

Monocropping. Monocropping is the agricultural practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land, in the absence of rotation through other crops or growing multiple crops on the same land (polyculture).

Last night and again this morning I heard “monocropping.” As I listened further I heard “Monoculture, monocrops, monochurch, monobusiness, monoschools, monohealthcare. I am forcing them to become cross pollinated for their own good. I’m releasing my cross pollinators that I have prepared. They will release small ‘tongues of fire’ (Acts 2) that will burn up the monofields created by the principalities, powers, world rulers of this present darkness, and the spiritual hosts of wickedness (Ephesians. 6:12).”

I then saw hunters (Jeremiah 16:16) approaching vast monocropping fields with their bows and arrows. The tips of arrows would ignite with a flame when released from the bow and wherever they landed in the field they would start a small fire. Soon the monocrop was ablaze. After the blaze died down, I was amazed to see some of the crop still standing and untouched by the blaze. The field was full of such ones. (Daniel 3:8-25).

I then heard, “The job of the hunter is direct and straight forward. After they release their arrows, their assignment is complete. Pray for the release of the hunters. Pray for those in the fields that are still standing in the conflagration as I destroy the works of darkness and release them for they are the laborers that you have been praying for me to cast into the harvest fields.” (Luke 10:2).

I then heard, “I am releasing from the monochurch those who I prepared for the harvest. You will see them appear next to you in the harvest field. They are bringing my goodness and my abundance that I have placed in them. They are not novice. They have been kept in reserve until this hour. I am releasing them into the harvest field with you. They will help change your thinking and cross pollinate with you. Some I have assigned to come alongside of you for a long season. Others for a short season. And, other only briefly.

Honor and bless them as they come and go. As this process takes place it will magnify and multiply the harvest. You will notice that there are no threshing floors or grain silos for this harvest. That is because this harvest is designed to be immediately employed as new harvesters. I will do a quick work of transforming them from harvest to harvesters. Do not hold the new harvesters back. Do not think they are not ready for I have prepared them. I am doing a quick work. This is not the final harvest but only the first wave of the greater harvest.”

Dave Bodine


Tsunami of Love

I was walking along the beach right where the sand and ocean waves meet.  I had my eyes down searching the sand for treasure when all of the sudden sirens began to sound.  I knew it was a Tsunami siren and I looked up to see chaos all around me. 

People were in a panic.  They were screaming, shouting, grabbing their items and running away from the ocean.  Not one person looked up from what they were doing to survey their surroundings.  Not one person offered to help anyone else.  It was each man, woman and child for themselves.

With all the pandemonium going on around me, I felt at peace. I turned away from all the chaos and people to face the ocean and looked heavenward and lifted my hands in the air. I began to pray and praise God. I was singing “More than anything Jesus, I just want you! ….”

I continued to stand, arms raised to the sky, singing. I looked out to the ocean and saw the Tsunami wave on the horizon.  I knew it was too late to try to run, and yet I didn’t feel the need to run. I felt compelled to stand my ground.  The peaceful feeling never left me as the huge wall of water several stories high came rushing right towards me. 

Then I heard a whisper coming from heaven. It was hard to hear over the pandemonium unless you were intently listening for it. It said: “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”

Just as the skyscraper tall wave began to bend downwards towards me to crash against the beach, where I stood, I immediately sat up in bed gasping for air.

My heart was racing, and I realized, it was only a dream, yet it felt so real.  I could hear the roaring ocean, the siren alarm and people screaming.  The panic in the air was palpable.  I felt the misty ocean breeze on my face as the wind rushed by. Drops of water had been falling on me and I was fully drenched before the wave even hit the shore.

Once fully awaken from this dream and all else was silent and still, I heard the phrase again, “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”  It was louder this time and not just a whisper.

This dream encounter occurred back in April right after Easter.  I haven’t talked very much about it to anyone as I have sought the Lord regarding more of His message.

• Sometimes God gives us a glimpse of what is to come so we can pray over it and pray into it.

• Sometimes He shows us things so we can position ourselves to receive and not miss what He is doing.

• Sometimes He gives us advance notice so we can share it with others and we can prepare our hearts.

Cry for Revival

God’s people are crying for revival. We long to see Him come rushing in with His fire and power like revivals of old.  We long to see Him pour out His Spirit and have miracles, signs and wonders occur. We desire for people to come into the Kingdom of God and be born again.

Yet revival will not come until we get our hearts right with God and with one another.   We need to get our eyes off the natural and turn them heavenward.

We need to stop looking out for only ourselves and looking towards the needs of others.  We must not panic or become distracted when warning alarms are sounding around us.  We must resist joining in the chaos and pandemonium. Instead we need to trust and seek the voice of God and hear what He has to say.  We need to stand in our position as sons and daughters.  We need to position ourselves before the Lord so we can receive His love and release it to the world.

Jesus taught the greatest commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself.  (Matthew 22:36-40)

God is sending a tsunami of His love. It will begin in the west and spread across the nation.  It’s a love so powerful that we only have eyes for Him and His Kingdom.  We will set aside our agendas and our desires.  We will set aside our prejudices and get swept away by Him. As we stand in His presence, peace will flow.  As we position ourselves before the Lord, this wave will not destroy us, but we will be caught up and carried away in His love.

Yes, a revival is coming, a revival of His love. God’s love will transform us and the world around us.This revival of love is the first wave of revival.  We must stand our ground, stay at peace and listen.

A great harvest of souls for the Kingdom will follow.  But it must first start with individuals and our hearts.  Our hearts must be for the Kingdom of God and not against. Our hearts must be for unity and not division. Our hearts must be filled with love, His love.

A Tsunami of His Love is coming! Are you ready?

Debbie Kitterman, 
Dare 2 Hear, Lacey, WA


Tsunami of Love

I was walking along the beach right where the sand and ocean waves meet.  I had my eyes down searching the sand for treasure when all of the sudden sirens began to sound.  I knew it was a Tsunami siren and I looked up to see chaos all around me. 

People were in a panic.  They were screaming, shouting, grabbing their items and running away from the ocean.  Not one person looked up from what they were doing to survey their surroundings.  Not one person offered to help anyone else.  It was each man, woman and child for themselves.

With all the pandemonium going on around me, I felt at peace. I turned away from all the chaos and people to face the ocean and looked heavenward and lifted my hands in the air. I began to pray and praise God. I was singing “More than anything Jesus, I just want you! ….”

I continued to stand, arms raised to the sky, singing. I looked out to the ocean and saw the Tsunami wave on the horizon.  I knew it was too late to try to run, and yet I didn’t feel the need to run. I felt compelled to stand my ground.  The peaceful feeling never left me as the huge wall of water several stories high came rushing right towards me. 

Then I heard a whisper coming from heaven. It was hard to hear over the pandemonium unless you were intently listening for it. It said: “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”

Just as the skyscraper tall wave began to bend downwards towards me to crash against the beach, where I stood, I immediately sat up in bed gasping for air.

My heart was racing, and I realized, it was only a dream, yet it felt so real.  I could hear the roaring ocean, the siren alarm and people screaming.  The panic in the air was palpable.  I felt the misty ocean breeze on my face as the wind rushed by. Drops of water had been falling on me and I was fully drenched before the wave even hit the shore.

Once fully awaken from this dream and all else was silent and still, I heard the phrase again, “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”  It was louder this time and not just a whisper.

This dream encounter occurred back in April right after Easter.  I haven’t talked very much about it to anyone as I have sought the Lord regarding more of His message.

• Sometimes God gives us a glimpse of what is to come so we can pray over it and pray into it.

• Sometimes He shows us things so we can position ourselves to receive and not miss what He is doing.

• Sometimes He gives us advance notice so we can share it with others and we can prepare our hearts.

Cry for Revival

God’s people are crying for revival. We long to see Him come rushing in with His fire and power like revivals of old.  We long to see Him pour out His Spirit and have miracles, signs and wonders occur. We desire for people to come into the Kingdom of God and be born again.

Yet revival will not come until we get our hearts right with God and with one another.   We need to get our eyes off the natural and turn them heavenward.

We need to stop looking out for only ourselves and looking towards the needs of others.  We must not panic or become distracted when warning alarms are sounding around us.  We must resist joining in the chaos and pandemonium. Instead we need to trust and seek the voice of God and hear what He has to say.  We need to stand in our position as sons and daughters.  We need to position ourselves before the Lord so we can receive His love and release it to the world.

Jesus taught the greatest commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself.  (Matthew 22:36-40)

God is sending a tsunami of His love. It will begin in the west and spread across the nation.  It’s a love so powerful that we only have eyes for Him and His Kingdom.  We will set aside our agendas and our desires.  We will set aside our prejudices and get swept away by Him. As we stand in His presence, peace will flow.  As we position ourselves before the Lord, this wave will not destroy us, but we will be caught up and carried away in His love.

Yes, a revival is coming, a revival of His love. God’s love will transform us and the world around us.This revival of love is the first wave of revival.  We must stand our ground, stay at peace and listen.

A great harvest of souls for the Kingdom will follow.  But it must first start with individuals and our hearts.  Our hearts must be for the Kingdom of God and not against. Our hearts must be for unity and not division. Our hearts must be filled with love, His love.

A Tsunami of His Love is coming! Are you ready?

Debbie Kitterman, 
Dare 2 Hear, Lacey, WA


Tsunami of Love

I was walking along the beach right where the sand and ocean waves meet.  I had my eyes down searching the sand for treasure when all of the sudden sirens began to sound.  I knew it was a Tsunami siren and I looked up to see chaos all around me. 

People were in a panic.  They were screaming, shouting, grabbing their items and running away from the ocean.  Not one person looked up from what they were doing to survey their surroundings.  Not one person offered to help anyone else.  It was each man, woman and child for themselves.

With all the pandemonium going on around me, I felt at peace. I turned away from all the chaos and people to face the ocean and looked heavenward and lifted my hands in the air. I began to pray and praise God. I was singing “More than anything Jesus, I just want you! ….”

I continued to stand, arms raised to the sky, singing. I looked out to the ocean and saw the Tsunami wave on the horizon.  I knew it was too late to try to run, and yet I didn’t feel the need to run. I felt compelled to stand my ground.  The peaceful feeling never left me as the huge wall of water several stories high came rushing right towards me. 

Then I heard a whisper coming from heaven. It was hard to hear over the pandemonium unless you were intently listening for it. It said: “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”

Just as the skyscraper tall wave began to bend downwards towards me to crash against the beach, where I stood, I immediately sat up in bed gasping for air.

My heart was racing, and I realized, it was only a dream, yet it felt so real.  I could hear the roaring ocean, the siren alarm and people screaming.  The panic in the air was palpable.  I felt the misty ocean breeze on my face as the wind rushed by. Drops of water had been falling on me and I was fully drenched before the wave even hit the shore.

Once fully awaken from this dream and all else was silent and still, I heard the phrase again, “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”  It was louder this time and not just a whisper.

This dream encounter occurred back in April right after Easter.  I haven’t talked very much about it to anyone as I have sought the Lord regarding more of His message.

• Sometimes God gives us a glimpse of what is to come so we can pray over it and pray into it.

• Sometimes He shows us things so we can position ourselves to receive and not miss what He is doing.

• Sometimes He gives us advance notice so we can share it with others and we can prepare our hearts.

Cry for Revival

God’s people are crying for revival. We long to see Him come rushing in with His fire and power like revivals of old.  We long to see Him pour out His Spirit and have miracles, signs and wonders occur. We desire for people to come into the Kingdom of God and be born again.

Yet revival will not come until we get our hearts right with God and with one another.   We need to get our eyes off the natural and turn them heavenward.

We need to stop looking out for only ourselves and looking towards the needs of others.  We must not panic or become distracted when warning alarms are sounding around us.  We must resist joining in the chaos and pandemonium. Instead we need to trust and seek the voice of God and hear what He has to say.  We need to stand in our position as sons and daughters.  We need to position ourselves before the Lord so we can receive His love and release it to the world.

Jesus taught the greatest commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself.  (Matthew 22:36-40)

God is sending a tsunami of His love. It will begin in the west and spread across the nation.  It’s a love so powerful that we only have eyes for Him and His Kingdom.  We will set aside our agendas and our desires.  We will set aside our prejudices and get swept away by Him. As we stand in His presence, peace will flow.  As we position ourselves before the Lord, this wave will not destroy us, but we will be caught up and carried away in His love.

Yes, a revival is coming, a revival of His love. God’s love will transform us and the world around us.This revival of love is the first wave of revival.  We must stand our ground, stay at peace and listen.

A great harvest of souls for the Kingdom will follow.  But it must first start with individuals and our hearts.  Our hearts must be for the Kingdom of God and not against. Our hearts must be for unity and not division. Our hearts must be filled with love, His love.

A Tsunami of His Love is coming! Are you ready?

Debbie Kitterman, 
Dare 2 Hear, Lacey, WA


Tsunami of Love

I was walking along the beach right where the sand and ocean waves meet.  I had my eyes down searching the sand for treasure when all of the sudden sirens began to sound.  I knew it was a Tsunami siren and I looked up to see chaos all around me. 

People were in a panic.  They were screaming, shouting, grabbing their items and running away from the ocean.  Not one person looked up from what they were doing to survey their surroundings.  Not one person offered to help anyone else.  It was each man, woman and child for themselves.

With all the pandemonium going on around me, I felt at peace. I turned away from all the chaos and people to face the ocean and looked heavenward and lifted my hands in the air. I began to pray and praise God. I was singing “More than anything Jesus, I just want you! ….”

