
Encore of Revival: America, July 19, 2021

The greatest indication of fraud isn’t fingerprints or photographic evidence, but results. You don’t need to see a video to know that a used car salesman poured sawdust into an engine. Just change the oil.

The newly Democratic Washington can’t figure out if vaccines are valuable. Everyone should get vaccinated because vaccines are so wonderful and helpful that everyone needs them except Bill Gates’s children, but in LA it doesn’t matter; you must wear a mask anyway. Something doesn’t make sense. It’s not being pro- or anti- vaccine or mask that indicates a breakdown in a Democrat-run government; it’s the overt contradiction.

Biden spouts the failings of his own policies. If Communism and Socialism fail as he says, then why does he lead a party that relentlessly seeks to implement socialist-born ideologies? He’s not saying this because he believes it. Puppets don’t have beliefs. Biden says this because he believes it is popular to bash Communists, whether Chinese or Cuban. Where did he learn that from? Trump.

Police struggle with increasing road-rage. This comes alongside many reports of drivers and pedestrians  struggling with increasing police rage. America doesn’t have a road-rage problem, nor a police rage problem nor a Democrat or Republican rage problem nor a Christian or Atheist rage problem; America simply has a rage problem. At least some people are starting to see it.


Biden Says Communism Is A ‘Universally Failed System,’ And Socialism Is No ‘Useful Substitute’ // Daily Caller

Violence, Radicalism & Terrorism

Padres, Nats recall harrowing scene after shots outside park // AP

Scandal, Graft & White Collar Crime

NYC socialites running scared from BBC’s Ghislaine Maxwell docu-series // Page Six

News Media, Journalism & Free speech

Katie Hopkins to be deported from Australia ‘imminently’ after visa cancelled // Guardian

Security & Public Safety

Police scramble to deal with deadly road rage during pandemic // Police 1

Soc Media, Cybersecurity & Tech

Huge data leak shatters the lie that the innocent need not fear surveillance // Guardian

Responses from countries to the Pegasus Project // Houston Chronicle

Private Israeli spyware used to hack cellphones of journalists, activists worldwide // Houston Chronicle


Los Angeles County to reinstate mask mandate regardless of vaccination status // Just the News

Culture & People

Shop won’t give Uber DOB/legal-name for payment
Houston restaurant says Uber Eats owes more than $20,000 for hundreds of orders // Houston Chronicle


Cuban government holds mass rally in Havana after protests // Yahoo News


Encore of Revival: America, March 25, 2019

American immigrants fleeing communism are tending to lean right, according to reports. Memories of the dark regimes they escape come flooding back as they watch Democratic talking points. This wasn't how the Democratic minds planned things to play out.

But, that's how things play out in a witch hunt. A concluded investigation with no indictment is, by definition, an exoneration. While an opinion may certainly, surely have "middle ground", prosecution does not—a person is either prosecuted or not prosecuted. Trump is not being prosecuted. Being "not exonerated" is a matter of opinion. Mueller does not write the opinion of the voters anymore than the voters write the report for Mueller.

If Democrats push the Mueller report as a basis to prosecute or even impeach Trump, then they set a precedent to prosecute Hillary. The Democrats lost, if nothing else roughly $20 million dollars (directly and indirectly reported) over two years, but neither indited Trump nor does it look like they will be able to impeach him, given public opinion. Politically, the non-indictment has already exonerated him, regardless of the non-indicting report's opinion to the contrary.

Rod Rosenstein's slow exit can easily be explained by his new boss. Since William Barr took over the absent Attorney General's desk just one moth ago, he needed a veteran so he could catch up to speed. The concern that Rosenstein stayed in office too long after he was supposed to leave could also be applied to the Mueller investigation that should have been over much more quickly. Two endless endings that lack direction should be expected to end together.

The Federal Reserve needs reforming. According to Jerome Powell, the Fed chairman who holds a position appointed by the president, the president had no impact on the Fed's recent decisions. Especially with so much talk of "accountability" orbiting squanderous theatrics like in the Mueller solar system, entities that lack accountability need it.

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Encore of Revival: America, January 21, 2019

Trump has transformed America's view of a "government shutdown" to a point where it could very well become a campaign promise in future elections. Not only did the shutdown become a "non-event", it's actually kind of nice to not have government messing with everything. If Congressional Democrats allow the shutdown to please Reagan Republican Americans much longer, political debates may even include strategy for how to keep the government closed for longer amounts of time.

It's difficult for Americans to sympathize with the purported "horror" of a government shutdown when the lives of hard-working Americans—who work in the private sector—continue their daily lives with little to no interruption. IRS agents being out of work won't be seen by Americans as a bad thing. If America's "tax collectors" hoped to get back to work sooner, they probably should have followed Biblical advice—to keep out of trouble by keeping their mouths shut. You'd think "IRS agents not working" should have been kept a State secret.

While those who depend on taxpayer dollars to fund their livelihood will be angry that the milk has run dry, the shutdown won't come close to affecting enough Americans to make a shutdown less popular in the future. In fact, the shutdown should prove to make America stronger on three levels: as a warning to government employees that the private sector is less likely to be destabilized by politics, that government and socialist -created "jobs" will eventually have the same problems in America as in North Korea, and that Americans will have to learn how to make due when government isn't operating in its greatest glory.

Look on the bright side. If America knows how to function without as much government, we will all get through tougher times with more colors flying.

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