’t control it’s anti-ISIL recruits. Letterman is done. Snowden docs: NSA targeted Google Apps for hack. Jeb illegal donations? Who will Hillary “Veep”? Jeb, the little brother who couldn’t. “WiFi fever” makes headlines. Poop-painter interviewed. Management: Here’s why your terrible boss is so emotionally inept  · · · →

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Tempo: May 15, 2015

TPP could kill American retirement. The 20 Republicrats who voted amnesty: list. China, India, together in space. Mexican candidates killed, part of a string. China cleans up on coal. Internet registration to leave US control. Photo: Protected white stork rebuilds typhoon-damaged nest in Tokushima Innovate: How To Better Predict Unicorns  · · · →

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Tempo: May 14, 2015

War drums: US Navy to China? Russians fear USA. ISIS leaders hit? Bushisms and Presidential announcements. House bans 20 week abortionHouse reforms NSA. House talks trains & politics, joins mayors. 3.5 miles away, another train hit by projectile. After Iran deal, Obama wants to reassure. Pope treats with Palestinians. Google goes cloud for security. Biz flip: The modern history of the mobile industry in one devastating chart  · · · →

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