
Fixing Our Eyes on the Good.

There have been some remarkable discoveries in physics recently, particularly in the realm of quantum mechanics (sub-atomic particles: the tiny things that make up every piece of matter in the universe): Oversimplified: The very fact of observation changes reality.

(This video does a pretty good job of explaining this. The first 5 minutes give you the basics.)

The physicists’ conclusion: “The very act of observing [subatomic particles] caused the wave function to collapse and create the existence of matter.” In other words, observation creates real matter.

This has epic implications: what we observe becomes real. In fact, physicist Anton Zeilinger declares that “What we perceive as reality now depends on our earlier decision what to measure [or observe].”

Let’s describe this in Kingdom vocabulary: it clearly suggests that sons of the Most High create reality not merely by their words, but also by simply paying attention.

This gives greater understanding to passages like Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.”

Applying quantum physics to Scripture, this explains WHY we are directed to dwell – to observe, to fix our attention on – good things: because our observation of them causes them to manifest more completely in the physical realm.

By extension, the reverse is also true: if we do NOT give our attention to things that are negative or evil – we call them “bad reports” – then we do NOT help those things become reality. What we don’t pay attention to never becomes as real as the things we do pay attention to.

So one of the ways that we accomplish our task of “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven,” is in Hebrews 12: “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

But the current research in quantum physics has learned even more: just observing subatomic particles not only causes them to actually exist, but it causes them to have already existed, prior to observation (around the 7:00 point of the video), or sometimes, in the future.

I hear this as both a powerful encouragement to focus our attention on good news, on things that are “worthy of praise,” and a clear articulation of WHY we need to pay attention to good things.

As Dr Zeilinger says, This is “a very, very deep message about the nature of reality, and our role in the universe. We are not just passive observers.”

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Avoid Evil, not the Appearance of Evil

The Bible doesn’t actually tell us to avoid every appearance of evil.
It says to avoid evil, not the appearance of evil. We avoid the evil itself.
Yeah, the translation from 400 years ago (King James) mis-translates yet another passage. The language today is different than it was in 1611; the words mean different things nowadays. (This is why I cannot trust any teaching that relies on the KJV to support it.) This is one place where that change makes a difference. 
Four hundred years ago, “every appearance” was kind of like “every kind” of evil. Our instruction is to avoid evil stuff. Avoid evil when it appears: avoid the appearance of evil: avoid every appearance of the evil.
And that’s how EVERY othermajor English translation of the Bible presents this: “Reject every kind of evil,” (NIV) or “Abstain from every form of evil” (NKJV and NASB). Even the King James usuallytranslates this word “shape.” “Avoid every shape of evil.”
We’re called to avoid evil. The call is not to avoid anything that looks like it might be considered as evil by somebody. Don’t be fussing about stuff that might look bad. Don’t be fussing about your reputation.

Jesus surely didn’t. He hung out with porn stars and filthy rich tax thieves and the most unacceptable people of his day. He went out of his way to connect with Zacchaeus the tax collector and all his tax-collector friends.

He wasn’t afraid to have a rich hooker spend thousands of dollars worth of perfume that she massaged into his bare feet, wiping them with her prostitute hair and kissing him all over his feet. When she was done, he smelled very much  like a hooker, and he defended her actions!
Jesus avoided evil. He never sinned. But he spent so much of his time with the sinners that offended the “good Christians” of the day, that his reputation was “The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’” Jesus had a reputation as a party-goer.
The reputation that Jesus had was that he was the favoriteguy of the people who were stuck in sin.
That’s our call: to bring life to those people. These are the people who need what we’re carrying! 
Our call is NOT to avoid the appearance of evil and hang around with the good people. Church kids surely don’t need the grace that we’re carrying quite so much as the untouchable people who are caught in their sin.

That’s why he said, “Go ye, into all the world!” Because it’s allthe world that needs what we’re carrying. 

APCE Word of the Lord For 2015

Author: Cindy Jacobs

Each year, as we have since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders met before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that, as of this year, we consider fully seasoned members of our round table, and we included their input as well into this word of the Lord.

The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as the disciples did in Acts 13:1-3. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. So, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each have brought to the round table meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.

While we are calling this a prophecy for 2015, it should be noted that the ACPE believes that the Lord speaks more in seasons, as opposed to our calendar years. In the past few years we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words has been continuing over the course of several years and intensifying.

It is also important to note that intercession may diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment—and in some cases may avert them all together. In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with the admonitions attached to them.

As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-14, noting that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends spoken in those years. So let us reiterate—the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God's people respond.

2015 - The Turn-Around Year

This is the year when God will give His people the chance to recalibrate in the midst of what will seem to be a whirlwind year. To recalibrate means to correct in mid-course, modify, amend, change, metamorphose, renovate, transform, or turn.

When caught in a whirlwind, you may need to do all of the above. The good news is that God is going to release the anointing, wisdom, and supernatural ability needed to change your circumstances on a whole new level. Remember that God often speaks to us in unusual ways in the midst of shakings and whirlwinds—and sometimes it’s a recalibration word.

God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, ‘Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?’” (Job 38:1-2, KJV)

The Living Bible interprets verse two like this: “Why are you using your ignorance to deny my providence?”

Job’s thoughts were out of alignment with God’s. There are many things that are out of proper alignment, but God is going to set them in proper order if you believe. This year God will show you how to move from helplessness to hopefulness!

This will be a year when God will hear your cry. In 2 Kings 20:1-11, Hezekiah was told that he was going to die, but he turned his face to the wall, cried out to God, was given 15 more years of life. Hezekiah had a turnaround from death to life.

A new grace to fight for healing in the face of an evil report will come upon God's people. In this violent, tumultuous season, the strategies for turning even the most desperate situations in your favor will be given to those who seek God's face. God is going to turn around your impossible situations.


The 15th day of the month in the Hebraic calendar represents rest. There will be a new emphasis on the Sabbath's rest. The admonition was given by the prophets that each person should seek the Lord about how to enter into rest in this season. For some it will be to take a Sabbatical. Others will adjust their schedules not to work on Sundays. Others will cut down their workloads or schedules. Everyone, in some manner, needs to make a change in their lives to enter into rest.  This will empower you to overcome the giants you faced in the last season and be refreshed as you enter into a new season.

This is also what is known in Hebrew tradition as the shemitah year or the 7th year of the 7-year agricultural cycle. This is not just a usual Sabbath year, and this re-enforces the need for rest.  What is true rest for some may not be restful for another.

The number 5 represents grace in the Bible, and a special grace will be given in the midst of the whirlwinds.

