Democrats are in full-swing takeover mode and they aren’t sneaking past anyone. Their Regressive-Feudalist base knows it and supports it. The Conservatives know it. Trump knows it. It is an act of desperation from the Democratic Party machine that seeks permanently-dependent classes—and now, apparently, permanently-dependent States.
Polls argue that Trump is ahead in Michigan. But, Michigan residents will likely blame Michigan’s current disaster on Gretchen “Whitless” Whitmer, who is the Democratic VP Nominee Apparent. Biden needs her from such a battleground because he doesn’t stand a chance any other way.
The word is out about Bill Gates’s plans for depopulation—AKA mass genocide. Germans have had enough of uneeded lockdowns. One man held a sign adopted from the Tarantino film “Kill Bill” overlayed with a picture of the Microsoft Bill. The public will not go quietly into the night. Americans who oppose the lockdowns are by no means alone.
While Pelosi seeks to change election rules to accommodate for a virus, she clearly hopes to push this current crisis through November. · · · →