Columns, Devotionals

You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Every one of us has a calling from God.  Every one of us has the potential to do something wonderful to change the world.

Every one of us that is born-again has a 'seed' in us, that when it's cultivated with Living Water and fed with the Word, can grow into a mighty force to change the world for righteousness.

Every single one of us.

Well, you might say, "There was only one Joshua."  1 Corinthians 15:46 says, "However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual."  

Every single story in the Old Testament points to Jesus, the Saviour.  Every hero in the Old Testament was a physical example of a spiritual truth. Some have called it, the 'spirit of Moses, the spirit of Joseph, the spirit of Joshua' and I think if you look at 1 Corinthians 15:46, you can see how that would be true.

Joseph rose to a place of authority in a pagan world by humbling himself before God. He overcame a lot of obstacles before he reached the goal God had for him.  Moses set God's people free from bondage and led them in the wilderness, interceding on their behalf before God. He overcame a lot of obstacles before he reached the goal God had for him. Joshua took God's people across the Jordan river into the Promised Land. He overcame a lot of obstacles before he reached the goal God had for him.

Today, we're still called to do the same things.  Every single one of us. We will have to overcome a lot of obstacles before we reach the goal that God has for us.  Every one of these obstacles will cause us to either grow... or shrink back. We will either be an over-comer or we will shrink back and decide the road is too hard. The choices we make is what will make the difference.  

Because of the choices we make, some will greater realms of authority than others.  

In other words, God has given you a garden to tend. Compare it to the Garden of Eden. God gives us authority over a small area. If we are faithful in tending this small area, our area expands. It's a simple thing to understand that God is looking for those who will faithfully attend to the small things that He has given them so that He can expand their territory and save the lost. He's hoping we'll grow in our maturity, our faithfulness and our faith, and we'll begin to affect more people for righteousness.

The more humble we are, the more He knows He can give us authority. He more discreet we are with the secrets He tells us, the more things He begins to confide in us. The more we bless people as they persecute us and treat us hatefully, the more He knows we can handle bigger things.

Don't let the enemy lie to you and tell you that you are called to 'small' things.  Every single one of us is capable, in Christ, of doing mighty things.  Because it's Christ in us.  If we give Jesus control over lives and let Him do what He wants to do. The difference is; Will we submit our wills, our pride, our reputations to God?

Every one of us has received criticism.  If we've ever stood up for Jesus in any way, we've probably received criticism for that. Every one of us has been hurt. What we do with that hurt will determine what will happen next.

If we choose to forgive and bless and really love, we graduate on to the next level.  Because we need to understand that the next level only gets more criticism. The more people you have in your realm of influence, the more opportunity for criticism.  

I remember hearing Beth Moore, whom I just love, tell a story about getting an email from a lady who was criticizing Beth for getting her nails done. And poor Beth was defending herself and telling everyone how she takes her books with her and studies while getting her nails done!  Beth gets to have her nails done if she wants to! How sad that anyone would criticize her for this when she's doing so much to help others. But that's how the enemy is. He will use any tactic to make us feel ashamed or self-conscious or to hurt us.  

And sometimes he will catch us unaware and we take a hit straight to the heart.  

But we don't have to. We can abide in the shelter of the Most High. The closer we stay to God, the harder it is for the enemy to hurt us. God will protect us. He will strengthen our boundaries. He will heal our wounds so that even if the enemy shoots an arrow, we are able to recognize the weakness in others and it doesn't hurt us.

Every child dreams of big things. Every child dreams of flying and conquering and being mighty. They dream of dancing and singing and soaring. Even in our fallen state, before we are redeemed, that dream of who God has made us to be, is there.  

As we get closer to  God, our dreams change from 'US' being the star, to Him being glorified. But the amazing thing about God is that He makes us look so good! Some say He won't share His glory, but when He sees one of His children that truly wants to give Him glory, He really makes them look good.

Dream big! Dream of changing lives for Jesus! Dream of setting hundreds and thousands and millions free in Jesus! Because there are hundreds and thousands and millions of people out there who need Him. You don't have to go to a foreign country and be a missionary. Your next door neighbor might not know Jesus. The person next to you on the church pew may not actually know Jesus.  But they're seeking and you have an opportunity.