Avoid distractions that will take away from your focus on the central things God is giving you to accomplish. It could be said like this: “Don’t take on assignments that God will not hold you accountable for, things that will hinder your ability to complete with excellence the assignments for which He will hold you accountable.” There will be swirling around you, but don't be pulled off of your God-given assignments.

In the Hebrew calendar, this is the year 5775, and the two fives represent double grace or the double portion. This is a continuation of the double portion season from last year. Expect grace for fulfillment, to complete, and to finish.

Again, in the midst of the whirlwinds and trials, worship is the key to see your release!

Divine Midnight Turnarounds

This is going to be a year for divine midnight turnarounds. There is a significant contrast between what was and what is to come. The midnight hour is that dark time when we have to choose between believing God or the devil, where we either say that God is faithful or we experience a faith failure by letting our emotions rule.

Paul and Silas worshiped God when in chains, and at the midnight hour, God gave them the turnaround (Acts 16:25). The Lord will remove your chains at the midnight hour!

Samson lay down until midnight but then got up and tore the doors off the city gate (Judges 16:3). Supernatural strength comes at the midnight hour!

Deliverance from the Egyptians came at the midnight hour (Exodus 11:4). The Lord will move on your behalf at the midnight hour. You will be released from any oppressor!

Ruth changed the heart of her kinsman-redeemer at midnight (Ruth 3:8). The Lord will manifest as your kinsman-redeemer at the midnight hour! This speaks of the restoration of generational inheritance.

There are also those who have despaired of getting married, and for many, their Boaz will manifest in this season.

God will require us to stand firm in the midnight hour of changing seasons. We cannot afford to stay in the old season. As mentioned above, the word “recalibrate” indicates metamorphosis; the picture is appropriate because it involves a struggle. 

The Enemy’s Plans For You Will Boomerang

Esther 9:1-4 speaks of the turnaround from the plans of their enemy that God gave His people. Interestingly, in verse one, this Hebraic word "turned" in the Strong's Concordance is the number 2015! It means “to overturn, to turn around, to transform and reverse.” 

This is the year of divine reversals! The number 15 in scripture is linked to victory and harvest. The Feast of Tabernacles, Unleavened Bread, and Purim all happen on the 15th day of the month.

Esther 9:24-26 says that the evil scheme the Jews’ enemy, Haman, had worked out came back onto his own head (boomeranged). This was a divine turn around at the Jews’ midnight hour!

So what has the enemy been plotting against you? It’s going to boomerang right back onto his head!

The Church

We are now in the Jesus People Movement that has been prophesied about for years. The great harvest of souls is now upon us, and with it, another Great Awakening.

This is the age when God is releasing a new wave of evangelists and evangelism into the church.  Revivalists will once again go to the streets and move in great supernatural power.

The Lord gave us the admonition that the role of the evangelist must be emphasized in the church. With this will come a shifting in emphasis from preaching a more social gospel to preaching a supernatural gospel. God is getting ready to make surprise visits in the church with His miracle-working power. Coupled with this, a new move of compassion and acts of mercy will flow from the church. The church will remember the poor, and the love of God will touch broken lives.

There are also those who will arise like Moses to lead God's people out of idolatry.

We in one accord felt the strong admonition to guard against deception in the church. Many will deceive themselves in order to follow the lusts of their flesh.

The church will learn to wage spiritual warfare once again, and many will teach on this subject again from the pulpits of the nation. The church will shine as a light into the dark places of our culture on new levels.

New prayer movements will arise, and their prayers will cause a turning away from casual Christianity.

The church is coming into a new level of maturity. With the teaching on Kingdom, there has been a great acceleration of nations turning to the Lord through the different sectors of society bring reached.


This is the time for the harvest of the Jews to begin. Bold witness will arise from believers in both the Jewish and Arab sectors.

United States

The Lord is going to use the coming shakings, even from more internal attacks, to wake up people to their need for God. This will come seemingly in waves, subside, and come again.

Christians will boldly start giving testimony of their Christian faith and be very counter-cultural.  More producers will make movies with godly values, and Hollywood will start to lose money on the "dark field" as the appetite of the nation changes.

Even the news media will be affected by righteousness as more and more Christians rise to places of visibility in the coming years.

The United States has been given one more season to turn the nation to righteousness. As will be noted in the section on Europe, there will be an economic shaking that will affect the U.S., but many prayer groups are heeding the warnings. We feel that prayer will be able to greatly lessen what is coming. We believe 2 Chronicles 7:14 can still be applied to the economic structures both personally and nationally.

New lawyers will arise who have God's anointing upon their lives, and they will start to "turn the tide" in our legal system.

Corruption will be exposed on a national level. It will be exposed in the Pentagon and in Congress—in both political parties.


An increased vigilance to pray for this nation was called for from our midst. Canadais going to be a key missions force to reach those who are in ISIS and radical Islam.

Latin America

Communism will start to lose its grip in Latin America. The people of Latin Americawill start to shift the trend from hard leftist ideology to more moderate forms of government. 


Europe will experience a financial shaking, and this will affect the USeconomy, though not at the level of the 2008 economic meltdown. This may or may not happen in the fall of 2015, depending upon people's prayers, but will eventually happen.

Again supernatural wisdom will be given to those believers who seek God for strategies to get out of debt, and in some cases, break the cycle of debt.

In the midst of this, the re-evangelization of Europe will begin. God is listening to the prayers of those in Europe who are shaken and distressed, and He is preparing to answer.


The Latin Americans in Francewill play a large part in seeing France come into revival. France is going to begin to experience an awakening but it will be in the midst of continued shakings.  There is an admonition for the Houses of Prayer to continue to pray against terrorism from ISISconnected groups.


We see the same for Spain, with the Latin Americans being used by God for awakening.


The Russian bear will continue to test it muscles against other nations. Alaska and the Aleutian Islands must be very watchful during this time. The Empire Spirit has been loosed; however, the body of Christ in Russia will once again see a powerful move of God such as was seen after the fall of Communism. Another wave of God's power will sweep the land.


The serious issues with Russia are going to bring a tremendous unity to the church, and many cooperative efforts will take place for mass evangelism.


God is going to move in a powerful way with new, young Japanese revivalists, and this once-difficult place for evangelism will see a great harvest of souls.

Middle East

ISIS will continue seemingly unchecked for a season, but in contrast, their wickedness will cause openness to the gospel as many, many turn to Christ. Even some of those who left their own countries to seek to join the coalitions will become followers of Jesus and begin to evangelize the Middle East.


We ourselves received an admonition from the Holy Spirit to be very intentional to share with great love what we are receiving from the Lord as we prophesy in the coming season of shaking and whirlwinds.

