
Coming Out of the Cave

Over the years many prophetic types and intercessors have spoken time and time again about hearing sounds of the earth groaning…here and there, sounds of the moving earth…

At the same time Abba has been realigning His children, hiding his children, taking the off the grid and hiding them under the protection of His wings…

And like in the days of old the children have seen themselves “alone” unaware of all that He has hidden…remaining quiet least they be found out….

BUT NOW the earth and the children SHALL sound forth in a growing cadence of His voice.

For the days of remaining quiet, of remaining silent, of consistent hiding are coming to an end…slowly but surely He is bringing forth the hidden prophets from the caves to show His power through the sounds of Heaven…
However, DO NOT EXPECT THINGS TO BE AS THEY WERE…for this is a new season where the sounds of heaven bring forth the power and the life He has declared over us…
Power and Glory are His forever and ever…
Enlarge and magnify your expectations for the days of thinking small are done and shall be forgotten for as big as our God so SHALL BE THE MANIFESTATION OF HIS POWER AND GLORY…AMEN AND AMEN

by Martin Best
Whirlwind Ministries

Comment: This was not shared as a “Public Word” for distributing around the world. This is what God spoke to one of his prophetic voices in the Northwest Region, revealing His heart. 
This website is a collections of prophetic words “to, from and about the Pacific Northwest,” so it belongs here. I recommend praying into this, and I recommend laying down expectations. ~NWP


Coming Out of the Cave

Over the years many prophetic types and intercessors have spoken time and time again about hearing sounds of the earth and there, sounds of the moving earth...

At the same time Abba has been realigning His children, hiding his children, taking the off the grid and hiding them under the protection of His wings...

And like in the days of old the children have seen themselves "alone" unaware of all that He has hidden...remaining quiet least they be found out....

BUT NOW the earth and the children SHALL sound forth in a growing cadence of His voice.

For the days of remaining quiet, of remaining silent, of consistent hiding are coming to an end...slowly but surely He is bringing forth the hidden prophets from the caves to show His power through the sounds of Heaven...
However, DO NOT EXPECT THINGS TO BE AS THEY WERE...for this is a new season where the sounds of heaven bring forth the power and the life He has declared over us...
Power and Glory are His forever and ever...
Enlarge and magnify your expectations for the days of thinking small are done and shall be forgotten for as big as our God so SHALL BE THE MANIFESTATION OF HIS POWER AND GLORY...AMEN AND AMEN

by Martin Best
Whirlwind Ministries

Comment: This was not shared as a "Public Word" for distributing around the world. This is what God spoke to one of his prophetic voices in the Northwest Region, revealing His heart. 
This website is a collections of prophetic words "to, from and about the Pacific Northwest," so it belongs here. I recommend praying into this, and I recommend laying down expectations. ~NWP


The OTHER Benefit of the New Covenant

Our history with God is a history of covenants. Covenants between God and mankind. This is how the mighty Creator King and the human species relate: through a covenant.
We do it too. We’re up-front about it with marriage covenants, and more subtle about other covenants. There is a powerful – unwritten – parenting covenant: violate that one and society takes your children away from you.
Now hold still, I’m going to talk directly about covenant for a minute. Necessarily, I will engage in willful oversimplification of some details in order to illustrate my point: the actual situation is much more complicated than this simple explanation.
A covenant is a “promise to engage in or refrain from a specified action.” Covenants are how people agree to relate to each other. Covenant is how God relates to humanity.
Noah had a covenant. Abraham had a covenant. David had a covenant. But the Big One was the Mosaic Covenant, often called The Old Covenant.
The Old Covenant was kind of a failure in before it ever got going, of course. God proposed a covenant to the people of Israel that had a lot of the elements of our New Covenant in it. Before there even were the Ten Commandments, God offered Israela covenant where every single person is a priest, every single person can come to God for himself or herself:
“Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. ‘And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel.” (Exodus 19:6-7)
“Kingdom of priests and a holy nation”? Twice in the book of Revelation, we’re described as “kings and priests unto our God” (1:6 & 5:10). God was offering that relationship to the Israelites four thousand years ago? (Can you imagine what the world would be like if we hadn’t had the last four thousand years of legalistic bondage? But I digress.)
But the people who were offered this intimate “everybody is a priest” relationship with God reject that offer in the very next chapter.
“Then they said to Moses, “You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die.” (Exodus 20:19)
The people had rejected a “kingdom of priests” covenant, and propose a covenant that requires a priesthood, and is based on obedience. Neither the Levitical priesthood, nor an obey-the-rules covenant, was God’s idea!
And so the “everybody is a priest” covenant was put aside, and was replaced with a covenant based on the people’s obedience. Any covenant that’s based on obeying will necessarily have consequences for disobedience. Thus this is a covenant about blessings for obedience, and punishment (sometimes called “curses”) for disobeying.
Deuteronomy 28 functions as kind of a summary: You’ll be blessed when you obey, and you’ll be cursed (or punished) if you disobey. Verses 1 through 14 outline the blessings. The rest of the chapter talks about the punishment for disobeying, and it’s God that is charged with that punishment.
Frankly, that was a lousy covenant, it’s a poor substitute for God’s first proposal, but it’s a covenant! Even that poor replacement was better than no relationship at all between God and man!
We remember that the terms and conditions of the Old Covenant (which we call “The Law”) were intended to constrain the behavior of the humans in this covenant relationship. But we tend to forget that the Old Covenant constrained the behavior of BOTH parties of the Covenant: God had chosen to bind himself to the Old Covenant as well.’
So when we read in Deuteronomy 28 about “If you disobey, you’ll be punished.” Guess who the punisher has to be. Yeah, that’s God. He has bound himself to this busted-up covenant, because it’s better than no covenant – no relationship – whatsoever. Moreover, this was the only covenant that the people would agree to, so this was the covenant that he bound himself to.
And this covenant, proposed by fearful men, required that God punish (or “curse”) the people that he loves so very much, every time they disobey. (Seriously, go read Deuteronomy 29!)
Now let’s remember that there was a third party loose on the Earth, who was not a party to the covenant between God and man. Lucifer had already demonstrated his eagerness to accuse God at every opportunity (see Genesis 3:4-5). And he’s up to his old tricks here as well.
So every time the people disobeyed (and that happened so very often!) and God was required by the people’s busted-up covenant to punish them, Lucifer steps up to the microphone and declares, “Look how mean God is! Look how bloodthirsty he is! Look how angry God is!” completely ignoring the fact that God is merely complying with the conditions of the covenant that mankind offered him.
That’s a hot mess. I’ve oversimplified the story in this short article, but it’s easy to see the mess that the Old Covenant is: seriously, the only one who benefited from that debacle was Lucifer, and that’s not actually what we’re aiming for.
Now skip forward until Jesus is sitting in the Upper Room, where Jesus is offering – for the second time – a covenant of an “everybody is a priest” relationship between man and God: “For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20, 2 Corinthians 11:25.) But this time, the representatives (the twelve) accept the offer.
I still marvel at that cup, that biscuit. With that token meal, God removes us from the Old Covenant and makes us participants instead in the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:13 makes it clear: “In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete.”). And this is a covenant whose sole commandment (John 13:34) is to love each other.
What an amazing relief that is: in a single moment, these guys are plucked from a covenant of “If you obey, I’ll bless you; if you disobey, I’ll punish you!” and dropped into a Covenant of Love.
The seminal New Covenant verse, John 3:16, says it beautifully: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” And if that wasn’t clear enough, verse 17 clarifies that the New Covenant is not about punishment: “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” What a relief that is!
All that is amazing, spectacular, and otherwise completely awesome.
But it is also only half of the story. The Old Covenant is made obsolete, and we are released from its bondage, but we were not the only ones held in bondage by it.
With the passing of the Old Covenant, God Himself is no longer constrained by the Law to provide blessings when people obey, like treats for a dog that sits when you tell him. More importantly, God is no longer constrained by the Law to bring punishment, curses, judgment on the people that he so desperately loves.
When the Old Covenant was replaced by the New Covenant, humanity could give a great, corporate sigh of relief. We’re no longer under the law, but now we’re under grace, under love.