I continued to stand, arms raised to the sky, singing. I looked out to the ocean and saw the Tsunami wave on the horizon.  I knew it was too late to try to run, and yet I didn’t feel the need to run. I felt compelled to stand my ground.  The peaceful feeling never left me as the huge wall of water several stories high came rushing right towards me. 

Then I heard a whisper coming from heaven. It was hard to hear over the pandemonium unless you were intently listening for it. It said: “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”

Just as the skyscraper tall wave began to bend downwards towards me to crash against the beach, where I stood, I immediately sat up in bed gasping for air.

My heart was racing, and I realized, it was only a dream, yet it felt so real.  I could hear the roaring ocean, the siren alarm and people screaming.  The panic in the air was palpable.  I felt the misty ocean breeze on my face as the wind rushed by. Drops of water had been falling on me and I was fully drenched before the wave even hit the shore.

Once fully awaken from this dream and all else was silent and still, I heard the phrase again, “I am sending a Tsunami of My Love.”  It was louder this time and not just a whisper.

This dream encounter occurred back in April right after Easter.  I haven’t talked very much about it to anyone as I have sought the Lord regarding more of His message.

• Sometimes God gives us a glimpse of what is to come so we can pray over it and pray into it.

• Sometimes He shows us things so we can position ourselves to receive and not miss what He is doing.

• Sometimes He gives us advance notice so we can share it with others and we can prepare our hearts.

Cry for Revival

God’s people are crying for revival. We long to see Him come rushing in with His fire and power like revivals of old.  We long to see Him pour out His Spirit and have miracles, signs and wonders occur. We desire for people to come into the Kingdom of God and be born again.

Yet revival will not come until we get our hearts right with God and with one another.   We need to get our eyes off the natural and turn them heavenward.

We need to stop looking out for only ourselves and looking towards the needs of others.  We must not panic or become distracted when warning alarms are sounding around us.  We must resist joining in the chaos and pandemonium. Instead we need to trust and seek the voice of God and hear what He has to say.  We need to stand in our position as sons and daughters.  We need to position ourselves before the Lord so we can receive His love and release it to the world.

Jesus taught the greatest commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself.  (Matthew 22:36-40)

God is sending a tsunami of His love. It will begin in the west and spread across the nation.  It’s a love so powerful that we only have eyes for Him and His Kingdom.  We will set aside our agendas and our desires.  We will set aside our prejudices and get swept away by Him. As we stand in His presence, peace will flow.  As we position ourselves before the Lord, this wave will not destroy us, but we will be caught up and carried away in His love.

Yes, a revival is coming, a revival of His love. God’s love will transform us and the world around us.This revival of love is the first wave of revival.  We must stand our ground, stay at peace and listen.

A great harvest of souls for the Kingdom will follow.  But it must first start with individuals and our hearts.  Our hearts must be for the Kingdom of God and not against. Our hearts must be for unity and not division. Our hearts must be filled with love, His love.

A Tsunami of His Love is coming! Are you ready?

Debbie Kitterman, 
Dare 2 Hear, Lacey, WA


ACPE: 2017: Year of Breakthrough

Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has gathered some of the most respected prophetic voices from around the nation to pray and seek the Lord for a word for the coming year.

(These meetings took place November 14th - 16th, 2016 and some of the events have already transpired.)

Here is Cindy Jacobs' introduction to the word this year:


2017: The Breakthrough Year

“The One who breaks open will come up before them; 
They will break out.
Pass through the gate,
And go out by it;
Their king will pass before them,
With the Lord at their head.”

Micah 2:13 (NKJV)

The Symbolism of the Number 17

The number 17 in scripture symbolizes “overcoming the enemy” and “complete victory.”

God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when He began to flood the earth and rested on the 17th day of the Hebrew month. Noah’s ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month of the religious year (Tishrei), right in the middle of God’s Holy period known as the Feast of Tabernacles. 

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is in the seventh month (Tishri) and on the tenth day of the Hebraic calendar. This day calls for the turning from our sins through repentance that brings us to victory.

It is the time for the breakthrough to victory.

There will be a significant increase in miracles and signs and wonders. The anointing will be so strong that it will break significant and long-standing strongholds that have plagued people's lives. 

It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.”

Isaiah 10:27 (NKJV)

For the Lord says, “My people are entering into an overcoming season that will produce great breakthroughs. For the enemy has come in like a flood, but I, the Lord, am releasing great victories. I will stem the tide of violence. I will bring peace to the land. I will bring an awakening! I will release revival!”

Receive Your Breakthrough This Year

This is the year that the blessings will overtake us, if we obey the voice of our God!  If we put out hands to the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for His sake, we will begin to prosper. It is critical that we spend time seeking the Lord for the right alignment in our relationships for us to release these blessings.

For some, it will mean a geographic move, for others, the leaving of the old for the new. For others, it will be mean staying in covenantal relationships even when they are tested. 

The Promise and the Condition

Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God”

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 (NKJV)

We need to understand the Hebraic meaning of our times. The year 2017 on the Roman calendar corresponds to the year 5777 on the Hebraic calendar, which is symbolized by the crowned sword. 

The sword cuts off the old and releases the new. The enemy has been trying to “cut off” many relationships and come against the new move of unity coming to families and the Body of Christ. We see Satan being defeated on many levels as we experience great breakthroughs, both personally and corporately. 

This is the year of breakthrough to release the following things: 

  • Mantles or anointings of the Holy Spirit released across generations. This is the year of securing your legacy.
  • New leaders recognized and released.
  • Shifts in government and new international alliances forming.
  • More corruption exposed on national levels, both in the United States and other nations. 

Mantles are being passed

The passing of Peter Wagner was a game-changer for the Body of Christ. Old wine structures are going to be tested, and those who will be willing to become new wine

will be promoted. Churches who allow themselves to become apostolic sending centers will grow and see many saved.

Fuller Theological Seminary is going to come into a time of renewal as in the days when C. Peter Wagner invited John Wimber to teach his signs and wonders class.  The Holy Spirit will be poured out once again upon the professors. Other divinity schools such as Princeton will also be visited by God as young professors are touched by God’s power and come into spiritual renewal. New wine curriculum will be introduced into seminaries and Bible Schools around the world.  The renewal legacy of Peter Wagner combined with that of John Wimber is about to come upon a new generation.

A diversity of mantles is falling in this time like unto what Peter Wagner carried. Mantles from God for the writing books, prophetically “seeing” trends, keeping the church (ekklesia) fresh and ready for each new move of God are being distributed to properly aligned leaders in this hour.

There will be many, many changes in this coming year. Changes in locations, houses, buildings, and the breaking off of generational systems of debt.

A new generation of spiritual warriors will be trained and arise to do governmental and prophetic intercession.  Old prayer movements will be strengthened, and a new generation of prayer warriors will arise for battle. There will be an awakening of prayer and spiritual warfare. Deliverance will take place on many levels through this fresh movement.

There will be continued shakings as the sword of the Lord pierces the darkness of centuries over the nations. Some will experience great tumults and shakings.

The good news is that, in the midst of the shakings, there will be a time of renewal and coming together like in Ezekiel 37, when the shakings of dry bones caused new breath and life coming into the army of the Lord. 

Let the Ekklesia Arise 

Networks of Kingdom Alliances with the voice of hope are emerging in very intentional ways. Many will teach on the “ekklesia” from their pulpits and in their conferences, inspiring the people of God to arise and be the called-out ones.  

There will be a strong anointing on the ekklesia to root out and pull down the “gates and walls of the enemy.” By this, as we are faithful to move out into society to be a voice of change, there will be a dismantling and shaking of old corrupt systems. 

The economies of nations who have refused to shift and are keeping their people in bondage will see massive shakings. Exposure after exposure will come to those corrupt individuals who thought they were too protected and embedded through bribes and intimidation. They will find themselves falling out of power, going to prison, and, in some cases, even dying.

The Lord showed us clearly that this is a new season where the ekkesia is being given the anointing not only to root out, and tear down, but this will be a special season of building and planting. The revelation of blessing our cities and nations will be a kingdom anthem for the ekklesa.  If we root out, but do not plant, then the nations will only be exposed to worse than they had been before. 

Therefore, we admonish the intercessors to pray beyond the tearing down of old systems and pray into the structures and systems that need to form afterward.  Let’s intercede for new leaders and effective systems to be put in place that will build up their nations. 

It’s Time to Build!

Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me:

Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,
To root out and to pull down,
To destroy and to throw down,
To build and to plant.”

Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?”
And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”
Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”
Jeremiah 1:9-12 (NKJV)

One of the things to be planted is what could be called “The Love Revolution.” Just as the Summer of Love in 1967 changed the landscape of a generation, so now, 50 years later, the world will see the face of Christianity in a new light.

The admonition in 1 Corinthians 14:1, "Let love be your aim" will be planted in the nations as the church rises up in a more visible way. The words of the theme song from the Jesus People Movement, “They will know that we are Christians by our love” will have a new resonance as this message of loving God and loving one another is sung in new ways. We will be carriers of God’s goodness wherever we go!

Changing Financial Structures

The way people make money is going to change. A new breed of entrepreneurs will arise who are “out-of-the-box” thinkers. New structures of wealth creation will open up. For example, in the past the stock markets were major generators of wealth, but this will be the era of YouTube millionaires.

The church, missions organizations, and other ministries will benefit greatly from the creation of wealth, as new donors will rise up to help finance the building of this global vision. The gift of giving will be highlighted in the coming move of God, and people of wealth will understand how to use their gift to advance the Kingdom of God. 

Watch Latin America as structures that kept people in poverty are going to begin to unravel and weaken. 

A New John 17 Movement 

The Lord spoke to us that next year we would see a new John 17 movement begin where the prayer of Jesus will be answered. Many streams will run together until we see a river of revival flow across the earth. There will be major reconciliations between denominations, nations, and peoples.

God will anoint peacemakers in this season who are especially empowered by God to be a voice for unity between factions and help heal the breaches.

This John 17 move will extend to families as well as there is a “focus on the family” where longstanding breaches between siblings, and between parents and their children are healed. God is calling for families to pray together and “light” the family altar.  Strongholds in family systems are going to be broken in powerful and supernatural ways.  This will even extend to strongholds of poverty, disease, alcoholism, and drug abuse.

The John 17 movements will align against injustice and religious strongholds as they decide together that they want a new move of the Holy Spirit.

We are hearing the words, New Wine, New Wine!

A convergence of all the past moves of God coming together with the manifestations of Pentecostal Fire, the Healing and Deliverance Crusades. The Latter Rain Glory being poured out with new realms of glory, the Evangelicals' Burden of the Lost, and the Jesus People Movements love for the lost, the gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Charismatic Movement, the Third Wave Theological Credibility, the Revelation of the Prophetic Movement, and the Relational Networking of the Apostolic Reformation that includes an understanding of reforming and transforming society in each mountain (or sphere).

This great Convergence of the Ages is coming with a historic Fourth Wave of the Holy Spirit and a reformation that will lead to the Great Transformation of nations.

The wind of the Holy Spirit is going to blow with new renewal movements arising in the youth upon centuries-old churches. The power of the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a new, fresh way, manifesting through the young and old. The miracles that have seemed only to happen infrequently are going to be dramatic. 

Many “working of miracles” that are creative in nature will be seen in hundreds of churches across the world. Centuries old churches that have prayed for a renewed move of the Holy Spirit will see their prayers answered. It is the time for a new Pentecost! Some that criticize those who are longing for renewal will find they are put out of leadership in their churches and denominations. Both the young and the old will see the power of the Holy Spirit fall upon them. 

This again will result in many, many new missionaries being sent out across the face of the earth that are willing to go to the most difficult and hard-to-reach areas.  Central Asia will be majorly impacted by this mission’s movement. God is calling a new generation who will go out and evangelize the world! The numbers of those going to preach will increase in large proportion compared to the generation before them.

These missionaries will carry the gospel, anointed with revelation to give “hope solutions” to the current needs of the nations where they are sent. 

The heartland of the United States and the cities along the Mississippi River will be used by God to mend the great divide that has come to the nation as a result of the recent polarizing US elections.

The warfare from the last season that has “worn out” God’s people will fade away as the refreshing rains of the Spirit of God fall afresh. It is time for breakthroughs and the breaking off of the pain, discouragement, and battle fatigue of yesterday.  

Harvest Season

The greatest harvest of souls the earth has known is upon us. Hundreds of thousands will be saved. The Middle East will experience a revival and this will extend into the evangelization of both the Arab and the Non-Arabic-speaking Muslims. Look to Egypt to be a leader in this revival and awakening. 

The Glory of God is going to be poured out across the United States and these areas were specifically given as revival centers:

Los Angeles, California; Silicon Valley, Redding, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; Phoenix, Arizona; a new spring coming out of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Oklahoma; Austin, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; Madison, Wisconsin; Indianapolis, Indiana; Nashville, Tennessee; Orlando, Florida; Fort Mills, South Carolina; Virginia; Annapolis, Maryland; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; New York City; Boston, Massachusetts; as well as other cities and regions.

The inner cities of America and the areas in which Satan has built is greatest strongholds will begin to rebuild, and the revivals in such cities as Detroit and Chicago will astound the news!  God says, “I will not forget the inner cities!”

This harvest time will result in the salvation of high-profile leaders both in the media, government, and education spheres of society. They will be vocal and unashamed! Their bold presence on social media will cause a huge stir in the news services. 

God is going to shake pop culture!  He is going to use it for His glory.