Turnaround Decrees You Can Make

I will enter into rest. So, therefore, I decree healing for all stress-related problems which may include:

Sleepless Nights
High Blood Pressure
Acid Reflux
Heart Related Issues related to Stress
I will prosper and pay off all debts. In my turnaround year, I will receive the God-given plan to get out of debt.

I will go to new levels in my faith. Poverty will not have any hold on me.

All court cases against me and problems related to business will turn around.


Author: Cindy Jacobs
via James Goll's website.

APCE Word of the Lord For 2015

Author: Cindy Jacobs
Each year, as we have since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders met before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that, as of this year, we consider fully seasoned members of our round table, and we included their input as well into this word of the Lord.
The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as the disciples did in Acts 13:1-3. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. So, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each have brought to the round table meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2015, it should be noted that the ACPE believes that the Lord speaks more in seasons, as opposed to our calendar years. In the past few years we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words has been continuing over the course of several years and intensifying.
It is also important to note that intercession may diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment—and in some cases may avert them all together. In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with the admonitions attached to them.
As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-14, noting that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends spoken in those years. So let us reiterate—the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God’s people respond.
2015 – The Turn-Around Year
This is the year when God will give His people the chance to recalibrate in the midst of what will seem to be a whirlwind year. To recalibrate means to correct in mid-course, modify, amend, change, metamorphose, renovate, transform, or turn.
When caught in a whirlwind, you may need to do all of the above. The good news is that God is going to release the anointing, wisdom, and supernatural ability needed to change your circumstances on a whole new level. Remember that God often speaks to us in unusual ways in the midst of shakings and whirlwinds—and sometimes it’s a recalibration word.
God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, ‘Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?’” (Job 38:1-2, KJV)
The Living Bible interprets verse two like this: “Why are you using your ignorance to deny my providence?”
Job’s thoughts were out of alignment with God’s. There are many things that are out of proper alignment, but God is going to set them in proper order if you believe. This year God will show you how to move from helplessness to hopefulness!
This will be a year when God will hear your cry. In 2 Kings 20:1-11, Hezekiah was told that he was going to die, but he turned his face to the wall, cried out to God, was given 15 more years of life. Hezekiah had a turnaround from death to life.
A new grace to fight for healing in the face of an evil report will come upon God’s people. In this violent, tumultuous season, the strategies for turning even the most desperate situations in your favor will be given to those who seek God’s face. God is going to turn around your impossible situations.
The 15th day of the month in the Hebraic calendar represents rest. There will be a new emphasis on the Sabbath’s rest. The admonition was given by the prophets that each person should seek the Lord about how to enter into rest in this season. For some it will be to take a Sabbatical. Others will adjust their schedules not to work on Sundays. Others will cut down their workloads or schedules. Everyone, in some manner, needs to make a change in their lives to enter into rest.  This will empower you to overcome the giants you faced in the last season and be refreshed as you enter into a new season.
This is also what is known in Hebrew tradition as the shemitah year or the 7th year of the 7-year agricultural cycle. This is not just a usual Sabbath year, and this re-enforces the need for rest.  What is true rest for some may not be restful for another.
The number 5 represents grace in the Bible, and a special grace will be given in the midst of the whirlwinds.
Avoid distractions that will take away from your focus on the central things God is giving you to accomplish. It could be said like this: “Don’t take on assignments that God will not hold you accountable for, things that will hinder your ability to complete with excellence the assignments for which He will hold you accountable.” There will be swirling around you, but don’t be pulled off of your God-given assignments.
In the Hebrew calendar, this is the year 5775, and the two fives represent double grace or the double portion. This is a continuation of the double portion season from last year. Expect grace for fulfillment, to complete, and to finish.
Again, in the midst of the whirlwinds and trials, worship is the key to see your release!
Divine Midnight Turnarounds
This is going to be a year for divine midnight turnarounds. There is a significant contrast between what was and what is to come. The midnight hour is that dark time when we have to choose between believing God or the devil, where we either say that God is faithful or we experience a faith failure by letting our emotions rule.
Paul and Silas worshiped God when in chains, and at the midnight hour, God gave them the turnaround (Acts 16:25). The Lord will remove your chains at the midnight hour!
Samson lay down until midnight but then got up and tore the doors off the city gate (Judges 16:3). Supernatural strength comes at the midnight hour!
Deliverance from the Egyptians came at the midnight hour (Exodus 11:4). The Lord will move on your behalf at the midnight hour. You will be released from any oppressor!
Ruth changed the heart of her kinsman-redeemer at midnight (Ruth 3:8). The Lord will manifest as your kinsman-redeemer at the midnight hour! This speaks of the restoration of generational inheritance.
There are also those who have despaired of getting married, and for many, their Boaz will manifest in this season.
God will require us to stand firm in the midnight hour of changing seasons. We cannot afford to stay in the old season. As mentioned above, the word “recalibrate” indicates metamorphosis; the picture is appropriate because it involves a struggle. 
The Enemy’s Plans For You Will Boomerang
Esther 9:1-4 speaks of the turnaround from the plans of their enemy that God gave His people. Interestingly, in verse one, this Hebraic word “turned” in the Strong’s Concordance is the number 2015! It means “to overturn, to turn around, to transform and reverse.” 
This is the year of divine reversals! The number 15 in scripture is linked to victory and harvest. The Feast of Tabernacles, Unleavened Bread, and Purim all happen on the 15th day of the month.
Esther 9:24-26 says that the evil scheme the Jews’ enemy, Haman, had worked out came back onto his own head (boomeranged). This was a divine turn around at the Jews’ midnight hour!
So what has the enemy been plotting against you? It’s going to boomerang right back onto his head!
The Church
We are now in the Jesus People Movement that has been prophesied about for years. The great harvest of souls is now upon us, and with it, another Great Awakening.
This is the age when God is releasing a new wave of evangelists and evangelism into the church.  Revivalists will once again go to the streets and move in great supernatural power.
The Lord gave us the admonition that the role of the evangelist must be emphasized in the church. With this will come a shifting in emphasis from preaching a more social gospel to preaching a supernatural gospel. God is getting ready to make surprise visits in the church with His miracle-working power. Coupled with this, a new move of compassion and acts of mercy will flow from the church. The church will remember the poor, and the love of God will touch broken lives.
There are also those who will arise like Moses to lead God’s people out of idolatry.
We in one accord felt the strong admonition to guard against deception in the church. Many will deceive themselves in order to follow the lusts of their flesh.
The church will learn to wage spiritual warfare once again, and many will teach on this subject again from the pulpits of the nation. The church will shine as a light into the dark places of our culture on new levels.
New prayer movements will arise, and their prayers will cause a turning away from casual Christianity.
The church is coming into a new level of maturity. With the teaching on Kingdom, there has been a great acceleration of nations turning to the Lord through the different sectors of society bring reached.
This is the time for the harvest of the Jews to begin. Bold witness will arise from believers in both the Jewish and Arab sectors.
United States
The Lord is going to use the coming shakings, even from more internal attacks, to wake up people to their need for God. This will come seemingly in waves, subside, and come again.
Christians will boldly start giving testimony of their Christian faith and be very counter-cultural.  More producers will make movies with godly values, and Hollywood will start to lose money on the “dark field” as the appetite of the nation changes.
Even the news media will be affected by righteousness as more and more Christians rise to places of visibility in the coming years.
The United States has been given one more season to turn the nation to righteousness. As will be noted in the section on Europe, there will be an economic shaking that will affect the U.S., but many prayer groups are heeding the warnings. We feel that prayer will be able to greatly lessen what is coming. We believe 2 Chronicles 7:14 can still be applied to the economic structures both personally and nationally.
New lawyers will arise who have God’s anointing upon their lives, and they will start to “turn the tide” in our legal system.
Corruption will be exposed on a national level. It will be exposed in the Pentagon and in Congress—in both political parties.
An increased vigilance to pray for this nation was called for from our midst. Canadais going to be a key missions force to reach those who are in ISIS and radical Islam.
Latin America
Communism will start to lose its grip in Latin America. The people of Latin Americawill start to shift the trend from hard leftist ideology to more moderate forms of government. 
Europe will experience a financial shaking, and this will affect the USeconomy, though not at the level of the 2008 economic meltdown. This may or may not happen in the fall of 2015, depending upon people’s prayers, but will eventually happen.
Again supernatural wisdom will be given to those believers who seek God for strategies to get out of debt, and in some cases, break the cycle of debt.
In the midst of this, the re-evangelization of Europe will begin. God is listening to the prayers of those in Europe who are shaken and distressed, and He is preparing to answer.
The Latin Americans in Francewill play a large part in seeing France come into revival. France is going to begin to experience an awakening but it will be in the midst of continued shakings.  There is an admonition for the Houses of Prayer to continue to pray against terrorism from ISISconnected groups.
We see the same for Spain, with the Latin Americans being used by God for awakening.
The Russian bear will continue to test it muscles against other nations. Alaska and the Aleutian Islands must be very watchful during this time. The Empire Spirit has been loosed; however, the body of Christ in Russia will once again see a powerful move of God such as was seen after the fall of Communism. Another wave of God’s power will sweep the land.
The serious issues with Russia are going to bring a tremendous unity to the church, and many cooperative efforts will take place for mass evangelism.
God is going to move in a powerful way with new, young Japanese revivalists, and this once-difficult place for evangelism will see a great harvest of souls.
Middle East
ISIS will continue seemingly unchecked for a season, but in contrast, their wickedness will cause openness to the gospel as many, many turn to Christ. Even some of those who left their own countries to seek to join the coalitions will become followers of Jesus and begin to evangelize the Middle East.
We ourselves received an admonition from the Holy Spirit to be very intentional to share with great love what we are receiving from the Lord as we prophesy in the coming season of shaking and whirlwinds.
Turnaround Decrees You Can Make
I will enter into rest. So, therefore, I decree healing for all stress-related problems which may include:
Sleepless Nights
High Blood Pressure
Acid Reflux
Heart Related Issues related to Stress
I will prosper and pay off all debts. In my turnaround year, I will receive the God-given plan to get out of debt.
I will go to new levels in my faith. Poverty will not have any hold on me.

