For the last several years, I have put our nativity on the 'island' that separates our whole main floor. This year, I thought I'd let it be the first thing you see when you enter our house.
I placed a gold star behind it to give it more presence and surrounded it with faux greenery, sparkly trees and a Merry Christmas greeting.
I filled my French shopping basket with evergreen and added a small tree to my little wheelbarrow.
I haven't shown you the other side of our entry for a while. Right now, our armoire that used to be in our family room is there - waiting to be sold. It doesn't look bad - it's just not a design decision and is just temporary.
You can see the edge of it in this picture.
I'll be back soon with our master bedroom changes and Christmas decor.
love and blessings~
I'm joining these parties: