The last weekend of October, James Goll was speaking in Portland.
In the midst of that, he declared this prophetic word: the restoration of apostles & prophets who do not keep it to themselves but equip the saints to do the work of ministry.
We've heard this before. James' prophecy adds another prophetic target for intercessors, adds another measure of God's resource to accomplish what God is declaring.
James Goll, October 2016
Portland, OR
Tag Archives: apostles
James Goll, for Portland
The last weekend of October, James Goll was speaking in Portland.
In the midst of that, he declared this prophetic word: the restoration of apostles & prophets who do not keep it to themselves but equip the saints to do the work of ministry.
We've heard this before. James' prophecy adds another prophetic target for intercessors, adds another measure of God's resource to accomplish what God is declaring.
James Goll, October 2016
Portland, OR
In the midst of that, he declared this prophetic word: the restoration of apostles & prophets who do not keep it to themselves but equip the saints to do the work of ministry.
We've heard this before. James' prophecy adds another prophetic target for intercessors, adds another measure of God's resource to accomplish what God is declaring.
James Goll, October 2016
Portland, OR
James Goll, for Portland
The last weekend of October, James Goll was speaking in Portland.
In the midst of that, he declared this prophetic word: the restoration of apostles & prophets who do not keep it to themselves but equip the saints to do the work of ministry.
We've heard this before. James' prophecy adds another prophetic target for intercessors, adds another measure of God's resource to accomplish what God is declaring.
James Goll, October 2016
Portland, OR
In the midst of that, he declared this prophetic word: the restoration of apostles & prophets who do not keep it to themselves but equip the saints to do the work of ministry.
We've heard this before. James' prophecy adds another prophetic target for intercessors, adds another measure of God's resource to accomplish what God is declaring.
James Goll, October 2016
Portland, OR
Word of the Lord For 2016: The Year the Tide Turns
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX
Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has met annually before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that we now consider fully seasoned members of our round-table; their input is included into this word of the Lord.
The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets, as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. In the same way, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each brought to the roundtable meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2016, it should be noted that the ACPE believes the Lord speaks more in seasons, rather than our calendar years. In the past few years, we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words is continuing for several years and intensifying.
It is also important to note that intercession can diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment–and, in some cases, may avert the judgment all together (see Genesis 18:17-32; Amos 7:1-6). In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with the admonitions attached to them.
As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-13 and noted that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends given in those years. Let us reiterate, the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God's people respond.
One additional disclaimer–our meetings for 2016 took place November 16-18, 2015, and some of the events have already transpired.
Weather Patterns and Revival
There is going to be flooding in various parts of the United States, but in the midst of the tragedies, there will be a visitation of God to the affected regions. The Lord particularly spoke to us about flooding that would take place along the Mississippi River basin.
California is going to be significantly touched by the Spirit of the Lord as well. Even as the Jesus Movement was birthed there, this is also happening again. (At the time, we were not aware of the 1,000 year rainfall on Death Valley, CA! The desert is going to bloom like a rose!) The weather pattern, El Nino, is a sign that Christ, the anointed one, is birthing new moves of God in this state. This will even affect the political structures.
The Body of Christ will come into alignment with God's design for gifts to be released through His people. We will see the Church step into her fullness as the roles of prophet, priest, and king are manifested in our nations.
U.S. Politics
2016 is a tipping point year, and the Lord gave us a word that we were given another chance to recover the lost greatness of the nation.
The Lord strongly spoke to us that it was up to the Church taking our responsibility to pray and vote righteously that will determine the outcome. The Church must awaken, pray, and act (see 2 Chronicles 7:14).
We sought the Lord about the upcoming U.S. elections, and the Lord did not speak to us about who would be the next president. He did indicate that He was preparing a patriot, but we would have to pray earnestly.
The Lord also spoke that a conservative revolt would shake up the elections and cause even the months leading up to the elections to be tumultuous. Also, several words came forward about more surprising shake ups in the next three to six months (remember this was given in mid-November), including disfavor falling on one liberal leader.
There was a prophetic concern expressed that we have not done our job to steward the earth and have let others attach ungodly agendas to what should have been our job as creationists.
Justice issues are coming to the forefront, and the candidates that will fully please the Lord will speak to the marriage of righteousness and justice (see Psalm 89:14). A particular concern for the poor and human rights issues was emphasized (see Galatians 2:10). Judicial reform is on God's docket.
Racism and Riots
Hidden agendas will be revealed in those who are inflaming rioting, and it will shock the United States. Satan has a plan to stir up old pains to such a degree that it could cause a disruption at voting sites. An admonition to pray for peace before the elections is important to note.
Abortion is rooted in racism, and there will be even greater advances toward the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in the coming days. God has a case that, once presented in the courts, will make it extremely difficult to get an abortion in the nation.
Several words were given about the future dissolution of OPEC, which the Lord would allow to shake up the Middle East. There is a division coming between oil-producing nations; past cooperation is going to deteriorate and, in some cases, unravel. For the first time, we had words about the oil reserves being opened up in North America, which would shift the global scene significantly.
New Alliances Against Terrorism in Europe
New alliances will form between such nations as France, Germany, and England. Italy will come into this alliance at one point as they stand together against terrorism. All of Britain must stand guard, as should Germany–there is danger on the horizon from radicalized individuals.
The churches must pray; they are soft targets and need to move to be vigilant in protection.
Protecting the World Against War
For several years, we have been warned that satan wants to inflame a regional war into a world war. ISIS has become the new threat to the world and has declared itself to be at war with all the apostate nations. We must stand against this taking place on the scale that they desire. The world wars have always been about global domination, and this is no different–only the tactics are not engaged on traditional battle fronts as they were in past times.
We were given Psalm 37–where God deals with evildoers–in regards to ISIS, that the Lord will allow them to move for a season but will suddenly stop them. They will even penetrate Saudi Arabia in a significant way.
The Chinese will come on the scene as a great force against Islam in the coming days.
A great harvest of souls will take place in the Middle East as the Lord reveals His love and nature to those who are Muslims (see Joel 3:13, Luke 10:2). God loves the nations of the Middle East.
Appeal to Heaven
The prayer movements around the globe will stand up and make an "appeal to Heaven" to see God release both a reformation and revival that will produce awakening transformation. Many fasts will be called leading up to national elections.
There was a prophecy given about great political shifts taking place across Latin America, and we are already seeing that happen. New economic policies will be implemented that will start to break the back of poverty off the Spanish-speaking nations on a broad scale.
Flood of Violence
A flood of violence has been released across the earth. The enemy wants to stir up any unhealed places in people's hearts.
The riots are not over in the United States. We must pray for the United States, so there will not be mass riots that disrupt the elections.
Racism must be dealt with on all levels. The Church has been given the authority and the responsibility from the Lord to heal the nation and release the supernatural ministry of reconciliation.
There is a major clash of kingdoms taking place and a battle over whose throne will rule–God's Kingdom or the spirit of the anti-Christ. This clashing of kingdoms will work for good in that it will create a new unity in the Body of Christ on levels not previously seen. A sweet koinonia will develop between Church leaders and those in many other parts of society, as a result of the enemy's onslaught, such as took place in the book of Esther.
In the midst of a very difficult season for many and new levels of spiritual battle and oppression, the good news is that, as we claim Isaiah 59:19b, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him," the tide will turn against the enemies' plans, and a divine reversal will take place.
This is, in fact, one of the major reasons that the theme for this year is 2016: The Year the Tide Turns!
Kingdom Alignments
This is a season when there will be global Kingdom connections made; leaders from across the world will begin to function together behind the scenes. (This is not to be taken as a subversive, radicalized movement.)
"Daniels and Josephs" who have been preparing for years will step into places of favor and visibility in all seven mountains (spheres of society, for those unfamiliar with this terminology).