Look to the reserves and reservations and tribal lands of the nations of the earth.  The indigenous peoples of the earth are about to be touched by God’s power.  Where they were oppressed through colonization, they are going to experience great healing and receive the power and grace to forgive the terrible atrocities committed against them. As a result, they will be used to touch many nations with the truth of God’s saving power.

The historic wells of revival are going to flow again as bold evangelism takes place on the streets and on the campuses of schools where progressivism and Marxism have taken root.  Latin America will be a leader in this move of God.

A New Renaissance

New songs and new sounds will flow from emerging worship leaders. The Tabernacle of David will see the release of many, many new Psalmists that will sing the song of the nations. A new, even more passionate generation of abandoned worshippers is emerging!

Songs will be written that influence not only the church but also society at large.  These songs will disciple nations in the way that the Beatles and the Summer of Love released a “free love sexual revolution” in a negative way as well as rebellion and sin. We will be singing the sounds of awakening in society! The bells of true liberty will ring in song once again.

Andrew Fletcher, a politician from Scotland, said, “Let me sing the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” In other words, the power of the voice singing creates movements for societal change. 

Power worshippers will arise as a new generation moves into cities and regions and breaks open the heavens in a massive way. Through praise and worship, they will “pierce the darkness” created by principalities and powers over regions.

These worshippers will become “sent ones” who will go into unreached parts of cities and nations to prepare the way for the evangelists who will come after them. 

This worship movement will see an even greater rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David with many more 24/7 Houses of Prayer being established. They will have an understanding of the connection that God has given between the church and Israel, and many will call this new move a “Davidic Messianic” movement of believers.

A Movement of Reformers

2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Many, many people will talk about the need for societal reformation and desire to be reformers. Young people will band together to form movements that display a passion to go into each area of their culture and see reformation.

This will set the stage for the greatest outpouring of the spirit and awakening the world has even known! Nations that were never impacted by the reformation will begin to experience one now.  This will happen in all the continents!! “Africa, Africa, Africa, you are moving into your greatest hour, says the Lord!”

Germany and France will be deeply impacted by this move of God. The Calvin’s and the Luther’s are arising!  Books will be written and the history of past moves of God will be studied. It will also go into the Catholic churches, the Coptics from Egypt, the Orthodox churches in Russian and Eastern Asia. It will affect both the Eastern and Western Orthodox churches.  While many of the older leaders in these denominations and church movements will rejoice, some will rise up and persecute this new of God.

Social media will be the Gutenberg press in this reformation.

The news will be amazed as very liberal owners of social media begin to announce that they are now believers. This will impact the Silicon Valley community in California in a big way. The Holy Spirit is calling for massive intercession for influencers in these sectors of society. 

The youth who have seemingly crashed in the past season into being part of the “hard left” with liberal, humanistic agendas will suffer great disillusionment. But if the church will reach out to them in this time of lost dreams, they will be saved and become part of the most powerful move of evangelism and discipling that their nations have ever known.

The Effects of the United States’ Election 

Several of our prophets received words that Donald Trump would become the next president and will become a 21st century Cyrus. He is called to break the mold of political correctness. We received the word that if we pray for him, he will heal, rather than divide, the nation.

Intercession must be made or this will not happen in the way God intends. Racial division must be healed and the people of all ethnicities must come together as part of this John 17 movement.  This cannot be a “whites only” movement, but the church must work to fight for unity and be a massive voice against racism that still exists in the nation.

There will be many civil rights reformers who will not let this need of healing of the nation creates divides.  We received a serious admonition that the church must pray to see the nation healed or the breaches will only grow.

Native Americans will be part of this civil reformation and antiquated laws, and even the Bureau of Indian Affairs will be reformed. 

There is coming such scientific proof concerning the science of the pre-born child that this will result in reformations in the medical field’s stance and thinking as a whole. The pre-born child will be declared a human being. Some that have held this stance all along will break their silence and become strong advocates for the pre-born. 

We prophesied a conservative revolt, and now we prophesy a “social media revolt” in which many use this form of communication and it will result in the crippling networks and newspapers that persecute the truth of God. God is about to arise in a way to release the anointing of truth. There are media revolutionaries who will change the way everything is being done concerning communications. This will result in financial shakings will cause long-standing news media to begin to lose millions of dollars, even causing some to go under! This will be a shock to many who relied upon them to be their “voice.”

As a backlash against this conservative social media revolt, the liberal press will even accuse God’s people of lying, giving the biblical analogy of the sons of Belial

who lied in court to get Naboth’s vineyard.  However, accusations of the liberal press will not prevail.  Intercession must be done for the church to be protected.

Corruption is going to be exposed in the media as well and the disillusionment will deepen in people in general with “traditional media” sources. Out of this season, new, anointed news anchors will come to the forefront who will be unashamedly believers and they will experience great favor. 

Washington DC will be “ground zero” for the exposure of corruption. Some that are exposed will shock the nation as God continues to move to cleanse both political parties.  Corrupt judges will also be exposed in the circuit courts.  We were told to use Ezekiel 22 as a model to decree against corruption.

The whistleblowers will come out in droves!  Aides and interns will speak and tell what they have both seen and heard.

Collusion between the Federal Drug Administration and the pharmaceutical companies will be exposed in surprising ways. 

The lobbyists are going to be removed from their places of influence in a significant way, and the influence of corporate giants over Congress will also be reformed. 

Term limits will be put in place for Congress in the future. Reformation is coming to every aspect of society.

Major trade deals are going to be re-written and old enemies will become trading partners.  God is aligning the nations for His purposes. The global elites are going to find that they are not able to move freely like they did on the international scene. Corruption and collusion will be exposed and many will be shocked.

A new season of mercy has been given, even though for some it does not appear to be so at this moment of time. God wants to reboot the nation and get it back on track.

The Lord wants to release both protection for the nation as well as wisdom for compassionate immigration reform while dealing with the criminal influence. This needs serious prayer. The Body of Christ is forerunning racial reconciliation, and this will display a unity and synergy that the world is looking for. 

A call for continued concerted prayer to continue to bring both peace, protection and stability to the nation went out.  God wants to give a path to establish what could be called “thrones of glory” all the way through the year 2020. If the intercessors continue to pray for 2020 vision, God will release His glory on a scale none of us can imagine. 

The Economy

The US will be the safe refuge for investment around the globe. 

Family economies will be blessed if they seek the Lord on how to get out of debt and save so they can invest in new financial opportunities that will arise. 

Significant investments in new innovations and inventions; some even given through dreams, will be released.  The Mid-West and what has been known as the rust belt of the United States will begin to blossom.  New investments in inner cities will open up as they are set free from historic violence and drug abuse.

The churches of the nation will begin to rise up and systematically work to eliminate poverty. This will impact the inner cities greatly as they will be considered both a mission field and a treasure field. The people of the inner cities are treasures to God.

Economic shakings are coming to Europe.

Italy, Spain, and Portugal will be tested. God’s people will be taken care of in the midst of the crisis. Alignments with Israel are critical in this season.

North America and Alaska

The wealth of North America will be unlocked and resources will be opened. There will be a new gas pipeline in Alaska. It will be in the news as “hidden riches” of gold and rare minerals are found. 

The US Military – Terrorism and ISIS 

There will be a rebuilding of the United States’ military. Religious freedom will be restored and the chaplains will once again be able to freely preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit pointed out the necessity of this happening in order to see God’s favor poured out on the military.

Reformers are going to be put in place in the military. The power of God is going to visit entire military bases around the world. 

New strategies to defeat ISIS will be given by new leadership put in place and fear will fall upon those who are “rogue” terrorists. The mainstream media and social media voices who are favorable to allowing refugees with terrorists backgrounds are going to suffer major blows. 

Those nations who are promoting and hiding terrorists will be ostracized both politically and economically. Rogue nations such as North Korea are going to be put in check. 

New Alliances Between Nations

There will be a tightened alliance between the US and the UK. Trade agreements will be made between these two nations that will shift the balance of trade.

God is dealing internally with the Parliament of the UK and strong voices will arise to speak out for alliances with Israel. Brexit and Amerix! The exiting from one wineskin to another.

(Note-this by no means that God is not moving within the people of the EU!) 

United Nations

The extreme political and social agenda behind the UN is going to become apparent to people of many nations. Righteous nations will stand up to their plans for social engineering through International Planned Parenthood and eugenics. Reformers will arise from the midst with godly philosophies who will be strong voices for a realignment away from this perverted agenda to one that gives compassion aid without “strings” attached to unrighteous organizations. Ambassadors who are evangelists will rise up ashamed of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Funding will be withheld as righteous nations in the UN they stop supporting radicalized social agendas that promote homosexuality as a life-style and the abortion of babies.


Signs and wonders will break out in many places. Nazareth and Haifa will see the power of God in great demonstration.  The Russian Jews are going to experience a harvest of souls in a large way and become powerful evangelists to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

The nations who align against Israel will find themselves becoming more economically challenged in the coming days. Nations will withdraw their funding from the UN initiatives and countries who persecute Israel. 

Israel will become a flashpoint among the nations.  There is a confusion of the nations that will take place and an accelerated polarization of light and darkness. 

This will start a process where the Temple Mount will once again be brought up as a central issue among the nations.

More shakings will take place in the nation but God will release a youth movement between the Jews and Arabs that will become voices of unity in the land.


More corruption will be exposed and the shake-up of the government will continue all the way from the national to the local levels. There will be new government leaders run for office from the church, and whereas they were not successful in the past, some will see a breakthrough when they run again.


There is a growing underground movement that is strong although not yet seen.  There will be much trouble brewing from Iran in this season, however, God wants to encourage the church that He is hearing their prayers and has a plan to liberate His people from radical ideologies. 


Revival fires are burning! The move of God has started and will not be quenched.  It is time for the prayers of the generations must be answered. The John 17 movement from France will affect the other nations in Europe.

The prophets are going to rise up from France and speak very accurately.


Vietnam is preparing to be the “Star of Asia” as far as the numbers of people being saved. This will even have a great impact on the Communist government.  Hanoi will become a beacon of light to the nations. 


There will be some continued shakings. However, look to Inner Mongolia for the greatest moves of God yet! 


Australia is a reformer nation and will produce great shifts, as well as some clashes on a governmental level. However, the Daniel’s and Joseph’s are arising in this land.

Egypt and the Middle East

There is a massive awakening coming to the Egypt as well as the whole Middle East. It is the time for Isaiah 19 to be fulfilled! Reformers will arise in these nations as well.   The blood of the martyrs is crying out from the ground where ISIS has beheaded so many believers in Jesus Christ. Their sacrifice is going to result in many “Saul’s” who have become radicalized will become Paul's.

We see in part and know if part. We are the test all things and hold fast to that which is good. Some words have immediate fulfillment and impact. Other words have conditions that must be met in order for them to be fulfilled. But this is a Year of the Breakthrough! This is a historical time when another Great Reformation shall take place!

Presented by Cindy Jacobs, Generals of Intercession


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ACPE: 2017: Year of Breakthrough

Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has gathered some of the most respected prophetic voices from around the nation to pray and seek the Lord for a word for the coming year.

(These meetings took place November 14th - 16th, 2016 and some of the events have already transpired.)

Here is Cindy Jacobs' introduction to the word this year:


2017: The Breakthrough Year

“The One who breaks open will come up before them; 
They will break out.
Pass through the gate,
And go out by it;
Their king will pass before them,
With the Lord at their head.”

Micah 2:13 (NKJV)

The Symbolism of the Number 17

The number 17 in scripture symbolizes “overcoming the enemy” and “complete victory.”

God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when He began to flood the earth and rested on the 17th day of the Hebrew month. Noah’s ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month of the religious year (Tishrei), right in the middle of God’s Holy period known as the Feast of Tabernacles. 

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is in the seventh month (Tishri) and on the tenth day of the Hebraic calendar. This day calls for the turning from our sins through repentance that brings us to victory.

It is the time for the breakthrough to victory.

There will be a significant increase in miracles and signs and wonders. The anointing will be so strong that it will break significant and long-standing strongholds that have plagued people's lives. 

It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.”

Isaiah 10:27 (NKJV)

For the Lord says, “My people are entering into an overcoming season that will produce great breakthroughs. For the enemy has come in like a flood, but I, the Lord, am releasing great victories. I will stem the tide of violence. I will bring peace to the land. I will bring an awakening! I will release revival!”

Receive Your Breakthrough This Year

This is the year that the blessings will overtake us, if we obey the voice of our God!  If we put out hands to the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for His sake, we will begin to prosper. It is critical that we spend time seeking the Lord for the right alignment in our relationships for us to release these blessings.

For some, it will mean a geographic move, for others, the leaving of the old for the new. For others, it will be mean staying in covenantal relationships even when they are tested. 

The Promise and the Condition

Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God”

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 (NKJV)

We need to understand the Hebraic meaning of our times. The year 2017 on the Roman calendar corresponds to the year 5777 on the Hebraic calendar, which is symbolized by the crowned sword. 

The sword cuts off the old and releases the new. The enemy has been trying to “cut off” many relationships and come against the new move of unity coming to families and the Body of Christ. We see Satan being defeated on many levels as we experience great breakthroughs, both personally and corporately. 

This is the year of breakthrough to release the following things: 

  • Mantles or anointings of the Holy Spirit released across generations. This is the year of securing your legacy.
  • New leaders recognized and released.
  • Shifts in government and new international alliances forming.
  • More corruption exposed on national levels, both in the United States and other nations. 

Mantles are being passed

The passing of Peter Wagner was a game-changer for the Body of Christ. Old wine structures are going to be tested, and those who will be willing to become new wine

will be promoted. Churches who allow themselves to become apostolic sending centers will grow and see many saved.

Fuller Theological Seminary is going to come into a time of renewal as in the days when C. Peter Wagner invited John Wimber to teach his signs and wonders class.  The Holy Spirit will be poured out once again upon the professors. Other divinity schools such as Princeton will also be visited by God as young professors are touched by God’s power and come into spiritual renewal. New wine curriculum will be introduced into seminaries and Bible Schools around the world.  The renewal legacy of Peter Wagner combined with that of John Wimber is about to come upon a new generation.

A diversity of mantles is falling in this time like unto what Peter Wagner carried. Mantles from God for the writing books, prophetically “seeing” trends, keeping the church (ekklesia) fresh and ready for each new move of God are being distributed to properly aligned leaders in this hour.

There will be many, many changes in this coming year. Changes in locations, houses, buildings, and the breaking off of generational systems of debt.

A new generation of spiritual warriors will be trained and arise to do governmental and prophetic intercession.  Old prayer movements will be strengthened, and a new generation of prayer warriors will arise for battle. There will be an awakening of prayer and spiritual warfare. Deliverance will take place on many levels through this fresh movement.

There will be continued shakings as the sword of the Lord pierces the darkness of centuries over the nations. Some will experience great tumults and shakings.

The good news is that, in the midst of the shakings, there will be a time of renewal and coming together like in Ezekiel 37, when the shakings of dry bones caused new breath and life coming into the army of the Lord. 

Let the Ekklesia Arise 

Networks of Kingdom Alliances with the voice of hope are emerging in very intentional ways. Many will teach on the “ekklesia” from their pulpits and in their conferences, inspiring the people of God to arise and be the called-out ones.  

There will be a strong anointing on the ekklesia to root out and pull down the “gates and walls of the enemy.” By this, as we are faithful to move out into society to be a voice of change, there will be a dismantling and shaking of old corrupt systems. 

The economies of nations who have refused to shift and are keeping their people in bondage will see massive shakings. Exposure after exposure will come to those corrupt individuals who thought they were too protected and embedded through bribes and intimidation. They will find themselves falling out of power, going to prison, and, in some cases, even dying.

The Lord showed us clearly that this is a new season where the ekkesia is being given the anointing not only to root out, and tear down, but this will be a special season of building and planting. The revelation of blessing our cities and nations will be a kingdom anthem for the ekklesa.  If we root out, but do not plant, then the nations will only be exposed to worse than they had been before. 

Therefore, we admonish the intercessors to pray beyond the tearing down of old systems and pray into the structures and systems that need to form afterward.  Let’s intercede for new leaders and effective systems to be put in place that will build up their nations. 

It’s Time to Build!

Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me:

Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,
To root out and to pull down,
To destroy and to throw down,
To build and to plant.”

Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?”
And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”
Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”
Jeremiah 1:9-12 (NKJV)

One of the things to be planted is what could be called “The Love Revolution.” Just as the Summer of Love in 1967 changed the landscape of a generation, so now, 50 years later, the world will see the face of Christianity in a new light.

The admonition in 1 Corinthians 14:1, "Let love be your aim" will be planted in the nations as the church rises up in a more visible way. The words of the theme song from the Jesus People Movement, “They will know that we are Christians by our love” will have a new resonance as this message of loving God and loving one another is sung in new ways. We will be carriers of God’s goodness wherever we go!

Changing Financial Structures

The way people make money is going to change. A new breed of entrepreneurs will arise who are “out-of-the-box” thinkers. New structures of wealth creation will open up. For example, in the past the stock markets were major generators of wealth, but this will be the era of YouTube millionaires.

The church, missions organizations, and other ministries will benefit greatly from the creation of wealth, as new donors will rise up to help finance the building of this global vision. The gift of giving will be highlighted in the coming move of God, and people of wealth will understand how to use their gift to advance the Kingdom of God. 

Watch Latin America as structures that kept people in poverty are going to begin to unravel and weaken. 

A New John 17 Movement 

The Lord spoke to us that next year we would see a new John 17 movement begin where the prayer of Jesus will be answered. Many streams will run together until we see a river of revival flow across the earth. There will be major reconciliations between denominations, nations, and peoples.

God will anoint peacemakers in this season who are especially empowered by God to be a voice for unity between factions and help heal the breaches.

This John 17 move will extend to families as well as there is a “focus on the family” where longstanding breaches between siblings, and between parents and their children are healed. God is calling for families to pray together and “light” the family altar.  Strongholds in family systems are going to be broken in powerful and supernatural ways.  This will even extend to strongholds of poverty, disease, alcoholism, and drug abuse.

The John 17 movements will align against injustice and religious strongholds as they decide together that they want a new move of the Holy Spirit.

We are hearing the words, New Wine, New Wine!

A convergence of all the past moves of God coming together with the manifestations of Pentecostal Fire, the Healing and Deliverance Crusades. The Latter Rain Glory being poured out with new realms of glory, the Evangelicals' Burden of the Lost, and the Jesus People Movements love for the lost, the gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Charismatic Movement, the Third Wave Theological Credibility, the Revelation of the Prophetic Movement, and the Relational Networking of the Apostolic Reformation that includes an understanding of reforming and transforming society in each mountain (or sphere).

This great Convergence of the Ages is coming with a historic Fourth Wave of the Holy Spirit and a reformation that will lead to the Great Transformation of nations.

The wind of the Holy Spirit is going to blow with new renewal movements arising in the youth upon centuries-old churches. The power of the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a new, fresh way, manifesting through the young and old. The miracles that have seemed only to happen infrequently are going to be dramatic. 

Many “working of miracles” that are creative in nature will be seen in hundreds of churches across the world. Centuries old churches that have prayed for a renewed move of the Holy Spirit will see their prayers answered. It is the time for a new Pentecost! Some that criticize those who are longing for renewal will find they are put out of leadership in their churches and denominations. Both the young and the old will see the power of the Holy Spirit fall upon them. 

This again will result in many, many new missionaries being sent out across the face of the earth that are willing to go to the most difficult and hard-to-reach areas.  Central Asia will be majorly impacted by this mission’s movement. God is calling a new generation who will go out and evangelize the world! The numbers of those going to preach will increase in large proportion compared to the generation before them.

These missionaries will carry the gospel, anointed with revelation to give “hope solutions” to the current needs of the nations where they are sent. 

The heartland of the United States and the cities along the Mississippi River will be used by God to mend the great divide that has come to the nation as a result of the recent polarizing US elections.

The warfare from the last season that has “worn out” God’s people will fade away as the refreshing rains of the Spirit of God fall afresh. It is time for breakthroughs and the breaking off of the pain, discouragement, and battle fatigue of yesterday.  

Harvest Season

The greatest harvest of souls the earth has known is upon us. Hundreds of thousands will be saved. The Middle East will experience a revival and this will extend into the evangelization of both the Arab and the Non-Arabic-speaking Muslims. Look to Egypt to be a leader in this revival and awakening. 

The Glory of God is going to be poured out across the United States and these areas were specifically given as revival centers:

Los Angeles, California; Silicon Valley, Redding, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; Phoenix, Arizona; a new spring coming out of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Oklahoma; Austin, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; Madison, Wisconsin; Indianapolis, Indiana; Nashville, Tennessee; Orlando, Florida; Fort Mills, South Carolina; Virginia; Annapolis, Maryland; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; New York City; Boston, Massachusetts; as well as other cities and regions.

The inner cities of America and the areas in which Satan has built is greatest strongholds will begin to rebuild, and the revivals in such cities as Detroit and Chicago will astound the news!  God says, “I will not forget the inner cities!”

This harvest time will result in the salvation of high-profile leaders both in the media, government, and education spheres of society. They will be vocal and unashamed! Their bold presence on social media will cause a huge stir in the news services. 

God is going to shake pop culture!  He is going to use it for His glory.

Look to the reserves and reservations and tribal lands of the nations of the earth.  The indigenous peoples of the earth are about to be touched by God’s power.  Where they were oppressed through colonization, they are going to experience great healing and receive the power and grace to forgive the terrible atrocities committed against them. As a result, they will be used to touch many nations with the truth of God’s saving power.

The historic wells of revival are going to flow again as bold evangelism takes place on the streets and on the campuses of schools where progressivism and Marxism have taken root.  Latin America will be a leader in this move of God.

A New Renaissance

New songs and new sounds will flow from emerging worship leaders. The Tabernacle of David will see the release of many, many new Psalmists that will sing the song of the nations. A new, even more passionate generation of abandoned worshippers is emerging!

Songs will be written that influence not only the church but also society at large.  These songs will disciple nations in the way that the Beatles and the Summer of Love released a “free love sexual revolution” in a negative way as well as rebellion and sin. We will be singing the sounds of awakening in society! The bells of true liberty will ring in song once again.

Andrew Fletcher, a politician from Scotland, said, “Let me sing the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” In other words, the power of the voice singing creates movements for societal change. 

Power worshippers will arise as a new generation moves into cities and regions and breaks open the heavens in a massive way. Through praise and worship, they will “pierce the darkness” created by principalities and powers over regions.

These worshippers will become “sent ones” who will go into unreached parts of cities and nations to prepare the way for the evangelists who will come after them. 

This worship movement will see an even greater rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David with many more 24/7 Houses of Prayer being established. They will have an understanding of the connection that God has given between the church and Israel, and many will call this new move a “Davidic Messianic” movement of believers.

A Movement of Reformers

2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Many, many people will talk about the need for societal reformation and desire to be reformers. Young people will band together to form movements that display a passion to go into each area of their culture and see reformation.

This will set the stage for the greatest outpouring of the spirit and awakening the world has even known! Nations that were never impacted by the reformation will begin to experience one now.  This will happen in all the continents!! “Africa, Africa, Africa, you are moving into your greatest hour, says the Lord!”

Germany and France will be deeply impacted by this move of God. The Calvin’s and the Luther’s are arising!  Books will be written and the history of past moves of God will be studied. It will also go into the Catholic churches, the Coptics from Egypt, the Orthodox churches in Russian and Eastern Asia. It will affect both the Eastern and Western Orthodox churches.  While many of the older leaders in these denominations and church movements will rejoice, some will rise up and persecute this new of God.

Social media will be the Gutenberg press in this reformation.

The news will be amazed as very liberal owners of social media begin to announce that they are now believers. This will impact the Silicon Valley community in California in a big way. The Holy Spirit is calling for massive intercession for influencers in these sectors of society. 

The youth who have seemingly crashed in the past season into being part of the “hard left” with liberal, humanistic agendas will suffer great disillusionment. But if the church will reach out to them in this time of lost dreams, they will be saved and become part of the most powerful move of evangelism and discipling that their nations have ever known.

The Effects of the United States’ Election 

Several of our prophets received words that Donald Trump would become the next president and will become a 21st century Cyrus. He is called to break the mold of political correctness. We received the word that if we pray for him, he will heal, rather than divide, the nation.

Intercession must be made or this will not happen in the way God intends. Racial division must be healed and the people of all ethnicities must come together as part of this John 17 movement.  This cannot be a “whites only” movement, but the church must work to fight for unity and be a massive voice against racism that still exists in the nation.

There will be many civil rights reformers who will not let this need of healing of the nation creates divides.  We received a serious admonition that the church must pray to see the nation healed or the breaches will only grow.

Native Americans will be part of this civil reformation and antiquated laws, and even the Bureau of Indian Affairs will be reformed. 

There is coming such scientific proof concerning the science of the pre-born child that this will result in reformations in the medical field’s stance and thinking as a whole. The pre-born child will be declared a human being. Some that have held this stance all along will break their silence and become strong advocates for the pre-born. 

We prophesied a conservative revolt, and now we prophesy a “social media revolt” in which many use this form of communication and it will result in the crippling networks and newspapers that persecute the truth of God. God is about to arise in a way to release the anointing of truth. There are media revolutionaries who will change the way everything is being done concerning communications. This will result in financial shakings will cause long-standing news media to begin to lose millions of dollars, even causing some to go under! This will be a shock to many who relied upon them to be their “voice.”

As a backlash against this conservative social media revolt, the liberal press will even accuse God’s people of lying, giving the biblical analogy of the sons of Belial

who lied in court to get Naboth’s vineyard.  However, accusations of the liberal press will not prevail.  Intercession must be done for the church to be protected.

Corruption is going to be exposed in the media as well and the disillusionment will deepen in people in general with “traditional media” sources. Out of this season, new, anointed news anchors will come to the forefront who will be unashamedly believers and they will experience great favor. 

Washington DC will be “ground zero” for the exposure of corruption. Some that are exposed will shock the nation as God continues to move to cleanse both political parties.  Corrupt judges will also be exposed in the circuit courts.  We were told to use Ezekiel 22 as a model to decree against corruption.

The whistleblowers will come out in droves!  Aides and interns will speak and tell what they have both seen and heard.

Collusion between the Federal Drug Administration and the pharmaceutical companies will be exposed in surprising ways. 

The lobbyists are going to be removed from their places of influence in a significant way, and the influence of corporate giants over Congress will also be reformed. 

Term limits will be put in place for Congress in the future. Reformation is coming to every aspect of society.

Major trade deals are going to be re-written and old enemies will become trading partners.  God is aligning the nations for His purposes. The global elites are going to find that they are not able to move freely like they did on the international scene. Corruption and collusion will be exposed and many will be shocked.

A new season of mercy has been given, even though for some it does not appear to be so at this moment of time. God wants to reboot the nation and get it back on track.