But the greater relief may not be ours. In the New Covenant, God is now free to love us with all that is in his heart, as he has longed to do since the day he said, “Let us make man in our own image.” (Genesis 1:26). God is now free from the Old Covenant, and he’s more excited about it than we are. 
We are free. But more important, God Himself is free! 

Church, Impropmptu

So the other evening, I invited a couple of guys over for an impromptu barbecue. And it turned into a glorious gathering of some of my favorite saints.
The four of us sat on the back porch, doing very un-churchy things, in the presence of God. 
What kind of un-churchy things? Well we were eating New Yorksteak, fresh off the barbecue, for one. Some of us had a beer with the steak (a nice, black oatmeal stout, in fact!). And we were telling God stories: stories that makes God look good.
After we finished the steaks, a couple of us lit up our pipes, and we listened to the peaceful sound of the rain on the roof. 
And we shared story after story of God intervening in our lives and lives of others we knew. 
And we relaxed.
That was it. Nothing else. No signs and wonders. No offerings. No sermons (got close once, but we dodged it!). Didn’t even get out our Bibles. We just enjoyed God and each other.
I wanted to tell this story for a couple of reasons.
First, the evening really touched me pretty deeply. These are some of my favorite men, and I treasure their company. I just thought I’d share my joy with you.
Second, we sometimes still have the expectation that we need to be doing godly things to be in God’s presence. Bosh! The Incarnation put that one to death. God didn’t seem to be offended by good beer, good tobacco or even the occasional wide-eyed expletive in response to his amazing exploits.
There’s a third reason, and it may not make sense to everybody reading this, and that’s OK: In my world, there isn’t much that says “You’re off duty!” as much as an oatmeal stout and pipe full of Black Cavendish. And if we can’t be “off duty” in our Christian fellowship, then something is seriously wrong!
Yes, I’m suggesting that we put our religion away, far away, and build real relationships with real people in the real world. Those are the ones that will keep us strong in the long run.


Dutch Sheets on 2015

Dutch Sheets has a prophetic word for 2015. He delivered this early in the year, but I've just now got it for posting.

The video portion of this is really ugly (someone aimed a camera at a computer monitor). But the audio is clear enough to understand well.

This is worth hearing.

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here or click on the title, Dutch Sheets on 2015.

Dutch Sheets on 2015

Dutch Sheets has a prophetic word for 2015. He delivered this early in the year, but I've just now got it for posting.

The video portion of this is really ugly (someone aimed a camera at a computer monitor). But the audio is clear enough to understand well.

This is worth hearing.

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here or click on the title, Dutch Sheets on 2015.

Dutch Sheets on 2015

Dutch Sheets has a prophetic word for 2015. He delivered this early in the year, but I’ve just now got it for posting.

The video portion of this is really ugly (someone aimed a camera at a computer monitor). But the audio is clear enough to understand well.

This is worth hearing.

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here or click on the title, Dutch Sheets on 2015.


Killing Terrorists?

I admit: the murderous persecution of Christians in the Middle East is an ugly thing. I’ve seen photos that make me want to throw up, and I’ve heard stories that make me want to send an army to the Middle East to bomb them back to the stone age.

I’ve been talking to other believers who have been arguing in favor of responding to terrorist violence with a violent (eg military) response. I understand that there are good and responsible arguments that can be made for using force against terrorism.

I’m not saying we should or shouldn’t. I suspect that there are good arguments on both sides of that conversation. I am fortunate in that I don’t need to have the answer to that particular question.

However, I’ve been observing that when the Church faced its first terrorist, God didn’t kill the terrorist. In fact, that terrorist, a maniacal Pharisee named Saul, became the apostle Paul, the greatest evangelist for the Kingdom of God in the history of the planet.

I’m not saying, “use force” or “don’t use force” against terrorists.

But I think I’m ready to say, Whatever you do, pray for their conversion. Pray for a Damascus Road experience for whichever terrorist group has your attention right now.

If it is true (and it is) that “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church,” then there is going to be a revival of epic proportions in several places in the Earth as soon as those seeds hatch.

We’ll need passionate people to lead it, and we’ll need more of them than we have now.

Shoot them or don’t shoot them, as your conscience leads you. But for Heaven’s sake, do pray for them. Pray for their conversion. Pray that they meet the God of the Universe. And pray that he uses them in His Kingdom, like he used Paul.

That’s a response to terrorism with a good track record.

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Help! Get Me Outta Here!

Have you ever been stuck in a situation that was really hard to put up with? Maybe it’s a job with long hours, no respect, lousy pay, no growth opportunities. Maybe it’s a relationship you can’t escape: parents, spouse, neighbors, co-workers. Whatever it is, you know things are not like they ought to be, and you seem powerless to change them.

It’s hard in that place. It’s easy to get disgruntled, angry, bitter in that place: why isn’t God changing this? It’s like he doesn’t even hear your prayers on this.
Here’s my experience, my testimony: I spent a bunch of years disgruntled in a lousy job, and I surely didn’t thrive. I complained to God and man about legitimate issues, blatantly illegal issues. I ended up doing the job poorly, and the boss noticed. Yikes.
I realized that I was letting my job be the thing that determined the state of my soul: my circumstances were the thing that determined whether I had joy or depression, whether I was thankful or ungrateful. Yikes again: I decided I wasn’t OK with somebody else controlling me.

I took positive steps to change my attitude. The job didn’t change; if anything, it got worse. But I looked for places to rejoice (often the people) and ways to excel (one big one came through an on-site accident: weird how that worked). I went out of my way to perform that lousy job to the best of my ability, while submitting to their stupid and unreasonable limitations. More, I went out of my way to be positive and encouraging to the people I worked with, and with myself.
Time went by. A couple of years later, my job was pretty much the same, but I was happy and thriving and doing my job well. The boss noticed, and talked about promotion, but even more, Father noticed, and he released me to the next opportunity: I was not released from the prison until I overcame my own soul in the midst of it.
It seems that he wasn’t willing to bail me out when I’d given up: he doesn’t reward disgruntled
ingratitude. God’s ways do not include giving in to our petulant temper tantrums and continuous whining. He rewards faithfulness, especially in tough circumstances. He always has.
That appears to be his way throughout scripture: he rewards those who are faithful, whether with great gifts or with small ones. This is also his way: he always saves us through the difficulties, never from them.

It’s when we’re faithful in the midst those difficult circumstances that he is free to reward us, not before.

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The Commandments of Christ

I’ve heard John 14:15 quoted many times in reference to obeying some of the laws of the Old Testament:  “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Or they’ve quoted John, 15:14 “You are my friends if you do what I command.”

The verse is thrown out as a prooftext: “You have to follow the commands of God!” though nobody’s expected to follow all the commands: they don’t promote blood sacrifices or stoning sinners. It’s just an attempt to coerce believers into submitting to their own favorite part of the Law.

This is an attempt at control: whether from ignorance or malevolence, this is an attempt to wield the Law, as it has always been wielded, to exercise control over you: “You must do what I say you must do, because of this verse!” This is part of “the curse of the Law.” And implicit in it is “If you don’t do what I say, you’re guilty!” and this is the rest of “the curse of the Law.”

Let’s look a little closer, shall we, at what Jesus said? Jesus doesn’t say, “If you love me, keep all the commands of the Law,” or even “If you love me, keep this particular group of the Law’s commands.”

What does he say? “Keep MY commandments.” Keep the commandments that Jesus has given. Not the commandments of the Law: the commandments of Jesus!

What did Jesus command? Let’s pull out a concordance and look, shall we?

Jhn 13:34
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Jhn 15:12
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

Jhn 15:17
This is my command: Love each other.

You’re welcome to look it up yourself (; these are actually the only commandments that Jesus gave. It’s pretty clear that, while he has commanded it several times, he only gave one command: love each other.

So yeah: if you love Jesus, keep the commandments he gave: they’re all about love each other. That’s it. This isn’t about obeying the law, or about religious traditions, or about dietary requirements or even a command to “do good works.”

It’s about loving each other.

It probably is appropriate to point out that love – true ἀγαπάω love – is a pretty big topic. It’s all about pursuing their good over your own good, and that’s a costly love that will itself require much of us. But the command is love; the command is not about submitting to the Law, either the Old Covenant Law, or the rules that someone is trying to control you with.

Brothers and sisters, the Law is dead. Long live the command of love.


God Is Releasing A Company Of Prophetic Messengers To Washington State and California

4/12/2015, from Melody Paasch

Just a bit of background before I share about our recent trip to California.   Sometime in 2011, I had a very vivid and significant dream.  In this dream, I was specifically told that the birds would be arriving in California and Washington State.  I asked what birds, to which I immediately heard, “The migratory birds.”  I asked, for what reason and was given a message that I believe is one of many strategies for the Body of Christ in this time.  God began to speak to me through the following passage in Jeremiah. 

Jeremiah 8:7-9 Amplified Bible (AMP)

7 [Even the migratory birds are punctual to their seasons.] Yes, the stork [excelling in the great height of her flight] in the heavens knows her appointed times [of migration], and the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane observe the time of their return. But My people do not know the law of the Lord [which the lower animals instinctively recognize in so far as it applies to them].