The reformation of nations is well on its way, and new ideas on how to establish Biblical economics on a national scale will be implemented. Africa will be a leader in this.
We also received the word Kingdom Church, as old independent spirits are put aside and new alliances are formed as one to stand for Kingdom purposes against ungodly agendas.
There will be connections between apostles and prophets that will result in prophetic words not only being released, but also implemented to see their fulfillments.
Major media outlets and secular businesses will call on prophets for insight and direction, instead of calling on mediums and psychics. A new level of visibility is coming to God's leaders that will influence the secular fields.
A renaissance is coming that will bring great change and cause nations to come alive! There is a hope revival where those who have been greatly discouraged will find a new grace and purpose for their lives. Prophetic Kingdom changers will bring about a renaissance, not only to the arts, but also to innovation and the way Believers function in society. Great visibility will come, and great glory will be given to God as this happens.
The Body of Christ will begin to manifest new levels of supernatural wisdom. Business leaders will be recognized for their wisdom and will be sought after–even by the world–as the "Issachars;" they will come into visible prominence as leaders in nations (see 1 Chronicles 12:32).
The Transference of Wealth and the Prophets
Dramatic Kingdom connections between the prophets and business leaders were reported, leading us to say that this is a new season. Prosperity will come with these alliances.
These connections will impact the formation of alternative economic paradigms that will both influence world markets and systems, as well as form new ones. For many years, we have prophesied about a coming "Lion's Market"–an alternative economic structure formed within the Body of Christ.
As has been the trend for the past several years, volatility will continue to be the new norm.
Concerning the Church, a shift in understanding of the connection between tithes and offerings and blessing will cause poverty to be broken off many Believers (see Malachi 3:8-10). Pastors will become bold and unashamed to teach on the subject of finances, and both the people and the Church will be blessed.
Prophetic Evangelists
We have been prophesying about the raising up of "Philip-type" evangelists who will go to areas where no one else wants to venture. There was a specific admonition about not being afraid to minister to the Muslims (see 2 Timothy 1:7).
There was a call for evangelists to go as missionaries to the refugees. Acts of compassion will be linked with the unashamed preaching of the Gospel. The Lord called these evangelists ambassadors of Kingdom kindness.
The prophetic evangelists are the revivalists of today. Many will be touched through street preaching, and those who go out of the Church into the highways and byways will boldly manifest the goodness of God through supernatural signs and wonders. The Heartland of the United States will be affected by this revival moves all along the Mississippi River.
There is a legacy awakening as current influential leaders are looking to leave a legacy behind and establish succession. Legacy conferences and teachings will abound as this is a current theme being released by the Holy Spirit.
Reformation unto Transformation
2016 is a hinge year where we are approaching the 500th anniversary of the Great Reformation, beginning in 1517, when Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany. What was once a reformation will now be the great transformation.
Angels, Angels, Angels
Whole armies of angels are being released into the earth to see these things prophesied come to pass. Many dreams were given about angelic hosts, and the good news is that angels will be sent to minister to individuals and nations (see Psalm 103:20-21; 1 Corinthians 13:1a; Hebrews 1:7, 14).
Native Americans
The whole group expressed a great excitement about the role of the Native Americans in the upcoming revival. An awakening sound is coming to the First Nations peoples; villages already are seeing revival, and this will continue on an even greater scale. The voice of Native Americans will sound as an awakening bell.
The Blood Moon is a Harvest Moon
The Blood Moons which occurred last year were a sign of a great harvest (see Acts 2:19). Many nations will start seeing tremendous awakenings and visitations from the Lord.
This year, there will be a significant increase in the clashing of kingdoms. California will be a prophetic picture of this clash. Persecution of Christians will continue, but we will see God start to release supernatural interventions. There is, in essence, a "conflict of thrones," as to who will rule in certain mountains or sectors of society. Deeply entrenched politicians who are corrupt have ruled in some of these areas for a long time and will not give up their influence without a fight.
A great move of the Holy Spirit upon children (ages 2-12) began in 2014, but will spread to other nations this year and will grow rapidly in intensity. They will be the "Samuels" of this generation and be very accurate in hearing God's voice.
Spain will become a focus for Islam. The Islamic spirit that ruled there during the times of the Moors will try to regain control but will be rebuffed.
A youth movement will arise in Japan. Great awakenings will happen on campuses. This once-hard-ground nation for the Gospel will begin to produce signs and wonders, and young revivalists will appear. In the midst of the economic shakings ahead for Japan, God's power will be evident.
India is going to see a great harvest of souls that will continue to increase in coming years.
The clash of kingdoms will manifest in Europe. The nations of Germany, France, and Scotland will begin to burn with great passion for the Lord. Europe's re-evangelization has begun!
A move of God among the Orthodox community will become evident. Cities such as Vladivostok will see the apostolic emerge and will affect the rest of the nation. Moscow will see a move of God among the youth, and large gatherings will take place to pray for the nation.
Pacific Rim
These nations will start to develop missions-sending ministries that will impact the rest of the world. The power of God will become evident in the Pacific Rim, like a spiritual tsunami that will begin to break down the strongholds of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.
Visitations, visitations, visitations! God is uniting Believers in Messiah from the Jewish and Arabic-speaking communities. This has released a powerful force of unity that is a "firewall" against the tide of terrorism and evil. Even though there is still a violent spirit in the region, this group together has great authority to pray and stop it in its course.
A new wave of those making Aliyah (when Jews from the west immigrate to Israel) will be seen (see Isaiah 11:11-12).
Middle East
Egypt is in a season of mercy where God wants to use this nation to be a voice against terrorism and violence. It is called to be a refuge nation even for those experiencing religious persecution.
The conflict of the different Islamic factions over who is going to rule the Middle East, Sunni or Shia, will sharply increase, and ISIS will become a greater thorn in the side of nations, even such as Saudi Arabia.
The Global Church
The connections across the world of the Global Church will increase and break down the political spirit. The love and unity of the Body of Christ is going to bring a manifestation of God's power to change nations. They will support the "Daniels and Josephs" who are moving into elected offices. This will be seen in a surprising way in Geneva and in the EU.
This connection between the Church and society led us to this quote from Winston Churchill:
One of the signs of a great society is the diligence with which it passes culture from one generation to the next. This culture is the embodiment of everything the people of that society hold dear; its religious faith, its heroes...when one generation no longer esteems its own heritage and fails to pass the torch to its children, it is saying that the very foundation and experiences that make the society is no longer valid. (Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill, p. 190)
In the midst of all of this connection between the Church and society, there will be an "agitation of old wineskins" and persecution of leaders who are trying to bring reformation. They will be accused of going "into the world" and abandoning their position in the local church. An admonition that the Church should not participate in this persecution is important to heed.
However, this will not be the predominant view, and denominational churches that have been historically opposed to Christians becoming involved in politics will be given an opportunity from God to make a shift.
Partnerships between born-again Believers in many denominations will develop as the Church truly becomes one. God will "rightly position" His people into strategic places of responsibility, and the church will support them in their societal roles.
This will include some divine interventions in which God will save and cause "game shifts" where people who could not seem to do anything right will seemingly not be able to do anything wrong.
Local Church
Pastors will begin to prioritize based on current events. Rather than planning based upon one local congregation, there will be an understanding that there are issues that the Body of Christ, in general, needs to deal with, and they will teach and train their people accordingly.
One of the key issues that the Lord prophetically spoke to us was that pastors are to be a major voice to deal with racial divides.
In addition, an admonition to be crisis-prepared and find a way to be the redemptive answer to the needs of society was brought by the Lord as an important issue.
The restoration of the family unit was also brought to the forefront. As the Body of Christ matures, so will family relationships. Fathers and mothers will teach their children to hear the voice of God.