All court cases against me and problems related to business will turn around.

Author: Cindy Jacobs
via James Goll’s website.

APCE Word of the Lord For 2015

Author: Cindy Jacobs

Each year, as we have since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders met before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that, as of this year, we consider fully seasoned members of our round table, and we included their input as well into this word of the Lord.

The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as the disciples did in Acts 13:1-3. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. So, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each have brought to the round table meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.

While we are calling this a prophecy for 2015, it should be noted that the ACPE believes that the Lord speaks more in seasons, as opposed to our calendar years. In the past few years we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words has been continuing over the course of several years and intensifying.

It is also important to note that intercession may diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment—and in some cases may avert them all together. In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with the admonitions attached to them.

As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-14, noting that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends spoken in those years. So let us reiterate—the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God's people respond.

2015 - The Turn-Around Year

This is the year when God will give His people the chance to recalibrate in the midst of what will seem to be a whirlwind year. To recalibrate means to correct in mid-course, modify, amend, change, metamorphose, renovate, transform, or turn.

When caught in a whirlwind, you may need to do all of the above. The good news is that God is going to release the anointing, wisdom, and supernatural ability needed to change your circumstances on a whole new level. Remember that God often speaks to us in unusual ways in the midst of shakings and whirlwinds—and sometimes it’s a recalibration word.

God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, ‘Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?’” (Job 38:1-2, KJV)

The Living Bible interprets verse two like this: “Why are you using your ignorance to deny my providence?”

Job’s thoughts were out of alignment with God’s. There are many things that are out of proper alignment, but God is going to set them in proper order if you believe. This year God will show you how to move from helplessness to hopefulness!

This will be a year when God will hear your cry. In 2 Kings 20:1-11, Hezekiah was told that he was going to die, but he turned his face to the wall, cried out to God, was given 15 more years of life. Hezekiah had a turnaround from death to life.

A new grace to fight for healing in the face of an evil report will come upon God's people. In this violent, tumultuous season, the strategies for turning even the most desperate situations in your favor will be given to those who seek God's face. God is going to turn around your impossible situations.


The 15th day of the month in the Hebraic calendar represents rest. There will be a new emphasis on the Sabbath's rest. The admonition was given by the prophets that each person should seek the Lord about how to enter into rest in this season. For some it will be to take a Sabbatical. Others will adjust their schedules not to work on Sundays. Others will cut down their workloads or schedules. Everyone, in some manner, needs to make a change in their lives to enter into rest.  This will empower you to overcome the giants you faced in the last season and be refreshed as you enter into a new season.

This is also what is known in Hebrew tradition as the shemitah year or the 7th year of the 7-year agricultural cycle. This is not just a usual Sabbath year, and this re-enforces the need for rest.  What is true rest for some may not be restful for another.

The number 5 represents grace in the Bible, and a special grace will be given in the midst of the whirlwinds.