The Lord wants to release both protection for the nation as well as wisdom for compassionate immigration reform while dealing with the criminal influence. This needs serious prayer. The Body of Christ is forerunning racial reconciliation, and this will display a unity and synergy that the world is looking for. 

A call for continued concerted prayer to continue to bring both peace, protection and stability to the nation went out.  God wants to give a path to establish what could be called “thrones of glory” all the way through the year 2020. If the intercessors continue to pray for 2020 vision, God will release His glory on a scale none of us can imagine. 

The Economy

The US will be the safe refuge for investment around the globe. 

Family economies will be blessed if they seek the Lord on how to get out of debt and save so they can invest in new financial opportunities that will arise. 

Significant investments in new innovations and inventions; some even given through dreams, will be released.  The Mid-West and what has been known as the rust belt of the United States will begin to blossom.  New investments in inner cities will open up as they are set free from historic violence and drug abuse.

The churches of the nation will begin to rise up and systematically work to eliminate poverty. This will impact the inner cities greatly as they will be considered both a mission field and a treasure field. The people of the inner cities are treasures to God.

Economic shakings are coming to Europe.

Italy, Spain, and Portugal will be tested. God’s people will be taken care of in the midst of the crisis. Alignments with Israel are critical in this season.

North America and Alaska

The wealth of North America will be unlocked and resources will be opened. There will be a new gas pipeline in Alaska. It will be in the news as “hidden riches” of gold and rare minerals are found. 

The US Military – Terrorism and ISIS 

There will be a rebuilding of the United States’ military. Religious freedom will be restored and the chaplains will once again be able to freely preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit pointed out the necessity of this happening in order to see God’s favor poured out on the military.

Reformers are going to be put in place in the military. The power of God is going to visit entire military bases around the world. 

New strategies to defeat ISIS will be given by new leadership put in place and fear will fall upon those who are “rogue” terrorists. The mainstream media and social media voices who are favorable to allowing refugees with terrorists backgrounds are going to suffer major blows. 

Those nations who are promoting and hiding terrorists will be ostracized both politically and economically. Rogue nations such as North Korea are going to be put in check. 

New Alliances Between Nations

There will be a tightened alliance between the US and the UK. Trade agreements will be made between these two nations that will shift the balance of trade.

God is dealing internally with the Parliament of the UK and strong voices will arise to speak out for alliances with Israel. Brexit and Amerix! The exiting from one wineskin to another.

(Note-this by no means that God is not moving within the people of the EU!) 

United Nations

The extreme political and social agenda behind the UN is going to become apparent to people of many nations. Righteous nations will stand up to their plans for social engineering through International Planned Parenthood and eugenics. Reformers will arise from the midst with godly philosophies who will be strong voices for a realignment away from this perverted agenda to one that gives compassion aid without “strings” attached to unrighteous organizations. Ambassadors who are evangelists will rise up ashamed of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Funding will be withheld as righteous nations in the UN they stop supporting radicalized social agendas that promote homosexuality as a life-style and the abortion of babies.


Signs and wonders will break out in many places. Nazareth and Haifa will see the power of God in great demonstration.  The Russian Jews are going to experience a harvest of souls in a large way and become powerful evangelists to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

The nations who align against Israel will find themselves becoming more economically challenged in the coming days. Nations will withdraw their funding from the UN initiatives and countries who persecute Israel. 

Israel will become a flashpoint among the nations.  There is a confusion of the nations that will take place and an accelerated polarization of light and darkness. 

This will start a process where the Temple Mount will once again be brought up as a central issue among the nations.

More shakings will take place in the nation but God will release a youth movement between the Jews and Arabs that will become voices of unity in the land.


More corruption will be exposed and the shake-up of the government will continue all the way from the national to the local levels. There will be new government leaders run for office from the church, and whereas they were not successful in the past, some will see a breakthrough when they run again.


There is a growing underground movement that is strong although not yet seen.  There will be much trouble brewing from Iran in this season, however, God wants to encourage the church that He is hearing their prayers and has a plan to liberate His people from radical ideologies. 


Revival fires are burning! The move of God has started and will not be quenched.  It is time for the prayers of the generations must be answered. The John 17 movement from France will affect the other nations in Europe.

The prophets are going to rise up from France and speak very accurately.


Vietnam is preparing to be the “Star of Asia” as far as the numbers of people being saved. This will even have a great impact on the Communist government.  Hanoi will become a beacon of light to the nations. 


There will be some continued shakings. However, look to Inner Mongolia for the greatest moves of God yet! 


Australia is a reformer nation and will produce great shifts, as well as some clashes on a governmental level. However, the Daniel’s and Joseph’s are arising in this land.

Egypt and the Middle East

There is a massive awakening coming to the Egypt as well as the whole Middle East. It is the time for Isaiah 19 to be fulfilled! Reformers will arise in these nations as well.   The blood of the martyrs is crying out from the ground where ISIS has beheaded so many believers in Jesus Christ. Their sacrifice is going to result in many “Saul’s” who have become radicalized will become Paul's.

We see in part and know if part. We are the test all things and hold fast to that which is good. Some words have immediate fulfillment and impact. Other words have conditions that must be met in order for them to be fulfilled. But this is a Year of the Breakthrough! This is a historical time when another Great Reformation shall take place!

Presented by Cindy Jacobs, Generals of Intercession


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ACPE: 2017: Year of Breakthrough

Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has gathered some of the most respected prophetic voices from around the nation to pray and seek the Lord for a word for the coming year.

(These meetings took place November 14th - 16th, 2016 and some of the events have already transpired.)

Here is Cindy Jacobs' introduction to the word this year:


2017: The Breakthrough Year

“The One who breaks open will come up before them; 
They will break out.
Pass through the gate,
And go out by it;
Their king will pass before them,
With the Lord at their head.”

Micah 2:13 (NKJV)

The Symbolism of the Number 17

The number 17 in scripture symbolizes “overcoming the enemy” and “complete victory.”

God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when He began to flood the earth and rested on the 17th day of the Hebrew month. Noah’s ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th day of the seventh month of the religious year (Tishrei), right in the middle of God’s Holy period known as the Feast of Tabernacles. 

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is in the seventh month (Tishri) and on the tenth day of the Hebraic calendar. This day calls for the turning from our sins through repentance that brings us to victory.

It is the time for the breakthrough to victory.

There will be a significant increase in miracles and signs and wonders. The anointing will be so strong that it will break significant and long-standing strongholds that have plagued people's lives. 

It shall come to pass in that day
That his burden will be taken away from your shoulder,
And his yoke from your neck,
And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.”

Isaiah 10:27 (NKJV)

For the Lord says, “My people are entering into an overcoming season that will produce great breakthroughs. For the enemy has come in like a flood, but I, the Lord, am releasing great victories. I will stem the tide of violence. I will bring peace to the land. I will bring an awakening! I will release revival!”

Receive Your Breakthrough This Year

This is the year that the blessings will overtake us, if we obey the voice of our God!  If we put out hands to the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God for His sake, we will begin to prosper. It is critical that we spend time seeking the Lord for the right alignment in our relationships for us to release these blessings.

For some, it will mean a geographic move, for others, the leaving of the old for the new. For others, it will be mean staying in covenantal relationships even when they are tested. 

The Promise and the Condition

Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God”

Deuteronomy 28:1-2 (NKJV)

We need to understand the Hebraic meaning of our times. The year 2017 on the Roman calendar corresponds to the year 5777 on the Hebraic calendar, which is symbolized by the crowned sword. 

The sword cuts off the old and releases the new. The enemy has been trying to “cut off” many relationships and come against the new move of unity coming to families and the Body of Christ. We see Satan being defeated on many levels as we experience great breakthroughs, both personally and corporately. 

This is the year of breakthrough to release the following things: 

  • Mantles or anointings of the Holy Spirit released across generations. This is the year of securing your legacy.
  • New leaders recognized and released.
  • Shifts in government and new international alliances forming.
  • More corruption exposed on national levels, both in the United States and other nations. 

Mantles are being passed

The passing of Peter Wagner was a game-changer for the Body of Christ. Old wine structures are going to be tested, and those who will be willing to become new wine

will be promoted. Churches who allow themselves to become apostolic sending centers will grow and see many saved.

Fuller Theological Seminary is going to come into a time of renewal as in the days when C. Peter Wagner invited John Wimber to teach his signs and wonders class.  The Holy Spirit will be poured out once again upon the professors. Other divinity schools such as Princeton will also be visited by God as young professors are touched by God’s power and come into spiritual renewal. New wine curriculum will be introduced into seminaries and Bible Schools around the world.  The renewal legacy of Peter Wagner combined with that of John Wimber is about to come upon a new generation.

A diversity of mantles is falling in this time like unto what Peter Wagner carried. Mantles from God for the writing books, prophetically “seeing” trends, keeping the church (ekklesia) fresh and ready for each new move of God are being distributed to properly aligned leaders in this hour.

There will be many, many changes in this coming year. Changes in locations, houses, buildings, and the breaking off of generational systems of debt.

A new generation of spiritual warriors will be trained and arise to do governmental and prophetic intercession.  Old prayer movements will be strengthened, and a new generation of prayer warriors will arise for battle. There will be an awakening of prayer and spiritual warfare. Deliverance will take place on many levels through this fresh movement.

There will be continued shakings as the sword of the Lord pierces the darkness of centuries over the nations. Some will experience great tumults and shakings.

The good news is that, in the midst of the shakings, there will be a time of renewal and coming together like in Ezekiel 37, when the shakings of dry bones caused new breath and life coming into the army of the Lord. 

Let the Ekklesia Arise 

Networks of Kingdom Alliances with the voice of hope are emerging in very intentional ways. Many will teach on the “ekklesia” from their pulpits and in their conferences, inspiring the people of God to arise and be the called-out ones.  

There will be a strong anointing on the ekklesia to root out and pull down the “gates and walls of the enemy.” By this, as we are faithful to move out into society to be a voice of change, there will be a dismantling and shaking of old corrupt systems. 

The economies of nations who have refused to shift and are keeping their people in bondage will see massive shakings. Exposure after exposure will come to those corrupt individuals who thought they were too protected and embedded through bribes and intimidation. They will find themselves falling out of power, going to prison, and, in some cases, even dying.

The Lord showed us clearly that this is a new season where the ekkesia is being given the anointing not only to root out, and tear down, but this will be a special season of building and planting. The revelation of blessing our cities and nations will be a kingdom anthem for the ekklesa.  If we root out, but do not plant, then the nations will only be exposed to worse than they had been before. 

Therefore, we admonish the intercessors to pray beyond the tearing down of old systems and pray into the structures and systems that need to form afterward.  Let’s intercede for new leaders and effective systems to be put in place that will build up their nations. 

It’s Time to Build!

Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me:

Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,
To root out and to pull down,
To destroy and to throw down,
To build and to plant.”

Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?”
And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.”
Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”
Jeremiah 1:9-12 (NKJV)

One of the things to be planted is what could be called “The Love Revolution.” Just as the Summer of Love in 1967 changed the landscape of a generation, so now, 50 years later, the world will see the face of Christianity in a new light.

The admonition in 1 Corinthians 14:1, "Let love be your aim" will be planted in the nations as the church rises up in a more visible way. The words of the theme song from the Jesus People Movement, “They will know that we are Christians by our love” will have a new resonance as this message of loving God and loving one another is sung in new ways. We will be carriers of God’s goodness wherever we go!

Changing Financial Structures

The way people make money is going to change. A new breed of entrepreneurs will arise who are “out-of-the-box” thinkers. New structures of wealth creation will open up. For example, in the past the stock markets were major generators of wealth, but this will be the era of YouTube millionaires.

The church, missions organizations, and other ministries will benefit greatly from the creation of wealth, as new donors will rise up to help finance the building of this global vision. The gift of giving will be highlighted in the coming move of God, and people of wealth will understand how to use their gift to advance the Kingdom of God. 

Watch Latin America as structures that kept people in poverty are going to begin to unravel and weaken. 

A New John 17 Movement 

The Lord spoke to us that next year we would see a new John 17 movement begin where the prayer of Jesus will be answered. Many streams will run together until we see a river of revival flow across the earth. There will be major reconciliations between denominations, nations, and peoples.

God will anoint peacemakers in this season who are especially empowered by God to be a voice for unity between factions and help heal the breaches.

This John 17 move will extend to families as well as there is a “focus on the family” where longstanding breaches between siblings, and between parents and their children are healed. God is calling for families to pray together and “light” the family altar.  Strongholds in family systems are going to be broken in powerful and supernatural ways.  This will even extend to strongholds of poverty, disease, alcoholism, and drug abuse.

The John 17 movements will align against injustice and religious strongholds as they decide together that they want a new move of the Holy Spirit.

We are hearing the words, New Wine, New Wine!

A convergence of all the past moves of God coming together with the manifestations of Pentecostal Fire, the Healing and Deliverance Crusades. The Latter Rain Glory being poured out with new realms of glory, the Evangelicals' Burden of the Lost, and the Jesus People Movements love for the lost, the gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Charismatic Movement, the Third Wave Theological Credibility, the Revelation of the Prophetic Movement, and the Relational Networking of the Apostolic Reformation that includes an understanding of reforming and transforming society in each mountain (or sphere).

This great Convergence of the Ages is coming with a historic Fourth Wave of the Holy Spirit and a reformation that will lead to the Great Transformation of nations.

The wind of the Holy Spirit is going to blow with new renewal movements arising in the youth upon centuries-old churches. The power of the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a new, fresh way, manifesting through the young and old. The miracles that have seemed only to happen infrequently are going to be dramatic. 