Closing Exhortation
Jeremiah 27:18 states, "If they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them now entreat the Lord of hosts." Prophets do not only pronounce the word of the Lord; they in turn pray the revelatory promise back to the Father in Jesus' name! Let us bring the two hands of prayer and the prophetic together to see the birthing of God's promises in our generation.
Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations.
Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has met annually before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that we now consider fully seasoned members of our round-table; their input is included into this word of the Lord.
The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets, as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. In the same way, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each brought to the roundtable meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2016, it should be noted that the ACPE believes the Lord speaks more in seasons, rather than our calendar years. In the past few years, we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words is continuing for several years and intensifying.

As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-13 and noted that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends given in those years. Let us reiterate, the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God's people respond.
One additional disclaimer–our meetings for 2016 took place November 16-18, 2015, and some of the events have already transpired.
Weather Patterns and Revival
There is going to be flooding in various parts of the United States, but in the midst of the tragedies, there will be a visitation of God to the affected regions. The Lord particularly spoke to us about flooding that would take place along the Mississippi River basin.
California is going to be significantly touched by the Spirit of the Lord as well. Even as the Jesus Movement was birthed there, this is also happening again. (At the time, we were not aware of the 1,000 year rainfall on Death Valley, CA! The desert is going to bloom like a rose!) The weather pattern, El Nino, is a sign that Christ, the anointed one, is birthing new moves of God in this state. This will even affect the political structures.
The Body of Christ will come into alignment with God's design for gifts to be released through His people. We will see the Church step into her fullness as the roles of prophet, priest, and king are manifested in our nations.
U.S. Politics
2016 is a tipping point year, and the Lord gave us a word that we were given another chance to recover the lost greatness of the nation.
The Lord strongly spoke to us that it was up to the Church taking our responsibility to pray and vote righteously that will determine the outcome. The Church must awaken, pray, and act (see 2 Chronicles 7:14).
We sought the Lord about the upcoming U.S. elections, and the Lord did not speak to us about who would be the next president. He did indicate that He was preparing a patriot, but we would have to pray earnestly.
The Lord also spoke that a conservative revolt would shake up the elections and cause even the months leading up to the elections to be tumultuous. Also, several words came forward about more surprising shake ups in the next three to six months (remember this was given in mid-November), including disfavor falling on one liberal leader.
There was a prophetic concern expressed that we have not done our job to steward the earth and have let others attach ungodly agendas to what should have been our job as creationists.
Justice issues are coming to the forefront, and the candidates that will fully please the Lord will speak to the marriage of righteousness and justice (see Psalm 89:14). A particular concern for the poor and human rights issues was emphasized (see Galatians 2:10). Judicial reform is on God's docket.
Racism and Riots
Hidden agendas will be revealed in those who are inflaming rioting, and it will shock the United States. Satan has a plan to stir up old pains to such a degree that it could cause a disruption at voting sites. An admonition to pray for peace before the elections is important to note.
Abortion is rooted in racism, and there will be even greater advances toward the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in the coming days. God has a case that, once presented in the courts, will make it extremely difficult to get an abortion in the nation.
Several words were given about the future dissolution of OPEC, which the Lord would allow to shake up the Middle East. There is a division coming between oil-producing nations; past cooperation is going to deteriorate and, in some cases, unravel. For the first time, we had words about the oil reserves being opened up in North America, which would shift the global scene significantly.
New Alliances Against Terrorism in Europe
New alliances will form between such nations as France, Germany, and England. Italy will come into this alliance at one point as they stand together against terrorism. All of Britain must stand guard, as should Germany–there is danger on the horizon from radicalized individuals.
The churches must pray; they are soft targets and need to move to be vigilant in protection.
Protecting the World Against War
For several years, we have been warned that satan wants to inflame a regional war into a world war. ISIS has become the new threat to the world and has declared itself to be at war with all the apostate nations. We must stand against this taking place on the scale that they desire. The world wars have always been about global domination, and this is no different–only the tactics are not engaged on traditional battle fronts as they were in past times.
We were given Psalm 37–where God deals with evildoers–in regards to ISIS, that the Lord will allow them to move for a season but will suddenly stop them. They will even penetrate Saudi Arabia in a significant way.
The Chinese will come on the scene as a great force against Islam in the coming days.
A great harvest of souls will take place in the Middle East as the Lord reveals His love and nature to those who are Muslims (see Joel 3:13, Luke 10:2). God loves the nations of the Middle East.
Appeal to Heaven
The prayer movements around the globe will stand up and make an "appeal to Heaven" to see God release both a reformation and revival that will produce awakening transformation. Many fasts will be called leading up to national elections.
There was a prophecy given about great political shifts taking place across Latin America, and we are already seeing that happen. New economic policies will be implemented that will start to break the back of poverty off the Spanish-speaking nations on a broad scale.
Flood of Violence
A flood of violence has been released across the earth. The enemy wants to stir up any unhealed places in people's hearts.
The riots are not over in the United States. We must pray for the United States, so there will not be mass riots that disrupt the elections.
Racism must be dealt with on all levels. The Church has been given the authority and the responsibility from the Lord to heal the nation and release the supernatural ministry of reconciliation.
There is a major clash of kingdoms taking place and a battle over whose throne will rule–God's Kingdom or the spirit of the anti-Christ. This clashing of kingdoms will work for good in that it will create a new unity in the Body of Christ on levels not previously seen. A sweet koinonia will develop between Church leaders and those in many other parts of society, as a result of the enemy's onslaught, such as took place in the book of Esther.
In the midst of a very difficult season for many and new levels of spiritual battle and oppression, the good news is that, as we claim Isaiah 59:19b, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him," the tide will turn against the enemies' plans, and a divine reversal will take place.
This is, in fact, one of the major reasons that the theme for this year is 2016: The Year the Tide Turns!
Kingdom Alignments
This is a season when there will be global Kingdom connections made; leaders from across the world will begin to function together behind the scenes. (This is not to be taken as a subversive, radicalized movement.)
"Daniels and Josephs" who have been preparing for years will step into places of favor and visibility in all seven mountains (spheres of society, for those unfamiliar with this terminology).
The reformation of nations is well on its way, and new ideas on how to establish Biblical economics on a national scale will be implemented. Africa will be a leader in this.
We also received the word Kingdom Church, as old independent spirits are put aside and new alliances are formed as one to stand for Kingdom purposes against ungodly agendas.
There will be connections between apostles and prophets that will result in prophetic words not only being released, but also implemented to see their fulfillments.
Major media outlets and secular businesses will call on prophets for insight and direction, instead of calling on mediums and psychics. A new level of visibility is coming to God's leaders that will influence the secular fields.
A renaissance is coming that will bring great change and cause nations to come alive! There is a hope revival where those who have been greatly discouraged will find a new grace and purpose for their lives. Prophetic Kingdom changers will bring about a renaissance, not only to the arts, but also to innovation and the way Believers function in society. Great visibility will come, and great glory will be given to God as this happens.
The Body of Christ will begin to manifest new levels of supernatural wisdom. Business leaders will be recognized for their wisdom and will be sought after–even by the world–as the "Issachars;" they will come into visible prominence as leaders in nations (see 1 Chronicles 12:32).
The Transference of Wealth and the Prophets
Dramatic Kingdom connections between the prophets and business leaders were reported, leading us to say that this is a new season. Prosperity will come with these alliances.
These connections will impact the formation of alternative economic paradigms that will both influence world markets and systems, as well as form new ones. For many years, we have prophesied about a coming "Lion's Market"–an alternative economic structure formed within the Body of Christ.
As has been the trend for the past several years, volatility will continue to be the new norm.
Concerning the Church, a shift in understanding of the connection between tithes and offerings and blessing will cause poverty to be broken off many Believers (see Malachi 3:8-10). Pastors will become bold and unashamed to teach on the subject of finances, and both the people and the Church will be blessed.