Avoid distractions that will take away from your focus on the central things God is giving you to accomplish. It could be said like this: “Don’t take on assignments that God will not hold you accountable for, things that will hinder your ability to complete with excellence the assignments for which He will hold you accountable.” There will be swirling around you, but don't be pulled off of your God-given assignments.

In the Hebrew calendar, this is the year 5775, and the two fives represent double grace or the double portion. This is a continuation of the double portion season from last year. Expect grace for fulfillment, to complete, and to finish.

Again, in the midst of the whirlwinds and trials, worship is the key to see your release!

Divine Midnight Turnarounds

This is going to be a year for divine midnight turnarounds. There is a significant contrast between what was and what is to come. The midnight hour is that dark time when we have to choose between believing God or the devil, where we either say that God is faithful or we experience a faith failure by letting our emotions rule.

Paul and Silas worshiped God when in chains, and at the midnight hour, God gave them the turnaround (Acts 16:25). The Lord will remove your chains at the midnight hour!

Samson lay down until midnight but then got up and tore the doors off the city gate (Judges 16:3). Supernatural strength comes at the midnight hour!

Deliverance from the Egyptians came at the midnight hour (Exodus 11:4). The Lord will move on your behalf at the midnight hour. You will be released from any oppressor!

Ruth changed the heart of her kinsman-redeemer at midnight (Ruth 3:8). The Lord will manifest as your kinsman-redeemer at the midnight hour! This speaks of the restoration of generational inheritance.

There are also those who have despaired of getting married, and for many, their Boaz will manifest in this season.

God will require us to stand firm in the midnight hour of changing seasons. We cannot afford to stay in the old season. As mentioned above, the word “recalibrate” indicates metamorphosis; the picture is appropriate because it involves a struggle. 

The Enemy’s Plans For You Will Boomerang

Esther 9:1-4 speaks of the turnaround from the plans of their enemy that God gave His people. Interestingly, in verse one, this Hebraic word "turned" in the Strong's Concordance is the number 2015! It means “to overturn, to turn around, to transform and reverse.” 

This is the year of divine reversals! The number 15 in scripture is linked to victory and harvest. The Feast of Tabernacles, Unleavened Bread, and Purim all happen on the 15th day of the month.

Esther 9:24-26 says that the evil scheme the Jews’ enemy, Haman, had worked out came back onto his own head (boomeranged). This was a divine turn around at the Jews’ midnight hour!

So what has the enemy been plotting against you? It’s going to boomerang right back onto his head!

The Church

We are now in the Jesus People Movement that has been prophesied about for years. The great harvest of souls is now upon us, and with it, another Great Awakening.

This is the age when God is releasing a new wave of evangelists and evangelism into the church.  Revivalists will once again go to the streets and move in great supernatural power.

The Lord gave us the admonition that the role of the evangelist must be emphasized in the church. With this will come a shifting in emphasis from preaching a more social gospel to preaching a supernatural gospel. God is getting ready to make surprise visits in the church with His miracle-working power. Coupled with this, a new move of compassion and acts of mercy will flow from the church. The church will remember the poor, and the love of God will touch broken lives.

There are also those who will arise like Moses to lead God's people out of idolatry.

We in one accord felt the strong admonition to guard against deception in the church. Many will deceive themselves in order to follow the lusts of their flesh.

The church will learn to wage spiritual warfare once again, and many will teach on this subject again from the pulpits of the nation. The church will shine as a light into the dark places of our culture on new levels.

New prayer movements will arise, and their prayers will cause a turning away from casual Christianity.

The church is coming into a new level of maturity. With the teaching on Kingdom, there has been a great acceleration of nations turning to the Lord through the different sectors of society bring reached.


This is the time for the harvest of the Jews to begin. Bold witness will arise from believers in both the Jewish and Arab sectors.

United States

The Lord is going to use the coming shakings, even from more internal attacks, to wake up people to their need for God. This will come seemingly in waves, subside, and come again.

Christians will boldly start giving testimony of their Christian faith and be very counter-cultural.  More producers will make movies with godly values, and Hollywood will start to lose money on the "dark field" as the appetite of the nation changes.

Even the news media will be affected by righteousness as more and more Christians rise to places of visibility in the coming years.

The United States has been given one more season to turn the nation to righteousness. As will be noted in the section on Europe, there will be an economic shaking that will affect the U.S., but many prayer groups are heeding the warnings. We feel that prayer will be able to greatly lessen what is coming. We believe 2 Chronicles 7:14 can still be applied to the economic structures both personally and nationally.

New lawyers will arise who have God's anointing upon their lives, and they will start to "turn the tide" in our legal system.

Corruption will be exposed on a national level. It will be exposed in the Pentagon and in Congress—in both political parties.


An increased vigilance to pray for this nation was called for from our midst. Canadais going to be a key missions force to reach those who are in ISIS and radical Islam.

Latin America

Communism will start to lose its grip in Latin America. The people of Latin Americawill start to shift the trend from hard leftist ideology to more moderate forms of government. 


Europe will experience a financial shaking, and this will affect the USeconomy, though not at the level of the 2008 economic meltdown. This may or may not happen in the fall of 2015, depending upon people's prayers, but will eventually happen.

Again supernatural wisdom will be given to those believers who seek God for strategies to get out of debt, and in some cases, break the cycle of debt.

In the midst of this, the re-evangelization of Europe will begin. God is listening to the prayers of those in Europe who are shaken and distressed, and He is preparing to answer.


The Latin Americans in Francewill play a large part in seeing France come into revival. France is going to begin to experience an awakening but it will be in the midst of continued shakings.  There is an admonition for the Houses of Prayer to continue to pray against terrorism from ISISconnected groups.


We see the same for Spain, with the Latin Americans being used by God for awakening.


The Russian bear will continue to test it muscles against other nations. Alaska and the Aleutian Islands must be very watchful during this time. The Empire Spirit has been loosed; however, the body of Christ in Russia will once again see a powerful move of God such as was seen after the fall of Communism. Another wave of God's power will sweep the land.


The serious issues with Russia are going to bring a tremendous unity to the church, and many cooperative efforts will take place for mass evangelism.


God is going to move in a powerful way with new, young Japanese revivalists, and this once-difficult place for evangelism will see a great harvest of souls.

Middle East

ISIS will continue seemingly unchecked for a season, but in contrast, their wickedness will cause openness to the gospel as many, many turn to Christ. Even some of those who left their own countries to seek to join the coalitions will become followers of Jesus and begin to evangelize the Middle East.


We ourselves received an admonition from the Holy Spirit to be very intentional to share with great love what we are receiving from the Lord as we prophesy in the coming season of shaking and whirlwinds.