Many “working of miracles” that are creative in nature will be seen in hundreds of churches across the world. Centuries old churches that have prayed for a renewed move of the Holy Spirit will see their prayers answered. It is the time for a new Pentecost! Some that criticize those who are longing for renewal will find they are put out of leadership in their churches and denominations. Both the young and the old will see the power of the Holy Spirit fall upon them. 

This again will result in many, many new missionaries being sent out across the face of the earth that are willing to go to the most difficult and hard-to-reach areas.  Central Asia will be majorly impacted by this mission’s movement. God is calling a new generation who will go out and evangelize the world! The numbers of those going to preach will increase in large proportion compared to the generation before them.

These missionaries will carry the gospel, anointed with revelation to give “hope solutions” to the current needs of the nations where they are sent. 

The heartland of the United States and the cities along the Mississippi River will be used by God to mend the great divide that has come to the nation as a result of the recent polarizing US elections.

The warfare from the last season that has “worn out” God’s people will fade away as the refreshing rains of the Spirit of God fall afresh. It is time for breakthroughs and the breaking off of the pain, discouragement, and battle fatigue of yesterday.  

Harvest Season

The greatest harvest of souls the earth has known is upon us. Hundreds of thousands will be saved. The Middle East will experience a revival and this will extend into the evangelization of both the Arab and the Non-Arabic-speaking Muslims. Look to Egypt to be a leader in this revival and awakening. 

The Glory of God is going to be poured out across the United States and these areas were specifically given as revival centers:

Los Angeles, California; Silicon Valley, Redding, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; Phoenix, Arizona; a new spring coming out of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Oklahoma; Austin, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; Madison, Wisconsin; Indianapolis, Indiana; Nashville, Tennessee; Orlando, Florida; Fort Mills, South Carolina; Virginia; Annapolis, Maryland; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; New York City; Boston, Massachusetts; as well as other cities and regions.

The inner cities of America and the areas in which Satan has built is greatest strongholds will begin to rebuild, and the revivals in such cities as Detroit and Chicago will astound the news!  God says, “I will not forget the inner cities!”

This harvest time will result in the salvation of high-profile leaders both in the media, government, and education spheres of society. They will be vocal and unashamed! Their bold presence on social media will cause a huge stir in the news services. 

God is going to shake pop culture!  He is going to use it for His glory.

Look to the reserves and reservations and tribal lands of the nations of the earth.  The indigenous peoples of the earth are about to be touched by God’s power.  Where they were oppressed through colonization, they are going to experience great healing and receive the power and grace to forgive the terrible atrocities committed against them. As a result, they will be used to touch many nations with the truth of God’s saving power.

The historic wells of revival are going to flow again as bold evangelism takes place on the streets and on the campuses of schools where progressivism and Marxism have taken root.  Latin America will be a leader in this move of God.

A New Renaissance

New songs and new sounds will flow from emerging worship leaders. The Tabernacle of David will see the release of many, many new Psalmists that will sing the song of the nations. A new, even more passionate generation of abandoned worshippers is emerging!

Songs will be written that influence not only the church but also society at large.  These songs will disciple nations in the way that the Beatles and the Summer of Love released a “free love sexual revolution” in a negative way as well as rebellion and sin. We will be singing the sounds of awakening in society! The bells of true liberty will ring in song once again.

Andrew Fletcher, a politician from Scotland, said, “Let me sing the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” In other words, the power of the voice singing creates movements for societal change. 

Power worshippers will arise as a new generation moves into cities and regions and breaks open the heavens in a massive way. Through praise and worship, they will “pierce the darkness” created by principalities and powers over regions.

These worshippers will become “sent ones” who will go into unreached parts of cities and nations to prepare the way for the evangelists who will come after them. 

This worship movement will see an even greater rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David with many more 24/7 Houses of Prayer being established. They will have an understanding of the connection that God has given between the church and Israel, and many will call this new move a “Davidic Messianic” movement of believers.

A Movement of Reformers

2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Many, many people will talk about the need for societal reformation and desire to be reformers. Young people will band together to form movements that display a passion to go into each area of their culture and see reformation.

This will set the stage for the greatest outpouring of the spirit and awakening the world has even known! Nations that were never impacted by the reformation will begin to experience one now.  This will happen in all the continents!! “Africa, Africa, Africa, you are moving into your greatest hour, says the Lord!”

Germany and France will be deeply impacted by this move of God. The Calvin’s and the Luther’s are arising!  Books will be written and the history of past moves of God will be studied. It will also go into the Catholic churches, the Coptics from Egypt, the Orthodox churches in Russian and Eastern Asia. It will affect both the Eastern and Western Orthodox churches.  While many of the older leaders in these denominations and church movements will rejoice, some will rise up and persecute this new of God.

Social media will be the Gutenberg press in this reformation.

The news will be amazed as very liberal owners of social media begin to announce that they are now believers. This will impact the Silicon Valley community in California in a big way. The Holy Spirit is calling for massive intercession for influencers in these sectors of society. 

The youth who have seemingly crashed in the past season into being part of the “hard left” with liberal, humanistic agendas will suffer great disillusionment. But if the church will reach out to them in this time of lost dreams, they will be saved and become part of the most powerful move of evangelism and discipling that their nations have ever known.

The Effects of the United States’ Election 

Several of our prophets received words that Donald Trump would become the next president and will become a 21st century Cyrus. He is called to break the mold of political correctness. We received the word that if we pray for him, he will heal, rather than divide, the nation.

Intercession must be made or this will not happen in the way God intends. Racial division must be healed and the people of all ethnicities must come together as part of this John 17 movement.  This cannot be a “whites only” movement, but the church must work to fight for unity and be a massive voice against racism that still exists in the nation.

There will be many civil rights reformers who will not let this need of healing of the nation creates divides.  We received a serious admonition that the church must pray to see the nation healed or the breaches will only grow.

Native Americans will be part of this civil reformation and antiquated laws, and even the Bureau of Indian Affairs will be reformed. 

There is coming such scientific proof concerning the science of the pre-born child that this will result in reformations in the medical field’s stance and thinking as a whole. The pre-born child will be declared a human being. Some that have held this stance all along will break their silence and become strong advocates for the pre-born. 

We prophesied a conservative revolt, and now we prophesy a “social media revolt” in which many use this form of communication and it will result in the crippling networks and newspapers that persecute the truth of God. God is about to arise in a way to release the anointing of truth. There are media revolutionaries who will change the way everything is being done concerning communications. This will result in financial shakings will cause long-standing news media to begin to lose millions of dollars, even causing some to go under! This will be a shock to many who relied upon them to be their “voice.”

As a backlash against this conservative social media revolt, the liberal press will even accuse God’s people of lying, giving the biblical analogy of the sons of Belial

who lied in court to get Naboth’s vineyard.  However, accusations of the liberal press will not prevail.  Intercession must be done for the church to be protected.

Corruption is going to be exposed in the media as well and the disillusionment will deepen in people in general with “traditional media” sources. Out of this season, new, anointed news anchors will come to the forefront who will be unashamedly believers and they will experience great favor. 

Washington DC will be “ground zero” for the exposure of corruption. Some that are exposed will shock the nation as God continues to move to cleanse both political parties.  Corrupt judges will also be exposed in the circuit courts.  We were told to use Ezekiel 22 as a model to decree against corruption.

The whistleblowers will come out in droves!  Aides and interns will speak and tell what they have both seen and heard.

Collusion between the Federal Drug Administration and the pharmaceutical companies will be exposed in surprising ways. 

The lobbyists are going to be removed from their places of influence in a significant way, and the influence of corporate giants over Congress will also be reformed. 

Term limits will be put in place for Congress in the future. Reformation is coming to every aspect of society.

Major trade deals are going to be re-written and old enemies will become trading partners.  God is aligning the nations for His purposes. The global elites are going to find that they are not able to move freely like they did on the international scene. Corruption and collusion will be exposed and many will be shocked.

A new season of mercy has been given, even though for some it does not appear to be so at this moment of time. God wants to reboot the nation and get it back on track.

The Lord wants to release both protection for the nation as well as wisdom for compassionate immigration reform while dealing with the criminal influence. This needs serious prayer. The Body of Christ is forerunning racial reconciliation, and this will display a unity and synergy that the world is looking for. 

A call for continued concerted prayer to continue to bring both peace, protection and stability to the nation went out.  God wants to give a path to establish what could be called “thrones of glory” all the way through the year 2020. If the intercessors continue to pray for 2020 vision, God will release His glory on a scale none of us can imagine. 

The Economy

The US will be the safe refuge for investment around the globe. 

Family economies will be blessed if they seek the Lord on how to get out of debt and save so they can invest in new financial opportunities that will arise. 

Significant investments in new innovations and inventions; some even given through dreams, will be released.  The Mid-West and what has been known as the rust belt of the United States will begin to blossom.  New investments in inner cities will open up as they are set free from historic violence and drug abuse.

The churches of the nation will begin to rise up and systematically work to eliminate poverty. This will impact the inner cities greatly as they will be considered both a mission field and a treasure field. The people of the inner cities are treasures to God.

Economic shakings are coming to Europe.

Italy, Spain, and Portugal will be tested. God’s people will be taken care of in the midst of the crisis. Alignments with Israel are critical in this season.

North America and Alaska

The wealth of North America will be unlocked and resources will be opened. There will be a new gas pipeline in Alaska. It will be in the news as “hidden riches” of gold and rare minerals are found. 

The US Military – Terrorism and ISIS 

There will be a rebuilding of the United States’ military. Religious freedom will be restored and the chaplains will once again be able to freely preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit pointed out the necessity of this happening in order to see God’s favor poured out on the military.

Reformers are going to be put in place in the military. The power of God is going to visit entire military bases around the world. 

New strategies to defeat ISIS will be given by new leadership put in place and fear will fall upon those who are “rogue” terrorists. The mainstream media and social media voices who are favorable to allowing refugees with terrorists backgrounds are going to suffer major blows. 

Those nations who are promoting and hiding terrorists will be ostracized both politically and economically. Rogue nations such as North Korea are going to be put in check. 

New Alliances Between Nations

There will be a tightened alliance between the US and the UK. Trade agreements will be made between these two nations that will shift the balance of trade.

God is dealing internally with the Parliament of the UK and strong voices will arise to speak out for alliances with Israel. Brexit and Amerix! The exiting from one wineskin to another.

(Note-this by no means that God is not moving within the people of the EU!) 

United Nations

The extreme political and social agenda behind the UN is going to become apparent to people of many nations. Righteous nations will stand up to their plans for social engineering through International Planned Parenthood and eugenics. Reformers will arise from the midst with godly philosophies who will be strong voices for a realignment away from this perverted agenda to one that gives compassion aid without “strings” attached to unrighteous organizations. Ambassadors who are evangelists will rise up ashamed of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Funding will be withheld as righteous nations in the UN they stop supporting radicalized social agendas that promote homosexuality as a life-style and the abortion of babies.


Signs and wonders will break out in many places. Nazareth and Haifa will see the power of God in great demonstration.  The Russian Jews are going to experience a harvest of souls in a large way and become powerful evangelists to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

The nations who align against Israel will find themselves becoming more economically challenged in the coming days. Nations will withdraw their funding from the UN initiatives and countries who persecute Israel. 

Israel will become a flashpoint among the nations.  There is a confusion of the nations that will take place and an accelerated polarization of light and darkness. 

This will start a process where the Temple Mount will once again be brought up as a central issue among the nations.

More shakings will take place in the nation but God will release a youth movement between the Jews and Arabs that will become voices of unity in the land.


More corruption will be exposed and the shake-up of the government will continue all the way from the national to the local levels. There will be new government leaders run for office from the church, and whereas they were not successful in the past, some will see a breakthrough when they run again.


There is a growing underground movement that is strong although not yet seen.  There will be much trouble brewing from Iran in this season, however, God wants to encourage the church that He is hearing their prayers and has a plan to liberate His people from radical ideologies. 


Revival fires are burning! The move of God has started and will not be quenched.  It is time for the prayers of the generations must be answered. The John 17 movement from France will affect the other nations in Europe.

The prophets are going to rise up from France and speak very accurately.


Vietnam is preparing to be the “Star of Asia” as far as the numbers of people being saved. This will even have a great impact on the Communist government.  Hanoi will become a beacon of light to the nations. 


There will be some continued shakings. However, look to Inner Mongolia for the greatest moves of God yet! 


Australia is a reformer nation and will produce great shifts, as well as some clashes on a governmental level. However, the Daniel’s and Joseph’s are arising in this land.

Egypt and the Middle East

There is a massive awakening coming to the Egypt as well as the whole Middle East. It is the time for Isaiah 19 to be fulfilled! Reformers will arise in these nations as well.   The blood of the martyrs is crying out from the ground where ISIS has beheaded so many believers in Jesus Christ. Their sacrifice is going to result in many “Saul’s” who have become radicalized will become Paul's.

We see in part and know if part. We are the test all things and hold fast to that which is good. Some words have immediate fulfillment and impact. Other words have conditions that must be met in order for them to be fulfilled. But this is a Year of the Breakthrough! This is a historical time when another Great Reformation shall take place!

Presented by Cindy Jacobs, Generals of Intercession


If you’d like to comment on or discuss this word, come to the Facebook page where it’s published. Start with


The Rain of Heaven

[Editor's Note: This word is not specific to the Northwest - other than the fact that the Northwest is expert on the subject of rain - but it has great application to us here in the Northwest.] 