Prophetic Evangelists
We have been prophesying about the raising up of "Philip-type" evangelists who will go to areas where no one else wants to venture. There was a specific admonition about not being afraid to minister to the Muslims (see 2 Timothy 1:7).
There was a call for evangelists to go as missionaries to the refugees. Acts of compassion will be linked with the unashamed preaching of the Gospel. The Lord called these evangelists ambassadors of Kingdom kindness.
The prophetic evangelists are the revivalists of today. Many will be touched through street preaching, and those who go out of the Church into the highways and byways will boldly manifest the goodness of God through supernatural signs and wonders. The Heartland of the United States will be affected by this revival moves all along the Mississippi River.
There is a legacy awakening as current influential leaders are looking to leave a legacy behind and establish succession. Legacy conferences and teachings will abound as this is a current theme being released by the Holy Spirit.
Reformation unto Transformation
2016 is a hinge year where we are approaching the 500th anniversary of the Great Reformation, beginning in 1517, when Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany. What was once a reformation will now be the great transformation.
Angels, Angels, Angels
Whole armies of angels are being released into the earth to see these things prophesied come to pass. Many dreams were given about angelic hosts, and the good news is that angels will be sent to minister to individuals and nations (see Psalm 103:20-21; 1 Corinthians 13:1a; Hebrews 1:7, 14).
Native Americans
The whole group expressed a great excitement about the role of the Native Americans in the upcoming revival. An awakening sound is coming to the First Nations peoples; villages already are seeing revival, and this will continue on an even greater scale. The voice of Native Americans will sound as an awakening bell.
The Blood Moon is a Harvest Moon
The Blood Moons which occurred last year were a sign of a great harvest (see Acts 2:19). Many nations will start seeing tremendous awakenings and visitations from the Lord.
This year, there will be a significant increase in the clashing of kingdoms. California will be a prophetic picture of this clash. Persecution of Christians will continue, but we will see God start to release supernatural interventions. There is, in essence, a "conflict of thrones," as to who will rule in certain mountains or sectors of society. Deeply entrenched politicians who are corrupt have ruled in some of these areas for a long time and will not give up their influence without a fight.
A great move of the Holy Spirit upon children (ages 2-12) began in 2014, but will spread to other nations this year and will grow rapidly in intensity. They will be the "Samuels" of this generation and be very accurate in hearing God's voice.
Spain will become a focus for Islam. The Islamic spirit that ruled there during the times of the Moors will try to regain control but will be rebuffed.
A youth movement will arise in Japan. Great awakenings will happen on campuses. This once-hard-ground nation for the Gospel will begin to produce signs and wonders, and young revivalists will appear. In the midst of the economic shakings ahead for Japan, God's power will be evident.
India is going to see a great harvest of souls that will continue to increase in coming years.
The clash of kingdoms will manifest in Europe. The nations of Germany, France, and Scotland will begin to burn with great passion for the Lord. Europe's re-evangelization has begun!
A move of God among the Orthodox community will become evident. Cities such as Vladivostok will see the apostolic emerge and will affect the rest of the nation. Moscow will see a move of God among the youth, and large gatherings will take place to pray for the nation.
Pacific Rim
These nations will start to develop missions-sending ministries that will impact the rest of the world. The power of God will become evident in the Pacific Rim, like a spiritual tsunami that will begin to break down the strongholds of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.
Visitations, visitations, visitations! God is uniting Believers in Messiah from the Jewish and Arabic-speaking communities. This has released a powerful force of unity that is a "firewall" against the tide of terrorism and evil. Even though there is still a violent spirit in the region, this group together has great authority to pray and stop it in its course.
A new wave of those making Aliyah (when Jews from the west immigrate to Israel) will be seen (see Isaiah 11:11-12).
Middle East
Egypt is in a season of mercy where God wants to use this nation to be a voice against terrorism and violence. It is called to be a refuge nation even for those experiencing religious persecution.
The conflict of the different Islamic factions over who is going to rule the Middle East, Sunni or Shia, will sharply increase, and ISIS will become a greater thorn in the side of nations, even such as Saudi Arabia.
The Global Church
The connections across the world of the Global Church will increase and break down the political spirit. The love and unity of the Body of Christ is going to bring a manifestation of God's power to change nations. They will support the "Daniels and Josephs" who are moving into elected offices. This will be seen in a surprising way in Geneva and in the EU.
This connection between the Church and society led us to this quote from Winston Churchill:
One of the signs of a great society is the diligence with which it passes culture from one generation to the next. This culture is the embodiment of everything the people of that society hold dear; its religious faith, its heroes...when one generation no longer esteems its own heritage and fails to pass the torch to its children, it is saying that the very foundation and experiences that make the society is no longer valid. (Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill, p. 190)
In the midst of all of this connection between the Church and society, there will be an "agitation of old wineskins" and persecution of leaders who are trying to bring reformation. They will be accused of going "into the world" and abandoning their position in the local church. An admonition that the Church should not participate in this persecution is important to heed.
However, this will not be the predominant view, and denominational churches that have been historically opposed to Christians becoming involved in politics will be given an opportunity from God to make a shift.
Partnerships between born-again Believers in many denominations will develop as the Church truly becomes one. God will "rightly position" His people into strategic places of responsibility, and the church will support them in their societal roles.
This will include some divine interventions in which God will save and cause "game shifts" where people who could not seem to do anything right will seemingly not be able to do anything wrong.
Local Church
Pastors will begin to prioritize based on current events. Rather than planning based upon one local congregation, there will be an understanding that there are issues that the Body of Christ, in general, needs to deal with, and they will teach and train their people accordingly.
One of the key issues that the Lord prophetically spoke to us was that pastors are to be a major voice to deal with racial divides.
In addition, an admonition to be crisis-prepared and find a way to be the redemptive answer to the needs of society was brought by the Lord as an important issue.
The restoration of the family unit was also brought to the forefront. As the Body of Christ matures, so will family relationships. Fathers and mothers will teach their children to hear the voice of God.
Closing Exhortation
Jeremiah 27:18 states, "If they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them now entreat the Lord of hosts." Prophets do not only pronounce the word of the Lord; they in turn pray the revelatory promise back to the Father in Jesus' name! Let us bring the two hands of prayer and the prophetic together to see the birthing of God's promises in our generation.
Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations.
Word of the Lord For 2016: The Year the Tide Turns
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX
Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has met annually before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that we now consider fully seasoned members of our round-table; their input is included into this word of the Lord.
The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets, as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. In the same way, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each brought to the roundtable meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2016, it should be noted that the ACPE believes the Lord speaks more in seasons, rather than our calendar years. In the past few years, we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words is continuing for several years and intensifying.
It is also important to note that intercession can diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment–and, in some cases, may avert the judgment all together (see Genesis 18:17-32; Amos 7:1-6). In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with the admonitions attached to them.
As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-13 and noted that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends given in those years. Let us reiterate, the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God's people respond.
One additional disclaimer–our meetings for 2016 took place November 16-18, 2015, and some of the events have already transpired.
Weather Patterns and Revival
There is going to be flooding in various parts of the United States, but in the midst of the tragedies, there will be a visitation of God to the affected regions. The Lord particularly spoke to us about flooding that would take place along the Mississippi River basin.
California is going to be significantly touched by the Spirit of the Lord as well. Even as the Jesus Movement was birthed there, this is also happening again. (At the time, we were not aware of the 1,000 year rainfall on Death Valley, CA! The desert is going to bloom like a rose!) The weather pattern, El Nino, is a sign that Christ, the anointed one, is birthing new moves of God in this state. This will even affect the political structures.
The Body of Christ will come into alignment with God's design for gifts to be released through His people. We will see the Church step into her fullness as the roles of prophet, priest, and king are manifested in our nations.
U.S. Politics
2016 is a tipping point year, and the Lord gave us a word that we were given another chance to recover the lost greatness of the nation.
