
Prepare for Breakout and Rapid Revelations

This evening (9-9-22) I was thanking Abba for the 49 years that my wife and I have been married, thinking back on the words, meetings, visions, and so on – just reminiscing with Holy Spirit, thanking Him for all He has done in our lives.

After chatting about some of the more significant words He has give me over the decades I had what could best be described as a vision (I was awake so it wasn’t a dream).

I was standing under some cooling shade trees along the bank of a small river, upstream the river had significant velocity, but at this point it was slowing down as it entered a large “pond” type of area.

Holy Spirit then took me airborne and I could see dozens of other streams and rivers, that in similar fashion has great velocity and strength in the beginning, but were all entering ponds of there own at various point in the flow.

Holy Spirit began to identify some of the streams

Jesus Movement
And many more.

Holy Spirit spoke to me and said

“All of My streams have had strength and purpose in their beginnings.  Unfortunately, things of man creep in over time and clouded and polluted the streams.  And eventually they faded from sight.  But We knew this would happen and we had prepared settling ponds for each stream, so that over time the sediment and pollution would sink to the bottom of each pond and the rivers would be clear and ready for the next season.

That season is upon you now.  The streams and rivers of the Spirit are about to break out of their retaining ponds and begin to flow in strength and purity as before BUT they will also begin to merge into one mighty river of the spirit.  All that has come before coming together in unity and purpose to bring some of the greatest revelation My people have ever seen or heard about.

The flow will be impossible to stop and it will clear all that lays before it.  Restoring the freshness of My revelation and purpose.  My caution to you this evening – is beware of those who claim to represent individual streams – they represent the sediment of the past.  This is a NEW flow and will not be named but experienced.

Martin Best
Whirlwind Ministries