8 How can you say, We are wise, and we have the written law of the Lord [and are learned in its language and teachings]? Behold, the truth is, the lying pen of the scribes has made of the law a falsehood (a mere code of ceremonial observances).

I sensed that Papa was saying that it is our responsibility as the Body of Christ to seek Him and know our seasons and the plans He has in His heart.  By instinct (by The Spirit and not just the written word), as a part of God’s army, we should know His strategy and His timing.  The Kingdom of God is IN us and NEAR to us!  There are times and seasons that are strategically marked in God’s records for significant and specific events in the earth.  I believe that we are in one of those moments! If we are to labor with Him in His plans and purposes, we must sense those events and be willing to follow our Godly instincts.

Since 2011, this dream has come up many times, but back in December of 2014, while in the Kansas City area with a friend, it was reiterated yet again!  This time I felt a very strong confirmation that this was the year I needed to instigate a prophetic journey to respond to Papa’s message.  The destination?  San Juan Capistrano, CA.  Why?  Because it is known as a historic receiver and incubator to the swallows migrating from Argentina in March every year.  It was a prophetic type and symbol. 

I knew that it was a prophetic picture of the messengers of God being received into the region, with safe haven for future growth and maturity. I believe that God is saying that California and Washington State will be birthing places for His prophetic voices, and this pattern will then sweep East across the nation.  I know that He is restoring and installing the voice of the prophetic everywhere, but for some reason this region is definitely an area He is talking about.  I can only address the part I'm given.  

These anointed ones will move across the U.S. from the West Coast to the East Coast, releasing the word and heart of God for the nation.  It will set a precedence in the spiritual realm, dispatching the angelic for needed direction and strategy.  He is releasing more of His champions with very specific talents, to work side by side with others who are devoted to building the Kingdom of God in every area of culture and society.  Not to build man's agenda with all of it's nuances and control, but to release Papa's heart for this time and people. I believe that He loves mankind above all of His creation, and desires to labor with us in the earth. 

So, upon our arrival we had a daunting surprise!  Julie, one of my beloved interns, and I arrived at the San Juan Capistrano Mission, looking for the yearly arrival of the legendary swallows!   We found, to our dismay, that they no longer have an inviting home there, even though there has been such a long and rich heritage of their migration in this place.


During a long process of the mission’s reconstruction, management built man-made homes for the birds, hoping the swallows would accept the new structures as sanctuary for themselves.  Unfortunately, the swallows have begun to find other nesting areas to thrive in during their season there. This feels a bit like what we do in Christianity at times.  Could it be that we sometimes tear down the natural order of things to build something bigger, or maybe better?  Not that there is anything wrong with progress, as long as it’s congruent with God’s plan.  It also seems that the mess the swallows brought with them, had been an inconvenience to the surrounding merchants.  They were considered by some, to be an annoyance. 

We noticed that the crows and other predatory birds had taken squatters rights and were running most of the smaller birds away.  We watched and grieved as one little swallow came into the courtyard of the mission only to experience the aggression of a crow.  This was beginning to look like a pattern of some things we sometimes witness or experience in far right or radical religious circles.

I sense that the church as a whole has been in the middle of reconstruction (this is a good thing by the way) and that there has been little room for the young prophets or messengers of God. Have they fallen through the cracks of churchianity?  Maybe a man-made structure with an accurate architecture is being offered, just as it is at the mission, but lacking the heart and comfort of home. I wonder if these marked messengers feel that they are no longer welcome, or maybe can’t trust what is being offered them. They may realize that the structures built for their safety are simply a replica of a safe place.

So, I also find myself wondering if they have been hiding out, sitting before The Father, learning in secret from The Spirit?  The word does say that The Holy Spirit is our teacher and that He alone can teach us what we need to know.  However, I believe that God’s heart is to do so through loving leadership, as well as directly through His communication with us.  Without the needed experience of true community, those called of God can find it difficult to manage the use of their gifts, as well as their ethical behavior.  They may find that they are not generally accepted in Christianity, and are often judged and labelled as rebels.

Thus, there may be parts of the church, operating without the gift of the prophetic, and the young prophets may not be effectively prepared.  This is a travesty!  The Word says (Rev. 19:10) that the spirit of prophecy is the clear testimony or witness of Jesus.  If that was true when the Bible was written, wouldn't that still be true, today?

It was interesting to me during the mission visit, that there was only the one small swallow that had the gumption to ignore the malicious caws of the crows.  Could the crows represent the ultra-religious, who do not believe that the gifts are for today?  It was sad really, and at the same time, I sensed such courage in this small bird.  This little and seemingly insignificant one seemed not to be phased. He was not honored for his valiant arrival, yet he ignored the quips of the mockers. 

It reminded me of young Saul when he was secretly anointed for kingship by Samuel in 1 Samuel 10. He literally turned a deaf ear!  It is written that The Lord's prophetic message over him changed Saul that day!  The prophetic can set direction, can give affirmation to what we know in our hearts, and can change circumstances when God chooses to release over us what is in His heart.

I watched that day, as that little swallow eventually took perch upon the erected index finger of a statue of the canonized representative for the mission: a priest who was the historic and celebrated advocate for the small and weak travelers to the mission.  What a sweet surprise!!!!  The swallow took the platform of the prophetic index finger as depicted by the five-fold ministry!*

* The five fingers of your hand are sometimes used as a way to remember the Five-fold Ministry of God’s Kingdom: 
1. Thumb - apostle (authority/leadership) 
2. Index Finger – prophet (messenger/one who decrees)
3. Middle Finger - evangelist (one who reaches out) 
4. Ring Finger - pastor (shepherd/covenant gatherer) 
5. Pinkie Finger - teacher (one who speaks/processes what will nourish the hearer).