The Lord strongly spoke to us that it was up to the Church taking our responsibility to pray and vote righteously that will determine the outcome. The Church must awaken, pray, and act (see 2 Chronicles 7:14).
We sought the Lord about the upcoming U.S. elections, and the Lord did not speak to us about who would be the next president. He did indicate that He was preparing a patriot, but we would have to pray earnestly.
The Lord also spoke that a conservative revolt would shake up the elections and cause even the months leading up to the elections to be tumultuous. Also, several words came forward about more surprising shake ups in the next three to six months (remember this was given in mid-November), including disfavor falling on one liberal leader.
There was a prophetic concern expressed that we have not done our job to steward the earth and have let others attach ungodly agendas to what should have been our job as creationists.
Justice issues are coming to the forefront, and the candidates that will fully please the Lord will speak to the marriage of righteousness and justice (see Psalm 89:14). A particular concern for the poor and human rights issues was emphasized (see Galatians 2:10). Judicial reform is on God's docket.
Racism and Riots
Hidden agendas will be revealed in those who are inflaming rioting, and it will shock the United States. Satan has a plan to stir up old pains to such a degree that it could cause a disruption at voting sites. An admonition to pray for peace before the elections is important to note.
Abortion is rooted in racism, and there will be even greater advances toward the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in the coming days. God has a case that, once presented in the courts, will make it extremely difficult to get an abortion in the nation.
Several words were given about the future dissolution of OPEC, which the Lord would allow to shake up the Middle East. There is a division coming between oil-producing nations; past cooperation is going to deteriorate and, in some cases, unravel. For the first time, we had words about the oil reserves being opened up in North America, which would shift the global scene significantly.
New Alliances Against Terrorism in Europe
New alliances will form between such nations as France, Germany, and England. Italy will come into this alliance at one point as they stand together against terrorism. All of Britain must stand guard, as should Germany–there is danger on the horizon from radicalized individuals.
The churches must pray; they are soft targets and need to move to be vigilant in protection.
Protecting the World Against War
For several years, we have been warned that satan wants to inflame a regional war into a world war. ISIS has become the new threat to the world and has declared itself to be at war with all the apostate nations. We must stand against this taking place on the scale that they desire. The world wars have always been about global domination, and this is no different–only the tactics are not engaged on traditional battle fronts as they were in past times.
We were given Psalm 37–where God deals with evildoers–in regards to ISIS, that the Lord will allow them to move for a season but will suddenly stop them. They will even penetrate Saudi Arabia in a significant way.
The Chinese will come on the scene as a great force against Islam in the coming days.
A great harvest of souls will take place in the Middle East as the Lord reveals His love and nature to those who are Muslims (see Joel 3:13, Luke 10:2). God loves the nations of the Middle East.
Appeal to Heaven
The prayer movements around the globe will stand up and make an "appeal to Heaven" to see God release both a reformation and revival that will produce awakening transformation. Many fasts will be called leading up to national elections.
There was a prophecy given about great political shifts taking place across Latin America, and we are already seeing that happen. New economic policies will be implemented that will start to break the back of poverty off the Spanish-speaking nations on a broad scale.
Flood of Violence
A flood of violence has been released across the earth. The enemy wants to stir up any unhealed places in people's hearts.
The riots are not over in the United States. We must pray for the United States, so there will not be mass riots that disrupt the elections.
Racism must be dealt with on all levels. The Church has been given the authority and the responsibility from the Lord to heal the nation and release the supernatural ministry of reconciliation.
There is a major clash of kingdoms taking place and a battle over whose throne will rule–God's Kingdom or the spirit of the anti-Christ. This clashing of kingdoms will work for good in that it will create a new unity in the Body of Christ on levels not previously seen. A sweet koinonia will develop between Church leaders and those in many other parts of society, as a result of the enemy's onslaught, such as took place in the book of Esther.
In the midst of a very difficult season for many and new levels of spiritual battle and oppression, the good news is that, as we claim Isaiah 59:19b, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him," the tide will turn against the enemies' plans, and a divine reversal will take place.
This is, in fact, one of the major reasons that the theme for this year is 2016: The Year the Tide Turns!
Kingdom Alignments
This is a season when there will be global Kingdom connections made; leaders from across the world will begin to function together behind the scenes. (This is not to be taken as a subversive, radicalized movement.)
"Daniels and Josephs" who have been preparing for years will step into places of favor and visibility in all seven mountains (spheres of society, for those unfamiliar with this terminology).
The reformation of nations is well on its way, and new ideas on how to establish Biblical economics on a national scale will be implemented. Africa will be a leader in this.
We also received the word Kingdom Church, as old independent spirits are put aside and new alliances are formed as one to stand for Kingdom purposes against ungodly agendas.
There will be connections between apostles and prophets that will result in prophetic words not only being released, but also implemented to see their fulfillments.
Major media outlets and secular businesses will call on prophets for insight and direction, instead of calling on mediums and psychics. A new level of visibility is coming to God's leaders that will influence the secular fields.
A renaissance is coming that will bring great change and cause nations to come alive! There is a hope revival where those who have been greatly discouraged will find a new grace and purpose for their lives. Prophetic Kingdom changers will bring about a renaissance, not only to the arts, but also to innovation and the way Believers function in society. Great visibility will come, and great glory will be given to God as this happens.
The Body of Christ will begin to manifest new levels of supernatural wisdom. Business leaders will be recognized for their wisdom and will be sought after–even by the world–as the "Issachars;" they will come into visible prominence as leaders in nations (see 1 Chronicles 12:32).
The Transference of Wealth and the Prophets
Dramatic Kingdom connections between the prophets and business leaders were reported, leading us to say that this is a new season. Prosperity will come with these alliances.
These connections will impact the formation of alternative economic paradigms that will both influence world markets and systems, as well as form new ones. For many years, we have prophesied about a coming "Lion's Market"–an alternative economic structure formed within the Body of Christ.
As has been the trend for the past several years, volatility will continue to be the new norm.
Concerning the Church, a shift in understanding of the connection between tithes and offerings and blessing will cause poverty to be broken off many Believers (see Malachi 3:8-10). Pastors will become bold and unashamed to teach on the subject of finances, and both the people and the Church will be blessed.
Prophetic Evangelists
We have been prophesying about the raising up of "Philip-type" evangelists who will go to areas where no one else wants to venture. There was a specific admonition about not being afraid to minister to the Muslims (see 2 Timothy 1:7).
There was a call for evangelists to go as missionaries to the refugees. Acts of compassion will be linked with the unashamed preaching of the Gospel. The Lord called these evangelists ambassadors of Kingdom kindness.
The prophetic evangelists are the revivalists of today. Many will be touched through street preaching, and those who go out of the Church into the highways and byways will boldly manifest the goodness of God through supernatural signs and wonders. The Heartland of the United States will be affected by this revival moves all along the Mississippi River.
There is a legacy awakening as current influential leaders are looking to leave a legacy behind and establish succession. Legacy conferences and teachings will abound as this is a current theme being released by the Holy Spirit.
Reformation unto Transformation
2016 is a hinge year where we are approaching the 500th anniversary of the Great Reformation, beginning in 1517, when Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany. What was once a reformation will now be the great transformation.
Angels, Angels, Angels
Whole armies of angels are being released into the earth to see these things prophesied come to pass. Many dreams were given about angelic hosts, and the good news is that angels will be sent to minister to individuals and nations (see Psalm 103:20-21; 1 Corinthians 13:1a; Hebrews 1:7, 14).
Native Americans
The whole group expressed a great excitement about the role of the Native Americans in the upcoming revival. An awakening sound is coming to the First Nations peoples; villages already are seeing revival, and this will continue on an even greater scale. The voice of Native Americans will sound as an awakening bell.