And the Word says to make the most of every opportunity. Start small. Be faithful. And let Jesus live BIG in you!

love and blessings~

"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well."  Psalm 139:14

Columns, Devotionals

You Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Every one of us has a calling from God.  Every one of us has the potential to do something wonderful to change the world.

Every one of us that is born-again has a 'seed' in us, that when it's cultivated with Living Water and fed with the Word, can grow into a mighty force to change the world for righteousness.

Every single one of us.

Well, you might say, "There was only one Joshua."  1 Corinthians 15:46 says, "However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual."  

Every single story in the Old Testament points to Jesus, the Saviour.  Every hero in the Old Testament was a physical example of a spiritual truth. Some have called it, the 'spirit of Moses, the spirit of Joseph, the spirit of Joshua' and I think if you look at 1 Corinthians 15:46, you can see how that would be true.

Joseph rose to a place of authority in a pagan world by humbling himself before God. He overcame a lot of obstacles before he reached the goal God had for him.  Moses set God's people free from bondage and led them in the wilderness, interceding on their behalf before God. He overcame a lot of obstacles before he reached the goal God had for him. Joshua took God's people across the Jordan river into the Promised Land. He overcame a lot of obstacles before he reached the goal God had for him.

Today, we're still called to do the same things.  Every single one of us. We will have to overcome a lot of obstacles before we reach the goal that God has for us.  Every one of these obstacles will cause us to either grow... or shrink back. We will either be an over-comer or we will shrink back and decide the road is too hard. The choices we make is what will make the difference.  

Because of the choices we make, some will greater realms of authority than others.  

In other words, God has given you a garden to tend. Compare it to the Garden of Eden. God gives us authority over a small area. If we are faithful in tending this small area, our area expands. It's a simple thing to understand that God is looking for those who will faithfully attend to the small things that He has given them so that He can expand their territory and save the lost. He's hoping we'll grow in our maturity, our faithfulness and our faith, and we'll begin to affect more people for righteousness.

The more humble we are, the more He knows He can give us authority. He more discreet we are with the secrets He tells us, the more things He begins to confide in us. The more we bless people as they persecute us and treat us hatefully, the more He knows we can handle bigger things.

Don't let the enemy lie to you and tell you that you are called to 'small' things.  Every single one of us is capable, in Christ, of doing mighty things.  Because it's Christ in us.  If we give Jesus control over lives and let Him do what He wants to do. The difference is; Will we submit our wills, our pride, our reputations to God?

Every one of us has received criticism.  If we've ever stood up for Jesus in any way, we've probably received criticism for that. Every one of us has been hurt. What we do with that hurt will determine what will happen next.

If we choose to forgive and bless and really love, we graduate on to the next level.  Because we need to understand that the next level only gets more criticism. The more people you have in your realm of influence, the more opportunity for criticism.  

I remember hearing Beth Moore, whom I just love, tell a story about getting an email from a lady who was criticizing Beth for getting her nails done. And poor Beth was defending herself and telling everyone how she takes her books with her and studies while getting her nails done!  Beth gets to have her nails done if she wants to! How sad that anyone would criticize her for this when she's doing so much to help others. But that's how the enemy is. He will use any tactic to make us feel ashamed or self-conscious or to hurt us.  

And sometimes he will catch us unaware and we take a hit straight to the heart.  

But we don't have to. We can abide in the shelter of the Most High. The closer we stay to God, the harder it is for the enemy to hurt us. God will protect us. He will strengthen our boundaries. He will heal our wounds so that even if the enemy shoots an arrow, we are able to recognize the weakness in others and it doesn't hurt us.

Every child dreams of big things. Every child dreams of flying and conquering and being mighty. They dream of dancing and singing and soaring. Even in our fallen state, before we are redeemed, that dream of who God has made us to be, is there.  

As we get closer to  God, our dreams change from 'US' being the star, to Him being glorified. But the amazing thing about God is that He makes us look so good! Some say He won't share His glory, but when He sees one of His children that truly wants to give Him glory, He really makes them look good.