I sat in awe as the little guy began to voice his passion vehemently.  I was amazed that such a tiny creature could have such a strong resolve!  He with deep fervor, progressively became louder!  It seemed for a moment that he was literally preaching directly to me.  He was trying to tell us something very important.  We watched as other people began to slowly gather, curious about what we were looking at and what had us so mesmerized.

As the people gathered, I stepped back to see the bigger picture.  While he preached his burning message, the people watched, taking photographs as though he were performing for them.  Isn’t this the way the gifts of The Spirit are sometimes received?  As a novelty or show?  The more the small crowd gathered before the little swallow, the more passionate he became!  What in the world was this small brave one telling us all?  I feared the crowd was not sensitive to his strong attempt, but Julie and I were acutely aware that it was immensely important and we listened intently to his strong effort. 


Later, as we processed the events of the day, it all became very clear.  We knew that the reason we had been sent to the mission was to welcome the migratory birds, which represented the hidden prophetic voices in the earth.  Apparently, they do need welcoming, even to have the ability to arrive in their appointed place and time!  Clearly, what God requires of us as prophetic leaders in every area of ministry, is that we continually cultivate a safe environment for the inexperienced, but strong to be raised up.  It is my experience, that the prophetic needs very particular teaching, training and preparation for the understanding of their gifts.  I am seeking Papa even now, for better understanding of what that must look like. 

Julie, I and the NIT family knew that this trip was a prophetic act to invite a new prophetic breed for a new move of God, into all the safe places prepared for their installment and launching.  As you may know, not every place of spiritual equipping is a safe place for the prophetic.  I must remind you though, that God will do nothing without speaking it first to His prophets.  This is His declaration to all the ages and generations of mankind.  He has promised that He will co-labor to create, with and through His prophets and His prophetic people. 

I strongly felt that this was an extraordinary moment we were honored to experience; and that Papa was confirming that there would be an influx of the "pure" prophetic into all organizations that are willing to train and equip through freedom of The Spirit of Truth.  I fear that it will not happen without true relationship.  If we welcome these messengers into safe and loving environments, they will grow and mature for their designated occasion and purposes. 

My heart and prayer is that we will welcome those with a prophetic call into the body of Christ for safe keeping and nurture, releasing them in maturity for these strategic times.  God’s heart is to develop what He has placed within each of us, and His purpose is to release us in His will and employment.

Remember Elijah on the mountain, when he was led to call out the false prophets?  I believe that we as the church, are at a crossroads and that we are being called to raise the bar.  God is calling up the brave and the resolute, to speak His heart wrapped in His deep love, and without compromise or fear of man.  This is the time that God WILL restore and release the true prophets of HIS house.  I do not believe that He'll do it without them.  Whether we believe that the gift of prophecy is for today in the church or not, I hope we will welcome those who are called, to step up and fulfill their God given destiny.  Will we, as the Body of Christ, welcome God’s messengers for this strategic moment in time?

Melody Paasch, from her website

God Is Releasing A Company Of Prophetic Messengers To Washington State and California

4/12/2015, from Melody Paasch

Just a bit of background before I share about our recent trip to California.   Sometime in 2011, I had a very vivid and significant dream.  In this dream, I was specifically told that the birds would be arriving in California and Washington State.  I asked what birds, to which I immediately heard, “The migratory birds.”  I asked, for what reason and was given a message that I believe is one of many strategies for the Body of Christ in this time.  God began to speak to me through the following passage in Jeremiah. 

Jeremiah 8:7-9 Amplified Bible (AMP)

7 [Even the migratory birds are punctual to their seasons.] Yes, the stork [excelling in the great height of her flight] in the heavens knows her appointed times [of migration], and the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane observe the time of their return. But My people do not know the law of the Lord [which the lower animals instinctively recognize in so far as it applies to them].

8 How can you say, We are wise, and we have the written law of the Lord [and are learned in its language and teachings]? Behold, the truth is, the lying pen of the scribes has made of the law a falsehood (a mere code of ceremonial observances).

I sensed that Papa was saying that it is our responsibility as the Body of Christ to seek Him and know our seasons and the plans He has in His heart.  By instinct (by The Spirit and not just the written word), as a part of God’s army, we should know His strategy and His timing.  The Kingdom of God is IN us and NEAR to us!  There are times and seasons that are strategically marked in God’s records for significant and specific events in the earth.  I believe that we are in one of those moments! If we are to labor with Him in His plans and purposes, we must sense those events and be willing to follow our Godly instincts.

Since 2011, this dream has come up many times, but back in December of 2014, while in the Kansas City area with a friend, it was reiterated yet again!  This time I felt a very strong confirmation that this was the year I needed to instigate a prophetic journey to respond to Papa’s message.  The destination?  San Juan Capistrano, CA.  Why?  Because it is known as a historic receiver and incubator to the swallows migrating from Argentina in March every year.  It was a prophetic type and symbol. 

I knew that it was a prophetic picture of the messengers of God being received into the region, with safe haven for future growth and maturity. I believe that God is saying that California and Washington State will be birthing places for His prophetic voices, and this pattern will then sweep East across the nation.  I know that He is restoring and installing the voice of the prophetic everywhere, but for some reason this region is definitely an area He is talking about.  I can only address the part I'm given.  

These anointed ones will move across the U.S. from the West Coast to the East Coast, releasing the word and heart of God for the nation.  It will set a precedence in the spiritual realm, dispatching the angelic for needed direction and strategy.  He is releasing more of His champions with very specific talents, to work side by side with others who are devoted to building the Kingdom of God in every area of culture and society.  Not to build man's agenda with all of it's nuances and control, but to release Papa's heart for this time and people. I believe that He loves mankind above all of His creation, and desires to labor with us in the earth. 

So, upon our arrival we had a daunting surprise!  Julie, one of my beloved interns, and I arrived at the San Juan Capistrano Mission, looking for the yearly arrival of the legendary swallows!   We found, to our dismay, that they no longer have an inviting home there, even though there has been such a long and rich heritage of their migration in this place.