The Blood Moon is a Harvest Moon
The Blood Moons which occurred last year were a sign of a great harvest (see Acts 2:19). Many nations will start seeing tremendous awakenings and visitations from the Lord.
This year, there will be a significant increase in the clashing of kingdoms. California will be a prophetic picture of this clash. Persecution of Christians will continue, but we will see God start to release supernatural interventions. There is, in essence, a "conflict of thrones," as to who will rule in certain mountains or sectors of society. Deeply entrenched politicians who are corrupt have ruled in some of these areas for a long time and will not give up their influence without a fight.
A great move of the Holy Spirit upon children (ages 2-12) began in 2014, but will spread to other nations this year and will grow rapidly in intensity. They will be the "Samuels" of this generation and be very accurate in hearing God's voice.
Spain will become a focus for Islam. The Islamic spirit that ruled there during the times of the Moors will try to regain control but will be rebuffed.
A youth movement will arise in Japan. Great awakenings will happen on campuses. This once-hard-ground nation for the Gospel will begin to produce signs and wonders, and young revivalists will appear. In the midst of the economic shakings ahead for Japan, God's power will be evident.
India is going to see a great harvest of souls that will continue to increase in coming years.
The clash of kingdoms will manifest in Europe. The nations of Germany, France, and Scotland will begin to burn with great passion for the Lord. Europe's re-evangelization has begun!
A move of God among the Orthodox community will become evident. Cities such as Vladivostok will see the apostolic emerge and will affect the rest of the nation. Moscow will see a move of God among the youth, and large gatherings will take place to pray for the nation.
Pacific Rim
These nations will start to develop missions-sending ministries that will impact the rest of the world. The power of God will become evident in the Pacific Rim, like a spiritual tsunami that will begin to break down the strongholds of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.
Visitations, visitations, visitations! God is uniting Believers in Messiah from the Jewish and Arabic-speaking communities. This has released a powerful force of unity that is a "firewall" against the tide of terrorism and evil. Even though there is still a violent spirit in the region, this group together has great authority to pray and stop it in its course.
A new wave of those making Aliyah (when Jews from the west immigrate to Israel) will be seen (see Isaiah 11:11-12).
Middle East
Egypt is in a season of mercy where God wants to use this nation to be a voice against terrorism and violence. It is called to be a refuge nation even for those experiencing religious persecution.
The conflict of the different Islamic factions over who is going to rule the Middle East, Sunni or Shia, will sharply increase, and ISIS will become a greater thorn in the side of nations, even such as Saudi Arabia.
The Global Church
The connections across the world of the Global Church will increase and break down the political spirit. The love and unity of the Body of Christ is going to bring a manifestation of God's power to change nations. They will support the "Daniels and Josephs" who are moving into elected offices. This will be seen in a surprising way in Geneva and in the EU.
This connection between the Church and society led us to this quote from Winston Churchill:
One of the signs of a great society is the diligence with which it passes culture from one generation to the next. This culture is the embodiment of everything the people of that society hold dear; its religious faith, its heroes...when one generation no longer esteems its own heritage and fails to pass the torch to its children, it is saying that the very foundation and experiences that make the society is no longer valid. (Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill, p. 190)
In the midst of all of this connection between the Church and society, there will be an "agitation of old wineskins" and persecution of leaders who are trying to bring reformation. They will be accused of going "into the world" and abandoning their position in the local church. An admonition that the Church should not participate in this persecution is important to heed.
However, this will not be the predominant view, and denominational churches that have been historically opposed to Christians becoming involved in politics will be given an opportunity from God to make a shift.
Partnerships between born-again Believers in many denominations will develop as the Church truly becomes one. God will "rightly position" His people into strategic places of responsibility, and the church will support them in their societal roles.
This will include some divine interventions in which God will save and cause "game shifts" where people who could not seem to do anything right will seemingly not be able to do anything wrong.
Local Church
Pastors will begin to prioritize based on current events. Rather than planning based upon one local congregation, there will be an understanding that there are issues that the Body of Christ, in general, needs to deal with, and they will teach and train their people accordingly.
One of the key issues that the Lord prophetically spoke to us was that pastors are to be a major voice to deal with racial divides.
In addition, an admonition to be crisis-prepared and find a way to be the redemptive answer to the needs of society was brought by the Lord as an important issue.
The restoration of the family unit was also brought to the forefront. As the Body of Christ matures, so will family relationships. Fathers and mothers will teach their children to hear the voice of God.
Closing Exhortation
Jeremiah 27:18 states, "If they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them now entreat the Lord of hosts." Prophets do not only pronounce the word of the Lord; they in turn pray the revelatory promise back to the Father in Jesus' name! Let us bring the two hands of prayer and the prophetic together to see the birthing of God's promises in our generation.
Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations.
Since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has met annually before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that we now consider fully seasoned members of our round-table; their input is included into this word of the Lord.
The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as an Acts 13:1-3 group. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets, as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. In the same way, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each brought to the roundtable meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2016, it should be noted that the ACPE believes the Lord speaks more in seasons, rather than our calendar years. In the past few years, we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words is continuing for several years and intensifying.

As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-13 and noted that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends given in those years. Let us reiterate, the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God's people respond.
One additional disclaimer–our meetings for 2016 took place November 16-18, 2015, and some of the events have already transpired.
Weather Patterns and Revival
There is going to be flooding in various parts of the United States, but in the midst of the tragedies, there will be a visitation of God to the affected regions. The Lord particularly spoke to us about flooding that would take place along the Mississippi River basin.
California is going to be significantly touched by the Spirit of the Lord as well. Even as the Jesus Movement was birthed there, this is also happening again. (At the time, we were not aware of the 1,000 year rainfall on Death Valley, CA! The desert is going to bloom like a rose!) The weather pattern, El Nino, is a sign that Christ, the anointed one, is birthing new moves of God in this state. This will even affect the political structures.
The Body of Christ will come into alignment with God's design for gifts to be released through His people. We will see the Church step into her fullness as the roles of prophet, priest, and king are manifested in our nations.
U.S. Politics
2016 is a tipping point year, and the Lord gave us a word that we were given another chance to recover the lost greatness of the nation.
The Lord strongly spoke to us that it was up to the Church taking our responsibility to pray and vote righteously that will determine the outcome. The Church must awaken, pray, and act (see 2 Chronicles 7:14).
We sought the Lord about the upcoming U.S. elections, and the Lord did not speak to us about who would be the next president. He did indicate that He was preparing a patriot, but we would have to pray earnestly.
The Lord also spoke that a conservative revolt would shake up the elections and cause even the months leading up to the elections to be tumultuous. Also, several words came forward about more surprising shake ups in the next three to six months (remember this was given in mid-November), including disfavor falling on one liberal leader.
There was a prophetic concern expressed that we have not done our job to steward the earth and have let others attach ungodly agendas to what should have been our job as creationists.
Justice issues are coming to the forefront, and the candidates that will fully please the Lord will speak to the marriage of righteousness and justice (see Psalm 89:14). A particular concern for the poor and human rights issues was emphasized (see Galatians 2:10). Judicial reform is on God's docket.
Racism and Riots
Hidden agendas will be revealed in those who are inflaming rioting, and it will shock the United States. Satan has a plan to stir up old pains to such a degree that it could cause a disruption at voting sites. An admonition to pray for peace before the elections is important to note.
Abortion is rooted in racism, and there will be even greater advances toward the overturning of Roe vs. Wade in the coming days. God has a case that, once presented in the courts, will make it extremely difficult to get an abortion in the nation.
Several words were given about the future dissolution of OPEC, which the Lord would allow to shake up the Middle East. There is a division coming between oil-producing nations; past cooperation is going to deteriorate and, in some cases, unravel. For the first time, we had words about the oil reserves being opened up in North America, which would shift the global scene significantly.