Dream big! Dream of changing lives for Jesus! Dream of setting hundreds and thousands and millions free in Jesus! Because there are hundreds and thousands and millions of people out there who need Him. You don't have to go to a foreign country and be a missionary. Your next door neighbor might not know Jesus. The person next to you on the church pew may not actually know Jesus.  But they're seeking and you have an opportunity.

And the Word says to make the most of every opportunity. Start small. Be faithful. And let Jesus live BIG in you!

love and blessings~

"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well."  Psalm 139:14

Columns, Devotionals

Increasing Your Faith (Part Two)

If you have not read, "Increasing Your Faith - Part One" yet, please read yesterday's post.  

As I shared yesterday, to know God, we first need to know His Word.  He and His Word are One. His Word establishes a 'boundary' in our hearts and minds as to the character and nature of God.  

As we spend time in His Word, we begin to recognize God's voice. (John 10:27) His Word begins to rise up on the inside of us and lives. His living Word begins to easily expose the lies in our mind and thought-life that disagree with His Word and then we tear them down with the truth of God's Word.

And as we begin to get a picture of Who God is, the natural outcome is love and praise.  Praise and thanksgiving begins to rise up on the inside of us. We begin to praise Him for Who He is and thank Him for what He's done..

Praise is declaring Who God is!  The Seven Hebrew Words for Praise. Praise comes out of our mouth and is expressed with our bodies. Praise causes us to sing, to raise our hands, to dance, and to shout. Praise is not praise until it comes out of our mouth. Our hearts may be filled with all kinds of good thoughts toward God but that's not praise.  Again, praise is not praise until it comes out of our mouth.

I love the words to Matt Redman's song, "Dancing Generation."

"Your mercy taught us how to dance
To celebrate with all we have
And we'll dance to thank You for mercy

Your glory taught us how to shout
To lift Your name in all the earth
And we'll shout to the praise of Your glory

It's the overflow of a forgiven soul
And now we've seen You, God

And our hearts cannot stay silent!!

And we'll be a dancing generation
Dancing because of Your great mercy, Lord
Your great mercy, Lord"

It's the overflow of a forgiven soul and now we've seen you God...and OUR HEARTS CANNOT STAY SILENT!!  That's praise!

Praise is the guy at the football game with no shirt on, his chest painted and a cheese on his head. Praise is the woman who answers the door and finds out she won a million dollars and can't quit rejoicing.  Praise is being so overwhelmed by the goodness of God that you can't contain it. Praise is finding out that even though you deserve to spend eternity separated from God that He paid the price and you get to spend eternity with Him!

Hebrews 4:16 tells us to 'come boldly into the throne room.'  That word 'boldly' means 'with confidence.'  Confidence born of faith. Confidence that comes from knowing we're forgiven and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. Confidence that comes from knowing that Our Father loves us and gave up His life for us so that we might have perfect fellowship with Him.  

He wants us to come into the throne room!  He wants us to spend time with Him. We were created to praise Him and fellowship with Him! If anything is stopping you from doing this, go back and destroy that lie with the Word! If there's habitual sin in your life, give it to Him - put it under the blood and destroy the guilt with the truth of His forgiveness.  Get washed clean with the Word.

God wants us to KNOW Him. This word does not mean that we know everything about God.  He is infinite.  It means 'to know' someone like a bride knows her husband. It means 'to be intimately acquainted with.'  This word means 'to intercourse' with God.

The Bible says that marriage is a mystery that is an illustration of the Bride of Christ and Jesus, the Head of the Church.  Ephesians 5:32  

We are to be the intimate Bride of Christ. When we come before God with praise, His Presence is drawn to us. James 4:8 says that when we draw near to God, He draws near to us. As we begin to get lost in His Presence, we enter into worship.  In this place of worship, Spirit touches spirit, and we are satisfied and made whole.  We cannot be made whole without this intimacy with God.

It's in this Holy of Holies that we are transformed into His likeness. We are changed from glory unto glory unto glory as we behold Him. (2 Cor 3:18)  It's in this place that He fills our hearts with His Love and His Nature and we become Christ-like. It's in this place that He speaks to us and makes His heart known to us.

