
Encore of Revival: America, March 12, 2018

Scott Walker is self-destructing and may not win a third term. It began in his bid for the presidency when his campaign imploded. Initially, he over-reached. He was too much good for Wisconsin too fast and he wasn't prepared to take on the wolves. Given the sudden spotlight, he aimed for the presidency. Now, he's talking like George HW Bush when he reneged on his "read my lips, no new taxes" speech, then said he needed to raise taxes to get along with Democrats toward the end of his first—and hence final—term. If Walker doesn't lose, then there either aren't any good Republican or Democratic candidates in Wisconsin or history has decided to stop delivering justice upon those who don't learn from it.

SpaceX is proving the benefits of both public funding and privatization. Surely both Liberals and Conservatives will want the claim. The US government paved the way for space exploration, but Elon Musk made the stage-one booster return to the landing pad. The world has not seen a breakthrough of this magnitude since Lincoln regulated the first transcontinental railroad through the government while it was built by competing private companies.

Californian idealists, whether right or wrong, are distracted. If they truly believe in their ideals to stand against the Federal government, they will need to stop ballyhooing sanctuary city talking points and repeal their anti-gun laws. Right now, California's best friend is not social media, but the Second Amendment, specifically the part about a State-regulated militia. Many claim that the National Guard is the militia, but that idea has not been fully tested and vetted and it also has many categorical questions. Calling the national guard to stand against the US military might not work, though it's a good guess the idea has been tossed around at least one conference room in the bowls of California's state capitol. We'll just have to wait and see.

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Tempo: April 22, 2015

Walker could win via anti-amnesty. Rubio meant what he said on amnesty. Police are getting nannied. Hillary-bash book to be released, contains old information, topic: foreign donations. First: Norway shuts off FM radio, digital costs less. Study: too many vitamins cause cancer, nothing on placebo; solution: centralized vitamins for children. Future: Why You Need to Eliminate All of Your Company’s Managers  · · · →

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