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.“
- Galatians 6:9
I foresee a great move of God, such as we have never before seen.
There is a due season of great harvest. There is a timing to all sovereign moves of God. Looking back and observing the history of the Church, I’ve come to see that God knows how to yield the greatest harvest from any generation.
Some say that we shouldn’t wait for revival, stressing that we should rather be revival. And that’s a valid point. Should we be inactive? No! In fact, laziness and wickedness seem to be synonymous to God. But the truth is that even with all of our efforts and obedience, only God can bring the rain. So we should find a healthy balance that avoids the extremes of both laziness and independence.
In this season, we will see many saved. In this season, we will see many healed. In this season, we will accomplish many good things and bear much fruit. But there’s nothing like when God brings the rain. You can plow and plant all you want – but only God can bring the rain.
There is no formula for this. There are no step-by-step keys. There is no secret. It’s really just God. But we must plow and plant. Otherwise, when it rains, what will grow? This is the partnership of man and God: We do the possible. He does the impossible.
Waiting on God does not mean inactivity. In fact, if you believe that it’s going to rain, you need to plant the seeds and plow the ground. Don’t wait around. Otherwise, when God moves, you’ll weep and not reap.
But what seeds are you planting? Are they truly spiritual seeds? Are you building a church or an organization? A church or a club? Do you seek righteousness or relevance? Are you praying for the sick? Are you casting out demons?
Whatever the seeds you are planting, you can be sure that they will become a harvest. But what sort of harvest are you going to reap? Will it be good or will it be God? Are you sowing the seeds of programs or power? Attendance or anointing? Methods or miracles? Tolerance or truth?
Don’t grow weary. Plant what God tells you to plant. The rain is coming.
3 Outcomes of the Outpouring
Last week, I wrote of a coming revival that I foresee. I encouraged my readers to continue planting seeds and plowing the ground. The rain is most certainly coming.
But I want to prepare you for what’s coming. Just like the return of Christ, all pivotal and divine actions are both a joy and a terror. The scripture uses the term, “Great and terrible”. Everyone knows that something big is coming. Major, global changes are just around the corner.
As of now, I don’t know what the condition of the nations will be during the rain (the outpouring). Though I do suspect that hostility towards the Church will continue to grow until the final appearing of Christ, I don’t believe that full-blown persecution will arrive in the United Statesbefore the next great outpouring. But persecution may come as a result of the incredible shaking that revival will bring to this nation. Again, God has not spoken to me in that regard. I am only speculating at this point. But what was made clear to me was this: “You’ve sown the seeds. I’m about to bring the rain.”
Church, the rain is coming. And these 3 things will come as a result.
#1 The Workers will be Refreshed
“And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled. Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.” - Acts 3:17-21

There seems to be a chronology here. Firstly, Christ’s suffering is fulfilled. Then, after repentance, times of refreshing come. And then Christ is sent again. But “Heaven must receive [Him] until the time for restoring all the things…” Christ’s return is preceded by a time of great refreshing.
When the rain comes, the workers of the field will be refreshed. As of right now, ministers and Christian leaders are exhausted. Look at the sad statistics:
45% of pastors say that they’ve experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry. 1,500 pastors leave their ministries each month due to burnout, conflict, or moral failure. 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years. 4,000 new churches begin each year while 7,000 churches close.
Am I saying that there is no refreshment for now? Am I saying we are powerless until the next great outpouring? Of course not! Yes, we are to, to some degree, be the revival we desire to see. I addressed this in last week’s blog. But there is certainly a time of fresh outpouring that brings about a greater time of refreshing. I see an open field of very dry dirt. The field goes on for miles and miles in all directions. I see, as Jesus saw, a plentiful harvest, waiting to be harvested. But to every harvest there is a season. This harvest, for now, is in the form of seeds. I see people planting and plowing. There are thousands of workers. They are sweating and tired. Each movement kicks up a cloud of dirt. But, overhead, I see a cloud beginning to form. The workers look up with great expectation yet continue to plow and to plant. Then, the cloud covers the entirety of the visible skyline. Thunder rumbles throughout the field – it is the sound of worship. Then, it begins to rain. Immediately, the harvest grows. The harvesters can’t move quickly enough to keep up with the growth. All of the seeds that were sown are now growing. The workers, wet with rain, are refreshed. They begin working at a more lively pace than ever before. The harvest yields greatly.
#2 The Harvest will Yield
But, among the good seeds, are bad seeds. They are seeds sown in the flesh and even seeds sown from demonic strategy.
“Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.“ - Matthew 13:24-26
But the wisdom of God, not wanting to lose the harvest, allows for both to grow. I’ll explain this on the next point.
However, when the harvest comes, both the good and bad seeds will grow.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.“ - Galatians 6:7
What you’re sowing now will grow. Are you sowing of the spirit or of the secular? Are you building a church or a self-help club? Are you after man’s programs or God’s power? What is not of the spirit will not stand when the times change.
The church you’re building – will it be overcome by the times? Will it be deceived by the times? Or will it yield God’s harvest in the times?
Do you want the seeds you’ve been planting to grow or do you fear them being realized? Listen carefully. The rain is coming. You will reap a harvest. God is merciful, and there is still time to begin sowing rightly. But what you sow will become a harvest.
#3 The Weeds will be Exposed
“So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” - Matthew 13:27-30
The tares mentioned here were a type of rye-grass. This specific kind of rye-grass bore a very close resemblance to wheat. Only when the ear appeared could they be told apart from the wheat. Only when it came time to harvest could they be separated.
What looks like God’s church may not be God’s church. What looks like God’s actions may only be man’s. I’m not making a specific reference to anyone or anything. I’m simply telling you that much of what looks like the harvest just may not be the harvest.
Keep your heart right, and you have nothing to fear. Remain in God’s presence, and, when the harvest comes, you will rejoice.
Think About It,

David Diga Hernandez 

From his website, here and here.
[Note: This word is also available as in a video format:] 


The Rain of Heaven

[Editor’s Note: This word is not specific to the Northwest – other than the fact that the Northwest is expert on the subject of rain – but it has great application to us here in the Northwest.] 
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.“
– Galatians 6:9
I foresee a great move of God, such as we have never before seen.
There is a due season of great harvest. There is a timing to all sovereign moves of God. Looking back and observing the history of the Church, I’ve come to see that God knows how to yield the greatest harvest from any generation.
Some say that we shouldn’t wait for revival, stressing that we should rather be revival. And that’s a valid point. Should we be inactive? No! In fact, laziness and wickedness seem to be synonymous to God. But the truth is that even with all of our efforts and obedience, only God can bring the rain. So we should find a healthy balance that avoids the extremes of both laziness and independence.
In this season, we will see many saved. In this season, we will see many healed. In this season, we will accomplish many good things and bear much fruit. But there’s nothing like when God brings the rain. You can plow and plant all you want – but only God can bring the rain.
There is no formula for this. There are no step-by-step keys. There is no secret. It’s really just God. But we must plow and plant. Otherwise, when it rains, what will grow? This is the partnership of man and God: We do the possible. He does the impossible.
Waiting on God does not mean inactivity. In fact, if you believe that it’s going to rain, you need to plant the seeds and plow the ground. Don’t wait around. Otherwise, when God moves, you’ll weep and not reap.
But what seeds are you planting? Are they truly spiritual seeds? Are you building a church or an organization? A church or a club? Do you seek righteousness or relevance? Are you praying for the sick? Are you casting out demons?
Whatever the seeds you are planting, you can be sure that they will become a harvest. But what sort of harvest are you going to reap? Will it be good or will it be God? Are you sowing the seeds of programs or power? Attendance or anointing? Methods or miracles? Tolerance or truth?
Don’t grow weary. Plant what God tells you to plant. The rain is coming.
3 Outcomes of the Outpouring
Last week, I wrote of a coming revival that I foresee. I encouraged my readers to continue planting seeds and plowing the ground. The rain is most certainly coming.
But I want to prepare you for what’s coming. Just like the return of Christ, all pivotal and divine actions are both a joy and a terror. The scripture uses the term, “Great and terrible”. Everyone knows that something big is coming. Major, global changes are just around the corner.
As of now, I don’t know what the condition of the nations will be during the rain (the outpouring). Though I do suspect that hostility towards the Church will continue to grow until the final appearing of Christ, I don’t believe that full-blown persecution will arrive in the United Statesbefore the next great outpouring. But persecution may come as a result of the incredible shaking that revival will bring to this nation. Again, God has not spoken to me in that regard. I am only speculating at this point. But what was made clear to me was this: “You’ve sown the seeds. I’m about to bring the rain.”
Church, the rain is coming. And these 3 things will come as a result.
#1 The Workers will be Refreshed
“And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled. Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.” – Acts 3:17-21
There seems to be a chronology here. Firstly, Christ’s suffering is fulfilled. Then, after repentance, times of refreshing come. And then Christ is sent again. But “Heaven must receive [Him] until the time for restoring all the things…” Christ’s return is preceded by a time of great refreshing.
When the rain comes, the workers of the field will be refreshed. As of right now, ministers and Christian leaders are exhausted. Look at the sad statistics:
45% of pastors say that they’ve experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry. 1,500 pastors leave their ministries each month due to burnout, conflict, or moral failure. 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years. 4,000 new churches begin each year while 7,000 churches close.
Am I saying that there is no refreshment for now? Am I saying we are powerless until the next great outpouring? Of course not! Yes, we are to, to some degree, be the revival we desire to see. I addressed this in last week’s blog. But there is certainly a time of fresh outpouring that brings about a greater time of refreshing. I see an open field of very dry dirt. The field goes on for miles and miles in all directions. I see, as Jesus saw, a plentiful harvest, waiting to be harvested. But to every harvest there is a season. This harvest, for now, is in the form of seeds. I see people planting and plowing. There are thousands of workers. They are sweating and tired. Each movement kicks up a cloud of dirt. But, overhead, I see a cloud beginning to form. The workers look up with great expectation yet continue to plow and to plant. Then, the cloud covers the entirety of the visible skyline. Thunder rumbles throughout the field – it is the sound of worship. Then, it begins to rain. Immediately, the harvest grows. The harvesters can’t move quickly enough to keep up with the growth. All of the seeds that were sown are now growing. The workers, wet with rain, are refreshed. They begin working at a more lively pace than ever before. The harvest yields greatly.
#2 The Harvest will Yield
But, among the good seeds, are bad seeds. They are seeds sown in the flesh and even seeds sown from demonic strategy.
“Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.“ – Matthew 13:24-26
But the wisdom of God, not wanting to lose the harvest, allows for both to grow. I’ll explain this on the next point.
However, when the harvest comes, both the good and bad seeds will grow.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.“ – Galatians 6:7
What you’re sowing now will grow. Are you sowing of the spirit or of the secular? Are you building a church or a self-help club? Are you after man’s programs or God’s power? What is not of the spirit will not stand when the times change.
The church you’re building – will it be overcome by the times? Will it be deceived by the times? Or will it yield God’s harvest in the times?
Do you want the seeds you’ve been planting to grow or do you fear them being realized? Listen carefully. The rain is coming. You will reap a harvest. God is merciful, and there is still time to begin sowing rightly. But what you sow will become a harvest.
#3 The Weeds will be Exposed
“So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” – Matthew 13:27-30
The tares mentioned here were a type of rye-grass. This specific kind of rye-grass bore a very close resemblance to wheat. Only when the ear appeared could they be told apart from the wheat. Only when it came time to harvest could they be separated.
What looks like God’s church may not be God’s church. What looks like God’s actions may only be man’s. I’m not making a specific reference to anyone or anything. I’m simply telling you that much of what looks like the harvest just may not be the harvest.
Keep your heart right, and you have nothing to fear. Remain in God’s presence, and, when the harvest comes, you will rejoice.
Think About It,

David Diga Hernandez 

From his website, here and here.
[Note: This word is also available as in a video format:] 


The Rain of Heaven

[Editor's Note: This word is not specific to the Northwest - other than the fact that the Northwest is expert on the subject of rain - but it has great application to us here in the Northwest.] 