When I get up in the morning, I don't have a 'quiet-time.'  I don't DO devotions. I come before God with praise. I enter into the Presence of God through praise and I worship Him. That's not to say that I'm never quiet before God.  I'm often quiet before God - after I get into His Presence.

I typically get my Bible, (a cup of coffee), my journal and pen.  I turn on praise and worship music. And I go to God with praise.

Sometimes when I enter into worship, God will speak something to me that I need to write down. Other times He will show me something in His Word. Sometimes He will 'download' revelation and understanding into my heart.  He will show me visions and pictures of people.  He shows me how to pray.

Sometimes, God will direct me to 'declare' the things He's telling me. At times, I will become overwhelmed with the victory that God is showing me and I have to dance and shout and wave a banner. (This is spiritual warfare - following God's direction and speaking His Voice into the earth... praising God with dance and banners that summon the angels to do God's warfare. I'll try to share some teachings with you on this in the future and the language of color.) 

It's in this place with God that I get healed and restored and washed. God convicts me of sin and I ask His forgiveness and He empowers me to change, to repent. I can't change myself just because I decide to - that's humanism. And it doesn't work.  I need God to change me on the inside. I need God to judge me and correct me and to empower me.  I need God.  I need God, the person!  

I need on-going, life-changing encounters and intercourse with the One Who created me.  It's through these encounters that I begin to understand who He created me to be and I begin to walk in it. 

And that's faith! 

I have gone through seasons and times in my thirty-some years with the Lord when I have not been faithful to do this. And I get weaker. I stop growing.  I become stagnant.  But when I set my heart to seek Him and do what I  know to do, He is always faithful!  He always receives me and restores me and sets me free. He has restored the years the locust have eaten.  He has set me on a rock and I cannot be shaken. He has taken me out of the pit and put me in a wide-open place.  

If I need healing, I often receive it, just by being in His Presence.  Spending time with God will cause all the gifts of the Spirit to rise up in you.  You will become sensitive to His leading all day long. You will hear His voice and His direction.  God will drop things down into my Spirit during the day as I'm doing the laundry. Sometimes the things He will give me during the day are so huge that I will have to drop to my knees next to the washing machine and thank Him and praise Him again.

This is abiding in Him.  This is seeing the world through His eyes and knowing with confidence that He has heard me and is answering my prayers.

This is walking by faith and not by sight.

love and blessings~

Columns, Devotionals

Increasing Your Faith (Part Two)

If you have not read, "Increasing Your Faith - Part One" yet, please read yesterday's post.  

As I shared yesterday, to know God, we first need to know His Word.  He and His Word are One. His Word establishes a 'boundary' in our hearts and minds as to the character and nature of God.  

As we spend time in His Word, we begin to recognize God's voice. (John 10:27) His Word begins to rise up on the inside of us and lives. His living Word begins to easily expose the lies in our mind and thought-life that disagree with His Word and then we tear them down with the truth of God's Word.

And as we begin to get a picture of Who God is, the natural outcome is love and praise.  Praise and thanksgiving begins to rise up on the inside of us. We begin to praise Him for Who He is and thank Him for what He's done..

Praise is declaring Who God is!  The Seven Hebrew Words for Praise. Praise comes out of our mouth and is expressed with our bodies. Praise causes us to sing, to raise our hands, to dance, and to shout. Praise is not praise until it comes out of our mouth. Our hearts may be filled with all kinds of good thoughts toward God but that's not praise.  Again, praise is not praise until it comes out of our mouth.

I love the words to Matt Redman's song, "Dancing Generation."

"Your mercy taught us how to dance
To celebrate with all we have
And we'll dance to thank You for mercy

Your glory taught us how to shout
To lift Your name in all the earth
And we'll shout to the praise of Your glory

It's the overflow of a forgiven soul
And now we've seen You, God

And our hearts cannot stay silent!!

And we'll be a dancing generation
Dancing because of Your great mercy, Lord
Your great mercy, Lord"

It's the overflow of a forgiven soul and now we've seen you God...and OUR HEARTS CANNOT STAY SILENT!!  That's praise!

