Home & Garden, Tips & How To

Fall Mantel

It's a dark, rainy day here in Michigan.  But inside I'm brightening it up with some Fall color.

We have two fireplaces in our living room~dining room~family room area so I'm always wanting to come up with new ideas to decorate them both.  I want them to coordinate but not be the same.

I've used this basket on our front door before and had planned on using it again this Fall but suddenly got the idea that I'd enjoy it much more above our mantel in the family room.

I filled it first with eucalyptus.  It smells wonderful and I was surprised that I could smell it clear across the room!  I then added some faux fall leaves, some burlap hydrangeas and burlap sunflowers.
The ceilings are high in this room so I love having something a little over-sized here.
I added the wood and metal wall art, that used to be on my kitchen wall, behind the basket, and a few of my candle sticks and a basket pumpkin.
So sorry for these dark pictures.   The sun is supposed to shine tomorrow!  :)
Have a wonderful, long weekend!

love and blessings~

"May He come down like rain upon the mown grass, like showers that water the earth." Psalms 72:6

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Home & Garden, Tips & How To

Fall Mantel

It's a dark, rainy day here in Michigan.  But inside I'm brightening it up with some Fall color.

We have two fireplaces in our living room~dining room~family room area so I'm always wanting to come up with new ideas to decorate them both.  I want them to coordinate but not be the same.

I've used this basket on our front door before and had planned on using it again this Fall but suddenly got the idea that I'd enjoy it much more above our mantel in the family room.

I filled it first with eucalyptus.  It smells wonderful and I was surprised that I could smell it clear across the room!  I then added some faux fall leaves, some burlap hydrangeas and burlap sunflowers.
The ceilings are high in this room so I love having something a little over-sized here.
I added the wood and metal wall art, that used to be on my kitchen wall, behind the basket, and a few of my candle sticks and a basket pumpkin.
So sorry for these dark pictures.   The sun is supposed to shine tomorrow!  :)
Have a wonderful, long weekend!

love and blessings~

"May He come down like rain upon the mown grass, like showers that water the earth." Psalms 72:6

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