
September 23, 2015

When Walker walked…

What happens to money after a campaign closes

American militants to arrest Congress, President, over Iran deal

Jeb campaigns to heckling Hispanics

Video: Obama support not according to the script

FOX: The ‘clock’ was copied?

Hillary is sick?

Benghazi again

Pope circled to wait for Obama

El Papa in DC

DC subway power outage during papal visit

Instagram 400M users, curving up  · · · →

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September 22, 2015

Chile, 6.5 aftershock

Scott Walker Ends His 2016 Presidential Run

Fired Scott Walker staffer Tweets “why” he lost

ISIS members leaving, growing trend

Obama, Wright, and ‘Christlam’?

The ‘Black Duet’ Diamond and Silk switch to GOP to vote Trump (VIDEO)

Coulter: Why Trump will win (VIDEO)

Palestinian woman shot after attempted stabbing of IDF soldier near Hebron

Flashback: Popes visit Presidents, climategate

Lift: How to Build a $19 Million Private Jet Company in a Down Economy  · · · →

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Tempo: May 19, 2015

Obama: Less local police militarization. Top tech companies don’t like warrantless spy requests. Kerry pushes international Internet. Wisconsin Supreme Court to decide Scott Walker’s recall election investigation. France back at it: No foreign trade deals, TTIPNo amnesty at home for rogue AussiesSnowden’s story contradicts the official Bin Laden story. Obama wants long-term thinking on addressing race issues. Hillary’s 36-day media silence makes news. Invest in art: Why Buying a Picasso Is Like Investing in Uber (Almost)  · · · →

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