Praise is the guy at the football game with no shirt on, his chest painted and a cheese on his head. Praise is the woman who answers the door and finds out she won a million dollars and can't quit rejoicing.  Praise is being so overwhelmed by the goodness of God that you can't contain it. Praise is finding out that even though you deserve to spend eternity separated from God that He paid the price and you get to spend eternity with Him!

Hebrews 4:16 tells us to 'come boldly into the throne room.'  That word 'boldly' means 'with confidence.'  Confidence born of faith. Confidence that comes from knowing we're forgiven and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. Confidence that comes from knowing that Our Father loves us and gave up His life for us so that we might have perfect fellowship with Him.  

He wants us to come into the throne room!  He wants us to spend time with Him. We were created to praise Him and fellowship with Him! If anything is stopping you from doing this, go back and destroy that lie with the Word! If there's habitual sin in your life, give it to Him - put it under the blood and destroy the guilt with the truth of His forgiveness.  Get washed clean with the Word.

God wants us to KNOW Him. This word does not mean that we know everything about God.  He is infinite.  It means 'to know' someone like a bride knows her husband. It means 'to be intimately acquainted with.'  This word means 'to intercourse' with God.

The Bible says that marriage is a mystery that is an illustration of the Bride of Christ and Jesus, the Head of the Church.  Ephesians 5:32  

We are to be the intimate Bride of Christ. When we come before God with praise, His Presence is drawn to us. James 4:8 says that when we draw near to God, He draws near to us. As we begin to get lost in His Presence, we enter into worship.  In this place of worship, Spirit touches spirit, and we are satisfied and made whole.  We cannot be made whole without this intimacy with God.

It's in this Holy of Holies that we are transformed into His likeness. We are changed from glory unto glory unto glory as we behold Him. (2 Cor 3:18)  It's in this place that He fills our hearts with His Love and His Nature and we become Christ-like. It's in this place that He speaks to us and makes His heart known to us.

When I get up in the morning, I don't have a 'quiet-time.'  I don't DO devotions. I come before God with praise. I enter into the Presence of God through praise and I worship Him. That's not to say that I'm never quiet before God.  I'm often quiet before God - after I get into His Presence.

I typically get my Bible, (a cup of coffee), my journal and pen.  I turn on praise and worship music. And I go to God with praise.

Sometimes when I enter into worship, God will speak something to me that I need to write down. Other times He will show me something in His Word. Sometimes He will 'download' revelation and understanding into my heart.  He will show me visions and pictures of people.  He shows me how to pray.

Sometimes, God will direct me to 'declare' the things He's telling me. At times, I will become overwhelmed with the victory that God is showing me and I have to dance and shout and wave a banner. (This is spiritual warfare - following God's direction and speaking His Voice into the earth... praising God with dance and banners that summon the angels to do God's warfare. I'll try to share some teachings with you on this in the future and the language of color.) 

It's in this place with God that I get healed and restored and washed. God convicts me of sin and I ask His forgiveness and He empowers me to change, to repent. I can't change myself just because I decide to - that's humanism. And it doesn't work.  I need God to change me on the inside. I need God to judge me and correct me and to empower me.  I need God.  I need God, the person!  

I need on-going, life-changing encounters and intercourse with the One Who created me.  It's through these encounters that I begin to understand who He created me to be and I begin to walk in it. 

And that's faith! 

I have gone through seasons and times in my thirty-some years with the Lord when I have not been faithful to do this. And I get weaker. I stop growing.  I become stagnant.  But when I set my heart to seek Him and do what I  know to do, He is always faithful!  He always receives me and restores me and sets me free. He has restored the years the locust have eaten.  He has set me on a rock and I cannot be shaken. He has taken me out of the pit and put me in a wide-open place.  

If I need healing, I often receive it, just by being in His Presence.  Spending time with God will cause all the gifts of the Spirit to rise up in you.  You will become sensitive to His leading all day long. You will hear His voice and His direction.  God will drop things down into my Spirit during the day as I'm doing the laundry. Sometimes the things He will give me during the day are so huge that I will have to drop to my knees next to the washing machine and thank Him and praise Him again.

This is abiding in Him.  This is seeing the world through His eyes and knowing with confidence that He has heard me and is answering my prayers.

This is walking by faith and not by sight.

love and blessings~