Turnaround Decrees You Can Make

I will enter into rest. So, therefore, I decree healing for all stress-related problems which may include:

Sleepless Nights
High Blood Pressure
Acid Reflux
Heart Related Issues related to Stress
I will prosper and pay off all debts. In my turnaround year, I will receive the God-given plan to get out of debt.

I will go to new levels in my faith. Poverty will not have any hold on me.

All court cases against me and problems related to business will turn around.


Author: Cindy Jacobs
via James Goll's website.

Jesus as a Test of Questionable Doctrine

Hebrews 1:3 says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being….” This is just saying as a principle that which Jesus had already declared, when he stated “the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (John 5:19 and others)
If Jesus is the exact representation of who God is. Jesus is the best revelation we’ll ever get of who God is. It is legitimate and appropriate handling of the Bible to acknowledge that the revelation of God’s nature that Jesus provides (both through scripture and through our experience with him now, it can be asserted) is a superior revelation of God’s nature than any other revelation of God. It is superior to what angels declare, superior to supernatural experiences, superior to Old Testament prophets. Jesus is the best revelation of God’s nature that we will ever, ever have.
Therefore, when examining a doctrine or a teaching, it is Biblical and appropriate to ask, “Is this doctrine consistent with the nature of God as Jesus revealed it?”
If we are faced with a doctrine that assumes that God does this or that, or that infers that God approves this or that, then that makes a statement of the character of God. For example:
    If we believe that God creates beauty, then this infers that God affirms beauty. Is this consistent with Jesus?
    If we believe that God creates evil, then this infers that we believe that God is the source of evil. Is this consistent with how Jesus lived or what Jesus taught?
    If we believe that God is going to snatch his people out of their socks and leave the world without the people He gave the Great Commission to just as the world is entering its greatest tribulation and challenge, then this says things about God’s character: are these things consistent with the revelation of who God is as Jesus has revealed Him? Is this how Jesus has revealed that God works?
Frankly, to avoid or to diminish this test of our doctrine is to reject or diminish the authority of Scripture, because Scripture affirms that Jesus is “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” (Colossians 1:15)
Having established this test [“Is this teaching consistent with the character of God as revealed in Jesus”], this does not mean that we necessarily completely throw out all doctrine that fails the test. We may only need to refine our belief in that area. This may call for maturity in our doctrine.
If we conclude that the life of Jesus does not support the idea that God is the creator or source of evil, then we do not necessarily throw out any doctrine of evil, or even any doctrine that God uses evil. We may want to acknowledge that while God uses evil to bring about good (the cross may serve as an illustration), it does therefore follow logically that God is himself the source of evil. We may need to learn that evil has another source.
Or if we conclude that the idea of God snatching his people away just before difficulty strikes is not consistent with the revelation that Jesus provides, we do not therefore need to abandon all consideration of a “Rapture.” Perhaps we just need to re-think the Rapture in terms that are more consistent with God’s character and less consistent with a spirit of fear.

Perhaps there’s real reason for the command we’ve been given: “And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Maybe part of the reason that we need to keep our eyes on Jesus is because He is STILL the standard by which we understand what is true and what is not.

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Why Believers are Questioning Belief in Hell

All across the church, the move away from the doctrine of hell as “Eternal Conscious Torment” (“ECT”) is pretty consistent: many thinking believers are abandoning that doctrine as inconsistent with the character of Christ (who, after all, is the judge of the living and the dead). 
This is the idea that God commands you to love him, and if you don’t he’ll throw you in a place of eternal torment, where you’ll be perpetually tortured for eternity. It’s what many Christians have been taught their whole life.
Frankly, most of the teaching I’ve heard on the ECT front has its foundation more in the writings of a Catholic monk from the dark ages than from the Bible (Dante’s Inferno,from The Divine Comedy). It’s really quite inconsistent with the glimpses that Scripture reveals of the afterlife, and it’s completely inconsistent with a God who loves us enough to die in our place. 
But it preaches well in “evangelistic” sermons, which is why I suspect it has held on for so long.
But regardless of why people are abandoning the ECT doctrine, what they’re moving to is far less consistent.
Some whom I respect are landing on the idea of “Conditional Immortality.” Those that don’t enter Heaven are just un-made; this view is also referred to as Annihilationism. There’s good evidence to support this, though that’s beyond this post.
Others, whom I also respect, are seeing an extended time frame, and calling it “Ultimate Reconciliation”: that the omnipotent God who loved them in life enough to be murdered on their behalf won’t actually stoploving his haters just because they die, and He won’t stop wooing them throughout eternity. There is good evidence to support this idea as well. 
There are other landing spots, but those are the two primary ones. 
I’m not aware of anybody landing on basic Universalism: a free pass for everyone, regardless of what they did in life! Frankly, most of those who speak up about those who are rejecting Eternal Conscious Torment are accused of Universalism, sooner or later, by some of those who are NOT leaving ECT behind.

Don’t let people tell you that if you reject the idea that the lover of your soul is in league with your torturers then you therefore must be a Universalist. That’s just silly! Remind them that God is love, and that Jesus is perfect theology. 
Many others, among whom I am numbered, haven’t landed anywhere yet. We don’t actually know what the reality is on this topic, and we’re aware that there’s less instruction in Scripture to inform us than we wish there was. 
We’re saying, “Yeah, Eternal Conscious Torment clearly can’t be the long-term plan of a loving God, but I’m not sure what hell actually is.” I suppose you could say that we’re focusing more on heaven than on answering this (important) question. I’m not going to hell, and the people I’m leading aren’t going there. Let’s focus more on where we ARE going?
Yeah, it’s unbalanced, but that’s where a lot of folks are right now: questioning the things we were taught without trying to pretend we have all the answers.   

It’s actually OK to not have all the answers yet. 

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I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon… Find Your Footing

Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

"The Ground Will Make a Shift"

"Pray for Washington Stateand Oregon. I send an alarm from Zion across Washington State and Oregon and I say, 'Wake up and watch, for there is a change coming to your ground and a new, new opening is coming from Heaven, but now the ground will make a shift.

"I say to Tennessee, 'Watch, for this is a time that there will come a movement from the NE portion. You need to watch the movement.'

"I say to, 'New England, you need to awaken now because if you will awaken now I will cause a new generation to rise up in here.'

"I say to Japan, 'This will be a month that you must stand firm because of the shaking... so I say to you.'

"And I say to Africa, 'Get ready'. Algiers, you will be heard from: Let My people go," saith the Lord.