During a long process of the mission’s reconstruction, management built man-made homes for the birds, hoping the swallows would accept the new structures as sanctuary for themselves.  Unfortunately, the swallows have begun to find other nesting areas to thrive in during their season there. This feels a bit like what we do in Christianity at times.  Could it be that we sometimes tear down the natural order of things to build something bigger, or maybe better?  Not that there is anything wrong with progress, as long as it’s congruent with God’s plan.  It also seems that the mess the swallows brought with them, had been an inconvenience to the surrounding merchants.  They were considered by some, to be an annoyance. 

We noticed that the crows and other predatory birds had taken squatters rights and were running most of the smaller birds away.  We watched and grieved as one little swallow came into the courtyard of the mission only to experience the aggression of a crow.  This was beginning to look like a pattern of some things we sometimes witness or experience in far right or radical religious circles.

I sense that the church as a whole has been in the middle of reconstruction (this is a good thing by the way) and that there has been little room for the young prophets or messengers of God. Have they fallen through the cracks of churchianity?  Maybe a man-made structure with an accurate architecture is being offered, just as it is at the mission, but lacking the heart and comfort of home. I wonder if these marked messengers feel that they are no longer welcome, or maybe can’t trust what is being offered them. They may realize that the structures built for their safety are simply a replica of a safe place.

So, I also find myself wondering if they have been hiding out, sitting before The Father, learning in secret from The Spirit?  The word does say that The Holy Spirit is our teacher and that He alone can teach us what we need to know.  However, I believe that God’s heart is to do so through loving leadership, as well as directly through His communication with us.  Without the needed experience of true community, those called of God can find it difficult to manage the use of their gifts, as well as their ethical behavior.  They may find that they are not generally accepted in Christianity, and are often judged and labelled as rebels.

Thus, there may be parts of the church, operating without the gift of the prophetic, and the young prophets may not be effectively prepared.  This is a travesty!  The Word says (Rev. 19:10) that the spirit of prophecy is the clear testimony or witness of Jesus.  If that was true when the Bible was written, wouldn't that still be true, today?

It was interesting to me during the mission visit, that there was only the one small swallow that had the gumption to ignore the malicious caws of the crows.  Could the crows represent the ultra-religious, who do not believe that the gifts are for today?  It was sad really, and at the same time, I sensed such courage in this small bird.  This little and seemingly insignificant one seemed not to be phased. He was not honored for his valiant arrival, yet he ignored the quips of the mockers. 

It reminded me of young Saul when he was secretly anointed for kingship by Samuel in 1 Samuel 10. He literally turned a deaf ear!  It is written that The Lord's prophetic message over him changed Saul that day!  The prophetic can set direction, can give affirmation to what we know in our hearts, and can change circumstances when God chooses to release over us what is in His heart.

I watched that day, as that little swallow eventually took perch upon the erected index finger of a statue of the canonized representative for the mission: a priest who was the historic and celebrated advocate for the small and weak travelers to the mission.  What a sweet surprise!!!!  The swallow took the platform of the prophetic index finger as depicted by the five-fold ministry!*

* The five fingers of your hand are sometimes used as a way to remember the Five-fold Ministry of God’s Kingdom: 
1. Thumb - apostle (authority/leadership) 
2. Index Finger – prophet (messenger/one who decrees)
3. Middle Finger - evangelist (one who reaches out) 
4. Ring Finger - pastor (shepherd/covenant gatherer) 
5. Pinkie Finger - teacher (one who speaks/processes what will nourish the hearer).

I sat in awe as the little guy began to voice his passion vehemently.  I was amazed that such a tiny creature could have such a strong resolve!  He with deep fervor, progressively became louder!  It seemed for a moment that he was literally preaching directly to me.  He was trying to tell us something very important.  We watched as other people began to slowly gather, curious about what we were looking at and what had us so mesmerized.

As the people gathered, I stepped back to see the bigger picture.  While he preached his burning message, the people watched, taking photographs as though he were performing for them.  Isn’t this the way the gifts of The Spirit are sometimes received?  As a novelty or show?  The more the small crowd gathered before the little swallow, the more passionate he became!  What in the world was this small brave one telling us all?  I feared the crowd was not sensitive to his strong attempt, but Julie and I were acutely aware that it was immensely important and we listened intently to his strong effort. 


Later, as we processed the events of the day, it all became very clear.  We knew that the reason we had been sent to the mission was to welcome the migratory birds, which represented the hidden prophetic voices in the earth.  Apparently, they do need welcoming, even to have the ability to arrive in their appointed place and time!  Clearly, what God requires of us as prophetic leaders in every area of ministry, is that we continually cultivate a safe environment for the inexperienced, but strong to be raised up.  It is my experience, that the prophetic needs very particular teaching, training and preparation for the understanding of their gifts.  I am seeking Papa even now, for better understanding of what that must look like. 

Julie, I and the NIT family knew that this trip was a prophetic act to invite a new prophetic breed for a new move of God, into all the safe places prepared for their installment and launching.  As you may know, not every place of spiritual equipping is a safe place for the prophetic.  I must remind you though, that God will do nothing without speaking it first to His prophets.  This is His declaration to all the ages and generations of mankind.  He has promised that He will co-labor to create, with and through His prophets and His prophetic people. 

I strongly felt that this was an extraordinary moment we were honored to experience; and that Papa was confirming that there would be an influx of the "pure" prophetic into all organizations that are willing to train and equip through freedom of The Spirit of Truth.  I fear that it will not happen without true relationship.  If we welcome these messengers into safe and loving environments, they will grow and mature for their designated occasion and purposes. 

My heart and prayer is that we will welcome those with a prophetic call into the body of Christ for safe keeping and nurture, releasing them in maturity for these strategic times.  God’s heart is to develop what He has placed within each of us, and His purpose is to release us in His will and employment.

