
Tempo: May 19, 2015

Obama: Less local police militarization. Top tech companies don’t like warrantless spy requests. Kerry pushes international Internet. Wisconsin Supreme Court to decide Scott Walker’s recall election investigation. France back at it: No foreign trade deals, TTIPNo amnesty at home for rogue AussiesSnowden’s story contradicts the official Bin Laden story. Obama wants long-term thinking on addressing race issues. Hillary’s 36-day media silence makes news. Invest in art: Why Buying a Picasso Is Like Investing in Uber (Almost)  · · · →

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Tempo: May 13, 2015

The FOX responds to Russian TV’s report on the rabbit hole: lied about lying. Jeb flips on Iraq, wants Amnigration & education “high standards”Obama-Republicrat trade bill blocked by Dems. Obama wants “change” in [FOX] reporting. Establishment “junks” Chicago credit. N Korean defense chief naps, then executed. Amtrak crash, 5 dead. Cell phone companies charged for chargesFacebook to load articles quicker. Pew: Christians shrinking, Islam doubles. Heartwarming contradictions: Forget What You’ve Heard: Coffee Is (Actually) Good for You viz Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Success  · · · →

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Tempo: May 12, 2015

Saudi Arabia gives the gesture over Iran. Hezbollah trains Christians to fight ISIS. Rabbit hole: the real story of Bin Laden raid2,000 swim ashore in Thailand’s human trafficking crackdown. Money money: US Bank mortgage scandals. US Defense $5.4mil NFL ads, $500mil lost in Yemen. Changes & Republican “donor class”? Startup how-to: Better calibration software allows 3D printing in COLOR!  · · · →

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