Find Your Way Through the Movement... Find Your Footing

I decree there's a shaking loose of promises that have fallen in the ground. And you're going to be walking this month and all of a sudden you're going to say, "I just stepped into a place of glory that I saw several times back," and then all of a sudden you'll decree a thing and it will happen.

Now I want you to decree. You decree: "I'm coming into my promise." You decree that though the enemy has blocked you, though you have done things you shouldn't have done, this month you are shifting to go up, and you will see a manifestation.

There is going to be a meeting of Heaven and earth. You need to know. You need to find your steps this month.

Hear what I'm your saying to you: Find your steps this month. There is going to be Heaven and earth colliding and shaking around us. Find your footing.

It's not going to be like where it's been, starting now. A new season has blossomed. Find your way through the movement.

God says, "Right now, I have begun a movement. You find your way through it. This is what it looks like. It's not going to be like other seasons."

You will not be controlling how the movement affects you. You'll just have to get in it.

...You get ready. Things will start moving all around you. Some of you are going to move in your jobs. Some of you are going to move where you live. Some of you are going to move in your life. Some of you are going to move in your house. Some of you are going to move in your nation. Things will be sliding and shifting this month, and God says, "Find your footing. Find your footing. Find your footing."

Something has stirred up. What Firstfruits is about is shifting into alignment with God's will in Heaven. Once we do that, let me tell you this month, something is going to shift around you and you are not to get frustrated in all the changes around you, but you will find your footing and you'll be stronger in the latter than you were at the beginning. Let's thank God for that. 


Comment: This word was released on the day of Firstfruits, February 22, 2015.

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here. This video starts with worship and after 39 minutes, the prophetic words start from Chuck Pierce and others and continues through worship.

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon… Find Your Footing

Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

"The Ground Will Make a Shift"

"Pray for Washington Stateand Oregon. I send an alarm from Zion across Washington State and Oregon and I say, 'Wake up and watch, for there is a change coming to your ground and a new, new opening is coming from Heaven, but now the ground will make a shift.

"I say to Tennessee, 'Watch, for this is a time that there will come a movement from the NE portion. You need to watch the movement.'

"I say to, 'New England, you need to awaken now because if you will awaken now I will cause a new generation to rise up in here.'

"I say to Japan, 'This will be a month that you must stand firm because of the shaking... so I say to you.'

"And I say to Africa, 'Get ready'. Algiers, you will be heard from: Let My people go," saith the Lord.

Find Your Way Through the Movement... Find Your Footing

I decree there's a shaking loose of promises that have fallen in the ground. And you're going to be walking this month and all of a sudden you're going to say, "I just stepped into a place of glory that I saw several times back," and then all of a sudden you'll decree a thing and it will happen.

Now I want you to decree. You decree: "I'm coming into my promise." You decree that though the enemy has blocked you, though you have done things you shouldn't have done, this month you are shifting to go up, and you will see a manifestation.

There is going to be a meeting of Heaven and earth. You need to know. You need to find your steps this month.

Hear what I'm your saying to you: Find your steps this month. There is going to be Heaven and earth colliding and shaking around us. Find your footing.

It's not going to be like where it's been, starting now. A new season has blossomed. Find your way through the movement.

God says, "Right now, I have begun a movement. You find your way through it. This is what it looks like. It's not going to be like other seasons."

You will not be controlling how the movement affects you. You'll just have to get in it.

...You get ready. Things will start moving all around you. Some of you are going to move in your jobs. Some of you are going to move where you live. Some of you are going to move in your life. Some of you are going to move in your house. Some of you are going to move in your nation. Things will be sliding and shifting this month, and God says, "Find your footing. Find your footing. Find your footing."

Something has stirred up. What Firstfruits is about is shifting into alignment with God's will in Heaven. Once we do that, let me tell you this month, something is going to shift around you and you are not to get frustrated in all the changes around you, but you will find your footing and you'll be stronger in the latter than you were at the beginning. Let's thank God for that. 


Comment: This word was released on the day of Firstfruits, February 22, 2015.

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here. This video starts with worship and after 39 minutes, the prophetic words start from Chuck Pierce and others and continues through worship.

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


I Send An Alarm Across Washington State and Oregon… Find Your Footing

Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
“The Ground Will Make a Shift”
“Pray for Washington Stateand Oregon. I send an alarm from Zion across Washington State and Oregon and I say, ‘Wake up and watch, for there is a change coming to your ground and a new, new opening is coming from Heaven, but now the ground will make a shift.
“I say to Tennessee, ‘Watch, for this is a time that there will come a movement from the NE portion. You need to watch the movement.’
“I say to, ‘New England, you need to awaken now because if you will awaken now I will cause a new generation to rise up in here.’
“I say to Japan, ‘This will be a month that you must stand firm because of the shaking… so I say to you.’
“And I say to Africa, ‘Get ready’. Algiers, you will be heard from: Let My people go,” saith the Lord.
Find Your Way Through the Movement… Find Your Footing
I decree there’s a shaking loose of promises that have fallen in the ground. And you’re going to be walking this month and all of a sudden you’re going to say, “I just stepped into a place of glory that I saw several times back,” and then all of a sudden you’ll decree a thing and it will happen.
Now I want you to decree. You decree: “I’m coming into my promise.” You decree that though the enemy has blocked you, though you have done things you shouldn’t have done, this month you are shifting to go up, and you will see a manifestation.
There is going to be a meeting of Heaven and earth. You need to know. You need to find your steps this month.
Hear what I’m your saying to you: Find your steps this month. There is going to be Heaven and earth colliding and shaking around us. Find your footing.
It’s not going to be like where it’s been, starting now. A new season has blossomed. Find your way through the movement.
God says, “Right now, I have begun a movement. You find your way through it. This is what it looks like. It’s not going to be like other seasons.”
You will not be controlling how the movement affects you. You’ll just have to get in it.
…You get ready. Things will start moving all around you. Some of you are going to move in your jobs. Some of you are going to move where you live. Some of you are going to move in your life. Some of you are going to move in your house. Some of you are going to move in your nation. Things will be sliding and shifting this month, and God says, “Find your footing. Find your footing. Find your footing.”
Something has stirred up. What Firstfruits is about is shifting into alignment with God’s will in Heaven. Once we do that, let me tell you this month, something is going to shift around you and you are not to get frustrated in all the changes around you, but you will find your footing and you’ll be stronger in the latter than you were at the beginning. Let’s thank God for that. 

Comment: This word was released on the day of Firstfruits, February 22, 2015.