Remember Elijah on the mountain, when he was led to call out the false prophets?  I believe that we as the church, are at a crossroads and that we are being called to raise the bar.  God is calling up the brave and the resolute, to speak His heart wrapped in His deep love, and without compromise or fear of man.  This is the time that God WILL restore and release the true prophets of HIS house.  I do not believe that He'll do it without them.  Whether we believe that the gift of prophecy is for today in the church or not, I hope we will welcome those who are called, to step up and fulfill their God given destiny.  Will we, as the Body of Christ, welcome God’s messengers for this strategic moment in time?

Melody Paasch, from her website

God Is Releasing A Company Of Prophetic Messengers To Washington State and California

4/12/2015, from Melody Paasch


Just a bit of background before I share about our recent trip to California.   Sometime in 2011, I had a very vivid and significant dream.  In this dream, I was specifically told that the birds would be arriving in California and Washington State.  I asked what birds, to which I immediately heard, “The migratory birds.”  I asked, for what reason and was given a message that I believe is one of many strategies for the Body of Christ in this time.  God began to speak to me through the following passage in Jeremiah. 

Jeremiah 8:7-9 Amplified Bible (AMP)

7 [Even the migratory birds are punctual to their seasons.] Yes, the stork [excelling in the great height of her flight] in the heavens knows her appointed times [of migration], and the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane observe the time of their return. But My people do not know the law of the Lord [which the lower animals instinctively recognize in so far as it applies to them].

8 How can you say, We are wise, and we have the written law of the Lord [and are learned in its language and teachings]? Behold, the truth is, the lying pen of the scribes has made of the law a falsehood (a mere code of ceremonial observances).

I sensed that Papa was saying that it is our responsibility as the Body of Christ to seek Him and know our seasons and the plans He has in His heart.  By instinct (by The Spirit and not just the written word), as a part of God’s army, we should know His strategy and His timing.  The Kingdom of God is IN us and NEAR to us!  There are times and seasons that are strategically marked in God’s records for significant and specific events in the earth.  I believe that we are in one of those moments! If we are to labor with Him in His plans and purposes, we must sense those events and be willing to follow our Godly instincts.

Since 2011, this dream has come up many times, but back in December of 2014, while in the Kansas City area with a friend, it was reiterated yet again!  This time I felt a very strong confirmation that this was the year I needed to instigate a prophetic journey to respond to Papa’s message.  The destination?  San Juan Capistrano, CA.  Why?  Because it is known as a historic receiver and incubator to the swallows migrating from Argentina in March every year.  It was a prophetic type and symbol. 

I knew that it was a prophetic picture of the messengers of God being received into the region, with safe haven for future growth and maturity. I believe that God is saying that California and Washington State will be birthing places for His prophetic voices, and this pattern will then sweep East across the nation.  I know that He is restoring and installing the voice of the prophetic everywhere, but for some reason this region is definitely an area He is talking about.  I can only address the part I’m given.  

These anointed ones will move across the U.S. from the West Coast to the East Coast, releasing the word and heart of God for the nation.  It will set a precedence in the spiritual realm, dispatching the angelic for needed direction and strategy.  He is releasing more of His champions with very specific talents, to work side by side with others who are devoted to building the Kingdom of God in every area of culture and society.  Not to build man’s agenda with all of it’s nuances and control, but to release Papa’s heart for this time and people. I believe that He loves mankind above all of His creation, and desires to labor with us in the earth. 

So, upon our arrival we had a daunting surprise!  Julie, one of my beloved interns, and I arrived at the San Juan Capistrano Mission, looking for the yearly arrival of the legendary swallows!   We found, to our dismay, that they no longer have an inviting home there, even though there has been such a long and rich heritage of their migration in this place.


During a long process of the mission’s reconstruction, management built man-made homes for the birds, hoping the swallows would accept the new structures as sanctuary for themselves.  Unfortunately, the swallows have begun to find other nesting areas to thrive in during their season there. This feels a bit like what we do in Christianity at times.  Could it be that we sometimes tear down the natural order of things to build something bigger, or maybe better?  Not that there is anything wrong with progress, as long as it’s congruent with God’s plan.  It also seems that the mess the swallows brought with them, had been an inconvenience to the surrounding merchants.  They were considered by some, to be an annoyance. 

We noticed that the crows and other predatory birds had taken squatters rights and were running most of the smaller birds away.  We watched and grieved as one little swallow came into the courtyard of the mission only to experience the aggression of a crow.  This was beginning to look like a pattern of some things we sometimes witness or experience in far right or radical religious circles.

I sense that the church as a whole has been in the middle of reconstruction (this is a good thing by the way) and that there has been little room for the young prophets or messengers of God. Have they fallen through the cracks of churchianity?  Maybe a man-made structure with an accurate architecture is being offered, just as it is at the mission, but lacking the heart and comfort of home. I wonder if these marked messengers feel that they are no longer welcome, or maybe can’t trust what is being offered them. They may realize that the structures built for their safety are simply a replica of a safe place.

So, I also find myself wondering if they have been hiding out, sitting before The Father, learning in secret from The Spirit?  The word does say that The Holy Spirit is our teacher and that He alone can teach us what we need to know.  However, I believe that God’s heart is to do so through loving leadership, as well as directly through His communication with us.  Without the needed experience of true community, those called of God can find it difficult to manage the use of their gifts, as well as their ethical behavior.  They may find that they are not generally accepted in Christianity, and are often judged and labelled as rebels.

Thus, there may be parts of the church, operating without the gift of the prophetic, and the young prophets may not be effectively prepared.  This is a travesty!  The Word says (Rev. 19:10) that the spirit of prophecy is the clear testimony or witness of Jesus.  If that was true when the Bible was written, wouldn’t that still be true, today?