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.“
- Galatians 6:9
I foresee a great move of God, such as we have never before seen.
There is a due season of great harvest. There is a timing to all sovereign moves of God. Looking back and observing the history of the Church, I’ve come to see that God knows how to yield the greatest harvest from any generation.
Some say that we shouldn’t wait for revival, stressing that we should rather be revival. And that’s a valid point. Should we be inactive? No! In fact, laziness and wickedness seem to be synonymous to God. But the truth is that even with all of our efforts and obedience, only God can bring the rain. So we should find a healthy balance that avoids the extremes of both laziness and independence.
In this season, we will see many saved. In this season, we will see many healed. In this season, we will accomplish many good things and bear much fruit. But there’s nothing like when God brings the rain. You can plow and plant all you want – but only God can bring the rain.
There is no formula for this. There are no step-by-step keys. There is no secret. It’s really just God. But we must plow and plant. Otherwise, when it rains, what will grow? This is the partnership of man and God: We do the possible. He does the impossible.
Waiting on God does not mean inactivity. In fact, if you believe that it’s going to rain, you need to plant the seeds and plow the ground. Don’t wait around. Otherwise, when God moves, you’ll weep and not reap.
But what seeds are you planting? Are they truly spiritual seeds? Are you building a church or an organization? A church or a club? Do you seek righteousness or relevance? Are you praying for the sick? Are you casting out demons?
Whatever the seeds you are planting, you can be sure that they will become a harvest. But what sort of harvest are you going to reap? Will it be good or will it be God? Are you sowing the seeds of programs or power? Attendance or anointing? Methods or miracles? Tolerance or truth?
Don’t grow weary. Plant what God tells you to plant. The rain is coming.
3 Outcomes of the Outpouring
Last week, I wrote of a coming revival that I foresee. I encouraged my readers to continue planting seeds and plowing the ground. The rain is most certainly coming.
But I want to prepare you for what’s coming. Just like the return of Christ, all pivotal and divine actions are both a joy and a terror. The scripture uses the term, “Great and terrible”. Everyone knows that something big is coming. Major, global changes are just around the corner.
As of now, I don’t know what the condition of the nations will be during the rain (the outpouring). Though I do suspect that hostility towards the Church will continue to grow until the final appearing of Christ, I don’t believe that full-blown persecution will arrive in the United Statesbefore the next great outpouring. But persecution may come as a result of the incredible shaking that revival will bring to this nation. Again, God has not spoken to me in that regard. I am only speculating at this point. But what was made clear to me was this: “You’ve sown the seeds. I’m about to bring the rain.”
Church, the rain is coming. And these 3 things will come as a result.
#1 The Workers will be Refreshed
“And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled. Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.” - Acts 3:17-21

There seems to be a chronology here. Firstly, Christ’s suffering is fulfilled. Then, after repentance, times of refreshing come. And then Christ is sent again. But “Heaven must receive [Him] until the time for restoring all the things…” Christ’s return is preceded by a time of great refreshing.
When the rain comes, the workers of the field will be refreshed. As of right now, ministers and Christian leaders are exhausted. Look at the sad statistics:
45% of pastors say that they’ve experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry. 1,500 pastors leave their ministries each month due to burnout, conflict, or moral failure. 50% of the ministers starting out will not last 5 years. 4,000 new churches begin each year while 7,000 churches close.
Am I saying that there is no refreshment for now? Am I saying we are powerless until the next great outpouring? Of course not! Yes, we are to, to some degree, be the revival we desire to see. I addressed this in last week’s blog. But there is certainly a time of fresh outpouring that brings about a greater time of refreshing. I see an open field of very dry dirt. The field goes on for miles and miles in all directions. I see, as Jesus saw, a plentiful harvest, waiting to be harvested. But to every harvest there is a season. This harvest, for now, is in the form of seeds. I see people planting and plowing. There are thousands of workers. They are sweating and tired. Each movement kicks up a cloud of dirt. But, overhead, I see a cloud beginning to form. The workers look up with great expectation yet continue to plow and to plant. Then, the cloud covers the entirety of the visible skyline. Thunder rumbles throughout the field – it is the sound of worship. Then, it begins to rain. Immediately, the harvest grows. The harvesters can’t move quickly enough to keep up with the growth. All of the seeds that were sown are now growing. The workers, wet with rain, are refreshed. They begin working at a more lively pace than ever before. The harvest yields greatly.
#2 The Harvest will Yield
But, among the good seeds, are bad seeds. They are seeds sown in the flesh and even seeds sown from demonic strategy.
“Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.“ - Matthew 13:24-26
But the wisdom of God, not wanting to lose the harvest, allows for both to grow. I’ll explain this on the next point.
However, when the harvest comes, both the good and bad seeds will grow.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.“ - Galatians 6:7
What you’re sowing now will grow. Are you sowing of the spirit or of the secular? Are you building a church or a self-help club? Are you after man’s programs or God’s power? What is not of the spirit will not stand when the times change.
The church you’re building – will it be overcome by the times? Will it be deceived by the times? Or will it yield God’s harvest in the times?
Do you want the seeds you’ve been planting to grow or do you fear them being realized? Listen carefully. The rain is coming. You will reap a harvest. God is merciful, and there is still time to begin sowing rightly. But what you sow will become a harvest.
#3 The Weeds will be Exposed
“So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, ‘First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” - Matthew 13:27-30
The tares mentioned here were a type of rye-grass. This specific kind of rye-grass bore a very close resemblance to wheat. Only when the ear appeared could they be told apart from the wheat. Only when it came time to harvest could they be separated.
What looks like God’s church may not be God’s church. What looks like God’s actions may only be man’s. I’m not making a specific reference to anyone or anything. I’m simply telling you that much of what looks like the harvest just may not be the harvest.
Keep your heart right, and you have nothing to fear. Remain in God’s presence, and, when the harvest comes, you will rejoice.
Think About It,

David Diga Hernandez 

From his website, here and here.
[Note: This word is also available as in a video format:] 


God’s Time of Preparation and Purpose

Editor’s note: This word from Kathi Pelton comes from the greater Pacific Northwest. It has application personally, regionally and in the broader community.
I have had a stirring in my spirit the past few months regarding the new season that the Body of Christ has entered. I keep hearing the words: "The old and the new are merging as one."As I was waiting on the Lord the morning of August 17th, I heard Him speak these words:

A Personal Word for God's People
"My people have entered into a time of great purpose and preparation. I am preparing My yielded ones to be a landing strip that receives all that I desire to bring forth in this strategic time in history. I am clearing the debris in order to make room for the things of Heaven to come to Earth. I am clearing both lives and land that were created to be green pastures in the days to come.

"Disappointments and hope deferred have taken root, causing thorn bushes to overtake many who are called for such a time as this. I am removing the root of bitter disappointment in those who will respond to My invitation to restoration. I have sent My angels to usher you to the green pastures of My Spirit where you will be healed, nourished and restored."

A Corporate Word for Lands and Nations

The Lord says, "I am revealing and restoring ancient gates at this time. These ancient gates have been long forgotten and forsaken, but I am once again revealing them to those who have eyes to see what My Spirit is doing. I am sending My chosen ones to repair the ancient gates.

"Like in the days of Nehemiah, when the city walls were in disrepair, I am sending many to the lands where ancient gates are located. These are places where The King of Glory will appear in order to accomplish My end-time purposes. These Heavenly gates have existed from the very beginning of time and the time of their opening is near.

"I have places throughout the Earth where I am opening up portals of Heavenly supply for the preparation of the Great Harvest that is coming soon. There are lands of promise and places of strategic purpose that I will lead both individuals and ministries to dwell in. I am preparing places that will be storehouses for My people at this time.

"The ancient and the new are merging as one in this hour; the beginning and the end are intersecting. In the midst of violent times I am establishing peace and bringing forth peace makers and peace keepers. In the midst of drought I will pour out My latter rain."

The Lord says, "Even now I am recruiting those who are willing to leave all and follow where I will lead them. They will be sent to the ancient gates, the predestined cities where peace, purpose and praise will open the gates and restore the land. These sent ones will not fear the evil one; they will overcome him through their faith, their trust and their obedience to My voice. Faith's assurance will be their strength."

The Coming Harvest: A Word for the Body

A great harvest is coming to Earth and God is preparing both people and places. As the Lord has spoken, there will be storehouses established in this new season. I believe that these storehouses will be both small and large

Some will be in homes and on personal properties, while others will be in cities and on large property owned by Christian ministries and businessmen and women. There are workers, even now, being called to be a part of what the Lord is building in preparation at this time. I hear the Spirit speaking these words of encouragement:

"I, the Lord, will provide for all the work of preparation. I will bring wealth to the storehouses and to those who are called to be gatekeepers and those who are called to repair the walls. I will raise up those who have wealth to support those who are preparing the way and clearing the land for My great harvest. Do not miss the time of My invitation. Do not miss this time of great purpose and preparation. You are My chosen ones."

Submitted in love,

Kathi Pelton
Oceans In The Desert

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God’s Time of Preparation and Purpose

Editor’s note: This word from Kathi Pelton comes from the greater Pacific Northwest. It has application personally, regionally and in the broader community.
I have had a stirring in my spirit the past few months regarding the new season that the Body of Christ has entered. I keep hearing the words: “The old and the new are merging as one.”As I was waiting on the Lord the morning of August 17th, I heard Him speak these words:
A Personal Word for God’s People

“My people have entered into a time of great purpose and preparation. I am preparing My yielded ones to be a landing strip that receives all that I desire to bring forth in this strategic time in history. I am clearing the debris in order to make room for the things of Heaven to come to Earth. I am clearing both lives and land that were created to be green pastures in the days to come.

“Disappointments and hope deferred have taken root, causing thorn bushes to overtake many who are called for such a time as this. I am removing the root of bitter disappointment in those who will respond to My invitation to restoration. I have sent My angels to usher you to the green pastures of My Spirit where you will be healed, nourished and restored.”
A Corporate Word for Lands and Nations
The Lord says, “I am revealing and restoring ancient gates at this time. These ancient gates have been long forgotten and forsaken, but I am once again revealing them to those who have eyes to see what My Spirit is doing. I am sending My chosen ones to repair the ancient gates.
“Like in the days of Nehemiah, when the city walls were in disrepair, I am sending many to the lands where ancient gates are located. These are places where The King of Glory will appear in order to accomplish My end-time purposes. These Heavenly gates have existed from the very beginning of time and the time of their opening is near.
“I have places throughout the Earth where I am opening up portals of Heavenly supply for the preparation of the Great Harvest that is coming soon. There are lands of promise and places of strategic purpose that I will lead both individuals and ministries to dwell in. I am preparing places that will be storehouses for My people at this time.
“The ancient and the new are merging as one in this hour; the beginning and the end are intersecting. In the midst of violent times I am establishing peace and bringing forth peace makers and peace keepers. In the midst of drought I will pour out My latter rain.”
The Lord says, “Even now I am recruiting those who are willing to leave all and follow where I will lead them. They will be sent to the ancient gates, the predestined cities where peace, purpose and praise will open the gates and restore the land. These sent ones will not fear the evil one; they will overcome him through their faith, their trust and their obedience to My voice. Faith’s assurance will be their strength.”
The Coming Harvest: A Word for the Body
A great harvest is coming to Earth and God is preparing both people and places. As the Lord has spoken, there will be storehouses established in this new season. I believe that these storehouses will be both small and large
Some will be in homes and on personal properties, while others will be in cities and on large property owned by Christian ministries and businessmen and women. There are workers, even now, being called to be a part of what the Lord is building in preparation at this time. I hear the Spirit speaking these words of encouragement:
“I, the Lord, will provide for all the work of preparation. I will bring wealth to the storehouses and to those who are called to be gatekeepers and those who are called to repair the walls. I will raise up those who have wealth to support those who are preparing the way and clearing the land for My great harvest. Do not miss the time of My invitation. Do not miss this time of great purpose and preparation. You are My chosen ones.”

Submitted in love,
Kathi Pelton
Oceans In The Desert
Come join in the conversation at

God’s Time of Preparation and Purpose

Editor’s note: This word from Kathi Pelton comes from the greater Pacific Northwest. It has application personally, regionally and in the broader community.
I have had a stirring in my spirit the past few months regarding the new season that the Body of Christ has entered. I keep hearing the words: "The old and the new are merging as one."As I was waiting on the Lord the morning of August 17th, I heard Him speak these words:

A Personal Word for God's People
"My people have entered into a time of great purpose and preparation. I am preparing My yielded ones to be a landing strip that receives all that I desire to bring forth in this strategic time in history. I am clearing the debris in order to make room for the things of Heaven to come to Earth. I am clearing both lives and land that were created to be green pastures in the days to come.

"Disappointments and hope deferred have taken root, causing thorn bushes to overtake many who are called for such a time as this. I am removing the root of bitter disappointment in those who will respond to My invitation to restoration. I have sent My angels to usher you to the green pastures of My Spirit where you will be healed, nourished and restored."

A Corporate Word for Lands and Nations

The Lord says, "I am revealing and restoring ancient gates at this time. These ancient gates have been long forgotten and forsaken, but I am once again revealing them to those who have eyes to see what My Spirit is doing. I am sending My chosen ones to repair the ancient gates.

"Like in the days of Nehemiah, when the city walls were in disrepair, I am sending many to the lands where ancient gates are located. These are places where The King of Glory will appear in order to accomplish My end-time purposes. These Heavenly gates have existed from the very beginning of time and the time of their opening is near.

"I have places throughout the Earth where I am opening up portals of Heavenly supply for the preparation of the Great Harvest that is coming soon. There are lands of promise and places of strategic purpose that I will lead both individuals and ministries to dwell in. I am preparing places that will be storehouses for My people at this time.

"The ancient and the new are merging as one in this hour; the beginning and the end are intersecting. In the midst of violent times I am establishing peace and bringing forth peace makers and peace keepers. In the midst of drought I will pour out My latter rain."

The Lord says, "Even now I am recruiting those who are willing to leave all and follow where I will lead them. They will be sent to the ancient gates, the predestined cities where peace, purpose and praise will open the gates and restore the land. These sent ones will not fear the evil one; they will overcome him through their faith, their trust and their obedience to My voice. Faith's assurance will be their strength."

The Coming Harvest: A Word for the Body

A great harvest is coming to Earth and God is preparing both people and places. As the Lord has spoken, there will be storehouses established in this new season. I believe that these storehouses will be both small and large

Some will be in homes and on personal properties, while others will be in cities and on large property owned by Christian ministries and businessmen and women. There are workers, even now, being called to be a part of what the Lord is building in preparation at this time. I hear the Spirit speaking these words of encouragement:

"I, the Lord, will provide for all the work of preparation. I will bring wealth to the storehouses and to those who are called to be gatekeepers and those who are called to repair the walls. I will raise up those who have wealth to support those who are preparing the way and clearing the land for My great harvest. Do not miss the time of My invitation. Do not miss this time of great purpose and preparation. You are My chosen ones."

Submitted in love,

Kathi Pelton
Oceans In The Desert

Come join in the conversation at