New Alliances Against Terrorism in Europe
New alliances will form between such nations as France, Germany, and England. Italy will come into this alliance at one point as they stand together against terrorism. All of Britain must stand guard, as should Germany–there is danger on the horizon from radicalized individuals.
The churches must pray; they are soft targets and need to move to be vigilant in protection.
Protecting the World Against War
For several years, we have been warned that satan wants to inflame a regional war into a world war. ISIS has become the new threat to the world and has declared itself to be at war with all the apostate nations. We must stand against this taking place on the scale that they desire. The world wars have always been about global domination, and this is no different–only the tactics are not engaged on traditional battle fronts as they were in past times.
We were given Psalm 37–where God deals with evildoers–in regards to ISIS, that the Lord will allow them to move for a season but will suddenly stop them. They will even penetrate Saudi Arabia in a significant way.
The Chinese will come on the scene as a great force against Islam in the coming days.
A great harvest of souls will take place in the Middle East as the Lord reveals His love and nature to those who are Muslims (see Joel 3:13, Luke 10:2). God loves the nations of the Middle East.
Appeal to Heaven
The prayer movements around the globe will stand up and make an "appeal to Heaven" to see God release both a reformation and revival that will produce awakening transformation. Many fasts will be called leading up to national elections.
There was a prophecy given about great political shifts taking place across Latin America, and we are already seeing that happen. New economic policies will be implemented that will start to break the back of poverty off the Spanish-speaking nations on a broad scale.
Flood of Violence
A flood of violence has been released across the earth. The enemy wants to stir up any unhealed places in people's hearts.
The riots are not over in the United States. We must pray for the United States, so there will not be mass riots that disrupt the elections.
Racism must be dealt with on all levels. The Church has been given the authority and the responsibility from the Lord to heal the nation and release the supernatural ministry of reconciliation.
There is a major clash of kingdoms taking place and a battle over whose throne will rule–God's Kingdom or the spirit of the anti-Christ. This clashing of kingdoms will work for good in that it will create a new unity in the Body of Christ on levels not previously seen. A sweet koinonia will develop between Church leaders and those in many other parts of society, as a result of the enemy's onslaught, such as took place in the book of Esther.
In the midst of a very difficult season for many and new levels of spiritual battle and oppression, the good news is that, as we claim Isaiah 59:19b, "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him," the tide will turn against the enemies' plans, and a divine reversal will take place.
This is, in fact, one of the major reasons that the theme for this year is 2016: The Year the Tide Turns!
Kingdom Alignments
This is a season when there will be global Kingdom connections made; leaders from across the world will begin to function together behind the scenes. (This is not to be taken as a subversive, radicalized movement.)
"Daniels and Josephs" who have been preparing for years will step into places of favor and visibility in all seven mountains (spheres of society, for those unfamiliar with this terminology).
The reformation of nations is well on its way, and new ideas on how to establish Biblical economics on a national scale will be implemented. Africa will be a leader in this.
We also received the word Kingdom Church, as old independent spirits are put aside and new alliances are formed as one to stand for Kingdom purposes against ungodly agendas.
There will be connections between apostles and prophets that will result in prophetic words not only being released, but also implemented to see their fulfillments.
Major media outlets and secular businesses will call on prophets for insight and direction, instead of calling on mediums and psychics. A new level of visibility is coming to God's leaders that will influence the secular fields.
A renaissance is coming that will bring great change and cause nations to come alive! There is a hope revival where those who have been greatly discouraged will find a new grace and purpose for their lives. Prophetic Kingdom changers will bring about a renaissance, not only to the arts, but also to innovation and the way Believers function in society. Great visibility will come, and great glory will be given to God as this happens.
The Body of Christ will begin to manifest new levels of supernatural wisdom. Business leaders will be recognized for their wisdom and will be sought after–even by the world–as the "Issachars;" they will come into visible prominence as leaders in nations (see 1 Chronicles 12:32).
The Transference of Wealth and the Prophets
Dramatic Kingdom connections between the prophets and business leaders were reported, leading us to say that this is a new season. Prosperity will come with these alliances.
These connections will impact the formation of alternative economic paradigms that will both influence world markets and systems, as well as form new ones. For many years, we have prophesied about a coming "Lion's Market"–an alternative economic structure formed within the Body of Christ.
As has been the trend for the past several years, volatility will continue to be the new norm.
Concerning the Church, a shift in understanding of the connection between tithes and offerings and blessing will cause poverty to be broken off many Believers (see Malachi 3:8-10). Pastors will become bold and unashamed to teach on the subject of finances, and both the people and the Church will be blessed.
Prophetic Evangelists
We have been prophesying about the raising up of "Philip-type" evangelists who will go to areas where no one else wants to venture. There was a specific admonition about not being afraid to minister to the Muslims (see 2 Timothy 1:7).
There was a call for evangelists to go as missionaries to the refugees. Acts of compassion will be linked with the unashamed preaching of the Gospel. The Lord called these evangelists ambassadors of Kingdom kindness.
The prophetic evangelists are the revivalists of today. Many will be touched through street preaching, and those who go out of the Church into the highways and byways will boldly manifest the goodness of God through supernatural signs and wonders. The Heartland of the United States will be affected by this revival moves all along the Mississippi River.
There is a legacy awakening as current influential leaders are looking to leave a legacy behind and establish succession. Legacy conferences and teachings will abound as this is a current theme being released by the Holy Spirit.
Reformation unto Transformation
2016 is a hinge year where we are approaching the 500th anniversary of the Great Reformation, beginning in 1517, when Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses in Wittenberg, Germany. What was once a reformation will now be the great transformation.
Angels, Angels, Angels
Whole armies of angels are being released into the earth to see these things prophesied come to pass. Many dreams were given about angelic hosts, and the good news is that angels will be sent to minister to individuals and nations (see Psalm 103:20-21; 1 Corinthians 13:1a; Hebrews 1:7, 14).
Native Americans
The whole group expressed a great excitement about the role of the Native Americans in the upcoming revival. An awakening sound is coming to the First Nations peoples; villages already are seeing revival, and this will continue on an even greater scale. The voice of Native Americans will sound as an awakening bell.
The Blood Moon is a Harvest Moon
The Blood Moons which occurred last year were a sign of a great harvest (see Acts 2:19). Many nations will start seeing tremendous awakenings and visitations from the Lord.
This year, there will be a significant increase in the clashing of kingdoms. California will be a prophetic picture of this clash. Persecution of Christians will continue, but we will see God start to release supernatural interventions. There is, in essence, a "conflict of thrones," as to who will rule in certain mountains or sectors of society. Deeply entrenched politicians who are corrupt have ruled in some of these areas for a long time and will not give up their influence without a fight.
A great move of the Holy Spirit upon children (ages 2-12) began in 2014, but will spread to other nations this year and will grow rapidly in intensity. They will be the "Samuels" of this generation and be very accurate in hearing God's voice.
Spain will become a focus for Islam. The Islamic spirit that ruled there during the times of the Moors will try to regain control but will be rebuffed.
A youth movement will arise in Japan. Great awakenings will happen on campuses. This once-hard-ground nation for the Gospel will begin to produce signs and wonders, and young revivalists will appear. In the midst of the economic shakings ahead for Japan, God's power will be evident.
India is going to see a great harvest of souls that will continue to increase in coming years.
The clash of kingdoms will manifest in Europe. The nations of Germany, France, and Scotland will begin to burn with great passion for the Lord. Europe's re-evangelization has begun!
A move of God among the Orthodox community will become evident. Cities such as Vladivostok will see the apostolic emerge and will affect the rest of the nation. Moscow will see a move of God among the youth, and large gatherings will take place to pray for the nation.
Pacific Rim
These nations will start to develop missions-sending ministries that will impact the rest of the world. The power of God will become evident in the Pacific Rim, like a spiritual tsunami that will begin to break down the strongholds of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.