It was interesting to me during the mission visit, that there was only the one small swallow that had the gumption to ignore the malicious caws of the crows.  Could the crows represent the ultra-religious, who do not believe that the gifts are for today?  It was sad really, and at the same time, I sensed such courage in this small bird.  This little and seemingly insignificant one seemed not to be phased. He was not honored for his valiant arrival, yet he ignored the quips of the mockers. 


It reminded me of young Saul when he was secretly anointed for kingship by Samuel in 1 Samuel 10. He literally turned a deaf ear!  It is written that The Lord’s prophetic message over him changed Saul that day!  The prophetic can set direction, can give affirmation to what we know in our hearts, and can change circumstances when God chooses to release over us what is in His heart.

I watched that day, as that little swallow eventually took perch upon the erected index finger of a statue of the canonized representative for the mission: a priest who was the historic and celebrated advocate for the small and weak travelers to the mission.  What a sweet surprise!!!!  The swallow took the platform of the prophetic index finger as depicted by the five-fold ministry!*

* The five fingers of your hand are sometimes used as a way to remember the Five-fold Ministry of God’s Kingdom: 
1. Thumb – apostle (authority/leadership) 
2. Index Finger – prophet (messenger/one who decrees)
3. Middle Finger – evangelist (one who reaches out) 
4. Ring Finger – pastor (shepherd/covenant gatherer) 
5. Pinkie Finger – teacher (one who speaks/processes what will nourish the hearer).

I sat in awe as the little guy began to voice his passion vehemently.  I was amazed that such a tiny creature could have such a strong resolve!  He with deep fervor, progressively became louder!  It seemed for a moment that he was literally preaching directly to me.  He was trying to tell us something very important.  We watched as other people began to slowly gather, curious about what we were looking at and what had us so mesmerized.

As the people gathered, I stepped back to see the bigger picture.  While he preached his burning message, the people watched, taking photographs as though he were performing for them.  Isn’t this the way the gifts of The Spirit are sometimes received?  As a novelty or show?  The more the small crowd gathered before the little swallow, the more passionate he became!  What in the world was this small brave one telling us all?  I feared the crowd was not sensitive to his strong attempt, but Julie and I were acutely aware that it was immensely important and we listened intently to his strong effort. 


Later, as we processed the events of the day, it all became very clear.  We knew that the reason we had been sent to the mission was to welcome the migratory birds, which represented the hidden prophetic voices in the earth.  Apparently, they do need welcoming, even to have the ability to arrive in their appointed place and time!  Clearly, what God requires of us as prophetic leaders in every area of ministry, is that we continually cultivate a safe environment for the inexperienced, but strong to be raised up.  It is my experience, that the prophetic needs very particular teaching, training and preparation for the understanding of their gifts.  I am seeking Papa even now, for better understanding of what that must look like. 

Julie, I and the NIT family knew that this trip was a prophetic act to invite a new prophetic breed for a new move of God, into all the safe places prepared for their installment and launching.  As you may know, not every place of spiritual equipping is a safe place for the prophetic.  I must remind you though, that God will do nothing without speaking it first to His prophets.  This is His declaration to all the ages and generations of mankind.  He has promised that He will co-labor to create, with and through His prophets and His prophetic people. 


I strongly felt that this was an extraordinary moment we were honored to experience; and that Papa was confirming that there would be an influx of the “pure” prophetic into all organizations that are willing to train and equip through freedom of The Spirit of Truth.  I fear that it will not happen without true relationship.  If we welcome these messengers into safe and loving environments, they will grow and mature for their designated occasion and purposes. 
My heart and prayer is that we will welcome those with a prophetic call into the body of Christ for safe keeping and nurture, releasing them in maturity for these strategic times.  God’s heart is to develop what He has placed within each of us, and His purpose is to release us in His will and employment.

Remember Elijah on the mountain, when he was led to call out the false prophets?  I believe that we as the church, are at a crossroads and that we are being called to raise the bar.  God is calling up the brave and the resolute, to speak His heart wrapped in His deep love, and without compromise or fear of man.  This is the time that God WILL restore and release the true prophets of HIS house.  I do not believe that He’ll do it without them.  Whether we believe that the gift of prophecy is for today in the church or not, I hope we will welcome those who are called, to step up and fulfill their God given destiny.  Will we, as the Body of Christ, welcome God’s messengers for this strategic moment in time?
Melody Paasch, from her website

Changing Our Focus in Corporate Worship

May I be blunt?

Some among us need to be less concerned about singing the lyrics on the screen, and more concerned about giving voice to the words welling up from inside them.

I was taking a young lady shopping, and she needed to visit some beauty supply shops. You may not suspect this, but I don’t often find myself looking forward to reasons to visit beauty supply shops. So I parked outside and took a nap.

In my five-minute nap, I dreamed, and God met me and spoke to me in the dream. He talked about some people among the Body whom He called “psalmists.” Yeah, I know it’s not the normal way we use the word.

I’m sure there are other definitions, but in this dream, a psalmist was someone whose worship is best when they’re using their own words, not when they’re singing words – even “anointed” words – written by other people with other histories with God.

I could hear Father’s concern for his children who are this kind of psalmist. It seemed to me that this wasn’t something that we were ready to hear before, but now it’s time, and he said,

“Some among us need to be less concerned about singing the lyrics on the screen, and more concerned about giving voice to the words welling up from inside them.”

May I encourage you: worship with the words that are in YOUR heart. If the words on the screen communicate what’s in your heart, great! Use the words on the screen.

But if those words don’t reflect your heart, then don’t use them. Don’t make a scene, but use the words that speak for your heart, even if they’re words that nobody else is using.

Worship isn’t about conformity, is it? It’s about connecting with – it’s about exalting – the King of Heaven with our whole heart, soul and strength. Use the words that do that for you.
