
Encore of Revival: America, August 27, 2018

Senator John McCain is dead, God rest his soul. So are three gamers in their 20s, killed by suicide gamer rage at a computer competition in Florida.

Trump was busy golfing on Sunday and only Tweeted about a media spin article, explaining how Obama was receiving credit for economics that developed under Trump policy. Ivanka Tweeted thoughts and prayers to the victims at the gamer event shooting in Jacksonville, Florida. The Left didn't like that because not grandstanding for seizure of guns means doing nothing. Trump is in a catch-22.

From the "Fake Right", Alex Jones and Oliver Stone continue to entertain Conservatives of the hyperactive, hermit niche, who feed on fear. Stone predicts that Don Jr. will be indited. We'll see. Both taking heads of the now-dubbed "Stone & Jones" show (courtesy PD Times) shriek about how the other got harassed, but not injured permanently because the show continues. If the Leftist rent-a-mobs ever stop gaggling Stone & Jones, their show could be over. Then what will keep us entertained?

The Mueller investigation seems to be going in such a doomed and distracted multi-direction that it could be re-labeled the "Mueller investigation", but for different reasons. So, at least the show will continue somewhere. The real question will be whether "Stone & Jones" show viewers hold Stone accountable to make accurate predictions. If he's right, they should be bored. If he's right and they are hysteric, it means they are fanatic. If he's wrong, and they don't drop viewership, they are either fanatic or bored.

We're all led to believe that Trump doesn't know exactly what he's doing. But, his image of incompetence must hold up if he is ever to endure through the battle of wits looming in the Pacific, particularly the Northwest Pacific.

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