Visitations, visitations, visitations! God is uniting Believers in Messiah from the Jewish and Arabic-speaking communities. This has released a powerful force of unity that is a "firewall" against the tide of terrorism and evil. Even though there is still a violent spirit in the region, this group together has great authority to pray and stop it in its course.
A new wave of those making Aliyah (when Jews from the west immigrate to Israel) will be seen (see Isaiah 11:11-12).
Middle East
Egypt is in a season of mercy where God wants to use this nation to be a voice against terrorism and violence. It is called to be a refuge nation even for those experiencing religious persecution.
The conflict of the different Islamic factions over who is going to rule the Middle East, Sunni or Shia, will sharply increase, and ISIS will become a greater thorn in the side of nations, even such as Saudi Arabia.
The Global Church
The connections across the world of the Global Church will increase and break down the political spirit. The love and unity of the Body of Christ is going to bring a manifestation of God's power to change nations. They will support the "Daniels and Josephs" who are moving into elected offices. This will be seen in a surprising way in Geneva and in the EU.
This connection between the Church and society led us to this quote from Winston Churchill:
One of the signs of a great society is the diligence with which it passes culture from one generation to the next. This culture is the embodiment of everything the people of that society hold dear; its religious faith, its heroes...when one generation no longer esteems its own heritage and fails to pass the torch to its children, it is saying that the very foundation and experiences that make the society is no longer valid. (Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill, p. 190)
In the midst of all of this connection between the Church and society, there will be an "agitation of old wineskins" and persecution of leaders who are trying to bring reformation. They will be accused of going "into the world" and abandoning their position in the local church. An admonition that the Church should not participate in this persecution is important to heed.
However, this will not be the predominant view, and denominational churches that have been historically opposed to Christians becoming involved in politics will be given an opportunity from God to make a shift.
Partnerships between born-again Believers in many denominations will develop as the Church truly becomes one. God will "rightly position" His people into strategic places of responsibility, and the church will support them in their societal roles.
This will include some divine interventions in which God will save and cause "game shifts" where people who could not seem to do anything right will seemingly not be able to do anything wrong.
Local Church
Pastors will begin to prioritize based on current events. Rather than planning based upon one local congregation, there will be an understanding that there are issues that the Body of Christ, in general, needs to deal with, and they will teach and train their people accordingly.
One of the key issues that the Lord prophetically spoke to us was that pastors are to be a major voice to deal with racial divides.
In addition, an admonition to be crisis-prepared and find a way to be the redemptive answer to the needs of society was brought by the Lord as an important issue.
The restoration of the family unit was also brought to the forefront. As the Body of Christ matures, so will family relationships. Fathers and mothers will teach their children to hear the voice of God.
Closing Exhortation
Jeremiah 27:18 states, "If they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them now entreat the Lord of hosts." Prophets do not only pronounce the word of the Lord; they in turn pray the revelatory promise back to the Father in Jesus' name! Let us bring the two hands of prayer and the prophetic together to see the birthing of God's promises in our generation.
Cindy Jacobs, Generals International
Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations.
Springing Ahead: I’ve Already Started.
I fell asleep almost immediately, and had this dream:
I was in a church, attending a service.
The church was very strange, though. It was a composite of many different ones that I’ve been to.
The sanctuary looked like the one in Philadelphia Church just up the street from Loyal Heights Playground in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle , but in the dream I had the impression that it was the sanctuary of a particular church just south of SeaTac airport.
The sanctuary furniture was a mix of things from many churches I’ve attended over the course of several decades. The pews were from another church a mainline denomination one, where SeaTac Worship Center had rented space in the evenings.
There were people in every pew. The church was filled, but not full. In almost every pew, there were empty spaces big enough to seat 2-4 people together.
Every one was seated, the service was just ending, and the Minister had just finished…
As people began to stand and look around, I had an awkward feeling much like you get when you’re in a room full of people whose faces are familiar, but whom you don’t really know…a feeling of having to interact with people but not really knowing what to say.
Then things changed very quickly, as if I had blinked, or turned my head away for a moment and things were different when I looked back again. I was still in the same room, but now it was filled – crowded, in fact. The aisle was filled with people, some standing, some sitting.
Instead of being socially distant, everyone was interacting. Some were conversing with others, some teaching or explaining something to another, some praying with another, some laying hands on another.
The aisle, empty before was now crowded folks standing in it. There were many sitting or lying on the floor as well, overwhelmed by Holy Spirit.
AS I looked around the room, a saw a number of dead apostles I was familiar with – James Berkley whose ministry had largely emphasized God turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and children to their fathers, Elvin Gadney, and Harlan and Granville Graham. As I looked at each of these people, I thought, “There So and So. Look, there’s Such and Such,” recognizing each man by name.
But the faces didn’t match the names. In every case, it was a different person identified by the apostle’s name and familiarity, even though every one of them was a least a generation younger, and some two generations younger. These were the men and women who had been impacted or equipped by those apostles.
Someone began to sing, and without any worship team, the room filled with adoration to the King. Those ministering to others didn’t stop when the worship started, but continued what they were doing. Everyone in room was made (or was being made) whole.
As soon as I woke up, I wrote down the dream, and asked what it meant. Some of what it means we’ve heard before, a lot. So much so that at first I questioned whether I was really hearing God or the trite echo of “the day of the one man ministry is over and I’m about to do a new thing” that we’ve heard so often (both from true prophets and form some who are fairly convincing copies).
Having made certain I’m hearing what I was, her it is.
It’s not at all about what God’s about to do. It’s about what he’s already doing.
The time for the man up front to be the primary minister is finished. The Lords says, “What I’m doing isn’t in the church walls, the time for one man to be recognized as the primary minister is finished, and I am giving visions to the ones who have been overlooked, and strategies to the discounted ones.”
I will build strong relationships and lifelong friendships between members of my Body who have been strangers. I will give visions to the ones who were called blind and strategies to the ones called foolish. I will release inside of you my heart for people so broadly and so deeply that you will be called Those Who Love Their Brothers by those who don’t know me.
You are called the Ones Who Love by those who haven’t met me yet, because you are loving them even when it is costly to you. You are growing more and more day by day and week by week in love, wisdom, and power to make the broken whole.
Already when you are walking in the way, you stop to heal, to liberate to bind up and to loose.
the day will come suddenly when those going from one place to another will have to be careful where they step, because the way if filled people standing in me, sitting with me, and resting in me.
Multitudes of bound ones have been set free and a vast people who will know their Father continue be liberated and will bring wholeness and peace form the Sunshine Coast to the Siskyou and from the Olympic Coast to the Rockies.
Don’t weep for the ones I sent out who have died where you are and live where I am. Look, and see them in those they’ve birthed, those they’ve equipped, and those they’ve trained. You’ll see their hands multiplied in the children of their love for my Bride and I, and those sons and daughters will do more, and more freely than the fathers ever dreamed of doing.
Spontaneous worship in streets and squares.
Sudden invasions of freedom in stores and parks.
Floods of healing on every corner and under every tree.
A plain illustration of the love of the Father spread abroad in the hearts of men, bringing peace and wholeness.
Many will be confused and don’t recognize what I’m doing and some of them will seem intimidating to you. But don’t be afraid to demonstrate my love. It is more extravagant and reaches much farther than many know.
Didn’t I tell you it would be something you haven’t seen before? Don’t be surprised if it is seems strange! Why are you amazed when I told you it was new, and not like what you have seen before?
But you will see me do more than you could ever ask, think, or imagine. I’ve already started!
Don’t hesitate.
Don’t hold back.
Don’t wait.
Run to the lonely.
Bind the broken.
Love the ugly.
The false little wind is stopping.
A great Wind has begun to blow,
pushing the sea before it!
~Craig Adams
[Editor’s Note: Craig is a northwestern native, currently on assignment in upstate New York.]