Note: To watch the video link to this prophetic word click here. This video starts with worship and after 39 minutes, the prophetic words start from Chuck Pierce and others and continues through worship.
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


Considering Covenants

The Bible makes it abundantly clear. We are no longer bound by the Old Covenant.
For example, in Hebrews 8, the author argues forcefully and at length that the Old Covenant has been replaced.
“In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.” (Hebrews 8:13)
Let’s be clear about it: the Old Covenant was rendered obsolete when Jesus established the New Covenant in his blood, not long before he spilled that blood for us. And within a generation, the last vestiges of that Old Covenant were gone, not one stone left upon another, all records destroyed, so that there could never be another temple.
The reason that the Old Covenant is gone is because it was obsolete. It was a bloody failure anyway. God originally offered the family of Jacob (also known as Israel) a covenant  a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation”” covenant (Exodus 19:6), but Israel turned down that covenant.
Instead, they proposed the priesthood covenant (Exodus 20:19), which they could not keep even long enough for Moses to walk down the mountain with the terms of the covenant they had insisted on. And the rest of the Old Testament serves as a dreary testimony to how thoroughly and how deeply Israelcontinued to fail in covenant with Father.
There’s a lesson here, I think: Humankind does not excel at keeping divine covenants.
But when we are in Christ, and Christ is in covenant with Father, then I don’t have to rely on MY capacity for perfection to keep my covenant intact. And since the New Covenant is not with a nation, then I don’t have to rely on YOUR capacity for perfection to keep MY covenant intact.
It is the amazing faithfulness of the amazing Son of God who keeps covenant on our behalf. And I am included in that covenant because I am in Him.
And while I made a conscious choice to be in Him, it is not my excellence at keeping that choice that keeps me in Him. Even while I am in Him, He is simultaneously in me, and he is indeed excellent at keeping me.

I choose to stay in Him, not because I signed some covenant agreement, and not because of the threat that he may not love me if I muff up.
I choose to stay in Him because He is the very best thing that’s ever happened to me, and because I am completely, madly, hopelessly in love. And you know what keeps me in love with Him? He is completely, madly, hopelessly in love with me!
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“Remember My Promises In 2015”

Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ

My husband and I were recently on a cruise when three rainbows appeared and the cruise ship traveled through them. My husband and I were sitting at a table next to the window and saw it vividly. The end of the rainbow was directly to the left of us and went up and over the ship. What a sign!

The Lord spoke to me concerning 2015 through this sign. He said:

"This coming year is a year to remember My promises, no matter what you see happening around you – My promises are sure and they will prevail for those who believe.

"Tumult, shakings, and turmoil will fill the earth, and the Word and ways of God will be challenged on many fronts. But those who stand on My Word and live by My promises will be blessed beyond measure.

"I am inviting you to make a quality decision to live ONLY by My Word and promises. If you choose this direction, I will bring you into an abundant place and you will stand secure and blessed in the midst of an evil day. I will lead you into fields that are white with harvest. I will lead you into fruitfulness.

"Your life is in My hands. I am the Captain of your ship and I will lead you through the channel of promises into a glorious place. Remember My promises in 2015."

2 Peter 1:2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.

Prayer Directives For 2015:

1. Pray for the Body of Christ to consecrate themselves unto God and His ways in 2015.

2. Pray for Believers to remember the promises God has given them and to meditate afresh on them and believe them.

3. Pray for the Body of Christ to stand firm in the days that are coming with unshakable commitment to the Lord.

4. Pray for a harvest of fulfilled promises to be received by God's people in 2015.

5. Pray for fruitfulness in Believer's lives and spiritual journeys in 2015.

Patricia King
Founder and Director of XPMEDIA.COM INC


“Remember My Promises In 2015”

Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ

My husband and I were recently on a cruise when three rainbows appeared and the cruise ship traveled through them. My husband and I were sitting at a table next to the window and saw it vividly. The end of the rainbow was directly to the left of us and went up and over the ship. What a sign!

The Lord spoke to me concerning 2015 through this sign. He said:

"This coming year is a year to remember My promises, no matter what you see happening around you – My promises are sure and they will prevail for those who believe.

"Tumult, shakings, and turmoil will fill the earth, and the Word and ways of God will be challenged on many fronts. But those who stand on My Word and live by My promises will be blessed beyond measure.

"I am inviting you to make a quality decision to live ONLY by My Word and promises. If you choose this direction, I will bring you into an abundant place and you will stand secure and blessed in the midst of an evil day. I will lead you into fields that are white with harvest. I will lead you into fruitfulness.

"Your life is in My hands. I am the Captain of your ship and I will lead you through the channel of promises into a glorious place. Remember My promises in 2015."

2 Peter 1:2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.

Prayer Directives For 2015:

1. Pray for the Body of Christ to consecrate themselves unto God and His ways in 2015.

2. Pray for Believers to remember the promises God has given them and to meditate afresh on them and believe them.

3. Pray for the Body of Christ to stand firm in the days that are coming with unshakable commitment to the Lord.

4. Pray for a harvest of fulfilled promises to be received by God's people in 2015.

5. Pray for fruitfulness in Believer's lives and spiritual journeys in 2015.

Patricia King
Founder and Director of XPMEDIA.COM INC


“Remember My Promises In 2015”

Patricia King, Maricopa, AZ

My husband and I were recently on a cruise when three rainbows appeared and the cruise ship traveled through them. My husband and I were sitting at a table next to the window and saw it vividly. The end of the rainbow was directly to the left of us and went up and over the ship. What a sign!
The Lord spoke to me concerning 2015 through this sign. He said:
“This coming year is a year to remember My promises, no matter what you see happening around you – My promises are sure and they will prevail for those who believe.
“Tumult, shakings, and turmoil will fill the earth, and the Word and ways of God will be challenged on many fronts. But those who stand on My Word and live by My promises will be blessed beyond measure.
“I am inviting you to make a quality decision to live ONLY by My Word and promises. If you choose this direction, I will bring you into an abundant place and you will stand secure and blessed in the midst of an evil day. I will lead you into fields that are white with harvest. I will lead you into fruitfulness.
“Your life is in My hands. I am the Captain of your ship and I will lead you through the channel of promises into a glorious place. Remember My promises in 2015.”
2 Peter 1:2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust.
Prayer Directives For 2015:
1. Pray for the Body of Christ to consecrate themselves unto God and His ways in 2015.
2. Pray for Believers to remember the promises God has given them and to meditate afresh on them and believe them.
3. Pray for the Body of Christ to stand firm in the days that are coming with unshakable commitment to the Lord.
4. Pray for a harvest of fulfilled promises to be received by God’s people in 2015.
5. Pray for fruitfulness in Believer’s lives and spiritual journeys in 2015.
Patricia King
Founder and Director of XPMEDIA.COM INC